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U.S. Border Patrol arrests 4,500 migrants in a day, a major increase amid fears of surge

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2 hours ago, Isaan sailor said:

Let me weigh in on Biden’s implied invitation to illegals. During his abbreviated campaign, Joe Biden promised to halt border wall construction and not built even one foot of wall. He also promised no deportations in the first 100 days.

That’s enough for tens of thousands to head north for the border. Sure looks like an open invitation to me.


Biden ended some hardline border policies of his predecessor, Donald Trump, proposed a pathway to citizenship for people in the U.S. illegally and promised in an executive order to “create a humane asylum system.”


It extends only to an estimated 26,000 asylum-seekers with active cases under Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” policy, which Biden halted. As of Monday, 2,114 people in the program had been admitted to the U.S. at crossings in San Diego and in the Texas cities of El Paso and Brownsville.




It's not just what he promised during the campaign, it's what he's done in office.


Every time they implement an amnesty for illegals in the country, they encourage the next batch to come across illegally and wait for the next amnesty.



3 hours ago, Sujo said:

so he had no open border policy. But repubs said he did. And they keep lying about it making things worse than they need to be.


Hows the wall trump promised would fix all?

How many links do you need to show Biden did endorse an open border policy.  Was 4 not enough for you? 



image.png.eca8ea12e992a2985fe73431dcce22f7.pngIn terms of Biden and for that matter the Democrats not being for open borders, maybe you can explain why the all endorsed Health Care for illegals if they didn't intend for them to be here in the USA or did you "infer' that they meant they were going to send a fleet of U.S. Navy Hospital ships south of the border. 

Regarding the wall, it was never an end all just like ICE can not stop it all but cancelling it is like pulling the alarms out of the bank.  It is sending a message that its time to cross illegally again.


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An assortment of totally off-topic posts have been removed, including numerous on U.S. voting rights issues, perceptions of news media outlets, Biden's mobility, etc.


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13 hours ago, EVENKEEL said:

That's what biden promised, and now they want to blame trump for the crisis.

Blame lies with both.  Trump inflamed MAGA members about migrants.  Delayed the transition.  Biden offered a glimmer of hope, and was unprepared for the surge.  CV19 had a huge impact also.


In the end, blame the politicians.  Mostly the GOP.  For hampering efforts to deal with immigration properly. 


And...no easy answers.  It's extremely complex.

13 minutes ago, WaveHunter said:

I think it's amusing that extreme-left politicians (i.e.: Biden, Harris, Schumer, Peloci, et al) often accuse the Right of egregious behavior, when in fact they are really describing their own actions.  Of course the Right is no less guilty of this behavior. 


It's almost like they all are trying to deflect their own political gamesmanship by accusing others of just what they themselves are guilty of...or put another way, "The pot calling the kettle black"


All of this unproductive bickering for political gain is the real issue!  If elected politicians would just do what they were elected to do which is to SERVE THE PEOPLE, we'd all be in a much better place right now.

I read a detailed article on the problems at the border.  I'll try to find it again.  In summary, it's a mess caused by hurricanes in CA, CV19, Biden's election, and a terrible transition by Trump.


They're trying to get facilities setup, but due to Covid, difficult to do.  And in the end, a mess created by politicians from both sides of the isle kicking this can down the road for decades.


Don't fall for the sensationalist headlines on the right wing media sites.  Yes, it's a problem.  But not 100% the fault of Biden or the dems.  The GOP is equally to blame.



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6 hours ago, Jeffr2 said:

I read a detailed article on the problems at the border.  I'll try to find it again.  In summary, it's a mess caused by hurricanes in CA, CV19, Biden's election, and a terrible transition by Trump.


They're trying to get facilities setup, but due to Covid, difficult to do.  And in the end, a mess created by politicians from both sides of the isle kicking this can down the road for decades.


Don't fall for the sensationalist headlines on the right wing media sites.  Yes, it's a problem.  But not 100% the fault of Biden or the dems.  The GOP is equally to blame.




I'm sorry but it seems to me that the Biden administration is handling this in an absolutely horrible and irresponsible way, trying to scapegoat the previous administration for the crisis when any rational thinking person can only conclude that it was primarily Biden's pre-election rhetoric and his Executive Orders that are the root cause of the massive surge on the Southern border right now. 


Playing these stupid word games like calling it a manageable "challenge" instead of a crisis fools nobody.  If they truly believed that the previous administration caused this, they'd have no problem at all calling it a crisis, but they don't because they are trying to cover their *ss for this blunder, which they clearly know is of their own doing.


All these excuses, blaming the previous administration, hurricanes, and any other things they can come up with are pure nonsense...  Just how gullible do they really think the public is?




Even Biden-loyal democrats and right-leaning media like CNN are becoming more and more critical of the Administration's actions, especially since their reporters presently are banned from investigating and documenting present conditions of the holding facilities, and being told that the Administration will provide documentation "soon".  OH MY GOD!!!  The whole purpose of the "Fourth Estate" is to keep government in check and accountable through unfettered INDEPENDENT REPORTING, not to be spoon fed propaganda!


It truly insults the intelligence of the average American to be treated like this!  EVERYONE, irregardless of their political leanings should be outraged by all of this!  Biden promised that his Administration would be the most transparent in history.  From what I see so far it is absolutely the least transparent one of all time!


I agree that all politicians on both side of the aisle are more concerned about scoring political points rather than solving problems, BUT the Biden Administration is supposed to be leading the country now.  They are in charge and the President is the Captain of the ship.  He and he alone is accountable.  The buck stops in the Office of the President of the United States, and he has clearly dropped the ball.


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6 hours ago, Jeffr2 said:

Blame lies with both.  Trump inflamed MAGA members about migrants.  Delayed the transition.  Biden offered a glimmer of hope, and was unprepared for the surge.  CV19 had a huge impact also.


In the end, blame the politicians.  Mostly the GOP.  For hampering efforts to deal with immigration properly. 


And...no easy answers.  It's extremely complex.

I agree both administrations have to share a lot of blame for the current situation but you sure are being awfully kind to Biden..."a glimmer of hope"?  That really sums it up?


You make it sound so benign, so altruistic on his part, like it's purely a humanitarian motive and had nothing to do with the Democratic agenda to get more immigrants into the country to provide ultra-low cost labor and to create a larger democratic voting base.   Am I being too partisan to actually believe this could possibly be a motive?


But yeah, I couldn't agree more with you...the real blame lies with politicians on both sides of the aisle, more concerned with scoring political points that serving the needs of the public. 


I think I'll try and recover from all of this by re-watching Jimmy Stewart in "Mr Smith Goes to Washington" again ????


3 hours ago, WaveHunter said:

You make it sound so benign, so altruistic on his part, like it's purely a humanitarian motive and had nothing to do with the Democratic agenda to get more immigrants into the country to provide ultra-low cost labor and to create a larger democratic voting base.   Am I being too partisan to actually believe this could possibly be a motive?



I've heard this over and over again from the right and it just baffles me.  The GOP is supposed to be the party of Christians....so why don't you embrace Christians?  Latin Americans are largely Catholic and would appear to be a huge demographic that could help to revitalize and diversify the Republican Party.  Why would you think that they automatically vote Democrat?  For starters, if the leader of your party would stop calling them "murderers and rapists," that would help.  I know, you'd prefer to prevent people from voting rather than sell them your vision of America.

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2 hours ago, Berkshire said:

I've heard this over and over again from the right and it just baffles me.  The GOP is supposed to be the party of Christians....so why don't you embrace Christians?  Latin Americans are largely Catholic and would appear to be a huge demographic that could help to revitalize and diversify the Republican Party.  Why would you think that they automatically vote Democrat?  For starters, if the leader of your party would stop calling them "murderers and rapists," that would help.  I know, you'd prefer to prevent people from voting rather than sell them your vision of America.


Wow; you make a lot of assumptions about me without even knowing me.  And FYI, I do not have a party; I am an independent voter...


You also seem to like using out of context half-truths to make your points, such as your reference to "murderers and rapists", when anyone who listened to that speech in its' entirety (not edited partisan sound bites) clearly and unequivocally heard him refer to some of the illegal aliens being previously CONVICTED murderers and rapists, not ALL of them being "murderers and rapists.  Sorry but I really take offense at people who try to twist facts to meet their personal narrative.  It's dishonest and it's just plain wrong! 


Furthermore, anyone whose families were impacted by a murder or rape at the hands of an convicted, illegal alien would probably and rightfully agree that tighter reigns need to be applied to who and who is not admitted into our country, which is all that Trump was saying in that speech.


4 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

This issue is being politicized to a ridiculous degree, by conservatives. But, as usual with foul rhetoric, the circumstances are not anything close to the facts on the ground. 


It may seem ironic, but even as it carried out the cruelest anti-migration policies in decades, the Trump administration presided over the largest flows of migration at the U.S.-Mexico border since the mid-2000s. This continued through Donald Trump’s last months in office, which saw migration rise sharply even as stringent pandemic measures made the pursuit of asylum impossible. 


Of the 114 months since October 2011 for which WOLA has detailed monthly data, February 2021 saw the third-most Border Patrol encounters with migrants. While third-most sounds like a lot, the impact on border authorities’ workload is minimal because Title 42 persists. Of the 96,974 migrants whom Border Patrol “encountered” in February, it quickly expelled 72 percent. The remainder whom Border Patrol actually had to process last month—26,791 migrants—was the 77th most out of the past 114 months. Being in 77th place hardly constitutes a crisis.





Very selective sample quotes.

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1 hour ago, WaveHunter said:

What's so damn funny?


I just saw this comment by American VIce President Kamala Harris, and it just infuriates me how she could be so cavalier, laughing as though this is all a big joke!  Is this anyway for the Vice President of the United States to react to this CRISIS?  That disingenuous laugh of hers just grates on me everytime she uses it!





She likes a good laugh.

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27 minutes ago, nauseus said:


Very selective sample quotes.

OK, show us how this is not being politicized. Give us some of your own sample quotes. Ones that are factual, please. 

1 hour ago, WaveHunter said:

You also seem to like using out of context half-truths to make your points, such as your reference to "murderers and rapists", when anyone who listened to that speech in its' entirety (not edited partisan sound bites) clearly and unequivocally heard him refer to some of the illegal aliens being previously CONVICTED murderers and rapists, not ALL of them being "murderers and rapists.  Sorry but I really take offense at people who try to twist facts to meet their personal narrative.  It's dishonest and it's just plain wrong! 


Please.  Let's look at exactly what Trump said:


“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. […] They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people”


You'll notice that Trump states as a categorical fact that they're bringing drugs and crime and that they're rapists. But he only assumes that some are good people. He won't even concede that's a fact. There's nothing in that statement that would rule out that none of them are good people.

 What's more, undocumented aliens actually commit less felonies on average than do native born Americans. So, if anything, they're lowering the crime level in the usa.


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More off topic posts and flaming comments toward other members have been removed. If posters here continue insulting fellow members with their comments, suspensions are going to result.


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Troll post removed.   I don't think we are ready to discuss the 2024 election in this thread.


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Let's look at a couple of facts:

The overwhelming majority of American public schools are overcrowded and underfunded. Additional resources must be provided by schools to support non-English speaking students as well as those whose prior education has been lacking. Approximately 50% of the funding for public schools comes from property tax - taxes paid by owners of dwellings in each school district. The other 50% comes from U.S. taxpayers.


The cost of medical care in the U.S. is among the highest in the world. American taxpayers foot the bill for medical care for those who are unable to pay, mostly via Medicaid and similar taxpayer funded programs.

Nearly all of the refugees traveling through Mexico to the U.S. border are penniless, have no skills and are poorly educated (according to U.S. standards). All that are admitted into the U.S. will be entitled to free (taxpayer supported) healthcare, free education for their children as well as other entitlements.


Depending upon which nonprofit organization provides the figures, anywhere between 15-20% of children living in the U.S. do not get enough food. Several charity drives are currently underway to solicit money to provide food for students who are dependent upon school lunches for nutrition, but whose parents cannot afford to provide food while students are not in school during the pandemic.


World population is just shy of 8 billion people. Of those 8 billion, what percentage would fall into the categories of economically disadvantaged, politically persecuted, or in fear of violence?  Let's say 10%, with the vast majority falling into the economically disadvantaged category. That's 800 million people worldwide. The population of the U.S. is made up of approximately 300 million citizens, and as many and 15-30 million illegal aliens - so 330 million in total. How many of those 800 million people worldwide who could claim "refugee" status should be accepted into the country?  Neither the Trump or the Biden administrations have ever indicated that there will be any sort of limitation on the number of "refugees" that the U.S. can support in any given year. "Refugees" from which countries should be accepted - only those countries from which migration is easier?  What about the millions of potential refugees from African and Asian nations who would surely show up at America's borders en-masse if only they had the means?

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6 hours ago, DrDave said:

Let's look at a couple of facts:

The overwhelming majority of American public schools are overcrowded and underfunded. Additional resources must be provided by schools to support non-English speaking students as well as those whose prior education has been lacking. Approximately 50% of the funding for public schools comes from property tax - taxes paid by owners of dwellings in each school district. The other 50% comes from U.S. taxpayers.


The cost of medical care in the U.S. is among the highest in the world. American taxpayers foot the bill for medical care for those who are unable to pay, mostly via Medicaid and similar taxpayer funded programs.

Nearly all of the refugees traveling through Mexico to the U.S. border are penniless, have no skills and are poorly educated (according to U.S. standards). All that are admitted into the U.S. will be entitled to free (taxpayer supported) healthcare, free education for their children as well as other entitlements.


Depending upon which nonprofit organization provides the figures, anywhere between 15-20% of children living in the U.S. do not get enough food. Several charity drives are currently underway to solicit money to provide food for students who are dependent upon school lunches for nutrition, but whose parents cannot afford to provide food while students are not in school during the pandemic.


World population is just shy of 8 billion people. Of those 8 billion, what percentage would fall into the categories of economically disadvantaged, politically persecuted, or in fear of violence?  Let's say 10%, with the vast majority falling into the economically disadvantaged category. That's 800 million people worldwide. The population of the U.S. is made up of approximately 300 million citizens, and as many and 15-30 million illegal aliens - so 330 million in total. How many of those 800 million people worldwide who could claim "refugee" status should be accepted into the country?  Neither the Trump or the Biden administrations have ever indicated that there will be any sort of limitation on the number of "refugees" that the U.S. can support in any given year. "Refugees" from which countries should be accepted - only those countries from which migration is easier?  What about the millions of potential refugees from African and Asian nations who would surely show up at America's borders en-masse if only they had the means?

A lot to unpack there, but I'll give it a try.   I'll start with the big picture of refugees in general.  


There are a lot of refugees in the world, and a significant number are real, genuine political refugees.  The US under almost every President has set a number of refugees that will be admitted to the US.   We don't take them all, we don't have to and we don't try.  We do, historically, make an effort to get things in their country functioning in a manner that allows them to stay or return.   And yes, we create more refugees with our military interventions than we allow to enter the US.      

So on this thread we are ONLY dealing with the ones who are arriving at our borders or our ports of entry.   That alone moves the numbers from the millions to the thousands.   Now with the border effectively closed, it's primarily unaccompanied minors that are being admitted.  Although it's a rather big mess right now, it will be sorted out.  


Like all major influxes of people, problems exist and problems develop.  Whether it's a rock concert like Woodstock or the Fyre Island festival, when a lot of people have the same destination, expect a degree of chaos. (Check on the Spring Break situation in Miami).  This is complicated by a pandemic and a good number of young people being held in detention who are Covid positive.   


They will be working there way through the detention system, they will get placed in proper child care facilities, foster homes or with the relatives they have in the US (please note, some of the younger ones are coming with phone numbers/addresses sewn into their clothes.  


The conservatives are upset that they are coming in.   The liberals are upset that they are held in detention.  Life sucks, but they will get them through the system and get them into safe and proper care.   Then they will start screening them.  If they aren't refugees they have a good chance of being returned to their family.   Some of the younger ones who have relatives may be allowed to stay as an immigrant, but that requires some legal gyrations, but the family does have to show they can financially support the child.


Schools were overcrowded before they came.   They'll be overcrowded after they come.   That's a different problem and its solution has zero to do with whether refugees are admitted.   US citizens were going hungry before they came and they'll likely be hungry after they come.  The solution to that problem has zero to do with refugee children.   


So, the decent and humane thing to do for any child is to provide them with safe care until their life situation is sorted out.  It's what we do for kids found wandering in the streets or lost in a shopping mall.  It's what we need to do for those at our border.


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