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U.S. conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh has died: Fox News


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3 minutes ago, CrunchWrapSupreme said:

It's undone many a right winger. There was Dr. Laura's rant about the NAACP, on her long running radio show supposedly offering family advice. There was Hank Williams Jr letting us know how he really felt about a black man in the white house, so that we'd never hear "Are you ready for some football?" again. Then most recently, Gina Carano decided to make an abrasive comment toward the ethnicity most in charge of her employer, then was shocked to find they had sacked her.


Free speech? Snowflakes? Or sometimes, you just gotta know when to shut up. From an ethical standpoint certainly, we should all just be nice to other, but also from a practical business standpoint, which conservatives should surely understand, knowing there will be consequences to actions toward your employers, sponsors, or customers.


Anyway, Rush. My grandma caught his short lived TV show in the 90's. She thought he was ridiculous. She worried about him getting a heart attack with how worked up he got. Well, he somehow ended up winning that battle. Rest in peace, Rush.

Kinda like Lou Dobbs being canned from Fox for spewing lies? Great job by them! Sadly, they've got a lot more to go.

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2 minutes ago, Jeffr2 said:

I use to be a Republican! Many years ago. I started listening to Rush around 1990. Just while I was driving to work.

When did you come to your senses and realize the error of your ways?



Edited by PatOngo
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I liked his TV show in the 90s. He was funny. I viewed all that stuff at the time as light hearted humor, political for sure but amusing. I feel like over the years he became much more of an actual political figure and his inciteful rhetoric was harmful. 

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3 hours ago, donnacha said:

All of the people you mentioned are on television, not radio, and none of them are funny. Their whole schtick was repeatedly making the same predictable jokes about George W. Bush, then going oddly quiet during Obama, then going into turbo-mode during Trump. Boy, they're going to miss him.

Television involves lots of money and is, therefore, easily pressured into sticking rigidly to the establishment line. Just look at how many people are now getting canceled for expressing thoughts that would not have raised any eyebrows just a few years ago. That is not a healthy recipe for creativity.

Radio and podcasts have far more freedom, but actually need to be entertaining to retain an audience.


Sure, TV is not supercompetitive. Fox tried to do a funny news show. It died almost immediately. But even if it were true that radio was the true test right wing commentary spiced with jokes is dying there too. 

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He never really debated anyone did he? For example his views versus someone who is a well spoken progressive or even someone with such statue such as Chris Hedges.


Nope I don't think Rush was much into that. I'll be corrected though if I'm mistaken.

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