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Justice minister has ingenious solution to overcrowding in Thai prisons


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Maybe if they didn't lock people up for stupid "offenses", like foraging for wild mushrooms in the forests, then these prisons night not be so crowded. 

As a previous poster has rightly stated, drug abuse is a result of socio-economic problems. Tackle those, and the problem can be curbed. As long as people have no hope and can see no future, they'll continue to turn to alcohol, drugs and suicide as a form of escape. 

Edited by djayz
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4 hours ago, RotBenz8888 said:

Thailand ranks 44th in Global Innovation Index 2020

But with that phenomenal bunk bed flash of genius it's probably going to jump up 30 places. Well done, Somsak! You ARE a hero. But easy on the excessive back self-patting. It might lead to nasty pressure sores, ya know?

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2 minutes ago, mark131v said:

Genius absolute genius, bunk beds well I never!


I propose he is forwarded for a noble prize this level of forward thinking from the LoS head of Prison Service is staggering


I hope he enjoys his well earned time in the spotlight....

Or is that the nomatress prize?

If there were some lucky ones with a sprung mattress, would that help them escape easily?

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Adopt Portugal's drug policy laws and they could just about empty the prisons.  But that's no fun as I guess that they people who create the laws to throw people who use drugs like kratom and pot into jail simple enjoy subjecting other human being to needless suffering.

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7 hours ago, webfact said:

At present there are 370,000 inmates and 80% of them are in for drug related offences. 

So the answer to the overcrowding problem seems to me to be pretty obvious. Decriminalize drug use.


I don't use drugs, nor do I advocate their use, but it's obvious that the so called 'war on drugs' has long since been lost. It's time for a completely new strategy.


Instead of spending shed loads of money keeping addicts locked up, spend it on quality rehabilitation services. Help them to become more useful members of society.


Edited by Moonlover
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8 hours ago, webfact said:

With limited capacity for sleeping areas in prisons Somsak said he hit upon the solution: Bunk beds. 

With limited capacity for sleeping areas in prisons original thought, Somsak said he hit upon the solution: Bunk beds. 


Probably more politically correct than my original thought, do it the Chinese way!



Edited by Grusa
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