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On 5/23/2021 at 4:50 PM, WineOh said:

I can only stomach that for 24hrs though then I have had enough.

Last time I was in Pattaya I did 48 hours and it felt like 48 days.


I really do hope they clean that place up before Thailand reopens. 

Why ? There are dozens of places for you to visit, all us drop kicks (Aussie slag for a muppet) only have the one place, Pattaya.  If its closed, we dropkicks will still be around but just go elsewhere.


I don't drink or smoke, and my gf and I love going to Patts precisely becasue it is what it is. If you want a sanitary, hiso, sterile experience , just go go to Singapore or the dozens/100's of other places.

Edited by BumGun
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On 5/23/2021 at 12:13 PM, WineOh said:

I can understand why the government wants to clean up this image.


I never go to Pattaya because I know that it's filled with people like Mark.


Hopefully upon reopening a different kind of tourist will come and maybe then I can go to Pattaya for my weekend breaks.


"I never go to Pattaya because I know that it's filled with people like Mark."


I agree with you, it is not as worse as Pattaya, but on Phuket happens the same <deleted>.

I live there for 11 years, so I know where I'm talking about.

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This reminds me of the series Big Trouble in Tourist Thailand that ran for a season on UK TV a few years ago... I am no longer surprised what these yobs get into in the Thai tourist traps these days... 



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Alcohol creates this scenario relentlessly. There are very few meth related violent psychotic episodes and ZERO with all other drugs except booze,  in spite of 80% of the prison population being in jail for using drugs, and yet getting as out of control as the juiced-up ginger wuzzock in the first few minutes of the episode only attreacts a 'hefty fine'.

Funny old world, innit?

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On 5/23/2021 at 6:10 PM, jastheace said:

a northerner, from the north of england i assume....

i met a guy from the north of england, who was telling me that the further north you went, the friendlier the people were, but looked like he was happy to fight anyone who disagreed with this. he was from manchester.

not surprising how many guys from this area make it onto the thai news regularly. i prefer to make acquaintances with the shandy drinking southerners myself...



Stereotyping! ........Oh yeah.


Also,"a notherner, from the north of england"


Where would you think they come from ...........Belgium???


"Not surprising so many from this area make it onto the thai news regularly"


Please back that statement up that people from the North of England make into the Thai news with more frequency than anywhere else!


I doubt if you can, in fact I know you cannot.

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2 hours ago, Lacessit said:

11 years here, never had a problem in any bar ( well past them now ). I don't know why dressing neatly, being polite, and drinking moderately is such rocket science.


Not rocket science, just not as much fun for some!

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On 5/23/2021 at 8:41 PM, clivebaxter said:

Went in 94 with a tour group, almost all went straight to a travel agent after a look round to get off somewhere else like Kho Chang, I stuck it out. Went back for a week a few years later but left after one night, I gave it a go, but the place was just stomach churningly horrible, people, music, bars and even the sea!




That's when it was a good place that all the old TVF posters hanker back to as they days of old or the glory days!


Koh Chang?


I love the place and even in 2019 it was an enjoyable holiday.


I wouldn't go to Pattaya if you paid for everything and a business class flight.






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15 minutes ago, Scouse123 said:


I wouldn't go to Pattaya if you paid for everything and a business class flight.


throw in free drinks and 10 grand spending money and i'd go for a long weekend (fri-mon)


I wouldn't be taking the wife though ???? 

Edited by WineOh
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34 minutes ago, Scouse123 said:


Not rocket science, just not as much fun for some!

I've never seen much fun in getting legless, throwing up, and having a hangover the next day, but perhaps I am different.

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2 hours ago, BumGun said:

Why ? There are dozens of places for you to visit, all us drop kicks (Aussie slag for a muppet) only have the one place, Pattaya.  If its closed, we dropkicks will still be around but just go elsewhere.


I don't drink or smoke, and my gf and I love going to Patts precisely becasue it is what it is. If you want a sanitary, hiso, sterile experience , just go go to Singapore or the dozens/100's of other places.


At least the sex scene is legal there, and here's another funny thing, they once used to ban table dancing in Singapore for some nanny reason. Then, they repealed the law, can you guess what happened next?

Well colour me prohibitionist, the 'Illegal" table dancing (this is girls, young clubbers, twerking drunkenly on club tabels) vanished overnioght.

No challenge -no fun. 

When the goons lay off the pepole and what they can and cannot do, most people dont feel the urge to break the law so much.

Theres a moral to this the "authorities" worlodwide need to cotton on to, they might even see crime go down, "sin tax' profits go through the roof, and less drunks around -if there are better alternatives. to use to alter reality with.

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1 hour ago, chalawaan said:

Alcohol creates this scenario relentlessly. There are very few meth related violent psychotic episodes and ZERO with all other drugs except booze,  in spite of 80% of the prison population being in jail for using drugs, and yet getting as out of control as the juiced-up ginger wuzzock in the first few minutes of the episode only attreacts a 'hefty fine'.

Funny old world, innit?

I would agree marijuana is much less likely to result in violence, users are more likely to giggle.

I have to disagree with your implication meth is not dangerous. Mohinder Singh was off his head on meth when he killed four police officers in Victoria, and meth is destroying many rural towns in Australia. It's just as dangerous as alcohol in removing inhibitions.

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20 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

I would agree marijuana is much less likely to result in violence, users are more likely to giggle.

I have to disagree with your implication meth is not dangerous. Mohinder Singh was off his head on meth when he killed four police officers in Victoria, and meth is destroying many rural towns in Australia. It's just as dangerous as alcohol in removing inhibitions.

Meth is absolutely dangerous.

As can be Marijuana for certain types of people susceptible to mental illness.


One of the cleanest drugs out there is pure MDMA.


Compared to ingesting Alcohol it is like eating a fresh bowl of fruit, or so the data suggests.

(and this is coming from a regular drinker!) ???? 

Edited by WineOh
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1 hour ago, Lacessit said:

I would agree marijuana is much less likely to result in violence, users are more likely to giggle.

I have to disagree with your implication meth is not dangerous. Mohinder Singh was off his head on meth when he killed four police officers in Victoria, and meth is destroying many rural towns in Australia. It's just as dangerous as alcohol in removing inhibitions.

I dont dispute those claims, but it is prohibition that created the scenario for that truckie to be overdosed.  Legal meth would carry scientific dosing educatuon to allow users to safely hit the sweet spot.

t's also important to understand that addiction is in the person, not the substnce, furthermore the overall addiction rates in the population are very low, even in the current "wild west" of drug distribution. If all substances can be made available in pharmacies, the few people with use problems could then get help, instead of 80% being caught between gangsters and the law.

Until the science is respected, this will blight the world. The drug "problem" was created by making drugs a problem!

If we can live with the worlds worst drug ALCOHOL according to modern medical science, being avaiable at supermarkets, then the rest cannot be justified as being criminalized to "protect public health." it is illogical.  


I accept there are problems in rural towns, but two points,:

Despair is at the root of communities turning to drugs as a coping mechanism, see the Veitnam war heroin phenomenon, when GIs mostly quit on leaving Veitnam, cold turkey.  The second point is that the media still very much use the language of prohibitionist propaganda so, while some communities may experience a bigger than usual problem, I am leery of words like "destroying rural towns". If we accept that booze is a bigger problem than meth as far as (surprisingly) addiction rates and secondary social harms, then, sorry, that's just media driven non-sense. If a family/group of 5 are doing meth in a town of 50 the media can claim rightly, the town has been "decimated" by meth, but in context, it's just weasel words.  


The fact is, The Third Riech conquered Europe on a Meth fuelled blizkrieg, so where were all the Whermacht addicts -apart from Hermann the dope hoover?


You see, meth in supermarkets would really be no less bother than a litre of booze in a supermarket. A litre of booze could probably kill me in one sitting, but the "authorities" trust us to not do that, so why would any other drug work any differently in the minds of consumers?  Clean safe controlled doses of ANYTHING won't addict or harm most people.  One really has to hammer meth to get addicted, and most people know their limits with anything mind altering. Those that don't, need underlying personal help, not locking up!

It's time we got logical with drugs and drug use, because until we do, the debate can't progress. Legal drugs = less crime OVERALL. Why wouldn't the law and order brigade not want that?

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2 hours ago, WineOh said:

Meth is absolutely dangerous.

As can be Marijuana for certain types of people susceptible to mental illness.


One of the cleanest drugs out there is pure MDMA.


Compared to ingesting Alcohol it is like eating a fresh bowl of fruit, or so the data suggests.

(and this is coming from a regular drinker!) ???? 

I fully agree, but alcohol is more dangerous, so what's the difference? We've been brainwashed about drug dangers, after all -everything is dangerous when used to excess and without education, and yes, I have had my own struggles with drink too. But how worse off would I be Iif I was locked up for being a binge drinker?

We'd be horrified by that, but a different substance, and suddenly its OK to treat people like murderers and rapists?

Lets never forget, One can choose to die at any time, just by legally buying and using legal alcohol and legal sleeping pills or legal opiates for pain. Where is the moral panic over that? 


So by what logic then, is taking all of the most dangerous drugs, and criminalizing their existence, helping the problem of people overdosing? How does this help society? How has this stopped the hauls that are now measured by the tonne?


Why don't the "authorities" realize that the scale and street value make risking death for the rewards a reasonable ROI? What if that money went to treat ALL public health issues, not just addiction? Instead of enriching the very worst criminals, the ones that do mass behaeadings and such in Mexico, eventually, that will happen here, the more they clamp down, the higher the market demand and costs, eventually, the riches are just too vast to let a few dinosaurs and their goons stand in the way. And if theyre in on it, even more reason to legalize and keep the brownies honest.


When they do a bust two things happen, the price goes up, and the arrested perps create a vacuum, the vacuum is filled by the meanest mofo on the block, we know this , yet to any sane person this sounds like a crazy way to preserve law and order, by creating a market scarcity in a growing market, and perpetuating gang warfare on our streets.? Just so what, we can think our kids are safe? From whom? Not the dealers. Maybe if the drugs were availabe in a pharmacy at a sensible price, kids would not be able to get their hands on them. But a dealer will give drugs away if they think they have a long term customer on the hook.


Yes, all drugs are dangerous, and even moreso because they're banned. The tragedy is, the "authorities" banned them for fear they would be too dangerous to market legally, they were horribly wrong, and with examples like Portugal now enjoying its 20th year of Europes least problematic drug durisdiction, they've been proven wrong, yet still bumble on...  

Prohibition is a disatrous extortionate failure.

Edited by chalawaan
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1 hour ago, chalawaan said:

I fully agree, but alcohol is more dangerous, so what's the difference? We've been brainwashed about drug dangers, after all -everything is dangerous when used to excess and without education, and yes, I have had my own struggles with drink too. But how worse off would I be Iif I was locked up for being a binge drinker?

We'd be horrified by that, but a different substance, and suddenly its OK to treat people like murderers and rapists?

Lets never forget, One can choose to die at any time, just by legally buying and using legal alcohol and legal sleeping pills or legal opiates for pain. Where is the moral panic over that? 


So by what logic then, is taking all of the most dangerous drugs, and criminalizing their existence, helping the problem of people overdosing? How does this help society? How has this stopped the hauls that are now measured by the tonne?


Why don't the "authorities" realize that the scale and street value make risking death for the rewards a reasonable ROI? What if that money went to treat ALL public health issues, not just addiction? Instead of enriching the very worst criminals, the ones that do mass behaeadings and such in Mexico, eventually, that will happen here, the more they clamp down, the higher the market demand and costs, eventually, the riches are just too vast to let a few dinosaurs and their goons stand in the way. And if theyre in on it, even more reason to legalize and keep the brownies honest.


When they do a bust two things happen, the price goes up, and the arrested perps create a vacuum, the vacuum is filled by the meanest mofo on the block, we know this , yet to any sane person this sounds like a crazy way to preserve law and order, by creating a market scarcity in a growing market, and perpetuating gang warfare on our streets.? Just so what, we can think our kids are safe? From whom? Not the dealers. Maybe if the drugs were availabe in a pharmacy at a sensible price, kids would not be able to get their hands on them. But a dealer will give drugs away if they think they have a long term customer on the hook.


Yes, all drugs are dangerous, and even moreso because they're banned. The tragedy is, the "authorities" banned them for fear they would be too dangerous to market legally, they were horribly wrong, and with examples like Portugal now enjoying its 20th year of Europes least problematic drug durisdiction, they've been proven wrong, yet still bumble on...  

Prohibition is a disatrous extortionate failure.

I don't disagree with legalising all drugs, all the evidence indicates it takes the criminal element out of the equation. And as one senior policeman in Victoria said of meth, we can't arrest our way out of this problem.

My only caveat is when someone commits any crime under the influence of drugs, they get tried and sentenced as if they were stone cold sober. NO copouts, they chose to put the stuff into their bodies.

It's called taking responsibility for one's actions.

Edited by Lacessit
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On 5/23/2021 at 12:13 PM, WineOh said:

I can understand why the government wants to clean up this image.


I never go to Pattaya because I know that it's filled with people like Mark.


Hopefully upon reopening a different kind of tourist will come and maybe then I can go to Pattaya for my weekend breaks.

This was mostly filmed in BKK quit bashing Pattaya Muppet 

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On 5/23/2021 at 12:13 PM, WineOh said:

I never go to Pattaya because I know that it's filled with people like Mark.


I suggest you don't bother going to England either. They are impossible to avoid there, in every pub, on public transport etc.


Impossible to avoid them over there. Millions of them.

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On 5/25/2021 at 11:05 AM, Scouse123 said:



Stereotyping! ........Oh yeah.


Also,"a notherner, from the north of england"


Where would you think they come from ...........Belgium???


"Not surprising so many from this area make it onto the thai news regularly"


Please back that statement up that people from the North of England make into the Thai news with more frequency than anywhere else!


I doubt if you can, in fact I know you cannot.

yes i can.

here is the latest.

next you'll say it's the only one. it's not.... it's the latest.... of many many many. 


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3 hours ago, jastheace said:

yes i can.

here is the latest.

next you'll say it's the only one. it's not.... it's the latest.... of many many many. 




That's the UK, all drunks and murderers!


Get a life, you silly man 


I have seen horrific crimes over 25 years committed by all different types of nationalities.


Your comments are racist, unfounded and out of order. Also, one historical case, does not back up your wild accusations.


Provide statistics over the last 20 years.

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17 hours ago, Scouse123 said:

Your comments are racist, unfounded and out of order. Also, one historical case, does not back up your wild accusations.


Provide statistics over the last 20 years.

historical? 555 I'm hysterical.

You want ME to provide you with 20 years stats? I'm hysterical.

I don't suppose you have the internet where you are...?

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1 hour ago, jastheace said:

historical? 555 I'm hysterical.

You want ME to provide you with 20 years stats? I'm hysterical.

I don't suppose you have the internet where you are...?



Just as I suspected, another keyboard warrior spouting nonsense without anything to back it up!


Of course you should back up statements you make with links or facts otherwise they become as meaningless as your silly posts!????????

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