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Study Shows Both Sinovac and AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccines Are Effective


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5 minutes ago, Jeffr2 said:

Good Information



Actually, that graphic is somewhat out of date:

Broader storage conditions for Pfizer vaccine bring GPs into the fold

The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has joined regulators in the US and Europe in approving storage of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine at domestic freezer temperatures.
Announced late last week, the changes will enable ‘greater flexibility in storage, transport and deployment’ of the mRNA vaccine across Australia, the regulator said.
Chief Medical Officer Professor Paul Kelly said the announcement is ‘really good news’ following the Federal Government’s decision to broaden its recommendation for use of the Pfizer vaccine for people under the age of 50, and says it opens up the opportunity to bring GPs on board.

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

Prof Dr Yong Poovorawan, a senior virologist at Chulalongkorn University, explained that people who get the first AstraZeneca jab had a 98.3% immunity against COVID-19, compared to 99.4% in people who had received the second Sinovac jab and 92.4% in people who had been infected with COVID-19.

So the studies demonstrates that the Chinese vaccine is more effective (99.4%) than the British one (98.3%).
Great result! Thank you, China, for providing Thailand with such an effective medication.


Edited by onthedarkside
off topic social media video removed
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5 hours ago, DLock said:

Fake News.


This "report" cites no clinical methodology or clinical data to support. Complete bunk.


There are dozens of reports out there to support the business...here is just one.







From NPR on April 26:


"The United States will release 60 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine from drugmaker AstraZeneca to other countries over the next several months, the White House announced Monday.


The vaccine, which has not been authorized for use in the U.S., will be released once it clears safety reviews by the Food and Drug Administration. That could happen in the "coming weeks," White House press secretary Jen Psaki said at a press briefing.


The AstraZeneca vaccine has been widely used across Europe and elsewhere around the world. But the company has not yet applied for emergency authorization in the U.S. The vaccine is reported to be effective at preventing transmission and hospitalization, but the company has faced questions from U.S. regulators about data from its trials."




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26 minutes ago, placeholder said:

It's clear that much, if not most,  of the criticism directed at the Coronavac vaccine has a lot to do with animus against the Chinese govt and little if anything to do with the epidemiological facts.

And the same can be said about the Russian Sputnik V.

Edited by Brunolem
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4 minutes ago, Brunolem said:

And the same can be said about the Russian Sputnik V.

There have been some quality control problems with the manufacturing of the vaccine in Russia, but the vaccine itself is a very effective one and is also being manufactured elsewhere under license.

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3 hours ago, stuandjulie said:

Well l you could always look at the UK figures which are online. AZ is working well to reduce the infection and 49 deaths out of 35,000,000 injections.

I know but I want to know how they come such high figures here in Thailand

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5 hours ago, stuandjulie said:

Well l you could always look at the UK figures which are online. AZ is working well to reduce the infection and 49 deaths out of 35,000,000 injections.


I've looked at the UK figures and couldn't find 35 mil AZ jabs:




This safety update report is based on detailed analysis of data up to 28 April 2021. At this date, an estimated 11.4 million first doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine and 22.6 million first doses of the COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca vaccine had been administered, and around 8.1 million and 5.9 million second doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine and COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca vaccine respectively. An approximate 0.1 million first doses of the Moderna vaccine have also now been administered.


As at 28th April total of 19.5 mil Pfizer jabs, and 28.5 mil AZ jabs.  Significant part of the UK vaccination is done with Pfizer jabs.

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10 hours ago, placeholder said:

It's clear that much, if not most,  of the criticism directed at the Coronavac vaccine has a lot to do with animus against the Chinese govt and little if anything to do with the epidemiological facts.

Agreed.  Buy why are China and Russia holding back data?  If they released it, more countries would buy them.  Makes you wonder....

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According to a recent study conducted by myself, vaccinations are 60% effective.


The results are:


9 people vaccinated (AZ)

3 people infected ( 2 mildly, 1 serious)

2 People suffered mild side effects (headache, sore arm)


The research from Chula seriously lacks data to be of any credibility. The results they show are the same as reports from other countries.


Actually, these are people I know, but it certainly doesn't put me off getting vaccinated.

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16 hours ago, placeholder said:

Can you cite the source of this alleged fact?

Here is an actual fact for you. Only 12% of Colombians have been vaccinated.


I wasn't talking about how many people in Colombia had been given a jab. I was talking about how Sinovac has failed to work on those receiving it. Maybe go to Specsavers?

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2 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

This seems like propoganda meant for the commoners.


Jusr waiting for the "super" poll which shows that 117% of the people think the Sinovac vaccine is safe, effective, and whitens the skin.

My neighbor just got her Sinovac jab 3 days ago.  Said nobody was there in line and the hospital told her to get others to come down for the shot.  From what I understand, most Thais are not interested in the Chinese jab.


IMHO, it's a fine jab.  AZ is better, but has some potential issues.  As do all vaccines.

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16 hours ago, placeholder said:

Those would be countries ruled by superstition and ignorance. There are plenty of studies that show that Coronavac, for one, is very effective against hospitalization and a symptom called death. Right now, in Brazil, a city has had over 98% if its adult population vaccinated with Coronavac and hospitalization and death rates have plummeted. And this in an area where the virus is raging all around it.

I just looked at the CDC site here and it says Brazil is reporting 78,338 deaths in the last 30 days.

Edited by jonnit
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7 hours ago, gearbox said:


I've looked at the UK figures and couldn't find 35 mil AZ jabs:




This safety update report is based on detailed analysis of data up to 28 April 2021. At this date, an estimated 11.4 million first doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine and 22.6 million first doses of the COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca vaccine had been administered, and around 8.1 million and 5.9 million second doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine and COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca vaccine respectively. An approximate 0.1 million first doses of the Moderna vaccine have also now been administered.


As at 28th April total of 19.5 mil Pfizer jabs, and 28.5 mil AZ jabs.  Significant part of the UK vaccination is done with Pfizer jabs.



OK, good to know.  Back to the original post you can always compare relevant data against the 35m 28.5m AZ jabs in the UK. 

I do not believe that will change any outcomes...

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7 hours ago, gearbox said:



As at 28th April total of 19.5 mil Pfizer jabs, and 28.5 mil AZ jabs.  Significant part of the UK vaccination is done with Pfizer jabs.

I think with the onset of blood clots related to the AZ vaccine the tendency has been to introduce the Pfizer vaccine more into the U.K..

My daughter and her husband ( early 30’s ) were due to have AZ jab at the weekend, a few days before they were contacted and told that they would now be having Pfizer next week.

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A few academic questions for the good Professor - what was the study methodology, the sample characteristics and how were study participants selected, where are the data and analysis, were the study, data and results peer reviewed, and the question of potential conflicts of interest involving funding and all researchers who participated in the study?  Once all these questions are answered to academic satisfaction, then we are in a position to accept or reject the results.  Until then, this article can be considered fake news at best or professional acadamic fraud at worst.  As far as I am aware, both China and India have yet to provide the above information with respect to their vaccines.

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13 hours ago, friendofthai said:

So the studies demonstrates that the Chinese vaccine is more effective (99.4%) than the British one (98.3%).
Great result! Thank you, China, for providing Thailand with such an effective medication.


It doesn't really show that. As epidemiologist repeatedly not, you can't compare the results of tests taken either at different times or different locations. A lot depends on what variant of the virus is dominant in the local where it is being tested.

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7 minutes ago, placeholder said:

It doesn't really show that. As epidemiologist repeatedly not, you can't compare the results of tests taken either at different times or different locations. A lot depends on what variant of the virus is dominant in the local where it is being tested.

They're obviously from China. LOL

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20 hours ago, webfact said:

Prof Dr Yong Poovorawan, a senior virologist at Chulalongkorn University, explained that people who get the first AstraZeneca jab had a 98.3% immunity against COVID-19, compared to 99.4% in people who had received the second Sinovac jab and 92.4% in people who had been infected with COVID-19

Yet tests in other countries show different much lower effective rates?

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2 hours ago, SmartyMarty said:

I wasn't talking about how many people in Colombia had been given a jab. I was talking about how Sinovac has failed to work on those receiving it. Maybe go to Specsavers?

You may have been talking about it but you provided no evidence to support your contention. Whereas there is plenty of evidence to show that Coronavac is very effective against hospitalization and something called Death. Unless Colombians are significantly different biologically from other humans, it doesn't seem like you have much of a case.

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Hrad to please everyone as regards to vaccine. I am just grateful that these covid-19 vaccines were developed at record shatterring pace rather than the decades for typical vaccines. Polio vaccine took more than 50 years and vaccines for HIV and Zika still elude scientists. I am sure that the scientists at Chula reviewed the effectiveness from major database such as PubMed, Medline, Global Health and other clinical trial registries. Any meaningful lab trials will just take too long for Thailand's immediate problems. If the Chula's study is able to give confident and change some minds of those who have prejudice for certain vaccines, then it is good. 

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20 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

Wait till people vaccinated with Sinovac try going abroad to countries that do not recognise it as effective. 

They might be living at the airport for years as nobody will want them except China.

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