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"Waterfront Pattaya": A "never ending epic" but eyesore could soon be demolished


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34 minutes ago, Guderian said:

there's more money to be made for the powers-that-be in demolishing it than there would be in completing it.

I personally think these crooks know very well that in the long haul, more dough can be made with a "vertical" building  than a "horizontal" one..well, you know the drill. Brown envelopes for the construction and more in property taxes later.

Edited by pattayadude
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They could demolish it on New Years Eve as special tourist event. Many explosions and fireworks in the building and then it collapses at midnight. And now you can see the hill without the building and a big firework starts from there. 

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A similar construction has stood in the centre of Khon Kaen for 14 years to my knowledge. It is now in quite a state of disrepair, but I am informed it has been earmarked for completion, not sure by whom. White elephants of a similar nature seem to abound around Thailand. I have seen many on my travels, although not as bad as that mostrosity in Pattaya.

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People obviously don't expect some utopic  honesty and purity from politicians but they do expect a modest form of protection from  massive corruption such as in this project.  I can even understand late turnover because of mistakes in the build, strict enforcement of inspections and adhering to building codes religiously, causing long delays... but losing it all?? just because developer allegedly built the entire 50 floors  "different than the plans" and the City inspectors did not do any inspection of this massive skyscraper during the entire rough construction for the entire 2 years and therefor didn't catch it(!) or were not required to do an inspection(!) i.e. every 5-10 floors, so mistakes were only discovered until it reached the 50th floor??  Tell that to a 10 year old and watch him roll on the floor laughing for an hour!

Criminality and misconduct stinks to high heavens in this project!


One wonders if this project had already been planned "not to be finished" from the beginning given the height and the location, and everybody involved just acted as if it would, meanwhile pocketing millions of dollars as planned, and eventually was halted at some point just like planned.

Edited by pattayadude
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6 minutes ago, Oldie said:

They could demolish it on New Years Eve as special tourist event. Many explosions and fireworks in the building and then it collapses at midnight. And now you can see the hill without the building and a big firework starts from there. 

life must be very boring  in Pattaya lately ????

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You think that is bad?  Come to the Gold Coast in Queensland Australia - there is and has been definitely lots of brown envelopes between mayors, certifiers, property developers etc with high rises popping up like mushrooms, blocking out people's views. 


The developers don't give a damn and approvals you just scratch your and shake it in disbelief at what is allowed.  Real estate come in and spruik overpriced apartments, etc for their lucrative commissions.  And greedy governments reap in the extra taxes on top.  The top of end of town are the winners.  


It has turned the place into a concrete jungle.  If you live there the acoustics are awful with sounds bouncing off buildings, rev-heads screeching up and down with massively loud exhausts that just reverberate and bounce off buildings as there is no place for sound waves to dissipate freely. 


So, point is, it happens everywhere.  There's crooks everywhere.  

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2 minutes ago, aussienam said:

If you live there the acoustics are awful with sounds bouncing off buildings, rev-heads screeching up and down with massively loud exhausts that just reverberate and bounce off buildings as there is no place for sound waves to dissipate freely. 

Loud exotic cars and superbikes are the worse..I experience this in my Manila condo all day

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1 hour ago, Suradit69 said:

If only they could be as honest as politicians and government  in farang Utopia. This sort of thing wouldn’t be tolerated in Washington , London or wherever the chosen people are in charge. Certainly everybody doesn’t wonder about such things there.


Everybody ever wonder  about the lovely Grenfell Tower? Everything above board, for example.





I think the difference is the very openess and the transparency of the nepotism, which people find confounding .

People vote them in with full knowledge of the nepotism

At least the Bush family let a few years of change between em

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There is more to this than meets the eye.

Simple, Who (if anybody stamped & sealed the plans on behalf of the council (fired)

Building Inspector at the time ? cannot read plans   fired

If I was the developer & have in my possession a signed, stamped approved set of building plans 

& it has been built as per plan we would have been in court by now so what did happen?

Built with no EPA approval ?

Please tell


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