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Trump suspends duty free access for $1.3 billion in imports from Thailand

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44 minutes ago, yellowboat said:

It took him  awhile, but he is doing the right thing.   Thailand is hyper protectionist and has a lousy government.   It also has some of the kindest people I know. 

I concur.


If Thailand is not careful, their only friend will be China in the the future.  

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17 hours ago, jollyhangmon said:


... maybe the US finally reacts to the friendly import taxes applied to their products here in Thailand?

About time too ...


See I don't like Trump but this is the only language that gets results, I hope he is reelected 

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1 hour ago, daveAustin said:

It would be another sad day for you lot. Another doddery old fool. 300m+ people and you can't get someone decent up there?


... 555, makes 2 questions out of 'who will make it?' - a political as well as a medical one ...


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19 hours ago, AlexJohanson said:

Yes, without the GSP certification VAT and taxes will apply for US based customers. Whom in return will choose different products. 

So people will choose different product from somewhere else duty free? Always want cheap like made in China?

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20 hours ago, ftpjtm said:

Absolutely. With Thailand charging import duties up to 300% on US products, why should Thailand have free access to the US market?

I guess it depends what product, clothes maybe. But computer parts is just 10%. I think overall your 300% is a gross exaggeration. 

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53 minutes ago, robblok said:

I guess it depends what product, clothes maybe. But computer parts is just 10%. I think overall your 300% is a gross exaggeration. 


I don't know the exact figure, I got "up to 300%" from another poster. But if you look at pricing of certain imported products it seems about right. 





Edited by ftpjtm
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22 hours ago, yankee99 said:

Maybe not significant to you but i think a billion is significant to most people 

Sure, but Thailand won’t see it that way.  If it were 10 billion, it might shake them a bit, but they have China that they think will save them

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On 10/31/2020 at 12:28 PM, George Bowman said:

I wanted a high temperature thermometer gun for my pizza oven. My wife found one through a Thai company and ordered it for B1200. When it did not arrive in a week, I knew something was amiss. Thai Customs said that we needed to pay them B1200 for the thermometer to be released. Come to find out all the Thai company had done was order one from the states. Tit for tat I say...


infared gun.jpg

They are the most corrupt of the corrupt.

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7 hours ago, robblok said:

I guess it depends what product, clothes maybe. But computer parts is just 10%. I think overall your 300% is a gross exaggeration. 

Wine would be 300%, not just for American wine, by for wine from all round the world.  


Protecting the Thai wine industry - what a joke.  It's just a rip off.  

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33 minutes ago, Leaver said:

Wine would be 300%, not just for American wine, by for wine from all round the world.  


Protecting the Thai wine industry - what a joke.  It's just a rip off.  

Sure there are some things that are taxed at 300% but it is a minority of stuff. If you look at the Thai tarifs on the customs site it becomes obviously clear that the 300% is more an exception then a rule and in general its a lot lower.


10% for sports and computer stuff (not clothes)


[quote]Thailand’s average bound tariff for non-agricultural products is approximately 25.6%.  Thailand levies high tariffs on goods such as: 80% on motor vehicles, 60% on motorcycles and certain clothing products, 54% to 60% on distilled spirits, and 30% on certain articles of plastic and restaurant equipment.  Further, the country charges tariffs of 10% to 30% on certain audiovisual products, and applies a 10% tariff on most pharmaceutical products, including products on the World Health Organization list of essential medicines.[/quote]

https://www.export.gov/apex/article2?id=Thailand-Import-Tariffs#:~:text=Thailand's average bound tariff for,of plastic and restaurant equipment.






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43 minutes ago, robblok said:

If you look at the Thai tarifs on the customs site it becomes obviously clear that the 300% is more an exception then a rule and in general its a lot lower.


Which, I'm guessing, is precisely why the BM that posted it initially said "up to".

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1 hour ago, robblok said:

Sure there are some things that are taxed at 300% but it is a minority of stuff.

So, no "gross exaggeration." that things are taxed here at 300% then.


I could understand certain items, but the tax on wine here is just extortion on tourists and expats.     

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