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Vaccine registration in Pattaya area.(Expats)


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3 hours ago, pontious said:

It was not tight - it was better than immigration. Everyone was well spaced and I came now and then to check on the number. You whinge and moan but when given the opportunity to do it back down. You  say you ''dearly wish  to register'' but cannot be bothered to get off your ass to do it. Go tomorrow and be first in the queue.  No I did not think so.

No! Their facebook page clearly says this little phase is over. Don't send people on a wild goose chase.

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4 minutes ago, moogradod said:

I would give you 10 likes if I could. Absolutely spot on and correct in every regard. The poster in question has already acquired exclusive membership for my ignore list club.

Gosh! I wont  sleep tonight now.  

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18 hours ago, banglay said:

Yeah  !! And if you don't get the vaccine you will invade Poland lol

Poland ? Why Poland ? Think big - get China. At least I could then return the small lot of land they borrowed from the Tibetan people.

Interesting however how much you correlate my nationality with a desire to invade anything. You should rather think of Russia or China dont you think so ?

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8 hours ago, jomtienisgood said:

There is for French Nationals..... J&J...


As some expats start to head home, purely for the purpose of being vaccinated, you would think the foreign offices of various countries would do like the French government and instead of have hundreds, possibly thousands, travel for the vaccine, they would send the vaccine to them. 


 Not only is it more convenient for all concerned, and reduces pressure on medical services in the home country, but it's safer for the resident citizens of the home countries.    

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13 minutes ago, Leaver said:


As some expats start to head home, purely for the purpose of being vaccinated, you would think the foreign offices of various countries would do like the French government and instead of have hundreds, possibly thousands, travel for the vaccine, they would send the vaccine to them. 


 Not only is it more convenient for all concerned, and reduces pressure on medical services in the home country, but it's safer for the resident citizens of the home countries.    

 Before to go back to homeland for just vaccine, one should check if it is possible.

My home country do not vaccinate "tourists", Citizen or no,,


For "smart ones" there are loopholes but usually old and and fragile expats do not know "how to play" the system,,

Edited by thaitero
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3 minutes ago, thaitero said:

Before to go back to homeland for just vaccine, one should check if it is possible.

My home country do not vaccinate "tourists", Citizen or no,,


How can you be a tourist in your home country?

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Just now, Leaver said:


How can you be a tourist in your home country?

When you are permanently moved to another country that is what you are when visit home country.. No cheap medicin, care etc benefits and no vaccine.

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7 minutes ago, thaitero said:

When you are permanently moved to another country that is what you are when visit home country.. No cheap medicin, care etc benefits and no vaccine.


What country are you from?  

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1 hour ago, thaitero said:

When you are permanently moved to another country that is what you are when visit home country.. No cheap medicin, care etc benefits and no vaccine.

I've spent less than 40 days in my home country in the last 20 years, i registered with a doctor ( from here ) about March i think and had a friend call up with my credentials 3 days ago, i'm booked in for my first jab Wednesday 7th July, i will fly out Sunday night.

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1 hour ago, HashBrownHarry said:

I've spent less than 40 days in my home country in the last 20 years, i registered with a doctor ( from here ) about March i think and had a friend call up with my credentials 3 days ago, i'm booked in for my first jab Wednesday 7th July, i will fly out Sunday night.


Why wouldn't you stay for the second dose? 

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On 7/1/2021 at 8:36 PM, WaveHunter said:

BHP handled this in a completely irresponsible manner

This is just a guess on my part but I think BHP and many other hospitals were duped into thinking they were going to get Moderna in a "reasonable" time frame.  They found out that no, none was on order and probably suspected that none will ever be ordered. 

They stopped taking the reservations to avoid having thousands of calls from upset people who registered and for the headache of having to refund all the money collected. 


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33 minutes ago, Thomas J said:

This is just a guess on my part but I think BHP and many other hospitals were duped into thinking they were going to get Moderna in a "reasonable" time frame.  They found out that no, none was on order and probably suspected that none will ever be ordered. 

They stopped taking the reservations to avoid having thousands of calls from upset people who registered and for the headache of having to refund all the money collected. 


I partly agree, but I think they knew full well exactly what the the Private Hospital Association's order status was. 


Just to be clear, BHP was not ordering the vaccine directly from Moderna. They can only order it through the Thai Private Hospital Association (PHA) who acts on behalf of the over 200 private hospitals in Thailand.  The PHA would then place the order through the Thai Government Pharmaceutical Organization (GPO). 


The PHA's negotiations and communications with the Government Pharmaceutical Organization (GPO) have been pretty well documented, even to the public, so it's hard to believe that hospital administrators at BOTH BHP and also Pattaya Memorial would be making the premature offers of Moderna without realizing that the vaccines had not even been ordered yet.


Furthermore, the PHA had very specific guidelines for their member hospitals to follow regarding the offering of paid COVID vaccines, and both BHP and Pattaya Memorial flagrantly disregarded these guidelines.


THAT most likely is why they suddenly shut down registration.


Why they did this in the manner they did is beyond comprehension.  They should NOT have restricted online registration and they should NOT have requested advanced payment at this time. 


Everyone that wished to registered should have been allowed to do so.  What possible difference would it make to them if 5,000 people registered or 5 million?  They would have been under no obligation to those who registered since registration really only amounts to creating a waiting list and nothing more.  That would not have violated PHA guidelines and would have offered expats and others not wishing to particulate in the public rollout a HUGE sense of relief, just knowing they were an actual queue! that was fair and proper, and assured that those in high risk groups would be prioritized fairly.


It would have been an advantage to the hospitals as well since they would then have a qualified list of potential buyers giving them the ability to place a realistic order with the GPO.


Both hospital's choice to do this in such a stupid fashion achieved nothing for them and only angered an already irate groupe of frustrated expats in the process.  I mean, check out BHP's facebook page to see the huge number of angry comments left there by expats right after this whole debacle happened.

Edited by WaveHunter
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15 minutes ago, WaveHunter said:

I partly agree, but I think they knew full well exactly what the the Private Hospital Association's order status was. 

As I said, just a guess on my part.  However it is very strange that the hospital association came out with an agreement for hospitals to charge 3,400 baht for two shots of Moderna and then suddenly the entire process is halted not just at BHP but it appears throughout Thailand. 

Now it has been reported that the Thai government has not ordered any vaccine.  If I was a hospital administrator and was taking deposits for a vaccine that I questioned might never come, I would stop taking reservations for concern of the mess refunding all those deposits would be. 

Now as to the deposits, I see a valid reason for requiring them.  Otherwise you would get every person signing up with every hospital in order to hopefully get vaccine from one of them and it would distort the number of vaccines that should be ordered. 

If it was done correctly, there would be a single coordinated site where a person could sign up, put a deposit or pay in full if required and select their choice of a preferred hospital to receive the vaccine.  Possibly you could even have an option to be waitlisted on a 2nd or 3rd choice of hospitals if for some reason those locations obtained the vaccine sooner. 

One way or another, the actions of the Thai government appear to be slow walking the procurement of alternative vaccines and I am suspicious of the motive of that.  Even if Thailand ordered lets say 20 million doses of Moderna and only 10 million were actually required, I would certainly think that in the future Thailand could adjust the amount actually delivered or alternatively allocate the excess to another country.  The demand for mRNA vaccines is likely to outstrip its supply for some period of time. 


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18 hours ago, Leaver said:


As some expats start to head home, purely for the purpose of being vaccinated, you would think the foreign offices of various countries would do like the French government and instead of have hundreds, possibly thousands, travel for the vaccine, they would send the vaccine to them. 


 Not only is it more convenient for all concerned, and reduces pressure on medical services in the home country, but it's safer for the resident citizens of the home countries.    

THere are many logical reasons for home countries to do as you say, and not ANY reasons that they should not do it. 


All the reasons regurgitated by the embassy are baseless.  There is actually a precedent of the US government doing this in the past.  I know of expats In the 1980's who were vaccinated against Hepatitis B, which was a major health concern at the time.  It was done on the grounds of the U.S. Consulates right here in Thailand.


As for the logistics of shipping vaccines all around the world for expats...well the US government is planning in sending MILLIONS of doses all around the world to foreign countries in need, which apparently is not causing any concern for shipping logistics at all!


There simply are NO valid reasons that home governments should not do exactly what the French government did, which was to take care of their own citizens when it's pretty obvious that the host government (Thailand) is unwilling or unable to do so in a timely way.


The dangers of Covid to high risk expats is FAR GREATER, and there is every reason for the US government to step up and meet the needs of expats.  And this is especially so right now becuase most expats are tax paying citizens of the United States, and their tax dollars helped pay for those vaccines! 


I mean, just imagine how unfair it would be if those very vaccines that our tax dollars paid for are denied to us when the US government begins to make vaccine donations to Thailand (which in the works right now).  That's is exactly what will happen if those donated vaccine arrive, and we are still being prevented from even registering for the public rollout.  JUST IMAGINE THAT...vaccines that YOU paid for being donated to a government that is denying you the ability to register to receive them!


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25 minutes ago, WaveHunter said:

I partly agree, but I think they knew full well exactly what the the Private Hospital Association's order status was. 


Just to be clear, BHP was not ordering the vaccine directly from Moderna. They can only order it through the Thai Private Hospital Association (PHA) who acts on behalf of the over 200 private hospitals in Thailand.  The PHA would then place the order through the Thai Government Pharmaceutical Organization (GPO). 


The PHA's negotiations and communications with the Government Pharmaceutical Organization (GPO) have been pretty well documented, even to the public, so it's hard to believe that hospital administrators at BOTH BHP and also Pattaya Memorial would be making the premature offers of Moderna without realizing that the vaccines had not even been ordered yet.


Furthermore, the PHA had very specific guidelines for their member hospitals to follow regarding the offering of paid COVID vaccines, and both BHP and Pattaya Memorial flagrantly disregarded these guidelines.


THAT most likely is why they suddenly shut down registration.


Why they did this in the manner they did is beyond comprehension.  They should NOT have restricted online registration and they should NOT have requested advanced payment at this time. 


Everyone that wished to registered should have been allowed to do so.  What possible difference would it make to them if 5,000 people registered or 5 million?  They would have been under no obligation to those who registered since registration really only amounts to creating a waiting list and nothing more.  That would not have violated PHA guidelines and would have offered expats and others not wishing to particulate in the public rollout a HUGE sense of relief, just knowing they were an actual queue! that was fair and proper, and assured that those in high risk groups would be prioritized fairly.


It would have been an advantage to the hospitals as well since they would then have a qualified list of potential buyers giving them the ability to place a realistic order with the GPO.


Both hospital's choice to do this in such a stupid fashion achieved nothing for them and only angered an already irate groupe of frustrated expats in the process.  I mean, check out BHP's facebook page to see the huge number of angry comments left there by expats right after this whole debacle happened.

Surely the problem they faced was not one of registering merely interest. They needed a commitment to purchase, hence the deposit. Without that, how could they possibly order? 5,000 or 5,000,000? It makes an enormous difference! People would just sign up everywhere, go home, change their minds. Of course they wouldn't be obliged to, or probably even bother, to let the hospitals know. So the hospitals are left with completely invalid data.

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The conversation between @WaveHunterand @Thomas J above reflects nearly all aspects that I witnessed being at BHP on the very day wanting to register and talking to various employees - who were not informed all equally. The various contacts I had with their "enqiry" department further reinforces my suspicion.


The question remains if they did know beforehand or not that nothing was ordered. I suspect that they only learned during the morning because of the unusual abrupt stopping of taking reservations and their refusal to take reservations for the future at all.


I do not think that BHP is the main suspect to blame - at least not fully. We all know who is. That some information leaked to closer relatives and friends early in the morning enabling them to register (at the time it was believed it did matter) as the first in the row may be suspected but not proven.


What matters now is what will happen and as well how the Thai citizens - equally affected - react. Moderna and Pfizer are currently the only chance to combat the D and D+ variants. I hope that public pressure will force even the most dumb decision maker realize that before the country is really hit hard Indian style.

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24 minutes ago, moogradod said:

I do not think that BHP is the main suspect to blame - at least not fully. We all know who is. That some information leaked to closer relatives and friends early in the morning enabling them to register

I have no way to verify this but I look at motive.  There certainly can be no motive for BHP to enroll people in a vaccination program that they they know up front that there will never be any vaccine.  I "think" that after the program was kicked off to pre-enroll people that the hospitals discovered that no vaccines had been ordered and hence they would be faced with the nightmare of dealing with irate people who signed up and the administrative expense of refunding everyone. 

As to informing others in advance to quickly get registered that matters little that they are registered if in the end, no vaccines show up. 

Again, looking at motive, the private hospitals including BHP have an incentive to vaccinate people and make the money for distributing it.  I would not think they would pass that opportunity up.   The reports that the Thai government has never ordered any Moderna lead me to point the finger at them.  My suspicion is they have a deliberate agenda to allow only the Chinese vaccine in.  I will let you guess what the reason for that preference might be. 

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39 minutes ago, moogradod said:

The conversation between @WaveHunterand @Thomas J above reflects nearly all aspects that I witnessed being at BHP on the very day wanting to register and talking to various employees - who were not informed all equally. The various contacts I had with their "enqiry" department further reinforces my suspicion.


The question remains if they did know beforehand or not that nothing was ordered. I suspect that they only learned during the morning because of the unusual abrupt stopping of taking reservations and their refusal to take reservations for the future at all.


I do not think that BHP is the main suspect to blame - at least not fully. We all know who is. That some information leaked to closer relatives and friends early in the morning enabling them to register (at the time it was believed it did matter) as the first in the row may be suspected but not proven.


What matters now is what will happen and as well how the Thai citizens - equally affected - react. Moderna and Pfizer are currently the only chance to combat the D and D+ variants. I hope that public pressure will force even the most dumb decision maker realize that before the country is really hit hard Indian style.

The thing that isn't being acknowledged in this thread is that many Thai people are just as frustrated and upset over their inability to register as us expats.  If you live in the Bangkok province, it's far less challenging than if you live outside simply becuase the limited stock of vaccines available to the public are being prioritized for the Bangkok area which is entirely understandable considering that the bulk of new cases is by far concentrated there.


Until the supply chain stabilizes and a stockpile begins to mount, I think you're  just "on hold" if you are living in a province outside of Bangkok.  


So, maybe that sounds like a pessimistic view, but the other side of the coin is the fact that those in charge are well aware that as long as densely populated areas outside of Bangkok remain unvaccinated; places like Chiang Mai and Pattaya for instance, that's a perfect invitation for new outbreak clusters to form, which could quickly become as bad, if not worse than what's happening in Bangkok right now. 


Remember that the Delta variant is growing exponentially and will soon the the dominant form of the virus all over Thailand, and I'm sure that is not lost on Thai officials!  So, there is every incentive for those in charge to do everything possible to be sure that ALL people, both expats and Thais, are vaccinated throughout the Kingdom as fast as possible.


I mean, the virus certainly does not discriminate by nationality, and every person that remain unvaccinated is just one more person that can spread the virus to the population as a whole.


If you really pay attention to the vaccination statistics, things are being handled about as well as can be expected based on the supply/demand issues, and the need to focus on Bangkok first.  There is still no reason to doubt that Thailand's high risk groups can become 70% vaccinated by the end of the year once this temporary shortage is fixed.

Edited by WaveHunter
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46 minutes ago, moogradod said:

And here is a quote from another thread:



More details needed... they find AZ not effective against Delta as a single jab, or 2 weeks plus after a second AZ jab? Has there been a study? (I have seen plenty claims AZ is effective after 2 jabs)


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18 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

More details needed... they find AZ not effective against Delta as a single jab, or 2 weeks plus after a second AZ jab? Has there been a study? (I have seen plenty claims AZ is effective after 2 jabs)


As I mentioned in my post I only quoted @ryane66It was from the thread June vaccination target exceeded: Health Minister. You have to ask him (I mean ryane66).

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