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Thailand to cut quarantine for vaccinated foreigners to 7 days from April

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5 minutes ago, bdenner said:

I certainly DO NOT want any of the drugs you appear to be on!

Pardon me? 


I asked what country you come from. 

I hope its not the UK, where my mother flew in from China last March, not even temp. taken. 

Scottish started quarantine last month! 

I hope its not the US. 


Go on tell us how your country is doing better. 

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17 minutes ago, beano2274 said:

So from which countries are these tourists gonna come from? In Europe it is not the Holiday period, and also no country has inocculated their citizens twice. The only country that is so far is Israel, and their next holiday is the same as European countries @EASTER@

not entirely true about Israel being the only nation that has 2 doses implemented, I'm in UAE and i had my 2nd shot Feb 15th, I'm supposed to receive the Start status for the Government Covid Application, this will give me special privileges, however to remain in the star status I need an PCR Negative result in the previous 7 days.

So if I leave the country after 7 days I will lose my start status, but if I return after 2-3 months and make a PCR at the airport upon arrival, I will get the start status back with 24 hours. having a start status allows me to miss the full 14 day Quarauntine, I will only have to produce Negative results day 6.

Who knows how long the vaccines will ensure protection, I think we all agree that boosters will be needed in the 12-24 month period after the initial injection.

I’m hoping for good news by the CCSA next week.

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3 hours ago, wasabi said:

I fail to see the logic of the 3 month window for vaccinated people and reduced quarantine. Why penalize people who will have had the vaccine before that but have every reason to believe the vaccine is fully efficacious for years to come? A window period for covid testing, yes I understand that. But the same logic does not apply to vaccines as the previous poster stated there is no way to describe this other than retarded.


And make the quarantine period ZERO days since no one except expats and the hard core will want to come for a quarantine vacation even if it is on a yacht or a golf course. I can understand wanting to wait til 70% of the population is vaccinated but after that need to just let 'er rip.

I agree with you but you have used two words in your argument that Thailand just doesn't understand. Logic.

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On 3/8/2021 at 4:29 PM, Jonathan Fairfield said:

Thailand will from next month reduce its mandatory quarantine from 14 to seven days for foreigners arriving in the country who have been vaccinated against the coronavirus, its Health Minister said on Monday.

They have killing their tourism industry down to a science.  Well, they should be happy that the Chinese actually want to come here.  I wonder what special deal the Chinese will get in their vaccination bubble agreement.  Until Thailand ditches the quarantines most people ain't coming regardless of the alternate reality TAT lives in.  

In the meantime?  Mexico is wide open with no restrictions on entry.  Want to go to a Mexican beach.
"Bienvenida gringo!!!"
Just saying.  Some countries facilitate the arrival of tourists and make it easy; other countries make it a pain in the butt to enter their country no less actually doing anything but sit in isolation and all for a hefty price tag.
"Ai farang nak tang tieow."

Which mindset is actually going to make money?


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9 hours ago, scorecard said:

True and a very valid point. However the economy and all Thais having enough funds to survive well is also valid and that means income from tourist activity.

There is a conflict of personal values here. While countries like the USA have a leaning to freedom and independence, Thai people are the opposite and prioritize their live over material goods. They will be OK, how many are on the streets here compared to the West?

I feel there is a selfish attitude here from some expats, criticizing Khun Anutin for not giving them enough respect and a pass to come and go as they like. 

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Interesting this will exclude UK as they are giving second dose after 12 weeks instead of 3 weeks recommended by manufacturers. Also Thailand is unlikely to be able to vaccinate so many of its population by October this year and must take into consideration its citizens who will not accept vaccination which will probably be high as they will not accept they are at risk bearing relatively low infection rates. Guess no substantial international tourism this year 

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Interesting this will exclude UK as they are giving second dose after 12 weeks instead of 3 weeks recommended by manufacturers. Also Thailand is unlikely to be able to vaccinate so many of its population by October this year and must take into consideration its citizens who will not accept vaccination which will probably be high as they will not accept they are at risk bearing relatively low infection rates. Guess no substantial international tourism this year 

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Interesting this will exclude UK as they are giving second dose after 12 weeks instead of 3 weeks recommended by manufacturers. Also Thailand is unlikely to be able to vaccinate so many of its population by October this year and must take into consideration its citizens who will not accept vaccination which will probably be high as they will not accept they are at risk bearing relatively low infection rates. Guess no substantial international tourism this year 

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Interesting this will exclude UK as they are giving second dose after 12 weeks instead of 3 weeks recommended by manufacturers. Also Thailand is unlikely to be able to vaccinate so many of its population by October this year and must take into consideration its citizens who will not accept vaccination which will probably be high as they will not accept they are at risk bearing relatively low infection rates. Guess no substantial international tourism this year 

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Obviously Thailand does not trust any vaccine and rightfully so as it takes about 10 years to develop a safe

vaccine, not a few months.  All of this propaganda about vaccines being so effective is to give people hope,

prop up the stock markets and keep on spending by buying more junk from China.  Are you willing to be a guinea pig?

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This will exclude travellers from the UK who will probably have to wait until next year if infection rates have minimised by then. The vaccination programme for Thailand is ambiguous as does not state in addition to health  workers number of at risk Thais who will  need to be vaccinated. Judging by the quantities or vaccine's ordered it will be impossible to vaccinate so many Thais this year  

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On 3/8/2021 at 2:02 PM, madmen said:

Send her to Mexico 

I will probably go there if Thailand is not open.

Seven days is still about seven days too much for me.

Or actually, I have said I would never go to Thailand unless they drop the quarantine but in reality I could stay up to 3 days in quarantine as it usually takes a day or two to recover from the long flight and time difference, lack of sleep etc. but even that would require a decent hotel price and no rip-off insurance.

Edited by rabang
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Whether Quarantine has been reduced to Seven Days or 2 Days, it is still Quarantine.

A period of time which has to be taken into consideration for the period of time you have as a Tourist to be in any Country.

Most Westerners only have a period of 18 days at anyone time for a Vacation, and if you consider taking 2 Days ( MIn ) out for Travel to and from your Destination that only leaves a Maximum 16 Days at your Destination.

Seven Days from that time will only allow you a period of 9 days absolute freedom to enjoy your Vacation.

A very high price to pay for a short Holiday.

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56 minutes ago, koolkarl said:

Obviously Thailand does not trust any vaccine and rightfully so as it takes about 10 years to develop a safe

vaccine, not a few months.  All of this propaganda about vaccines being so effective is to give people hope,

prop up the stock markets and keep on spending by buying more junk from China.  Are you willing to be a guinea pig?


Don't agree. Plenty of reports from experts saying that nowadays it doesn't take 10 years because of many big advancements in research and testing methodologies etc. 

Most if not all of the virus experts say that the vaccine isn't a magic bullet that will fix everything because people can still be carriers of the virus but having been vaccinated means there's a very strong possibility the virus won't develop in that person.

As more and more people get vaccinated the whole situation gets stronger and less chance of the virus taking hold in the population.

I'm waiting my turn for the vaccine, I'll get the first shot of Astra Zenica in the next 10 days, looking forward to it with no hesitation. Then second shot 12 weeks later. 

We live in a rampant capitalist world, the fact that big business makes money is a fact of life which I would prefer is different, but with the epidemic around us it's not the main point, not at all. 

Edited by scorecard
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I thought Thailand wanted tourists back งง makes no sense at all so you only gain 3 days less quarantine for getting vaccinated sorry but pathetic.

everyone's going to Grease and all the other countries that are lifting all restrictions to try get the world back to some normally.

Thailand has done really well during this pandemic in-fact amazing well but with the summer heat here and people arriving having been vaccinated AND doing the covid test before even getting on the plane... come on thailand time to lift those jail days for the vaccinated world and let the tourism’s devastated industry recover and rebuild better future for your country. 

Churchill inspired lol 

Edited by flyingfox1
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On 3/8/2021 at 4:53 AM, bolt said:

Great News

I'm due to fly any time after April 1, and I've already had 2 Vaccine Shots, with the 2nd Shot Feb 15th, so I'm in the Green Zone

You better hope you have acceptable proof, or you may be turned away. The question is, what is accept proof to them? They talk about a “vaccine passport”. Anyone seen one yet?

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10 hours ago, Neeranam said:

There is a conflict of personal values here. While countries like the USA have a leaning to freedom and independence, Thai people are the opposite and prioritize their live over material goods. They will be OK, how many are on the streets here compared to the West?

I feel there is a selfish attitude here from some expats, criticizing Khun Anutin for not giving them enough respect and a pass to come and go as they like. 

Many expats go to another country and don’t seem to understand that they are not home with the same rights. It is why many countries get disgruntled that the West seems to impose their views on the rest of the world no matter how “right” it may be.

8 hours ago, mbenson said:

The implications of the 3 month period after vaccination are interesting. I assume this means that after three months, one must be vaccinated again to be able to come to Thailand within another three-month period.

I guess with both shots again? Tough in countries that are short of vaccines. What about Thai travelers, for example. They can get their first two shots and then travel with only the shorter quarantine upon return, I assume. After three months passes, considering the shortage of vaccines in Thailand now, I guess they would need to get their second round of shots, possibly before other people get their first round.

I don't believe this is very practical. Will people delay their vaccinations so they can make their trip to Thailand within the three month period? Dangerous. Will people be out to get multiple rounds of the vaccine in order to suit their travel plans? Is it even recommended to get two rounds of a vaccine during any period?

I think they will just have to do the full 10 days. It will likely change anyway when they see how long immunity actually lasts.


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Anutin living in his own little fantasy world again. The guy can't help it, he's clearly got issues, but Thai Visa should know better than to report another one of Anutin's  dreams as a fact. You're not just spreading disinformation, you're getting people's hopes up for them only to be dashed again. 

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On 3/8/2021 at 7:35 PM, Big Yuley said:

rumour? or fact

not that it means anything to me.


australia still lock the people in until June

Australia is 1 big concentration camp We Australians have reverted back to a penal colony 1788 , Morrison and all Governments serve Technocrats not us the people , we have ceased to stand for anything inside Australia.

PM Morrison first Democracy country or Supposably so called free world ! outside of Russia ,China ,North Korea to imprison an entire population governments have ceased to Govern for the people ! Government politicians are our employees and we let them get away with this ?

We are owned and privatised by corporations oligarchs  technocrats along with Corrupt CCP bought own Australia  via political greed and corruption Federally & State have sold once great proud country from under the people feet into slavery this will go on for decades 

Everything is backwards & upside down 

Lawyer destroy justice 

Psychiatrist destroy minds

Scientist destroy truth

Major media destroy information

And Governments destroy freedom


Edited by Mad mick
spelling errors
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On 3/8/2021 at 4:54 PM, damascase said:

Just saw a different take in a Thai newspaper: ‘Shorter quarantine for vaccinated arrivals possibly from October’.  But even that is nothing more than a proposal. So, don’t hold your breath!

That October was probably a Google/Facebook translate error. I have seen Google translate months in to totally wrong month. Last time I saw it was on post from a spokesman that say the restrictions would ease up in July, but Thai version said February.

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