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Brexit brinkmanship: EU orders UK to scrap plan for treaty breach, UK refuses


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20 minutes ago, vogie said:

 you cannot complain when you/remainers are responsible for unwittingly getting us further away from the EU than any Brexiteer could have possibly ever dreamt of.


Oh but we can and with justification.


To point out the blindingly obvious, Remain voters were ... er .... keen to remain in the EU. Moreover, even LeaveUK promised us that there would be a free trade area from "Iceland to the borders of Russia". Still time I suppose, but looking increasingly unlikely.


Without a 'Leave' vote we wouldn't be in this mess, the least you can do is own it.

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4 minutes ago, RayC said:

Oh but we can and with justification.


To point out the blindingly obvious, Remain voters were ... er .... keen to remain in the EU. Moreover, even LeaveUK promised us that there would be a free trade area from "Iceland to the borders of Russia". Still time I suppose, but looking increasingly unlikely.


Without a 'Leave' vote we wouldn't be in this mess, the least you can do is own it.

And without the 'remain' vote we would not be approaching Brexit Utopia, so full credit to you Ray and thanks very much.????????????

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24 minutes ago, RayC said:

So Johnson signed a deal (WA) that he didn't believe in? This raises the possibility that he had no intention of honouring it (which seems to be the case). That's an interesting way of negotiating in 'good faith'.

Only after a few tweaks and insertions, yes, I would say he certainly was not keen on it. But the alternative by that stage was more years and years of wasted negotiation time and continued payments into the EU. Perhaps he was hoping for a bit of good faith from the EU for a change? Sorry Boris, not happening. You can see that from the way the WA was "negotiated". 

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7 minutes ago, vogie said:

And without the 'remain' vote we would not be approaching Brexit Utopia, so full credit to you Ray and thanks very much.????????????

Interesting version of Utopia. Food inflation, increased bureaucracy for exporters/ importers, longer timelines for manufacturers, less 'soft' power on the world stage, etc.


Self-harm has never appealed to me but each to their own, Vogie. What's the Brexiters favourite song? 'Hit me baby, one more time'? 

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2 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

Johnson had been shouting that there would be no border down the Irish sea ever since he signed the aggreement.

Everyone assumed he just didnt understand what he had signed up for but the harsh truth is he did he just never intended to honor it.

image.png.6e01b6d8a99fb0b6ac1294b72b6a13a0.png  ?

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18 minutes ago, RayC said:

So it is Johnson's deal and he did act in 'good faith' but it wasn't that different to the deal that May put forward which Johnson continuously opposed and now Johnson objects to his deal which wasn't really his deal but May's ... Phew... Is that about the sum of it?

My response was straightforward. But you seem confused. 

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7 minutes ago, RayC said:

My last post was, of course, tongue-in-cheek. 


I am not at all confused. The UK government is prepared to renege on an agreement, which by its own admission, would breach international law: You either support this action or you don't; it is no more nuanced than that. No amount of talk about not really being Johnson's deal, unproven (unprovable) acts of 'bad faith' on the EU's part, etc change those simple facts. 


Only you know why you are trying to to defend the indefensible.

And only you know why you are trying to put words in my mouth. Why not read what I said again. 

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8 hours ago, edwinchester said:

Johnson, Gove et al the other Brexiteers negotiated this <deleted> deal, campaigned during an election of how great it was for the UK and then voted to accept it in a Parliamentary vote, it's their <deleted> deal! They are nothing but scheming, opportunist, duplicitous vermin.

an apt description of the EU mafia in brussels .they make slimy rats look cuddly

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japan is happy and a agreement is reached



The UK is poised to strike its first post-Brexit trade deal after Britain and Japan made a breakthrough on agricultural access, according to negotiators. Toshimitsu Motegi, the Japanese foreign minister, and UK trade minister Liz Truss will hold a teleconference on Friday morning London time to confirm their agreement in principle to a new free trade pact, they added. The deal with Tokyo will come at a welcome time for Prime Minister Boris Johnson as his move to unpick parts of the Brexit withdrawal treaty risks the collapse of trade talks with Brussels. Negotiators said they had reached a compromise on agricultural access to Japan, most notably for British cheese. But it is unclear whether the UK has won an export quota to match the one it had as a member of the EU. Speaking after a cabinet meeting in Tokyo, Mr Motegi said he aimed to reach an agreement in principle on Friday with Ms Truss. One Japanese negotiator

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