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Foreigner injured in clash with protester during pro-democracy rally at Jomtien Beach


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If vinoman82 thinks that walking in an open, public space in Thailand comes naturally with the risk of being physically assaulted by a local, then he might want to stay home and avoid locals (too dangerous).


Please explain what "white privilege" is and what it has to do with a Russian and his daughter on a November evening in Thailand. 

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22 hours ago, Antonymous said:


I have lived in Thailand for 30 years. I understand very well how Thai people have trouble controlling their emotions and are prone to violence when provoked. Personally I would have avoided the situation in the video. But there is still no excuse for the physical aggression and blaming the foreigner for what happened, as you appear to be doing,  is a further sad reflection on Thai culture.

This is political issue and cannot be generalize with thai culture. People who attend this demonstration bring emotional against goverment and can explode anytime. Ofcourse it was wrong what the thai man did. But it was more wrong it you as foreigner challange their action and you forget your daughter was with you as well. 

Simply move out from that place and get a cup of coffee in other beautifull place. 

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22 hours ago, alianware said:


If you live in Asian long time already and you dont know the basic rule "Never mix yourself into political matter" , than sorry to say that you are stupid and your fault.

Political is very sensitive matter and no farang has right to say anything !

that idiot think he is KGB still living in Russia , Putin would have put a bullet between his eyes .

Thai Politics & Royal Family is not his business , simple .... too bad the kid must witness that .

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17 hours ago, SomchaiCNX said:

I sorry for you, stop your racist comments please.


This is not a racist comment. If you are farang (foreigners) the law told you already to avoid and prohibited you to be a part of political matter. And why you think my comment is racist ? You misunderstood.

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7 hours ago, Myran said:

No, the opposite is absolutely not true, and you can't have spent much time in Thailand if you sincerely believe that. Acting out and causing a scene is always frowned upon by fellow Thais.


ROTFLMAO. What a load of hogwash . At a minimum they are huge drama queens and it gets serious when you run across the one's , like in the video , who are spoiling to release some anger . 


I have spent many years In Thailand and I have seen first hand  what happens when a Thai thinks you are trying to embarass/insult/cheat him with the additional insight of a Thai family that tells me what the score is .   


You obviously travel in very genteel circles . You should get out among the real people .


My first experince with a Thai reacting to an insult was a wedding that erupted into a pitched battle with a hundred combatants. The agrieved family was from Bangkok and they drove 2 hours to the wedding , that they hadn't been invited to , so they could save face by starting a massive brawl . The irony was they weren't invited because they had started a brawl at a previous family wedding  that they hadn't been invited to .  


Thai's don't like to act out !!!! You must be joking .



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5 minutes ago, alianware said:

This is political issue and cannot be generalize with thai culture. People who attend this demonstration bring emotional against goverment and can explode anytime. Ofcourse it was wrong what the thai man did. But it was more wrong it you as foreigner challange their action and you forget your daughter was with you as well. 

Simply move out from that place and get a cup of coffee in other beautifull place. 

I agree with your assessment of the situation, emotions run high at political events, you are welcome to listen but to argue with Thai's over an issue that does not in any way involve you, and let those around you know that is beyond foolish!

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17 hours ago, b2bme said:

Alianware I respect your opinion even if I don't fully agree with you, that is part of what democracy is about.

It appears no one really knows what triggered this argument but violence is not the answer. Thai history demonstrates this and everyone needs to learn from history.

No one wants to see violence at any "peaceful" demonstration. How would the pro democracy demonstrators feel being head butted by the RTP or other factions opposed to the demonstration.

I agree foreigners should avoid getting involved in something they are not part of and agree in this case it would have been smarter to just walk away. Then again Narathiwat could have just walked away and left it alone as well. Perhaps he felt he had no option if it meant losing face.

I see Thais demonstrating in Germany but also notice your comment (Yes, but you are in other country with other rule and other culture. Dont live in other world with your whole culture. You must adapt yourself). Thais are free to voice their views and opinions in other democratic countries yet you seem opposed foreigners doing the same in Thailand.

Lets keep protests going for a better society that supports democracy and without violence.

I understand. But every theory is useless. As foreigner thai authority or even law told you already not to get involved in political matter. 

The man was angry and he must habe his reason. I quess he hears something unpolite or something bad for his party from the russian man. 

Don't ask for democracy, which still not 100% exist in Thailand. And even in democracy country, never get involved into political matter. This is a basic rule for all foreigners with no exception.

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18 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Who invented that description?

That reminds me of the red mob who pretended to demonstrate peacefully for democracy.


Telling someone who is quiet several times f@$& you and head butting him, especially in front of his daughter, does not look very democratic of peaceful to me.


Obviously I don't know what else happend. But maybe that guy just wanted to walk peacefully along the beach with his daughter. 

Your last paragraph. Yes, The Russian looks far too overweight to be useful in a fight, and obviously full of smoke as well 

which doesn't help, and the Thai who headbutted him isn't very good either not being able to put him down.????

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15 hours ago, Superphoenix said:

You mean, back to the jungle? Feel free... 

If you can't think, than you still are not ready to adapt yourself in thailand or other asian similar country. 

Be smart farang with smart sensibility. Your freedom can kill you if you don't know where and how to use.

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13 hours ago, John CS said:

Intolerant, it is better to understand than to reject out of hand

Politics is universal

Theory is useless. Its not worth at all to be involved and injured in this kind of political matter. Please ask yourself why you do come to thailand , for this <deleted> or for holiday with beauty experience ?? 

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23 hours ago, champers said:

The Russian gent kept his cool, his Thai assailant competely lost it and deserves to be charged with GBH. What caused the confrontation in the first place; anyone know?

You have to be joking?  Farang stay OUT of public Thai politics - not his business and if he intervenes in any protest he can expect Thais to be very peed off - either side.

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8 hours ago, DBath said:

I would avoid being anywhere near these protests as a foreigner, but it’s unacceptable for you to be defending the assailants behavior. 

Why don't you tell me that i try to warn farang who still don't know how to adapt himself for his safety instead you blame me to defend the thai ?? If i don't comment to the thai it  doesn't mean i defend him. 

All asian children are being taught by his parent in this way. They got angry from their parent if their children get involved and than being attacked like this. Thats why we have the word "som nam na"  will you say that it is unacceptable that thai parent tell their children so ?? It tell you , this is their education to always warn their children not to do something stupid like this.

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Just digressing slightly, if the views the Russian expressed regarding the causes of the current state of the Pattaya and Thai economy were as stated, I think his level of understanding of where he lives is about as well developed as his situational awareness skills. 

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1 hour ago, kinyara said:


And do you remember what lead up to that incident?  The foreigner leaping out the car and pulling a lump of iron rod from his boot and confronting the Thai in his car. Until the facts preceding the incident were known in that case exactly the same opinions were expressed as in this instance. When the full video was shown it completely changed the perspective of the incident and who initially instigated the confrontation. 

I saw the video. And i tell you there are really many confused farang who think that they can solve problem with emotion in asian country. 

Never do that ! If you are local people , you still might have won but as foreigner , Never because it is dangerous.

Asian countries is a countries with full of people who can't control their emotion this has long story with education and growing in a country like asia that make them to be like that. 

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47 minutes ago, balo said:


Can you copy the text in here so we can read it ?  Thanks. 


It's a live vid in front of the police station.

The Russian being offensive was selectively edited out of the initial clip shown.

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17 hours ago, Wuvu2 said:

He butted his nose into a Thai political protest AND he brought his daughter. Anyone who's been here a long time knows two of the most important rules;  Never stick you nose into Thai politics, and never say anything but praise about the royal family. We're guests.


Why was he allowing his daughter to stand between him and the angry Thai guy? She was trying to protect Daddy. NEVER put your children in that position ????

Excellent post apart from saying that we are "guests", for various reasons, "guests" are something  that we are not.

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I wonder how Russian Thai News is presented. I mean the English news is obviously biased depending what newspaper or site you look at. You can't find the truth or even all the news on any one website because of the political bias. My guess is Russia news might even be worse and probably happily support the present Thai government and regimes that don't care about human rights. But what do I know, i don't read the Russian news or catch the TV so maybe I'm totally wrong. The Russian man may be getting a different version of things here from his media sources.

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1 hour ago, vinny41 said:

Maybe you should listen to your own advice and go back to good ole USA,  There is no difference between the foreigner, that was head-butted for offering his own opinion and yourself.

From what I have seen the youth of Thailand is represented on both sides of the protests.


98% of the youth support the protest against the incompetent and authoritarian dinosaurs.


Your comment is exceptionally lame. Nearly every time I see someone complaining, or observing a shortfall within Thailand, some lame guy, who has not taken the time to think things through, nor to devote any focus or effort to a reasonable reply, says something like "Perhaps Thailand is not for you", or maybe you should leave, or the top prize, "if you do not like it here, go back to your own country". Hard to even respond to such inane statements. Why? Because I have some issues with the place? Sorry to inform you, but the nature of a discerning mind, is to have issues. 


Though absolute contentment must be a beautiful state of mind, it is not something most of us are blessed with, in case you have not noticed. The fact that I complain, does not mean I do not love Thailand, nor most of it's people. I do. I love my life here. I have a very good life here. But, I do have some complaints, and there are some things I would love to see improved. I should leave because of that? 


Please. Next time you make a post, try to devote at least two moments of thought to it.

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4 hours ago, spidermike007 said:


Maybe so. But an out of control foreigner, mouthing off what was most likely outdated, outmoded, traditional and out of touch views, has no place at a Thai protest. None whatsoever. Go back to Moscow, and support Putin. Many of us support protests here, and the youth. This clown has done the cause of foreigners no good also. He paints us all with the brush of extreme ignorance. 


9 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:


98% of the youth support the protest against the incompetent and authoritarian dinosaurs.


Your comment is exceptionally lame. Nearly every time I see someone complaining, or observing a shortfall within Thailand, some lame guy, who has not taken the time to think things through, nor to devote any focus or effort to a reasonable reply, says something like "Perhaps Thailand is not for you", or maybe you should leave, or the top prize, "if you do not like it here, go back to your own country". Hard to even respond to such inane statements. Why? Because I have some issues with the place? Sorry to inform you, but the nature of a discerning mind, is to have issues. 


Though absolute contentment must be a beautiful state of mind, it is not something most of us are blessed with, in case you have not noticed. The fact that I complain, does not mean I do not love Thailand, nor most of it's people. I do. I love my life here. I have a very good life here. But, I do have some complaints, and there are some things I would love to see improved. I should leave because of that? 


Please. Next time you make a post, try to devote at least two moments of thought to it.

It seems that you have fogotten your own post where you suggested that the Russian show go back to Moscow


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On 11/9/2020 at 10:41 AM, dyertribe said:

The Thai guy was definitely in the wrong however we don't know what caused the anger (maybe the Russian had a different opinion to his aggressor).  I still think that if I was there with my child I would have walked away.

It's not our country. Keep mouth shut or be a tuff guy.

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1 hour ago, alianware said:

As i told another comment already that this farang must have spoken bad word to the campaigne, which cause them angry. 

It was stupid to do that.

Ok.. I get it.


"Farang"  Bad. Stupid.


Thai "man" just protesting for democratic right to physically assault someone who verbally disagrees with him. Bonus to be able to do it while the man's daughter is standing right next to her father. Extra bonus for frightening a young girl.


Just wondering what galaxy you came from Mr. Alian (sp).. You gotta be a spaceman 'cos there's no way you named yourself after a high-spec computer.

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58 minutes ago, 4reaL said:


It's a live vid in front of the police station.

The Russian being offensive was selectively edited out of the initial clip shown.

I had a feeling of that.  I'd like to know what he said to egg that guy on.  The Russian was sporting a smug face letting everyone else protect him, including putting his child between himself and the person he verbally assaulted.

actions and words have consequences


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