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Expats over 60 urged to register for vaccine on Thai govt site


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5 minutes ago, Surelynot said:

Might be wrong....but pretty sure they are now quoting Indonesia running at 95% effective.......fingers crossed.

Yeps and they already reported 91% efficacy in Turkey and furthermore the Indonesia study was done during a severe outbreak and with Healthcare staff so I think its certainly better than not getting vaccinated but of course I respect people who might share a different perspective...


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4 minutes ago, VaccineHunter said:

Exactly what I will be doing to - seems like the best strategy for now! I also think Sinovac has a bit of a bad rap because of the reported 51% efficacy due to the brazil phase III trial - other studies in Chile and Indonesia show much better results and given its based on inactivated virus particles its also tried and tested technology and should provide reasonable overall protection until multivalent Booster shots become available in the fall that cover mutations etc....

But you just wrote one cannot rely on Moderna in fall.

(4m doses ordered for 2021, that's for 2m persons. According to PBS from  yesterday, 5m want it)

Plus : nobody knows whether a mRNA booster after Sinovac is ok (it probably is,  but there are no studies). You probably should wait 6 months,  so 6 months you are only protected by a substandard vaccine. 

In a city with 1500 daily cases. (Payuth said today,  some restrictions in Bangkok will be lifted, so I don't think cases will go down)

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3 minutes ago, Hyna said:

so 6 months you are only protected by a substandard vaccine. 

Seems this is possibly not the case anymore.....


4 minutes ago, VaccineHunter said:
13 minutes ago, Surelynot said:

Might be wrong....but pretty sure they are now quoting Indonesia running at 95% effective.......fingers crossed.

Yeps and they already reported 91% efficacy in Turkey and furthermore the Indonesia study was done during a severe outbreak and with Healthcare staff so I think its certainly better than not getting vaccinated but of course I respect people who might share a different perspective...



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2 minutes ago, Hyna said:

But you just wrote one cannot rely on Moderna in fall.

(4m doses ordered for 2021, that's for 2m persons. According to PBS from  yesterday, 5m want it)

Plus : nobody knows whether a mRNA booster after Sinovac is ok (it probably is,  but there are no studies). You probably should wait 6 months,  so 6 months you are only protected by a substandard vaccine. 

In a city with 1500 daily cases. (Payuth said today,  some restrictions in Bangkok will be lifted, so I don't think cases will go down)


3 minutes ago, Hyna said:

But you just wrote one cannot rely on Moderna in fall.

(4m doses ordered for 2021, that's for 2m persons. According to PBS from  yesterday, 5m want it)

Plus : nobody knows whether a mRNA booster after Sinovac is ok (it probably is,  but there are no studies). You probably should wait 6 months,  so 6 months you are only protected by a substandard vaccine. 

In a city with 1500 daily cases. (Payuth said today,  some restrictions in Bangkok will be lifted, so I don't think cases will go down)

Sinovac will cover me beyond fall so I won't be in a hurry and by then we will already know if mixing vaccines will work. This is exactly what the multivalent phase III trials are aimed for and these shots will be different than the ones ordered now for primary vaccination. Nature Magazine just published a study that showed mixing vaccines triggers a "potent immunse response" so we should be good..  One step at a time for me.

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2 minutes ago, VaccineHunter said:


Sinovac will cover me beyond fall so I won't be in a hurry and by then we will already know if mixing vaccines will work. This is exactly what the multivalent phase III trials are aimed for and these shots will be different than the ones ordered now for primary vaccination. Nature Magazine just published a study that showed mixing vaccines triggers a "potent immunse response" so we should be good..  One step at a time for me.

Are there any studies that you have heard of  mixing Sinovac and mRNA?

Up to now it was vector-based vaccine,  followed by mRNA. That seems to work very well.

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4 minutes ago, Hyna said:

Are there any studies that you have heard of  mixing Sinovac and mRNA?

Up to now it was vector-based vaccine,  followed by mRNA. That seems to work very well.

As far as I understand the heterologous prime-boost which would mix vector and MRNA would work even better as they activates different arms of the immune system. There studies underway in Oxford to prove that out. 

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14 minutes ago, lopburi3 said:

Younger will have option to use other vaccines and may not be the same timeframe.   But as they are now not even able to provide those scheduled for shots next week do not have a great deal of confidence in reliability of dates further out.

Not sure that they can use other vaccines, AZ and Sinovac only available.

For curiosity I was able to register and choose a hospital and date ( starting 18th to 24th ) a couple of days ago, could choose the above vaccines and a time also, availability allowing of course.

I see just a different time frame for the <60’s and the >60’s to register but using the same app .


I am sub 60 .

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52 minutes ago, VaccineHunter said:

Thanks yes - why would you think Moderna would be able to fast track and prioritize Thailand with no firm order yet given the overall demand environment? Just wondering how you reach the conclusion because we were told many dates and have been asked to register at many sites without any firm commitment whatsoever and I have not yet seen a single deadline adhered to. Why should it be different with Moderna? Not judging - I just try to figure out how you reach that conclusion. I am fully aligned with wanting to get the "best in class" Moderna shot asap and pay the 3800THB that has been circulated in the press... I personally have signed up with Thonburi Health Group in January for Moderna and was told it would be available end of February when they tried to import it first and got shot down by the FDA.

One reason only to be optimistic about Moderna...becuase a commercial entity (rather than a government one) is attempting to procure and distribute it.  I's common knowledge that a profit making enterprise (which is what a private hospital is) is almost always better at bringing a product to market than the public sector is capable of doing.


The present registration scheme for foreigners is a perfect example of how the public sector fails miserably as far as interacting with a foreign target market.  Contrast that to almost any online merchant who is able to create an effective website aimed at foreigners, like Lazada for instance.

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12 minutes ago, WaveHunter said:

an effective website aimed at foreigners, like Lazada for instance.

Not a good example for many of us - was not and is not Thai and many of us foreigners are not exactly overjoyed with it.  It is definitely not aimed at foreigners if you mean non Thai and we (non Thai) are but a tiny fraction of their business.  Maximilian Bittner was the founder.

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I am weeks away from my 83rd birthday.  I live North of the city of Khon Kaen.   Just attempted to make an appt on the intervac site.   Got all the way to 'select hospital'  Only three choices and all in Bangkok.


Perhaps knowledge of other parts of Thailand were not taught tothe programmers when they went to schools ormaybe they didn't go!

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7 minutes ago, WaveHunter said:

One reason only to be optimistic about Moderna...becuase a commercial entity (rather than a government one) is attempting to procure and distribute it.  I's common knowledge that a profit making enterprise (which is what a private hospital is) is almost always better at bringing a product to market than the public sector is capable of doing.


The present registration scheme for foreigners is a perfect example of how the public sector fails miserably as far as interacting with a foreign target market.  Contrast that to almost any online merchant who is able to create an effective website aimed at foreigners, like Lazada for instance.

Fully agree with private entities being more nimble and responsive and yes the intervac disaster is a case is a perfect case study for that but The Thai Government Pharmaceutical Organisation has been tasked to procure Moderna on behalf of the Private Hospitals which will distribute it. But let's be positive and hope that this time they get it right - it would certainly be in our best interest

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Just now, Havenstreet1940 said:

I am weeks away from my 83rd birthday.  I live North of the city of Khon Kaen.   Just attempted to make an appt on the intervac site.   Got all the way to 'select hospital'  Only three choices and all in Bangkok.


Perhaps knowledge of other parts of Thailand were not taught to the programmers when they went to schools or maybe they didn't go!


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1 hour ago, Hyna said:

Warning: do not rely on Moderna.

4m doses this year. That's for 2m people. 

PBS yesterday: 5m people want it already.

Price 3800 including everything,  every Thai can pay this.

So it will be the same game as Thailandintervac.com: cannot register,  cancellations, Thais first, whatever. 

But not a jab for everybody. 


Your numbers are WAY OFF. Do some due diligence!  The total order for this year is expected to be up to 10 million doses, and the first lot is expected to be 4 million doses....so, yes, 2 million will be vaccinated FROM THE FIRST LOT. Many more will be able to be vaccinated from later lots.


The population of adults in Thailand is around 50 million.  Many Thai nationals will elect to be part of the public rollout even if they can afford to pay for vaccination, simply because they do not have to jump through all of the hoops and deal with all the confusion that foreigners must endure.  That means they can not only get vaccinated far easier than non-Thai, but also probably much quicker.  So there is not that much incentive for them to wait for the private rollout, even if they can afford to pay.


Therefore,  the most significant market for the private hospitals will be non-Thai.  The number of adult foreigners living in Thailand as of 2017 was around 2 million.  Since Covid hit, that number is FAR less (see wiki demographics). 


Do the math and tell me there will not be enough Moderna for any foreigner that wants it if the orders go through as planned by the Private Hospital Association.

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7 minutes ago, WaveHunter said:

simply because they do not have to jump through all of the hoops and deal with all the confusion that foreigners must endure.

They have the same online registration requirements as foreigners - perhaps it works better but all that used it and scheduled for next week have lost reservations and have no knowledge if/when they will be restored.  It is a mess for everyone.  But at least they have availability at more than a handful of hospitals being offered foreigners.  


16 minutes ago, WaveHunter said:

The total order for this year is expected to be up to 10 million doses, and the first lot is expected to be 4 million doses....so, yes, 2 million will be vaccinated FROM THE FIRST LOT.

Not this year from a news source (which I can not quote).

4 mil in October.

1 mil early next year.

5 mil later.


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38 minutes ago, lopburi3 said:

Not a good example for many of us - was not and is not Thai and many of us foreigners are not exactly overjoyed with it.  It is definitely not aimed at foreigners if you mean non Thai and we (non Thai) are but a tiny fraction of their business.  Maximilian Bittner was the founder.


I think you know the point I'm trying to make.  The public sector's effective use of the internet has been absolutely abysmal compared with the private sector.


What's more, I personally disagree with you about Lazada.  As an American who speaks no Thai, I find Lazada to be an excellent online platform.  It may have some quirks as far as merchant's product listing descriptions, but the effectiveness and security of the platform itself is rock-solid.

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1 minute ago, WaveHunter said:

It may some quirks as far as merchant's product listing descriptions

Looking at a Sony product, supplied from China........cost 3,200 baht.......advert next to it "Genuine" Sony........4,800 baht........broke my heart but went for the genuine one.......?????

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37 minutes ago, lopburi3 said:

They have the same online registration requirements as foreigners - perhaps it works better but all that used it and scheduled for next week have lost reservations and have no knowledge if/when they will be restored.  It is a mess for everyone.  But at least they have availability at more than a handful of hospitals being offered foreigners.  


Not this year from a news source (which I can not quote).

4 mil in October.

1 mil early next year.

5 mil later.


The InterVac site is not intended for Thai nationals, so, in fact they do not have to deal with it as we must


Over 5 million Thais have been vaccinated to date.  The rollout itself is proving highly efficient (for Thai people).  For foreigners, simply registering is (at this point) almost impossible.


The timeframe for later lots of Moderna ordered by the PHA that you suggest is hardly etched in stone.  The initial lot of 4 million will likely be enough to serve the needs of foreigners if all goes as planned, and could be available as early as August.


Nobody at this point can know just how it will go, but the present public rollout is going well, at least for Thai nationals, and I would expect the private hospital rollout to go even better for non-Thai, but I don't know that for a fact, which is why I'm hedging my bets by registering for BOTH.


It's your right to look at all of this in a pessimistic way if you wish.  I prefer to objectively hope for the best possible outcome but also be prepared for the worst.

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6 minutes ago, Surelynot said:

Looking at a Sony product, supplied from China........cost 3,200 baht.......advert next to it "Genuine" Sony........4,800 baht........broke my heart but went for the genuine one.......?????

Well I think you always have to be suspect of merchant listings on any platform, but what really matters is whether or not the platform will stand behind you if things go south.  Lazada has a reputation of of providing excellent buyer protection, so even if I'm a little suspicious of a listing, I can still buy with confidence that I will be protected if things go bad.

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6 minutes ago, WaveHunter said:

but the present public rollout is going well,

Actually it has been going downhill since mid week.

Thai News Reports


National Vaccination Rollout:

DAY 1: 416,847 doses

DAY 2: 472,128 doses

DAY 3: 336,674 doses

DAY 4: 223,315 doses

DAY 5: 308,012 doses

DAY 6: 108,204 doses

TOTAL: 1,980,721

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31 minutes ago, ThomasThBKK said:

Did anyone here get a cancelation of his appointment on thailandintervac website for next week?



Many or all that used mor prom got canceled it seems.



SInce the site has been down over the weekend, I think we'll all get that answer on Monday when (or should I say if) the new site opens then, but I'm guessing many who thought they had appointments are going to get an unhappy surprise ????


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23 minutes ago, lopburi3 said:

Actually it has been going downhill since mid week.

Thai News Reports


National Vaccination Rollout:

DAY 1: 416,847 doses

DAY 2: 472,128 doses

DAY 3: 336,674 doses

DAY 4: 223,315 doses

DAY 5: 308,012 doses

DAY 6: 108,204 doses

TOTAL: 1,980,721

Daily rates will naturally go down and also go up from day to day.  We just need to wait and see what weekly averages start looking like.  Look at the change in rates from February (when the soft rollout began) to now, and it paints a different (more positive) picture entirely. 

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6 minutes ago, WaveHunter said:

Well I think you always have to be suspect of merchant listings on any platform, but what really matters is whether or not the platform will stand behind you if things go south.  Lazada has a reputation of of providing excellent buyer protection, so even if I'm a little suspicious of a listing, I can still buy with confidence that I will be protected if things go bad.

Do you think the Chinese one is almost certainly counterfeit.........and will the one I have bought be genuinely Sony?.......Absolutely no reason why you should know the answer, but felt an urge to ask.

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This is what I got a few minutes ago using the thailandintervac.com/expatriates link. I first saw this message after 1 pm I believe. 



Please be advised that the reservation system for the vaccination appointment is being updated. You cannot make a reservation for a certain amount of time. We have to apologize for all the inconvenience.
The Office of International Cooperation Department of Disease Control Ministry of Public Health Thailand


Will next week be any better? Not if the announced delay of AZ shots occurs. 


And I cannot choose the CoronaVac. Canada plans to loosen restrictions for returning citizens very soon. No quarantine if you have been fully vaccinated with either Pfizer, Moderna, Astra or J&J.  

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20 minutes ago, Kaoboi Bebobp said:

This is what I got a few minutes ago using the thailandintervac.com/expatriates link. I first saw this message after 1 pm I believe. 



Will next week be any better? Not if the announced delay of AZ shots occurs. 


And I cannot choose the CoronaVac. Canada plans to loosen restrictions for returning citizens very soon. No quarantine if you have been fully vaccinated with either Pfizer, Moderna, Astra or J&J.  

To be fair to them, it isn't supposed to go live until 12:00 on the 14th.  I'm sure there will be enough to complain about then.  Or they could surprise us.  ????

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1 minute ago, DefaultName said:

To be fair to them, it isn't supposed to go live until 12:00 on the 14th.  I'm sure there will be enough to complain about then.  Or they could surprise us.  ????

If it shows hospitals outside of Bangkok particularly Pattaya having vaccines on Monday I will be way beyond surprised,  I will be verklempt.

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43 minutes ago, Kaoboi Bebobp said:

This is what I got a few minutes ago using the thailandintervac.com/expatriates link. I first saw this message after 1 pm I believe. 



Will next week be any better? Not if the announced delay of AZ shots occurs. 


And I cannot choose the CoronaVac. Canada plans to loosen restrictions for returning citizens very soon. No quarantine if you have been fully vaccinated with either Pfizer, Moderna, Astra or J&J.  

That's the main reason many of us are considering the Moderna vaccine from private hospitals.   SInoVac vaccinated people entering the Netherlands face the same situation with quarantine requirements as you described, and many other countries are probably going to follow suit.


Best strategy is to hedge your bets and register for BOTH public and private hospital rollouts. If you get the SinoVac before the Moderna is available, you can always get re-vaccinated from a private hospital with Moderna once it is available.

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2 hours ago, VaccineHunter said:

Fully agree with private entities being more nimble and responsive and yes the intervac disaster is a case is a perfect case study for that but The Thai Government Pharmaceutical Organisation has been tasked to procure Moderna on behalf of the Private Hospitals which will distribute it. But let's be positive and hope that this time they get it right - it would certainly be in our best interest

Keep your fingers crossed ????


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