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Foreigners in Thailand face fines and jail for overstaying as visa amnesty ends

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3 minutes ago, genericptr said:

Are there even any Americans left in California? All I see are Mexicans and Chinese when I pass through the airport. 


US immigration makes no sense to me either. We have 300k Thais and 10s of millions of South Americans but a Britt can't get in without 500k$? How did the Thais get there then? Don't get me started on US immigration.

Many legally emigrated to the US with H1 B1 visas, arrived as students, obtained the CR-1, or IR-1 Visa because they were married to a US Citizen, and many then obtained Citizenship through the naturalization process.  Not hard to understand.  I have an ex who is now a US Citizen, and many other friends who have a 10 year visa to go and come for 6 months at a time for work or training.  America is a melting pot of all races, colors and creeds.  No one except the American Indian can claim that they are original inhabitants.  Even the Spaniards, and French who arrived along with the British when they sailed to the new world were immigrants.  Tell me more about why Thai's do not belong in the US Again?

  • Like 1
12 hours ago, genericptr said:

That's how it feels to me also. This whole experience leaves me with a bad taste in mouth for Thailand. If I get CV-19 and fall seriously ill when I return back to the USA on the 24th I'm going to be pretty angry I can imagine. All because I "overstayed my welcome".

How dose America treats people with no visa? I guess they will have a bad test in their mouth as well.

I do not mind criticism from people. I just do not think Americans are entitled to this. Your government has done worse things to people.

  • Thanks 1
10 hours ago, Walker88 said:

150,000 Tourists staying in hotels, dining out every night, taking taxis, shopping, etc., are likely responsible for thousands of Thai jobs. When they leave, as you advocate, thousands of Thais in hotels, restaurants, bars, driving taxis, etc, are going to be laid off. They won't be able to cover their costs, maybe feed their children. Apparently compassion isn't your strong suit.


There is a gaggle of bitter old men trolling all the amnesty thread spewing out their own resentment and jealousy, adding zero value to the site, yet mods keep their comments up. Yes, mods will delete this, but NOTHING will take away the emptiness into which your life has sunk that leaves you with nothing positive to add and reeking of unhappiness and despair with your own declining existence. I suspect your screen name defines your day.

Thank you!!

7 hours ago, Jack Hna said:

Well that was spot on for this site. Ultra Informative. Your in son. Take a seat next to gigs on the barstool mind your distance don't wanna catch a covid.

Just saying because i know both Peoples well, you got a problem with that ?

12 hours ago, genericptr said:

That's how it feels to me also. This whole experience leaves me with a bad taste in mouth for Thailand. If I get CV-19 and fall seriously ill when I return back to the USA on the 24th I'm going to be pretty angry I can imagine. All because I "overstayed my welcome".

Are you a tourist that came to Thailand or a long term resident?

  • Like 1
11 hours ago, genericptr said:

You don't get it. Because now is not normal. That's the entire issue. Normally I go home no problem and come back when I want to. Not this time. Everything is different this time.

On March 19th I had people at my resort from 4 different countries. Russia, Australia, England and France.

They all managed to get home. Some what difficult but they got home.

Overstay is illegal. In all countries around the world.

Thai government warned you long enough. There are many things I criticize the government for but not for this one. 

  • Like 2
40 minutes ago, wombat said:

with a better than 99% survival rate, curious asks, what is there to handle?

200000 deaths which is about 20% of the world total by a country with 4 % of the world population. Then there are the people who didn't die but have lasting issues. Enough to handle I would think, people became hysterical after 3000 deaths on 9/11, they don't care about 200000, very strange. 

  • Like 1
8 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:

Right-click on their name and click ignore user. I've done it to a few. Unfortunately, you still see their comments if someone quotes them. I don't know of any way to avoid that.


Not a 'right click', but a 'hover' over their name with the cursor will bring up the GUI.

  • Thanks 1
10 hours ago, Walker88 said:

150,000 Tourists staying in hotels, dining out every night, taking taxis, shopping, etc., are likely responsible for thousands of Thai jobs.

So presumably you believe that they can all afford to splash the cash indefinitely in LOS as a result of having well-paid jobs back in their home countries with annual holiday allowances of 365 days on full pay, do you?

  • Like 1
12 hours ago, fangless said:

They were tourists, not residents,

Correct but Thailand is trying to find ways to revive its tourism economy and is the process of issuing special visas. Considering the risk of importing tourists with covid it makes sense to allow those already here and covid free to remain as long as they wish. 


Oh dear, what am I saying, "Common sense". Ignore all the above. 

  • Haha 1
9 minutes ago, bstafford214 said:

Are you a tourist that came to Thailand or a long term resident?

Probably a tourist that wants to be a long term resident but unlike the rest of us who have gone to great lengths to be able to stay, applying for citizenship in my case, he expects a free lunch. 

  • Like 1
Just now, OJAS said:

So presumably you believe that they can all afford to splash the cash indefinitely in LOS as a result of having well-paid jobs back in their home countries with annual holiday allowances of 365 days on full pay, do you?


Is money only generated from having a job? Your "presumably" only alludes to a limited imagination. 

Do you think that they all have jobs in Thailand? What is your point?


So many bitterly jealous people on here.

  • Like 2

What are the neighboring countries to Thailand (Vietnam/Cambodia/Malay/Laos).. doing re their tourist, I tried to get info on Google but its very sketchy...... some posters on here from there, maybe they can tell us if there is any difference.

  • Like 2
39 minutes ago, brianthainess said:

Couldn't agree more if there are 150,000 still here and they spend as little as 300 baht a day is that not.?

150,000 x 300 = 45 million a DAY x 7 =350 million a week not including accommodation. then they will be out in force to arrest overstayers and ban them. A very conservative of estimate 350 million  not going into the economy per week 1400 a month, pure madness.

There maybe only backpackers left and they sleep in the temples for free.

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It looks like we have a lot of people  who are living in their land of make believe. There are not 150,000 tourists in Thailand. A large portion of the foreigners are SE Asian workers from Cambodia and Myanmar. Almost all of the bonafide tourists went home months ago. Thailand only has about 80,000 retirement visa holders, and a large number of those people are not in the country now. Others could not meet the visa requirements pre Covid19  and they benefited from the  Covid19 extension policy.


11 hours ago, genericptr said:

You don't get it. Because now is not normal. That's the entire issue. Normally I go home no problem and come back when I want to. Not this time. Everything is different this time.

That's not Thailand's problem or fault. You have an election in November. Vote.


11 hours ago, genericptr said:

USA has 300k Thai residents I believe. We've taken in thousands of refugees from the region and surely would have done the same for Thailand. If only Americans knew how the Thais treat us here they wouldn't be so generous in the future.

Those Thais have had to jump through hoops to stay in the USA. Have you ever dealt with US Immigration?  Are you a refugee? If so, you can make your claim to the  Thai government and they will process it. I doubt  that the Thais separate children from their mothers or put children in large holding cages without proper supervision and support.





12 hours ago, genericptr said:

That's how it feels to me also. This whole experience leaves me with a bad taste in mouth for Thailand. If I get CV-19 and fall seriously ill when I return back to the USA on the 24th I'm going to be pretty angry I can imagine. All because I "overstayed my welcome".

Possible valid concern about Covid-19 in the US with the nitnats refusing to wear masks, I'm thinking we are safer here in Thailand. i am awaiting news of Americans abroad applying for asylum on the ground that their lives are put in danger by returning to the USA. (only half in jest).

1 hour ago, British Bulldog said:

do you guys down their in say BKK, have reasonably regular flights out of Thailand ? Commercial non VIP at ridiculous ticket prices ? I just wondered how the poor tourist is supposed to leave on the 24th or before ?



On a plane.


Obviously there are some destinations which would be challenging, but for many there are flights.


Today, already, there have been seven (7) regularly scheduled international departures, with another nineteen (19) scheduled for the remainder of today.


1 hour ago, British Bulldog said:

emmmm .... I may have missed something




A lot of people don't want to leave, they all have their reason(s).


Claiming a lack of flights, when Immigration is well aware of the departures, may not be the best reason? 


I doubt that tens of thousands of people will be arrested and deported.


Instead they'll just round up a few dozen, make a big splash with the perp walk and pointing, and then the others will probably make a beeline to Suvaranbhumi?






15 minutes ago, OJAS said:

So presumably you believe that they can all afford to splash the cash indefinitely in LOS as a result of having well-paid jobs back in their home countries with annual holiday allowances of 365 days on full pay, do you?

Have you heard of investments. Shares. Renting out properties in their home country. Try to show a little imagination. And they choose to come and spend that money in Thailand, lured by the TAT lies, only to find they aren't actually wanted in the country. Limited time welcome only, now get out or face arrest.

  • Like 1
15 minutes ago, OJAS said:

So presumably you believe that they can all afford to splash the cash indefinitely in LOS as a result of having well-paid jobs back in their home countries with annual holiday allowances of 365 days on full pay, do you?

Have you heard of investments. Shares. Renting out properties in their home country. Try to show a little imagination. And they choose to come and spend that money in Thailand, lured by the TAT lies, only to find they aren't actually wanted in the country. Limited time welcome only, now get out or face arrest.

11 hours ago, Walker88 said:

150,000 Tourists staying in hotels, dining out every night, taking taxis, shopping, etc., are likely responsible for thousands of Thai jobs. When they leave, as you advocate, thousands of Thais in hotels, restaurants, bars, driving taxis, etc, are going to be laid off. They won't be able to cover their costs, maybe feed their children. Apparently compassion isn't your strong suit.


There is a gaggle of bitter old men trolling all the amnesty thread spewing out their own resentment and jealousy, adding zero value to the site, yet mods keep their comments up. Yes, mods will delete this, but NOTHING will take away the emptiness into which your life has sunk that leaves you with nothing positive to add and reeking of unhappiness and despair with your own declining existence. I suspect your screen name defines your day.

Have full compassion for people who are struggling to stay but as the BM you replied to said, you’ve had 6 months to sort your <deleted> out.


Anybody under 50 who can afford to live for 6 months without working can have surely worked out a way to stay longer during that time.

300 THB per day Hah, us long term residents are spending > 10 times that but we go through a process to extend our stay every year so why shouldn’t you?


Stop whining about it & sort yourself out or leave.


Im reminded of Frankie Boyle on HIGNFY & the subject was Dinner party...


“There is a Vegetarian option... You can <deleted> off home”.





The warning from immigration  has been there for a while now. People have had plenty of time to get their affairs in order before the last given date of the amnesty. 
Why people would leave this to the very last minute is beyond me... 

  • Like 2

six months to sort it out????????????????


I came here 7 months ago with 30,000 baht for a two-week holiday.


I've now spent 250,000 baht in a place where I cannot work.  I've promised the 100000 farangs I'll pay them back.


ok, my point is not everyone has been made better off with the six month "holiday".


be nice to everyone..........30 million people got covid.


the real number is probably closer to 89.28373232 million




I'm on a non o for marriage, I have 2 kids been married 14 years. 

unfortunately, I extended my visa for 60 days just before the borders were closed.

I live in the North East. 

I went to immigration this morning and was told I could not extend my stay and had to leave by Saturday. 

Fortunately, i was able to do a 1-year marriage extension, so no problem.

be warned if you think there will be soft options to stay beyond this weekend you will be very disappointed.

  • Like 2
12 hours ago, genericptr said:
13 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Foreigners who have been stranded in Thailand due to COVID-19 have until 26 September to renew their visas or leave the country.


Given the absolute shambles tourism is currently in, I still can't believe they're going to send all these tourists home without even offering some alternative visa.


What's the explanation for this behavior?

They are not tourists?


Let me explain. If they were on some sort of non-tourist visa then they never were a tourist in the first place so can't claim to be now. If they were a on a tourist visa or visa-exempt entry, they've had upward of 186 days to do all the things that tourists do in Thailand so don't need to stay longer or even come back anytime soon.


Maybe they should have a simple questionnaire at immigration for the 'genuine' tourists seeking to stay longer like.


A ) What is the entrance fee at Wat Arun?


B ) Have you visited a National Park.


C ) Have you flown with the gibbons?


D ) Do you have a Thai driving license?


E ) What sort of car do you own here?

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