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Options to stay here in old age


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7 minutes ago, Moonlover said:

I can understand that in a land where bribery and corruption are never far away, it is easy to become confused between a 'bribe' and a 'tip'.


I will not try to insult your intelligence by explaining the difference, beyond commenting that what my wife gives, which is only a small amount, is given afterwards as a tip for services rendered, not as a bribe to get things done. 


Whether it will pay a dividend in the future only the future can tell, but I'm not going to get wound up over the cost of a few beers In my opinion, a good relationship with immigration is worth a lot more than that.




Fair play. 


We all know the way it goes here, but now it's a "tip" not a "bribe" yet you pay it in the hope of a return in the future.  


Why tip if you are legally entitled to be issued the visa?  Yes, we all know that can make life difficult by asking for extra photo copies of this and that, which most of the time means they are asking for a "tip" anyway.


Do you see the extortion? 


Do you think these criminals will do you a favour in the future?  if you needed a favour, for sure your "tip" would simply become a "bribe." 


Wouldn't it just be better to just wait until if / when you needed to pay the bribe money?  ????

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13 minutes ago, georgegeorgia said:

And what happens if u need treatment for say something serious eg Cancer .


Then curl up your toes.


i too have never had health insurance, or any insurance of any kind. Never will i get it.


Health insurance seams like more of a US thing. The rest of the developed world not so much.


count me out of that cycle.

Edited by Sujo
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8 hours ago, georgegeorgia said:

And what happens if u need treatment for say something serious eg Cancer .


I accept my death when it comes, I'm 65 now and have already had my time.

Old people enduring anything to live another month or two always seemed a bit sad and desperate to me.

I don't really believe in surgery, OK for repairing impact damage, but always seemed a failure for cancer.

Known plenty of people operated on that had cancer, they all died shortly after, wishing they'd never been cut.

Edited by BritManToo
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1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

Known plenty of people operated on that had cancer, they all died shortly after, wishing they'd never been cut.

Been 5 years (knock on wood) and still not regretting surgery (which was major/bladder).  But agree with you that we have to weigh the choice.  Have since had other (liver) cancer and chose not to have surgery but did have almost non invasive RFA and so far that has worked with no ill effects (but requires expensive MRI monitoring).  Have had a number of skin cancers removed over the years.  All costs money so it is very wise to have insurance as that provides options. 

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I have seen foreign people waiting in ambulances or taxis at CW immigration. They were waiting for the IO to do their paperwork for them. There needs to be an improvement in this system that would allow the elderly to be handled in a more caring way. This is the reason for me to think about leaving Thailand. Thai immigration is too harsh on the elderly foreigners and I don't want to go through a yearly harsh experience when I am not so mobile or have health issues.


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On 2/20/2021 at 10:12 PM, Sujo said:

Then curl up your toes.


i too have never had health insurance, or any insurance of any kind. Never will i get it.


Health insurance seams like more of a US thing. The rest of the developed world not so much.


count me out of that cycle.


I would feel having no insurance quite inhibiting on my freedom. 


No so much for health insurance here, even though I do have it, but more so throughout my life, in my home country. 


I couldn't imagine starting up the car and driving off, uninsured.  I would have to be so careful that it would cause stress. 


Yes, I could have covered my own vehicle damages if I had an accident, but say I crash into a very expensive European car, possibly beyond repair, that's going to sting.


However, property damage is nothing compared to injury damage.  Say you crash into someone and put them into a wheelchair for the rest of their life.  I suppose you declare bankruptcy and your victim gets nothing.  Good for you, I suppose, no good for them.  


Imagine passing away with a wife an young children, and a mortgage, and having no life insurance.  I could never have done that to my wife and kids at that time in my life.  I slept better at night knowing that if the unforeseen happened to me, they would receive a pay out.  


I guess you have been lucky, but then again, there's always tomorrow, and the mystery of what tomorrow brings is what insurance is for.  

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16 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Old people enduring anything to live another month or two always seemed a bit sad and desperate to me.


That's terminal cancer.


You may have the option, pay for treatment, and you may go into remission and live to die an old man.  Don't pay, or can't afford to pay, or are uninsured, well, go to the temple and arrange the BBQ.


I am no fan of insurance companies, but in many cases, those with it have lived, while sadly, those without it have perished.  


There's no NHS in Thailand.   

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On 2/21/2021 at 12:52 PM, BritManToo said:

I accept my death when it comes, I'm 65 now and have already had my time.

Old people enduring anything to live another month or two always seemed a bit sad and desperate to me.

I don't really believe in surgery, OK for repairing impact damage, but always seemed a failure for cancer.

Known plenty of people operated on that had cancer, they all died shortly after, wishing they'd never been cut.

I had surgery for prostate cancer- wish I'd had something else. Kept me alive but hardly worth living. I'll never have surgery for cancer again. I only went through with it because I was still middle aged. If I got it at my age now I'd never do that. Existing isn't living.

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You’ve really got to have a good pension or other form of income from abroad to stay here. $2k USD is what immigration asks as the minimum to do the monthly retirement method, and I’d say that’s about right to be comfortable.


I’m in my late 40’s. When I talk to farangs 10-20 years older, many are often blessed with good pensions from their years having worked at some big famous company in the Western world. Well, I was born a bit too late for that. My entering the working world in the 90’s is about when that sort of work was disappearing, replaced with being outsourced, offshored, and scaled back, with most of what I ended up with being in crappy sales and retail. Thus I have no such outside income to fall back on, and my plan has to be going back home in about five or so years. I’ve got a place with mom, and she’s not going to be around much longer.


Luckily my Thai wife likes this idea, as she’s got a great work ethic, likes to see the money coming in as she works, and has been well aware that in Thailand this is severely limited. The fact she could be making around $20 USD, or 800 baht an hour, is really mind blowing to her and most Thai people. She sees the time we keep spending here as wasted money. We still have many working years left, and more opportunities to advance our careers back in the US, with me in teaching, and her in hospitality.

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2 minutes ago, CrunchWrapSupreme said:

You’ve really got to have a good pension or other form of income from abroad to stay here. $2k USD is what immigration asks as the minimum to do the monthly retirement method, and I’d say that’s about right to be comfortable.


The fact she could be making around $20 USD, or 800 baht an hour, is really mind blowing to her and most Thai people.

1) Marry a local or father a child and that drops to 40kbht/month ($1,300).

Not something most foreigners in Thailand find hard to accomplish.


2) Not that mind blowing when they find it's not actually enough to live on and 1 medical event will bankrupt you.

Edited by BritManToo
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On 2/15/2021 at 7:01 PM, foreverlomsak said:

Please tell me about being able to remain in Thailand by maintaining 28,000 Baht in a bank I've never seen anything about it before, I'm very interested.

I think the Original poster cleared this up as it was dollars not baht.

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On 2/20/2021 at 5:12 AM, Sujo said:

Then curl up your toes.


i too have never had health insurance, or any insurance of any kind. Never will i get it.


Health insurance seams like more of a US thing. The rest of the developed world not so much.


count me out of that cycle.


It all sounds fine but......This ^^^ is pretty much why Thailand will eventually insist on insurance being part

of any Visa extension renewal. It is coming even more now after the previous year of virus scares.


Thailand in recent years has become well aware of many old falangs refusing to have health insurance (mostly due to lack of funds)  only later to lose their nerve

when the real pain of dying comes & showing up at hospitals begging. Then literally skipping out of the hospital leaving bills behind after their death


Kind of all started around the time that Graham (Graham & Pie fame ) died after doing the go fund me page for his heart bypass

Next we had a few months of articles about how most Falangs has less than xxx baht per month to live on etc. Which came as a surprise to

most Thai's who thought all falangs had money trees back home sending baht


Not long after that the baht requirements & the time it was locked up in your proof of funds accounts for visa extansions changed to longer locks.


Anyone who thinks mandatory health insurance is not coming to a immigration renewal near you is not paying attention ????


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On 2/15/2021 at 5:27 PM, Clive said:

Looking way into the future what options are open to foreigners who can't make it to the immigration office to renew their visa due to inability to walk/alzheimers or some other medical condition.

This is the main reason I got Thai citizenship. 


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On 2/24/2021 at 9:42 AM, meechai said:


Anyone who thinks mandatory health insurance is not coming to a immigration renewal near you is not paying attention


Anyone who isn't well off enough to self insure, or doesn't have health insurance, isn't paying attention and should not be living in a foreign country.

Edited by Susco
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On 2/15/2021 at 8:51 PM, DoneTravelling said:

You really believe Thailand is tops in health, wow. Hospitals are fairly inept, private hospitals are just money grabbing. 

My wife had constant headaches, after a 10 minute consultation in a private hospital she was crying like crazy, the quack had told her she needed emergency brain surgery, it turned out she had blocked sinuses. Numerous other doctor stories I can tell.

Either your wife is dense or the doctor is. I'm guessing it's the uneducated one. 

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On 2/15/2021 at 6:42 AM, Jingthing said:

You've posted a false assertion which I strongly suspected. 

I think they do help with 90 day reports if you live in Bangkok only. 

The visa assistance in that link is about the ORIGINAL Elite visa.

I don't see any mention of them actually taking for of the ANNUAL EXTENSIONS if you're in Thailand when they are due. If you aren't in Thailand when they are due, you don't need to do them at all, that is true.
So you're basic assertion is just wrong.

For me it would be a strong feature if I didn't need to do 90 day reports or annual extensions in Thailand. But living in Pattaya, NOPE.

The Thai Elite Site lists the support\assistance the provide with 90 day reports and other  government service  like drivers license, extensions, work permits etc. Not sure of the exact support but they list the turn around time for this support for each of those areas. You can go to the website and see it for yourself if you doubt it 




As a state-owned enterprise, we are able to provide personalized support services for contacting other Thai government agencies regarding important documents to facilitate a productive visit in Thailand, such as: a visa application, passport inquiries, business networking, bank accounts and a driver's license.


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10 minutes ago, Dan O said:

The Thai Elite Site lists the support\assistance the provide with 90 day reports and other  government service  like drivers license, extensions, work permits etc. Not sure of the exact support but they list the turn around time for this support for each of those areas. You can go to the website and see it for yourself if you doubt it 




As a state-owned enterprise, we are able to provide personalized support services for contacting other Thai government agencies regarding important documents to facilitate a productive visit in Thailand, such as: a visa application, passport inquiries, business networking, bank accounts and a driver's license.


No! They do not assist with ANNUAL EXTENSIONS. 

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