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Calls to ban smoking in condominiums in Thailand


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I am a bit of two minds here...


I think medically it can be said, factually so, that there are negative health implications for those who either smoke directly or inhale “second hand” smoke... 


However, i am also a proponent of the idea that when inside ones own dwelling, that there should be minimal government intrusion... not NO intrusion, but limited.... in regards to how does one enjoy abs use their own private residence. 


So, i DO think it’s fair for the government to impose limitations when you smoke outside; since there is no reasonable expectation that the second hand smoke can be contained only to said unit... but.. if you were to smoke only INside an individually owned and >>closed/sealed<< unit, then i think the rules should allow a person to use tobacco - a legal substance - as they wish.

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On 11/26/2020 at 8:29 AM, Samui Bodoh said:

I was a smoker for around 35 years, and quit just under three years ago. 


Ban smoking in Condos? Hell yes!


Ten Reasons to Quit Smoking (in no special order)


  1. You won't smell anymore. Apologies, but there is no polite way to put it; smokers stink. They smell. They reek. Their breath smells like an ashtray. Their clothes are foul and gross. They leave a putrid miasma in every room they occupy.
  2. You will regain your sense of smell and taste. It is truly an amazing thing; I lived and/or visited Thailand for more than 25 years, but after I quit smoking, Thai food became twice as good. Seriously, twice as good!
  3. You won't look like a dried-up lizard. Smoking makes your face/skin look old; quitting smoking means putting 'lizard-ness' off for a decade or two.
  4. If you quit smoking, you don't have to listen to people like me, your spouse, your kids, your friends and complete strangers telling how smoking is bad for you. Wouldn't it be nice if we all shut up? If you didn't have to hear us?
  5. It is easier to pull/keep chicks. Simply put, it is easier to pull and/or keep a hot chick as a non-smoker rather than as a smoker. Nuff' said.
  6. You won't get sick as often. Yes, I know, perhaps smoking helps with c-19 and perhaps it doesn't. But, a non-smoker will catch fewer flus, colds, infections, etc. than a smoker; it is a scientific fact.
  7. You won't hurt those around you. Second-hand smoke kills about 50,000 people a year and damages the health of many, many, many more; don't you want to stop hurting your wife? Your kids? Your friends? Your neighbours? Strangers on the road?
  8. You'll have more breath. Smokers; when was the last time you climbed three flights of stairs without panting or wheezing? Without some shortness of breath? Without stopping for a sec to catch your breath at the top?
  9. Money. Cigarettes are expensive and you get nothing (literally nothing) for your money. One example; by quitting when I did, I saved approximately 190,000 Baht. What would you do with an extra 190,000 Baht? Whooo-Hoooo!
  10. Impotence. It is a medical fact that smoking reduces the lead in your pencil. Further, it is also medical fact that the more you smoke, the more the lead in your pencil is reduced. Simple question; what's better? Smoking or sex? If you chose sex (and you really should have), then it is time to quit.


And a bonus #11; you won't be an addict anymore. Being an addict, whether it is Nicotine, Yaba, Alcohol, Opioids, Meth, Heroin, Crack, or anything else, diminishes a person.


If you quit smoking, you'll be a better person to be around, your sensations and pleasures will improve, your health and appearance will be better, you'll do better with the girls, you'll have stamina again, you'll save huge amounts of money, and your sex life will improve.


If you keep smoking, your stink will drive people away, you won't enjoy food and drink as much, your health will decline, you will become 'Lizard-like', hot girls will laugh at you and throw rocks, you'll be awful in the sack, you'll be poorer and no woman will want you.


Ban smoking everywhere!



yep i stopped a few years ago 

.hate the smell wont stay hotel rooms where a smoker has been ..even weeks after can smell it in rooms  disgusting ..well done for quiting

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6 minutes ago, varun said:

What were these academics smoking thinking coming up with this monkey-brained Somchai idea?

Ban people from smoking in their own homes? 

And how will you enforce it?


yep in rooms difficult to do but around pool areas and smoking points should be banned

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On 11/26/2020 at 8:36 AM, robblok said:

In the condo they rent or own people should be allowed to smoke. Common area's its debatable. But to prohibit people from smoking in their own condo is crazy.

yes i agree if its their condo  but rented should not be allowed..the might rent for a few months ..stink the place out ..csnt get rid of the smell sinks into every bit of carpet .. curtain ect then some new clients who rent later have this to look forward to  ..i was a heavy smoker of 20 years

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On 11/26/2020 at 8:48 AM, WorriedNoodle said:

I have a condo and so does the guy next door. Whenever he goes on his balcony for a smoke the stench wafts into all the neighbors condos including mine. It seems reasonable said guy should leave the building for a smoke.

yep smoking on balconies if you jave neighbors should not be allowed

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20 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


tinca tinca didn’t really think very much before he posted that comment. 


Hot smoke rises, but Tobacco smoke cools rapidly, exhaled tobacco smoke tends to ‘hang’ rather than rise, wind then disperses it.

Since smoke is more dense than air, the smoke actually descends when its at the same temperature as the atmosphere. 


so you got a degree in SMOKE have you........

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On 11/26/2020 at 8:29 AM, Samui Bodoh said:

I was a smoker for around 35 years, and quit just under three years ago. 


Ban smoking in Condos? Hell yes!


Ten Reasons to Quit Smoking (in no special order)


  1. You won't smell anymore. Apologies, but there is no polite way to put it; smokers stink. They smell. They reek. Their breath smells like an ashtray. Their clothes are foul and gross. They leave a putrid miasma in every room they occupy.
  2. You will regain your sense of smell and taste. It is truly an amazing thing; I lived and/or visited Thailand for more than 25 years, but after I quit smoking, Thai food became twice as good. Seriously, twice as good!
  3. You won't look like a dried-up lizard. Smoking makes your face/skin look old; quitting smoking means putting 'lizard-ness' off for a decade or two.
  4. If you quit smoking, you don't have to listen to people like me, your spouse, your kids, your friends and complete strangers telling how smoking is bad for you. Wouldn't it be nice if we all shut up? If you didn't have to hear us?
  5. It is easier to pull/keep chicks. Simply put, it is easier to pull and/or keep a hot chick as a non-smoker rather than as a smoker. Nuff' said.
  6. You won't get sick as often. Yes, I know, perhaps smoking helps with c-19 and perhaps it doesn't. But, a non-smoker will catch fewer flus, colds, infections, etc. than a smoker; it is a scientific fact.
  7. You won't hurt those around you. Second-hand smoke kills about 50,000 people a year and damages the health of many, many, many more; don't you want to stop hurting your wife? Your kids? Your friends? Your neighbours? Strangers on the road?
  8. You'll have more breath. Smokers; when was the last time you climbed three flights of stairs without panting or wheezing? Without some shortness of breath? Without stopping for a sec to catch your breath at the top?
  9. Money. Cigarettes are expensive and you get nothing (literally nothing) for your money. One example; by quitting when I did, I saved approximately 190,000 Baht. What would you do with an extra 190,000 Baht? Whooo-Hoooo!
  10. Impotence. It is a medical fact that smoking reduces the lead in your pencil. Further, it is also medical fact that the more you smoke, the more the lead in your pencil is reduced. Simple question; what's better? Smoking or sex? If you chose sex (and you really should have), then it is time to quit.


And a bonus #11; you won't be an addict anymore. Being an addict, whether it is Nicotine, Yaba, Alcohol, Opioids, Meth, Heroin, Crack, or anything else, diminishes a person.


If you quit smoking, you'll be a better person to be around, your sensations and pleasures will improve, your health and appearance will be better, you'll do better with the girls, you'll have stamina again, you'll save huge amounts of money, and your sex life will improve.


If you keep smoking, your stink will drive people away, you won't enjoy food and drink as much, your health will decline, you will become 'Lizard-like', hot girls will laugh at you and throw rocks, you'll be awful in the sack, you'll be poorer and no woman will want you.


Ban smoking everywhere!



another one with a degree in smoking

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18 hours ago, Badboldie said:

What country was this in? 

Sydney, Australia the year was around 2011 as our daughter was about 1 at the time. 


In the first link you will note 1 states Noise, this is the section I got them under as smoking is a disturbance, since then there have been some huge changes around when we left in 2015, the link below the first link shows the changes to smoking.





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Live and let live... I used to smoke and quit for health reasons. I find it now smelly, but I respect people's choices. I find that banning it in public spaces is good, but if I were still a smoker and someone told me I couldn't smoke in the privacy of my home I would be quite upset. There is a limit to how much the government can tell people what they can and can't do. On this one, I side by the smokers... my home is my castle...

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1 hour ago, RocketDog said:


Again, the point is that when this whole banning thing starts there is no end to it. These things always come back to tolerance for others, which is sorely lacking in our world today. 

Right, ???? too bad that is going to happen soon or later. I'm not a condo owner nor a condo tenant, but if I lived in a condo or I owned one I would definitely support the plan. 

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I am a non-smoker.



I believe your own place you smoke, is your choice. And your right to decide.

Especially if you bought your place with no such restrictions.

In this world when anything and everything offends someone, what is next?

Ban garlic/basil/pla ra/ squid/ whatever cooking in condo bcos stinks the corridor?

Ban fried food?

Ban wearing parfume in elevator?

Ban not wearing parfume in elevator?


Honestly, bothers me more when ppl smoke on their balcony near me than in their room behind closed doors.


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On 11/26/2020 at 2:06 AM, webfact said:

Calls to ban smoking in condominiums in Thailand



Picture: Thai Rath


Leading academics have called for a total ban on smoking in all condominium buildings.


Following the findings of a survey they believe that stopping smoking by law would be better for everyone's health and save money.


A survey was carried out that asked 1,204 people living in condos a series of questions from September to October this year.


Respondents were 15% smokers and 85% who didn't smoke, indicated Dr Sasithorn Theptrakunporn a health scientist at Thammasat University.


Of the smokers 48% went on their balconies to light up. 


A total of 89% agreed with a smoking ban in condo buildings. 


Some 77% of people said they felt ill when they had to suffer people's second hand smoke. 


Dr Sasithorn said that the findings of the survey should lead to a change in the law to forbid smoking.



Dr Niphawan Kangsakunniti, a health expert at Mahidol University agreed saying that residue from smoke coated carpets, curtains and clothes and was particularly dangerous for children still crawling who would put things in their mouths. 


They could die suddenly due to smokers because of the tendency to put things in their mouths. 


She said there are 7,000 deadly substances in cigarettes and 70 carcinogens. 


Smoking represented a clear danger to the elderly too. 


Dr Niphawan agreed with a smoking ban in condominiums saying it would be better for everyone's health and cheaper. 


Such bans in the United States showed five billion baht could be saved from cleaning bills and reduced fire hazard.


Source: Thai Rath




-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2020-11-26

Are they suggesting that even smoking on the balcony should be banned? I only smoke outside or on the balcony.

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They do these things with small steps at the time, until you get to the point the same BS happens as in the west. Before you know there is no freedom left.


Luckily enforcement and corruption is special here, so we might still enjoy a decade of normal freedom here.

Edited by ChaiyaTH
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