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Hospitals postpone Covid jabs amid delays in domestic AstraZeneca production


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15 minutes ago, placnx said:

First of all, at 3000-4500 there will be many Thais also wanting Pfizer or Moderna. When could the Pharmaceutical Organization get a sufficient supply? In order to limit the demand, would those signed up for the public jab be blocked from the private hospital route?

You make a couple of interesting points.  The remark I heard by by a government official about the Private Hospital Association's plan gave no indication of a timeframe, so it's a wait-and-see situation, I guess.


I doubt that those receiving a public vaccination would be prevented from then receiving a second vaccination from a private hospital, but then again, it wouldn't be too surprising if that were indeed the case.


Unfortunately, My crystal ball is offline at the moment so I can't say more ????

Edited by WaveHunter
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10 hours ago, sammieuk1 said:

Sure there will be a minister or Czar along soon  to reinforce the importance of registration for the now very common placebo vaccine of fresh air available from any government minister in huge abundance ????

Can you be sure that air is fresh, after all most of it is hot.

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1 hour ago, placeholder said:

As I understand it, the USA, at least, is projected shortly to have a glult.

They have one now. Reports of many vials being tossed at the end of day as fewer are getting the jabs.


Time to share with the rest of the world!!

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12 hours ago, Shuya said:

Yet still the government doesn't allow any other vaccine into the country, before they can celebrate the "big win" with locally produced AZ from the bestest company ever.

Maybe the Generals are wary of section 112 .......

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3 hours ago, Jeffr2 said:

They have one now. Reports of many vials being tossed at the end of day as fewer are getting the jabs.


Time to share with the rest of the world!!

Yes, it's true that they decided that it was better to get unvaccinated people done regardless of whether there were enough present to use the whole vial. Talking about having smaller vials. Anyway, I think that the wastage figure was around 0.5%.

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Why is this one company in sole charge of making the vaccine? The fact India also set one up making up Astra Zeneca and were producing months ago (albeit selling their vaccines abroad). 


They might have just done better buying direct the companies, instead of attempting to home produce. 

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18 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

...In another article it mentioned that Anutin said Siam Bioscience are contractually obliged to deliver on time other get supplies from another country...

The EU has stopped buying the AstraZeneca vaccine and there should be plenty available now for export to Thailand.

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10 hours ago, placeholder said:

There are ongoing studies I believe. I don't know what the data shows so far.

You should be ok as long as you wait at least a month between shots.  Emphasis on Should be.  This is not medical advice.  So far the only thing the studies found is that short term side effects may be worse if you mix AZ and Pfizer.  Presumably it would be the same mixing with Sinovac.

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13 hours ago, connda said:

Which in turn puts this Anutin quote from February in perspective:

"We have signed a contract with AstraZeneca for at least 61 million doses, not with Siam Bioscience. If Siam Bioscience's plant can't produce the vaccine, it means nothing to us. This is because the purchase agreement clearly stated that AstraZeneca will provide the vaccine, not Siam Bioscience,"

Can't or won't?  Talk about a predictive assertion.  ????

And the fact is, Thailand's vaccine response is totally dependent on SB producing AZ vaccines in massive quantities.  They burnt their bridges by roadblocking the private hospital importation of other more effective Western vaccines.  When profits trump public health, this is what the resultant mess looks like.
I expect to see much ministerial squirming and mealy-mouthed excuses over the upcoming months.  Everyone but those responsible will be blamed.


He just reiterated something like this the other day. Frankly, I find it hard to believe that AstraZenca is on the hook if Siam Bioscience makes some sort of massive blunder and can't deliver. I would find it quite odd that AZ would assume all of the liability if the local facility failed. Ostensibly AZ has spent a bunch of money on the "technology transfer" perhaps with equipment, certainly with personnel on site, training, testing, etc. Has SB spent nothing of their own funds? Curious.

Imagine if the plant burned down? AZ would be on the hook to supply the full production of target of 61 million doses? If SB can't produce the targetted monthly production numbers, is AZ required to make up the shortfall? If so, according to what timetable?

Sounds like the Thais got themselves a brilliant agreement with AZ.

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5 hours ago, placnx said:
9 hours ago, Jeffr2 said:

They have one now. Reports of many vials being tossed at the end of day as fewer are getting the jabs.


Time to share with the rest of the world!!

Yes, it's true that they decided that it was better to get unvaccinated people done regardless of whether there were enough present to use the whole vial. Talking about having smaller vials. Anyway, I think that the wastage figure was around 0.5%.


When I went in for my shots a few months ago, they were pre-loading the syringes in a back room to expedite more jabs per hour.  It was a pretty impressive assembly line, with desks to check ID and other desks to do the jabs.  I can't see them binning vials which can be put back into the fridge.  Maybe a few pre-loaded syringes at the end of each shift.  That would account for the 0.5%.


Obviously, those pre-loaded syringes won't be sent out of the country.


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4 hours ago, impulse said:


When I went in for my shots a few months ago, they were pre-loading the syringes in a back room to expedite more jabs per hour.  It was a pretty impressive assembly line, with desks to check ID and other desks to do the jabs.  I can't see them binning vials which can be put back into the fridge.  Maybe a few pre-loaded syringes at the end of each shift.  That would account for the 0.5%.


Obviously, those pre-loaded syringes won't be sent out of the country.



Great news.  It would be horrible for shots to be wasted when so much of the world is in dire need of these!!!!


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On 5/25/2021 at 8:13 AM, nickmondo said:

why do any of you take any notice of anything that is announced about the vaccines?

dont even bother reading it.

Just wait until the vaccines are actually available.

otherwise, it will just annoy you, so why bother?

or about anything else ?

Because announce is made for inform, but we are still impressed by the process and the difference between an announce and the reality after... it is really fantastic, spectacular, incredible, and particular.

I think also that this should also be something important to observ tor understand well Thailand: announce vs reality. Because it is the same for everything else there, and there is zero evolution.

We can just look and laugh.

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On 5/25/2021 at 7:34 AM, hotchilli said:

The Thailand we all know & love... promise everything deliver nothing.

Prayuts plan all along was Siam Bioscience to come to the rescue...

The first rule of being an end supplier is you don't have your sole supply chain in one manufacturer, with only one supplier trying to keep up the demand, if it breaks down or can't keep up you're stuffed.

Eggs in one basket syndrome again.... but then what does a military chief know about supply & demand in a commercial world.

Most successful organizations have a creditable second source in their supply chain to ensure not being locked into a single supplier.


You don't need to be a rocket scientist and only need half a brain to to understand this basic rule of supply and demand. 

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25 minutes ago, berrec said:

Most successful organizations have a creditable second source in their supply chain to ensure not being locked into a single supplier.


You don't need to be a rocket scientist and only need half a brain to to understand this basic rule of supply and demand. 

Thailand has scraps from China and still waiting for AZ from Siam Bioscience, while 3rd wave ravages the population.... what a mess.

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6 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

Thailand has scraps from China and still waiting for AZ from Siam Bioscience, while 3rd wave ravages the population.... what a mess.

It could sure be better, that's certain.  With the UK variant here now, and the country being attacked with the Indian variant from the Northern border, and now the African variant from the Southern border, I think public officials are waking up to the fact that they need to get their sh*t together.  You can see the new sense of urgency in the daily CCSA briefings.


Honestly I think it is the private hospitals that are going to change the picture.  When it comes to efficiently setting up supply chains and delivery to the end user, commercial enterprises (which is what private hospitals really are) are almost always more efficient than the public sector.

Edited by WaveHunter
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On 5/25/2021 at 9:29 AM, pixelaoffy said:

Wouldn't trust ANYTHING to be pumped into my body produced by a certain nation 

Are you talking about Russia?  North Korea maybe?  Or the Muslims.  Oh yes of course its China!  They are the imminent threat now to the land of creating enemies.  (Creating an external enemy is the oldest trick in the book to unite the people internally when the country is turning to sh##t#.  We dont have to mention what country that is do we lol!

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On 5/26/2021 at 4:27 PM, ray666 said:

Seeing is believing, they can not organize a <deleted> up in a brewery. Useless bunch of money grabbers. What`s the next lie ?  

Hahaha  I think you are talking out of your brown asterick!.....they are definitely not useless at grabbing money!

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