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Phuket: Brits busted for flouting Covid regulations at illegal pool villa party


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27 minutes ago, BangkokBoyJohnny said:


Practically every Phuket beach has more than a few bars selling beers in plain site, no coffee cups required !

I'm not saying this is right or wrong, just saying the Police don't bother with those bars/customers for "some" reason...



Nod ,nod, nudge wink, a nod as good as a wink to a blind bat.

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Making the news should help this elderly couple, who apparently had not violated the national laws. (Who knows re local ordinance.)


At any rate, from appearances, they are owed an apology from the local officials. Or at least the brown envelopes should be returned. This is not good Thai hospitality, esp given age of those involved and that its clearly a family and their guests.

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15 hours ago, aussieinphuket said:

afternoon BBQ to celebrate Mother’s Dad and a few friends invited no

more then 12 people including 5 family members so seems no one allowed to have a BBQ at own villa it’s under the so-called 20

limit imposed but obviously Rules for

Some and Rules for others .. you visit the beach bars at Bangtao now and they are serving alcohol and

more then 20 people drinking seems different rules … where does it say we cannot drink in own villa it states bars and restaurants and certain establishments cannot serve alcohol ??? this is way over the top obviously disgruntled neighbours or someone after a bung ….


maybe you dont understand how rules work in Thailand just yet. 

Bar owners make donations each week so things aren't seen and if ever an issue it will be "a misunderstanding".  


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8 hours ago, chickenslegs said:

Great news for Port Vale - they normally don't get half that crowd.

They would if they offered free oat cakes ( Stokies will know this delicacy).

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7 hours ago, Deli said:


Neighbor is a snitch. Beware.

Many Thai's are xenophobic snoops and snitches. They are snooping on your wifi internet, the CCTV on every corner, in every shop, in every hall way of your guesthouse. Even some have hidden cameras inside the room!

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8 hours ago, Ketyo said:

When we went on holiday to Brittany we saw all the Brits there sitting around drinking wine like in the picture.


They are a menace, the Brits. In fact all the French are the same. They should all be deported if they can't stop blowing themselves up with their own petard.

Yea mate, put 'em against the wall!




Dunno what the af you mean about "petard" though, do you actually know what you're talking about?





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19 hours ago, gearbox said:

There appears to be rules to ban social gatherings of more than 2 people which are not from the same family,

But we  are  all farangs  from farangland ask any Thai and just like the Thais have been "taught"  are  all  one  big  happy family, ergo  no  offence.

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23 hours ago, ChipButty said:

So, how many does it take to make a party? 

It only takes 2 to tango, dancing is banned, making noise must have been 2much for the neighbours. 

Thais can make as much noise as they like. 

Having fun with a couple of friends is now another excuse to punish falang virus spreaders, only this news could go viral on Facebook, does not cause covid spread, someone should tell the police this. 

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I eventually saw that video it's like the Gestapo does the police chief need to be going to sort that out? or maybe he doesn't trust his subordinates 

Good job they were not smoking a joint,

Made me laugh how he made a big deal of a small ice box with a couple of bottles in it, good job he doesn't look in my beer fridge it's full my wife stocks it up everyday

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12 hours ago, Liverpool Lou said:

I didn't make the laws and it doesn't matter what I think of the regulations during Covid restrictions (I don't agree with most of them but I comply) and I sure don't need any help from you, thanks.

6 people in private house does not break any laws , have more people in 7-11 waiting to be served on daily basis 


If there were 10-20 drunk people acting stupid you might have a case but 2 families with kids ? 

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3 hours ago, faraday said:

Yea mate, put 'em against the wall!




Dunno what the af you mean about "petard" though, do you actually know what you're talking about?





"Hoist with his own petard" is a phrase from a speech in William Shakespeare's play Hamlet that has become proverbial. The phrase's meaning is literally that a bomb-maker is lifted ("hoist") off the ground by his own bomb (a "petard" is a small explosive device), and indicates an ironic reversal, or poetic justice.[1]

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