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Foreigners will definitely get vaccine in Thailand; urged to register from August


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6 hours ago, phantom51red said:

June yesterday.

WHAT? Thailand get your LIES straight!!!!!!!!!!! August is along way from JUNE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


But we are WHITE DEVILS so it doesn't matter if we die while the local population is being vaccinated?


RED ALERT that is RACISM! The world is watching and hearing your bigotry!

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Some of you guys have lost the plot !!!

Why should Thais not come first ?

As a farang in Thailand & you really think that you deserve special treatment before Thais,,,,,, go home or have a major rethink about your status.

By then Hospitals will have stock anyway & you can go & get innoculated.

It is not about how much but when ?

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6 hours ago, Surelynot said:

Our only hope is that Thais freak out, refuse the vaccine and the junta are left with millions of vaccines on the shelf.

I wouldn't think that, quite  a selfish thought. The Government is good enough to purchase the vaccines, I hope the Thais will take the vaccination up , it's for them and the country's safety.

what will you be doing, what are you hoping for. Why would Thais want to freak out.

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6 hours ago, Surelynot said:

Tried earlier this week......no go.......I was told it is still illegal to register foreigners for a vaccine........although they might have list of those interested?

is that for the PAID vax or for the mythical FREE Government one? Coming from never never land.................

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Just more bigoted, racially charged gobbledygook from a government can’t see the forest for the trees. When are these folks going to learn that anyone and everyone can transmit this disease regardless where they hail from. Sheer stupidity not to recognize this and get on with inoculating every living soul that wants one. I’ll happily pay for mine. 

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6 hours ago, DirtyHarry55 said:

Just because you registered doesn't mean you will get it I expect they will check who qualifies first by Nationality, Age and Health.




Where and how?

Do you have a booking confirmation yet?

My 35 healthy Thai wife gets her first shot next week (Phuket).

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Complete disgrace.

My healthy Thai wife will get her first jab next week (Phuket), while my 68 year old German neighbour with underlying health conditions can apply god knows when. Even though Phuket will open to tourist. 



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7 hours ago, Surelynot said:

But in a very strict, racist pecking order....with foreigners right at the end of the queue.

What are you worried about. Keep in line with the recommendations, keep your distance.,wear a mask in public you'll have no problem.  But is your immune system in good stead it's most important.

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7 hours ago, webfact said:

He said that it was true that Thais would go first but foreigners then the homeless or tramps would go next, reported Spring News

This Pandemic has led me to question whether moving to Thailand permanently is the right thing to do. The fact that vaccination of the general population hasn't even begun yet in any serious sense is bad enough but knowing I'm considered just one rung up the ladder from a tramp has shed a new light on the country for me.


I've heard others talk about racism in Thailand but in all honesty, other than dual pricing, I've never experienced it - until 2020 that is.

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7 hours ago, webfact said:

He said that it was true that Thais would go first but foreigners then the homeless or tramps would go next

Well, if anyone was wondering how the Thai government feels about expats, this statement says it all!

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2 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:

This Pandemic has led me to question whether moving to Thailand permanently is the right thing to do. The fact that vaccination of the general population hasn't even begun yet in any serious sense is bad enough but knowing I'm considered just one rung up the ladder from a tramp has shed a new light on the country for me.


I've heard others talk about racism in Thailand but in all honesty, other than dual pricing, I've never experienced it - until 2020 that is.

Theres plenty rich people turned to a tramps life style. Look up the person who wrote the poem. What is this life if full of care . Poem "Leisure " see what one misses in life

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7 hours ago, keith101 said:

It seems very obvious to all of us that this Government really has no idea what its doing or any clear timeline for doing it  The PM (Prayuth)& Deputy PM (Anutin) should both resign and leave politics forever . IMO .

Its just money.  Its too good to walk away from.  

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i suspect there will be some "row back" on this , clearly racist statement, from the Bangkok authorities.

 Astra Zeneca/Oxford  developed the vaccine and effectively donated the manufacturing rights to Thailand (at nominal cost) on the basis that it was distributed fairly to those in need. I would expect some reaction once this is brought to their attention.

This is not so simple as "this is Thailand , its their country, they can do as they wish!"

The fact is, this is not "their" vaccine.  

Edited by wordchild
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7 hours ago, tonray said:


Well....I know some foreigners who might qualify under either category

I would thing the Homeless and (so called tramps) would be one of the most at risk groups. I have been registered to receive my vaccine the same time as the Thai teachers at the school where I work. 


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Isn't there a song .."Gypsies (dirty Farangs i.e. not many allowed permanent residency) tramps and thieves" , didn't realise it was written by a Thai minister . Almost back of the queue boys but do please continue to spend here wont you , if you survive. 


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6 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

From Bumrungrad:


It is also our intent to support the Thai government in providing COVID-19 vaccines to the public.
 If you are planning to get vaccinated for COVID-19, we would love for you to reserve the COVID-19 vaccine through us by providing the information below, so that we can provide you with our quality service when the vaccine is available. 


Name Prefix (Mr./Ms./ Miss/ Mrs.)


Name & Last name (According to passport)




Date of Birth (D/M/Y)


HN (Hospital Number)


Passport Number


Thai Social Security number or Tax Number


Do you have any underlying disease?  


Current home address




Contact Number


For further inquiries, please feel free to contact us by emailing [email protected] or calling 02-0115566. 

Thank you for your trust in Bumrungrad International Hospital.

At the request of the central Thai government, the survey was suspended by Bumrungrad. Apparently it is better to not have data on the need for foreigners residing in Thailand to receive the vaccine while they are actively being ignored, disregarding the virus' inability to distinguish between Thai and "other", let alone between "other" holding a valid work permit and those retired.


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