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Thailand’s AstraZeneca plan stumbles again as third wave rises


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With "leaders" like this, is it any wonder that it's still a third world country? 

What a farce... sad and a poor reflection on these decision makers. How many more must die, become infected, infect others, lose their jobs and businesses before this gets sorted out? Rest assured that those at the top have had their jabs already. 


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5 hours ago, Cake Monster said:

And all week we have a stream of Tosh from Anutin stating the AZ vaccine would be on time Etc Etc.

Maybe he is not a top Government Figure any longer.

If not , why not ?

Not Anutin's fault, no one would lend him a watch!

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

This week, top government figures stopped assuring the Thai public that millions of doses would be ready when mass vaccination starts in less than two weeks on June 7.


And on Wednesday, the Centre for COVID-19 Situation Administration (CCSA) suspended the country’s main jab-booking platform, Mor Prom, on the pretext that other apps had been launched to respond to the fast-changing situation. CCSA promised that people who had already made Mor Prom bookings would get their jabs but stayed silent on whether this would be on their chosen date and locations.

Prayuts strategy is falling apart


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I go back so far that I had to take ROTC at university. They put me in charge of a troop to march around the University of Illinois armory. Things were going fine and then I forgot the commands and marched my troop straight into a brick wall. They didn't actually hit the wall, they just stopped short and marched in place until I could think of a command to turn them around.

That's what we're doing now.

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11 minutes ago, nchuckle said:

This is the really interesting  bit - 


Most people seem to be misunderstanding this nugget. and Thaiger definitely wet themselves on it.


CRA can source Sinopharm.


That's it.


Unbunch and dry those panties.



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Longer time between first and second shot would be insane. The Indian varriant only protects 33% for AZ and Pfizer ( and most probably also Moderna) after first jab. It only after getting second that immunity goes up a lot. In Uk they just reduced the time from 12 to 8 weeks. These monkeys here want bring it to 16 weeks


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7 hours ago, Denim said:

Anutin and Prayuth have a master plan to cover this situation.


They are going to treat the public like mushrooms.


Keeping them in the dark and feeding them on BS.

That is what they've been doing for the whole of this year nothing but lies every time they open their mouths, this country is getting totally screwed by a     half-baked totally clueless regime. 

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6 hours ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

now that is a right rXXal slap in the face to the junta... congrats to the Institute  for putting Thai people first and acting while the buffoons bumbled around with people lives 

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5 hours ago, Disparate Dan said:

Exactly. AZ is in court in Europe trying to fend off punitive fines (EUR10/dose) for delays in delivering 300m doses, which it now does not expect to fulfil much before December.


Perhaps that delay is because they have dropped everything to attend to the wishes of Uncle and Anutin?


Or could it be that Thailand is at the back of that queue, looking at 2022 or even 2023 for delivery in the vacuum created by Siam BS (what an apt name...)?


So if the contract is not met then Siam BioScience get sued and the government get a huge unexpected windfall of money?

There may just be an incentive there to 'delay' things...

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a full investigation is needed into this fiasco and must inc a good look at bank accs even if it cant be traced to covid,we have the right to know what these low life have been up to.if thais dont do anything about this like they do nothing about everything ..........so whatever will be will be but the embassies do need to protect their citizens as this regime cannot.its all become defunct now .its a major health crisis now,todays victims nos approach that of the roads!enough said its bizarre stuff.pc crew were on their way to help india fast enough and theyre even more incompetent than these fools. get int help before we have  a bigger problem,IE take control away from P and co..actions need to be taken against people who for their own gain endanger their own populations.they keep walking away from the solution due to this deal with AZ factory that they thought would allow them to corner the mkt in this region and charge everyone for a vacc thats provided at cost.no other vaccs allowed in to compete,its a classic bent thai monopoly.do something no doers ....for once.no other country has such a system in place,ummm

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5 minutes ago, rupert the bear said:

a full investigation is needed into this fiasco and must inc a good look at bank accs even if it cant be traced to covid,we have the right to know what these low life have been up to.if thais dont do anything about this like they do nothing about everything ..........so whatever will be will be but the embassies do need to protect their citizens as this regime cannot.its all become defunct now .its a major health crisis now,todays victims nos approach that of the roads!enough said its bizarre stuff.pc crew were on their way to help india fast enough and theyre even more incompetent than these fools. get int help before we have  a bigger problem,IE take control away from P and co..actions need to be taken against people who for their own gain endanger their own populations.they keep walking away from the solution due to this deal with AZ factory that they thought would allow them to corner the mkt in this region and charge everyone for a vacc thats provided at cost.no other vaccs allowed in to compete,its a classic bent thai monopoly.do something no doers ....for once.no other country has such a system in place,ummm


Sure, but you and we all know that ain't gunna happen, never.  

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2 hours ago, mtls2005 said:


Most people seem to be misunderstanding this nugget. and Thaiger definitely wet themselves on it.


CRA can source Sinopharm.


That's it.


Unbunch and dry those panties.



Before we get too excited - this "transfer of responsibility" could also have the effect of shutting down any discussion or meaningful news on the vaccination programme.

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Hey just go gather up the stall vender girls from Klong Toei Markets and ship them down to the Siam Bioscience lab, they will whip the vaccines together in the blink of an eye, then get a platoon of Grab taxi bike riders to deliver them north, south, east and west.................problem solved ???? who needs Anutin!

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2 hours ago, mtls2005 said:


Most people seem to be misunderstanding this nugget. and Thaiger definitely wet themselves on it.


CRA can source Sinopharm.


That's it.


Unbunch and dry those panties.



Agree, it would be just another player in this shell game that must not be discussed further in public and another vaccine about whose efficacy and side effects relatively little is known but can be assumed that it is not the first choice either. 


Of course, there should be no further public discussion about this and how much of this vaccine can be procured should probably remain a secret because in this respect it will certainly also not be a real game changer ...


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Siam Bio science given the right to produce the ASTRA ZENACA vaccine in Thailand .

To reap the full financial benefit this greedy government has stalled on the importation of other vaccines especially to private hospitals. .Now as the manufacture in Thailand is obviously having problems and with the virus increasing rapidly  there is shortfall in supply. 

Why is the government not open about the problems regarding  the manufacture and supply of the vaccine in Thailand.

Of course the Chinese who perfected the the virus and  probably working on the vaccine at the same time in Wuhan want the world population to use its Sinovac vaccine .

Gen Prayuth was agreed with much fanfare to have the Sinovac vaccine only to u turn and decline the offer from his Chinese friends and chose Astra zenaca instead . As Thailand is having problems with the production of Astra zenaca was his jab imported ?. Especially curious as the private hospitals are denied permission to import and provide  people with a vaccine of  their  choice. 

As usual the "hi-so " of Thai society will have a choice and not be dependent on the Chinese for protection.

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'Cambodia began its vaccination campaign in early February 2021 after having compiled zero fatalities.

'Cambodia had no Covid deaths until March 2021, a few weeks after it started its vaccination program. 
'And that’s when the deaths started piling up as you can see in the chart.
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10 hours ago, connda said:

Mr. Anutin knows he has painted himself into a corner with his promises and assertions that vaccines are plentiful.

When he makes statements about "contracts" with AstraZeneca and that AZ will need to step up and fulfill "contractual" orders if Siam Bioscience fails to produce, what he is doing is setting the stage to save his own bacon. 
When this house of cards folds on June 7th he'll be jumping up and down in feigned consternation loudly blaming AstraZeneca for the failure to fulfill their "contracts."  <pulls ass out of frying pan>

Yeah, I may be wrong.  I may see pigs flying overhead in the twilight migrating to the North tonight at sunset.


That sounds right. Obviously, Siam BS won't be blamed inside of Thailand, but can they be held accountable for breaking their contract to produce for other asean countries?

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