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PM promises "Fast - Safe - Transparent - Comprehensive" vaccine program - no mention of foreigners.


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1 minute ago, Bangkok Barry said:


Dear Thai Apologist

As far as I aware, the vaccine will be available in my native UK to everyone. That is a totally alien concept in Thailand. The UK government takes care of people, the Thai government takes care of Thais.

Dear UK lover,


If you like it so much in the UK and their health system why are you here. Why should the Thais pay for in general wealthier foreigners. 


Not sure why you as a richer person want to impose on a system that is struggling to provide healthcare for all Thais. I would call it selfish and cheap. 

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PM promises "Fast - Safe - Transparent - Comprehensive" vaccine program - no mention of foreigners. 


Not really comprehensive then is it? 

I have it on good authority that non-thai people can contract the virus and spread it. 

Fatal flaw in a brilliant plan? 


I'm quite willing to pay it but it must be available, and I refuse the Chinese junk vaccine as do several more-informed Thai friends. 

Half a parachute is not a bargain even at half the price. 

Edited by RocketDog
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Just now, DaLa said:

I sort of understand where you are coming from Rob, however you are taking a rather simplistic approach to the availability criteria you propose.


I don’t pay income tax here, I’m here on a retired basis. However including the business I have built for my Thai wife, vehicles, land, import duty, and all the diesel I’ve bought for my vehicles I’m just around the 8 Million baht mark in contributions (various taxes).

Still does not entitle you, besides why would you as a richer person "steal"  from the Thais. Their healthcare system is struggling to provide aid to everyone. For me its a matter of principle. If i paid into the system (you know you do when you work you pay an extra monthly amount for healthcare). 


I really don't get it why those who have money want feel entitled to get stuff from a not that well funded healthcare system.


If you pay so much money (i pay a lot too) then you obviously can affort it yourself. As you don't really qualify for free healthcare then why want it.


I would be happy enough if they just made it available at a cost. 

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It is estimated that over 2 million foreigners live in Thailand, including the migrant workers. Why would we be important enough to mention? And Anutin being the known racist and xenophobe he is, would not care, nor bother to mention us. We do not rank. 


The officials do not like to acknowledge our presence, much less any benefit we might be bringing. The fact of the matter is that we contribute alot to the economy, and in my opinion the culture, with our ideas and our backgrounds. We are helping to open some minds, hopefully, and encourage a new generation of Thais, who will usher out the dinosaurs, and welcome the younger, creative minds. Perhaps that is one of the more stark reasons why this administration in particular, does not seem to like us much. We are barely tolerated by them. This does not apply to most Thai people, just the toxic government. 


Even the rural folks benefit from our presence here. Alot of the nicer houses in the poorer farming areas were built with money from expats. Alot of trucks, cars and income is from expats. We support countless families, and many of them live quite well. And some of us have businesses employing many. To say we are insignificant, is a blatant misunderstanding of Thai economics. Thousands of hotels, restaurants, countless airlines and many tour companies, also benefit. I do not expect any acknowledgement. However, it is occasionally amusing when they commit such a glaring omission, such as this one. Typical Anutin. 

Edited by spidermike007
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6 hours ago, Moonlover said:

That's my game plan anyway. I have never felt vulnerable to Covid and once the herd around me, have been vaccinated  (I don't mean herd in an unkindly way!) I shall feel even less so.


Get this program rolling Anutin, as quick as you like.

I was under the impression the vaccine only prevented you from contracting the virus but not actually from carrying it, if that is the case then surely not having the vaccine will leave you open to contracting it from someone carrying it.

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3 hours ago, MuayThaiGuy said:

He doesn't know that it's "safe". That's a lie.

It's not like any vaccine you've ever taken.

It's the first ever mRNA vaccine ever to be used on humans.

The long term effects are completely unknown.

Just a few things wrong with that.


Firstly, the vaccine he's talking about, the Oxford-AstraZeneca one, is NOT an mRNA vaccine (it's a viral vector vaccine).


Secondly, even if you were talking about the Pfizer vaccine, it's not quite accurate to say it's the first mRNA vaccine ever to be used on humans. It's the first one to be fully licensed for use against a viral disease but as the article below says:


"Human trials of cancer vaccines using the same mRNA technology have been taking place since at least 2011. ‘If there was a real problem with the technology, we’d have seen it before now for sure,’ said Prof. Goldman."


Five things you need to know about mRNA vaccine safety 


Lastly, there is no good evidence of vaccines having long-term side effects. Any side effects normally occur within the first couple of weeks after a vaccine is administered, since that is when the initial effects of the vaccine on the person's immune system are at their height. After a few weeks, when that initial boost is over, the effects of a vaccine are only ever known to become weaker with time. That's why with some, you need regular booster shots, for instance.

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If I choose to live in a country and support the economy (95% more investment than most Thais), then I expect that country to support me in return.

When a Thai wife comes to the UK on a 2 year 9 month spouse visa, on day ONE, she is instantly allowed access to FULL NHS facilities and care. This is how civilised countries who respect other nationalities work.

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7 hours ago, robblok said:

So what.. why do you expect the Thai government to take care of you. You are not Thai. I don't mind paying a private hospital. Also GF her company is looking into getting the vaccine themselves they are a medical company. I don't see the problem of governments not taking care of non Thais. 

We made choices when we came here.. why expect a government to take care of us. If you want that then go back to your home country. There you are being taken care of have more rights.

What seems to have gone over your head,along with others,is that the vaccination isn’t solely for the benefit of the recipient,it’s as much to prevent the spread of infection to others - which includes from farang to Thai. Disincentivizing or discriminating against ANYONE from getting vaccinated has negative connotations for the entire population. Any Thai living legitimately in UK for example will be included in the overall vaccination programme for that reason.

If you want to play the contribution game,expats will have contributed far more to the economy through his greater spending (indirect taxes) than the average Thai. 

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7 hours ago, robblok said:

So what.. why do you expect the Thai government to take care of you. You are not Thai. I don't mind paying a private hospital. Also GF her company is looking into getting the vaccine themselves they are a medical company. I don't see the problem of governments not taking care of non Thais. 

We made choices when we came here.. why expect a government to take care of us. If you want that then go back to your home country. There you are being taken care of have more rights.

Own country will want you vaccinated before letting you in MR

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2 minutes ago, bimmerbob said:

So immature!


1) What about all the foreign teachers - the vast majority of them should be considered 'key workers'

2) What about all the foreigners married to Thais and who to a degree helped financially stabilise many Thai families? 

3) What about all the expat retirees who have made Thailand their home and are a crucial part of local economies?


The vaccine is not only about 'rights'.

You may wish to revisit your post and edit it?

Would you prefer a chinese vaccin?  I rather spend some money on a good vaccin.  But it is weird that they don't even consider thinking about the foreigners living in their country. "Flee while you can !" ????


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1 hour ago, kiwikeith said:

He did mention that over 60,s would have priority, then the over 60s should be very weary as 13 old people have died after being given the Pfizer vaccine so far. 


However, officials are down playing the deaths, and blaming it on the elderly for having health issues before they were vaccinated. 


Sorry thing is, they never tested the vaccine on the elderly. 

  The power of the pharma industry is enormous. It's easy to pay some researchers good money and come with a totally different result as in reality.


Money can make many people blind and deaf for a longer period of time. 


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1 hour ago, MRJOHNNY said:
7 hours ago, Moonlover said:

That's my game plan anyway. I have never felt vulnerable to Covid and once the herd around me, have been vaccinated  (I don't mean herd in an unkindly way!) I shall feel even less so.


Get this program rolling Anutin, as quick as you like.


1 hour ago, MRJOHNNY said:

I was under the impression the vaccine only prevented you from contracting the virus but not actually from carrying it, if that is the case then surely not having the vaccine will leave you open to contracting it from someone carrying it.

I've done my risk assessment and due to a number of personal and social reasons I've concluded that my chances of contracting Covid is extremely low even now. Once herd immunity has been established through vaccination, it should become infinitesimal. 


But that's me. We all have differing lifestyles and my conclusion may not suit you. But thank you for your concern.

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8 hours ago, robblok said:

So what.. why do you expect the Thai government to take care of you. You are not Thai. I don't mind paying a private hospital. Also GF her company is looking into getting the vaccine themselves they are a medical company. I don't see the problem of governments not taking care of non Thais. 

We made choices when we came here.. why expect a government to take care of us. If you want that then go back to your home country. There you are being taken care of have more rights.

He is obviously suffering from Welfare State Syndrome, for which there is no vaccine or cure.

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1 hour ago, robblok said:

Dear UK lover,


If you like it so much in the UK and their health system why are you here. Why should the Thais pay for in general wealthier foreigners. 


Not sure why you as a richer person want to impose on a system that is struggling to provide healthcare for all Thais. I would call it selfish and cheap. 


Perhaps if it wasn't devoting funds to sending a rocket to the moon the Thai government might not struggle to provide healthcare for its citizens. Just a thought.

Edited by Bangkok Barry
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8 hours ago, robblok said:

So what.. why do you expect the Thai government to take care of you. You are not Thai. I don't mind paying a private hospital. Also GF her company is looking into getting the vaccine themselves they are a medical company. I don't see the problem of governments not taking care of non Thais. 

We made choices when we came here.. why expect a government to take care of us. If you want that then go back to your home country. There you are being taken care of have more rights.

You're an ex-Kaaskop? Have you relinquished your Dutch citizenship yet? Handed in your Dutch EU passport? If not, you're not an ex-KK -you still are a Kaaskop and will remain so forever. You are on your high horse here lecturing people, I bet when the sh...t hits the fan over here then you will be on the first Kaaskop plane back to Schiphol. For local expats to have an expectation that vaccines will be available here, at their own expense but at a reasonable, comparable (to other countries) cost, is obviously beyond your intellectual grasp. Now go to your Kaaskop forum and vent your anger and frustration there, please.

Edited by desert dueller
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57 minutes ago, bimmerbob said:
8 hours ago, robblok said:

So what.. why do you expect the Thai government to take care of you. You are not Thai. I don't mind paying a private hospital. Also GF her company is looking into getting the vaccine themselves they are a medical company. I don't see the problem of governments not taking care of non Thais. 

We made choices when we came here.. why expect a government to take care of us. If you want that then go back to your home country. There you are being taken care of have more rights.

So immature!


1) What about all the foreign teachers - the vast majority of them should be considered 'key workers'

2) What about all the foreigners married to Thais and who to a degree helped financially stabilise many Thai families? 

3) What about all the expat retirees who have made Thailand their home and are a crucial part of local economies?


The vaccine is not only about 'rights'.

You may wish to revisit your post and edit it?

sorry bimmerbob, he is right , with reflexion ,opposite of immature : that is what you show: 

I work in TH , married with thai wife ...and than ? I'm I a baby that Thailand has to take care? I make my job , thai and foreigner pay me. I built my home in lands that my wife bought. This is the law . 

Now, covid is all over the world . Because of good  choices , vey little here. I thank this country to welcome me and protect my family. But I have my own choice : to be vaccinated or not. We have this discussion with my colleagues everyday in the hospital. For me now : it's NO , not yet !...for scientist reason(not the question here)

this is my choice , so , If I decide something in my life , I have to pay ! I'm responsible for me and my family.

the people who dont want to pay are stingy, assisted...or both.

if you are american, english, indian(...) citizen , ask to your embassy like you do for any important question ..right? you dont ask for influenza vaccine to thai governement? do the same !

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Do not forget the vaccine gives you up to 90% immunity, it does not stop you being a carrier. You will still be able to catch Covid from a vaccinated person, if unvaccinated.

Also it would benefit the population as a whole if everyone was vaccinated as its only 90% max effective. I don't expect the Thai government to vaccinate me for free, but I would hope I wouldn't be ripped off buying it. 400 -600 I have paid for vaccines for the time I have been here, there is no reason for the Astra Zeneca to cost more. They can shove the Chinese one where the sun don't shine.

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1 hour ago, Sumarianson said:

Anyone who takes the vaccine is taking a big chance as there are now people dying from and having lifelong side affects from the Moderna vaccine.  

Given the Moderna vaccine was only released in December, I am fascinated by your comment it is producing lifelong side effects. Please PM me the location of your crystal ball, I need it to buy a lottery ticket.

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6 minutes ago, LittleBear57 said:

Do not forget the vaccine gives you up to 90% immunity, it does not stop you being a carrier. You will still be able to catch Covid from a vaccinated person, if unvaccinated.

Also it would benefit the population as a whole if everyone was vaccinated as its only 90% max effective. I don't expect the Thai government to vaccinate me for free, but I would hope I wouldn't be ripped off buying it. 400 -600 I have paid for vaccines for the time I have been here, there is no reason for the Astra Zeneca to cost more. They can shove the Chinese one where the sun don't shine.

Let's not share pseudoscience here, Pfizer, JnJ, Moderna, Astra Zeneca are not sure how and if vaccinated people can still infect other people if they are exposed to COVID after being vaccinated with 1 or 2 shots.  There is still a lot to study and learn about this.  There are many good articles about this, its a hot topic.  


I'm watching JnJ, their single dose vaccine is showing promise and their 3rd phase trail results are coming out soon.  Could be given emergency approval if it's effective in Feb.  It's similar to Astra Zeneca that it's a DNA based vaccine, so much easier to transport as well.  


I really don't care the cost, just want one of these first rate vaccines.  Might take the family back to the states to get vaccinated if there is no progress here.  I'm not waiting till the end of the year, I want to be vaccinated by mid year.   


Agree with you about the Chinese and even the Russian one.  

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1 minute ago, Lacessit said:

Given the Moderna vaccine was only released in December, I am fascinated by your comment it is producing lifelong side effects. Please PM me the location of your crystal ball, I need it to buy a lottery ticket.

Maybe one of these QTards who think the vaccines permanently change your DNA, making you into some new life form lol 

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8 hours ago, Moonlover said:

That's my game plan anyway. I have never felt vulnerable to Covid and once the herd around me, have been vaccinated  (I don't mean herd in an unkindly way!) I shall feel even less so.


Get this program rolling Anutin, as quick as you like.

While herd immunity is possible through vaccine, it will be some way off. And while herd immunity will give the unvaccinated protection on a diminished basis, it will not solve the problem for many falang who need to travel either for work or other reasons. It is not unforseeable that because of the uneven nature of roll-out of vaccines throughout the globe, a system akin to the "yellow certificate" in countries in West Africa will become the norm, at least for a while (yellow certificate shows that the named bearer has received a vaccine for Yellow Fever - no certificate, cannot even get on the plane to certain countries predominantly in West Africa). Besides needing the vaccine certificate, older expats would feel better getting on a plane if they were already vaccinated.


If no credible vaccine is made available to foreigners either through payment or otherwise, and this is not beyond the realms of possibility given the demand worldwide and the inability of the manufacturers to make enough of it fast enough, foreigners could be stuck in Thailand being unable to travel for some time even if herd immunity were to be achieved in the Kingdom.

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what is the big deal about him not mentioning foreigners receiving the jab?

In the UK they dont mention foreigners either.

Why should they?

If you want the jab, wait a little longer and go buy it from one of the hospitals.


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