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Thailand ready to kick off mass vaccinations on June 7

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1 minute ago, wensiensheng said:

So what do they mean when they say they are vaccinating non residents?

by definition non residents are not residing in Thailand, so they can’t be vaccinated. Ergo they don’t mean non residents.


my interpretation was that perhaps they mean non thai nationals. If it’s not that, any guesses what it is?

You tink too mut

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This administration is now officially past the point of no return. All credibility has been lost.


Change your story once, OK. Change your story twice, we get skeptical. 


Change it 75 times, and we don't even listen anymore. 

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3 minutes ago, wensiensheng said:

what do they mean when they say they are vaccinating non residents

Folk here such as myself  on extensions. Hence I'm on (like most) a temporary permission of stay and renew the permit each year. I'm not a permanent resident.


You can go through a process to become a permanent resident. 

Not to be confused with residence certificate.

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1 hour ago, Golden Triangle said:

Like everyone here I want to be vaccinated, but I would also like a choice of which vaccine I get, and I don't mind paying if I have to, both for myself and my mrs.


What concerns me the most is the absolute shambles I am seeing on TV at various vaccination locations, it's more akin to a scrum, a scramble, total disorganisation, the places look more like places to go to catch the bloody virus than avoid it.


I was chatting yesterday to a mate in the UK, he's due here sometime next week, he said when he got his jabs there wasn't piles of paperwork, they didn't waste time taking blood pressure, just make the appointment, turn up 5 mins before, get jabbed, sit & rest for 20 minutes, go home.


Why can't they do that here for crying out loud ?? I don't wanna be stuck in the same room as 100's of other potential COVID-19 carriers.

Because one country is the most successful of all the major economies regarding vaccine procurement and administration,mainly as a result of a biochemist and venture capitalist (Kate Bingham) being put in charge- and the other country….well,you know the rest ???? 

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I guess it is all system go at CM Ram Hospital:


Chiang Mai Ram Hospital confirms vaccination against COVID-19
For #those who register on June 7-9, 2021 as usual
For those who have registered for kovic vaccination via the "Doctor Ready" system at Chiang Mai Ram Hospital on June 7-9, 2021, the hospital confirms that it is open as usual. And there will be a telephone operator to contact you again. You can receive the service at the elevator hall, 4th floor, Chiang Mai Ram Hospital.
From 7 June 2021 onwards with guidelines set by Chiang Mai Province as follows:
???? Vaccinated persons aged 60 years and over
will receive a vaccine from AstraZeneca (AstraZeneca)
???? Vaccinated persons under 60 years of age
will receive the vaccine from Sinovac
⁃ ID card
- In the case of patients with 7 chronic diseases and treated at other hospitals to bring the medical certificate to the staff
.***In case you are under 60 years old and wish to vaccinate from AstraZeneca, please notify the staff to cancel your appointment and wait for the next queue***
Ways to get more health news
• Website : www.chiangmairam.com
• Youtube Channel : Chiang Mai Ram Hospital, Chiangmai Ram Hospital
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1 hour ago, Stevemercer said:

My wife and I are scheduled for tomorrow (7 June) at 7:00 am in Mahasarakham province. I didn't make any booking, the head nurse (a friend of my wife did it for us).


My wife was very reluctant because they said you could not drink beer for a day before and after.

But nothing about 'during' though !

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35 minutes ago, DavisH said:

Take your medication as normal. I also have white-coat. The were stunned when my bp was 180/110. So I had to sit for some time to bring it down. At home. I'm usually 130+/80+. 

I shouldn't say they will refuse you, but will ask you to rest some time before the injection. 

That's a BP issue not a covid vaccine issue, per see.  They are probably trying to deal with a stress situation in the person rather than any worry that the vaccine itself would exacerbate a BP problem, as there is no evidence that I have read that suggests that any of them do that. 

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36 minutes ago, wensiensheng said:

How can a non resident be given a dose. By definition they don’t live here.


I assume they mean non Thai residing in Thailand?

Of course that's what they mean.

Sounds good, right ?.................

Working permit and paying social security, registered on the app and already given a vax date of June 7,8 or 9.

I bet there aren't many of those.

Maybe Bangkok, Chaing mai, Phuket, maybe...........


I know of NO Thais or Falang that have been given these dates, or any dates for that matter.

I do however live in a very sparsly populated farming area............

And, I obviously don't know every person in town.

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39 minutes ago, wensiensheng said:

So what do they mean when they say they are vaccinating non residents?

by definition non residents are not residing in Thailand, so they can’t be vaccinated. Ergo they don’t mean non residents.



Meaning they are vaccinating visitors too.        (presuming they really have vaccine stock available)

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I registered a couple of weeks ago to get vaccinated. Then received the following message by text recently-


"Since the registration for COVID-19 vaccination at Bang Sue Grand Station have to comply with the Public Health Ministry's measure which open for people who have Thai National ID card only, so we deeply regret to inform you that we have to cancel your vaccination registration. For customers with identity documents other than Thai National ID card, please stand by for further announcement from the Public Health Ministry."


Having lived in Thailand for more than half my life, I'm still constantly being reminded that there are those who think I don't belong here. 

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Well I hope many of you follow the Washington childish, ignorant and stupid anti Chinese rhetoric and refuse Sinovac as that will help ensure there is plenty left for me and others who know this is the only CV19 vaccine available here that is a traditionally produced, not for big pharma profits, deactivated virus cell vaccine.  Quite obviously it will thus produce a fully natural immunity response in the same way as catching and recovering from a full Covid 19 infection but of course without the risk of serious illness and death.  I am no medical expert but this is surely clear rational common sense logic.


I would take AZ at a push if Sinovac was not available but only in absolute necessity if we have a real definite epidemic here, and the figures are clearly far from that as yet, most likely due to effective and prompt lockdown measures and also the incompatible climate for the Covid 19 virus strains to easily propagate.  Anyway, I am happy to take Sinovac straight away as it is imho a no brainer non experimental, safe and more than effective enough vaccine against Covid 19 instigated death and serious illness.  


Anyway glad to here at long last the vaccines are being rolled out, way too late but at least it is now happening. 

Edited by rayw
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7 minutes ago, rayw said:

Well I hope many of you follow the Washington childish, ignorant and stupid anti Chinese rhetoric and refuse Sinovac as that will help ensure there is plenty left for me and others who know this is the only CV19 vaccine available here that is a traditional produced not for big pharma profit deactivated virus cell vaccine.  Quite obviously it will thus produce a fully natural immunity response in the same way as catching and recovering from a full Covid 19 infection but without the risk of serious illness and death.  I am no medical expert but this is surely clear rational common sense logic.


I would take AZ at a push if no alternative but only if we have a real definite epidemic here and the figures are clearly far from that as yet, most likely due to efective prompt lockdown measures and also the incompatible climate for the Covid 19 virus strains.  I am happy to take Sinovac anyway as it is imho a no brainer safe and effective enough vaccine against Covid 19 instigated death and serious illness. 


Anyway glad to here at long last the vaccines are being rolled out, way too late but at least it is now happening. 

Crack on sunshine, you can have mine as well, I won't be needing that pile of poo ????

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17 minutes ago, robsamui said:


The answer, my UK friend, lies in the basic concept of "APPOINTMENT", which like many other things (time, numbers, the calendar) Thailand has its own unique interpretation of.


For a Thai person (and hospital etc) an APPOINTMENT means turning up on a specified day. Not at a particular time . . . just the day.


Everyone is given an "appointment" for 5th June (whatever) at 9.00 am. And then first come first served . . . this often involves the quaint Thai tradition of putting one's shoes in a line leading to the window/desk and then sitting down to wait all day (although nowadays this system has mainly been replaced by a noo-fangled hi-tech ticket machine).


A Thai appointment sheet . . . see below.



Thanks Rob, that gave me a chuckle, ???? But I have to admit that no matter how slow or how long it will be I am quite prepared to wait until the melee that becomes a free for all is over before even venturing near a vaccination point, hopefully private hospitals will be more organised, but I'm not holding my breath on that. 

Edited by Golden Triangle
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Believe me this will be total chaos which will turn into a mega <deleted> fight. As Thais adopt their me first attitude, as they're such caring and sharing people with their Buddhist teachings.

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So can anyone tell me as a non working retiree over 60  no ID card no WP living in patong  fir the last 10 years  register for a state vaccine. Online or in person and if in person where exactly. Happy to pay for private but having approached numerous private hospitals none have any idea when they will be able to offer it. Won't even let me put my name on a list.  I would like to get a vaccine for numerous reasons- one being  I do not want to be a guinea pig for the Sandbox 1/7. Any advice on how to get at least registered for a vaccine appreciated 

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12 minutes ago, Golden Triangle said:

Crack on sunshine, you can have mine as well, I won't be needing that pile of poo ????

Thanks mate I need more to do the same to ensure the availabliily to increase my chance of getting Sinovac.  I know many others who also agree with that too so we will indeed need plenty of Sinovac available. 

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10 minutes ago, WorriedNoodle said:

How long does it take waiting to get appointment, after registering on Mor Prom please? I only registered the app on my phone today.

They scrapped registering on there about a week ago, even if you had you probably would not get vaccinated

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5 hours ago, jacko45k said:

So appointments mean squat..... bet they couldn't even give you an approximate expectation.

You just dont understand Thai hospital appointment system:


"Yes Mr Jacko we have your name here for 8.00am.  Please take a seat and we will call you in the next week or so.....................next!"

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