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Thailand Road Carnage: NINETY FOUR reported dead on Monday - nearly a MILLION injured this year


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Thailand Road Carnage: NINETY FOUR reported dead on Monday - nearly a MILLION injured this year



File photo for reference only

Staggering statistics from an Ubon Ratchathani accident site online said that 94 people had been reported dead in 24 hours from midnight to midnight on Monday. 


Thaivisa notes that some of these may have been late reports from the long weekend but it is still an abnormally high figure even for a Monday. 


The site said that 3,311 were reported injured in the same period. 


Of the 94 dead 78 were motorcyclists and 16 were in cars. 


There were 89 Thais killed and 5 foreigners. 


Ninety one were adults and three were children under 15. 


This brought the year's total to 14,492 dead on Thai roads and 952,271 injured. 




With 17 days to go including the notoriously dangerous New Year period the number of injured could top a million, notes Thaivisa and the dead "at the scene" could easily surpass that from last year based on figures earlier published by Daily News. 


This in a year when the lockdown made the Thai roads particularly quiet for a long period. 


Many have called Thailand's road accident statistics a national disgrace that has never been properly addressed.


Senior government officials have admitted that the death toll, when those who die in and on the way to hospitals is added, is at least 20,000 a year.


Accident prevention groups say the figure is higher still at about 25,000 per year. 


Source: Facebook Ubon Ratchathani




-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2020-12-15
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A military backed government obsessed with zero covid cases and who don't care about continuing yearly deaths on Thai roads.


This same applies to worsening air pollution in Bangkok and elsewhere.


Nothing is ever done and never will be.

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1 hour ago, Surelynot said:

The cost of this carnage must be staggering.....it must be cheaper to teach them how to drive properly.

I would have thought with the ridiculous amounts of death, injuries, hospital bills, write offs, funeral bills , repairs and law suits, driving insurance in Thailand SHOULD make driving basically so expensive they would never drive again !

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2 hours ago, webfact said:

Thaivisa notes that some of these may have been late reports from the long weekend

The number of 67(!) reported for a four(!) day long weekend in other news can not be true by any means.

They can't get their numbers right.

Edited by KhunBENQ
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3 hours ago, Surelynot said:

The cost of this carnage must be staggering.....it must be cheaper to teach them how to drive properly.

The cost of all the Carnage on Thai roads really is staggering.

A while back, some reputable International Organization put the cost of all the Deaths and Injuries sustained at a whopping 12 % of GDP.

Now I do not suggest that these figures are wholly correct, and I may be having a senior moment, but it is fairly easy to see how such a figure could possibly be this large.




Edited by Cake Monster
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Just how many of the road accidents were from big bikes? Enough for us to get a new license? Drivers training is needed by many. Every time I am on the road I see so many stupid moves, and they act like they control the road and will drive any way they want.  Have you noticed when you beep your horn if means nothing to them, they just keep doing what they were doing. I can only tell you what my area is like as I ride almost every day.

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3 minutes ago, vandeventer said:

Just how many of the road accidents were from big bikes? Enough for us to get a new license? Drivers training is needed by many. Every time I am on the road I see so many stupid moves, and they act like they control the road and will drive any way they want.  Have you noticed when you beep your horn if means nothing to them, they just keep doing what they were doing. I can only tell you what my area is like as I ride almost every day.

They have amulets don't forget.

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5 minutes ago, vandeventer said:

Just how many of the road accidents were from big bikes? Enough for us to get a new license? Drivers training is needed by many. Every time I am on the road I see so many stupid moves, and they act like they control the road and will drive any way they want.  Have you noticed when you beep your horn if means nothing to them, they just keep doing what they were doing. I can only tell you what my area is like as I ride almost every day.

They regard beeping the horn as an aggressive act, they lose face! But is is absolutely necessary for letting them know you are there and/or they are doing something stupid.


Comes back to that inability to take responsibility for one's actions...

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4 hours ago, shady86 said:

I guess this is the only way to support the local automotive industry. More accidents so they can sell more new cars.

Did you think this up all by yourself considering that road deaths attributed to cars is approx. 20% of the yearly total-- so can't see too many new car sales in that especially when those killed won't be buying cars for many years after re-incarnation. 

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