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Red Bull boss case set to be freshly considered "to restore confidence in public prosecutors"


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5 hours ago, colinneil said:

Stop it please, my constitution cannot cope with these bloody ridiculous statements anymore.

How many times have we heard that BS?

They have no intentions what so ever in bringing that scrote to justice.


And nor has Interpol, it seems. Red Bull + Formula 1 + the next Grand Prix might provide a clue where the fugitive might be found. Obviously, nobody cares to try and find him despite him being seen 'at Formula One events around the world'.   

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6 hours ago, movsrus said:

Far too much money in brown envelopes has been passed around for anything to happen to this punk. In Thailand it's all about the money. 


Further, it's a very very wealthy family, 100Million more Baht would be beer money and very attractive to those who are desperate to keep up their image to other cops, get the mansion and several expensive cars, more mia nois etc., etc.

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7 hours ago, chickenslegs said:

I hope I'm still around when he returns to Thailand on 3 September 2027 - should be quite a show.


If the current PM is still in charge "Boss" may be given a place in government, along with the other dodgy characters.

Yep, as minister of Police, he is certainly well experienced in the dodgy side of it. 

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“...he promised a "new broom" for the Boss case...”.  He may also want to promise a “new rug” to sweep the case under.

IMO, the only reason this is coming up again is so they can pass the hat to collect more brown envelop money. 

Edited by DBath
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The "red notice" has been issued in countries where they know he isn't.

There wou;d be far too much damage to the whole judical system if they bought him back now.

Far too many red faces having to hide the "ill gotten gains.

The corruption is just too great. Thonglor Police station would have to close

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7 hours ago, WildBillHiccup said:

How does he renew his passport? Visa Agent?


Just sayin'.


You have a valid point who is renewing his passport?  I understand that Thai passports were only extended to be valid for ten years last year and only on renewal before that it was 6 years (correct me if i am wrong). Only the government can renew his passport and it must have been renewed over the past 9 years. If his passport is not valid he is not entitled to stay in any country and he should be deported to his country of origin. Hence there is government collusion in keeping him from justice and all these words are just that, words without any substance to them whatsoever. The government is protecting him from justice

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Wow.  If they dink around another few years, the statute of limitations will run down and he can come back clean as a whistle. 


I wouldn't be surprised if bookies the world over were offering odds.


Thai officialdom really just needs to keep their mouths shut on this one.  With the pandemic, nobody was even thinking about this guy until they brought it up.  Again.  Opening themselves to yet more well deserved ridicule.


Edited by impulse
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7 minutes ago, RobU said:

You have a valid point who is renewing his passport?  I understand that Thai passports were only extended to be valid for ten years last year and only on renewal before that it was 6 years (correct me if i am wrong). Only the government can renew his passport and it must have been renewed over the past 9 years. If his passport is not valid he is not entitled to stay in any country and he should be deported to his country of origin. Hence there is government collusion in keeping him from justice and all these words are just that, words without any substance to them whatsoever. The government is protecting him from justice


If you have enough money, you can legally buy a passport (and citizenship) for any one of a dozen countries. 


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6 minutes ago, impulse said:


If you have enough money, you can legally buy a passport (and citizenship) for any one of a dozen countries. 


I was thinking that when I wrote the post, however if his passport has been renewed.....

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17 hours ago, Emdog said:

The little fugitive turd doesn't work for a living, right? Here's an idea: charge family with "aiding and abetting a fugitive". Snowballs chance in heck of that happening, but he is living off family money...

And cancel his passport.

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So more empty envelopes to be considered - it seems. 

This, as well as all those similar stories of kiddies of the oligarch elite, make a joke out of the juristic system of this country and is more than proof, that some Thais are more Thais than Thais ......... 

They cannot find the brat? Call AP, they found him years ago with camera and microphone - maybe delegate one of those soap-opera-directors to the investigation team - if you're serious about it. 

Getting popcorn now, want to see, how long it takes this time to drop all charges due to X, Y or Z (or all three together?) 

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13 minutes ago, canthai55 said:

World Wide it's all about the money

Why pick Thailand ?

Because there are few civilised countries where once you kill somebody you can get away with it by bribery.

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Puh-leeze, I'll got both vaccination shots long before this case is "settled".


Until there is a ~ 10 year track record of public prosecutors treating everyone the same, there will never, ever be any "public confidence".





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