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If you do not wear a helmet while using a motorbike...????????

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On 6/17/2021 at 3:12 PM, toofarnorth said:

If I see ferlung riding around with no hat on I just feel I couldn't care if they have an accident regardless who is at fault.

And then you go home and obsess about it, post on forums etc.

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On 6/17/2021 at 3:26 PM, Trujillo said:

It's interesting to see those on motorbikes with no helmet yet wearing the face diaper. 

That's risk assessment for you. ....

More likely its a case of wherever they are going wont let them enter without a mask, otherwise, they wouldn't be wearing that either. Nothing to do with risk assessment.

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ok canthai “ ya got me “ ( hands up emoji) ... how about we add “consider “ to “ avoid bike riding” ?

have you and kwasaki, and others like you disposed to mockery of sensible comments, ever passed a western motorcycle test ? I have & do ride here every day. 

Perhaps you see yourselves as rebel tough guy comedians, “ too cool for school” types to which safety rules dont apply ? 

I hold a uk full motorcycle licence and an IAM advanced uk driving certificate.

What do you hold ? Doesnt look like you are motorcycle instructors, thats for sure......


If you are both qualified riders have you forgotten or dismissed what you learned ?

What is it that you fail to accept about my obvious & serious bike safety points ?

Are you perhaps naturally negative / sarcastic / dismissive ?

That might explain your poor attempts at “humour”  & personal attacks, on a literally deadly serious subject......

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2 hours ago, Lacessit said:

I try to avoid calling people stupid  

Yeah good idea. Seems to be the only ones using personal language such as stupid, idiots etc are the ones who are frustrated that not everyone wants to behave the way they are. 

I am sure their attitude would be the same whatever the subject matter as this kind of behaviour is commonplace when people can only think and believe that their way is the only way hence “everyone else is stupid”



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I ride a bicycle without a helmet, I know stupid, but it all depends on where you go, you will never find me on the main roads.  I guess it's the same with scooters, as long as the speed is very slow , 20 -30 km/h.  

If someone really hit you at speed a helmet wont save you anyway.  I don't feel more stupid for saying hat.  


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28 minutes ago, WhiteBuffaloATM said:

I hold a uk full motorcycle licence and an IAM advanced uk driving certificate.

on a literally deadly serious subject......

So you ride - but say avoid riding ?

Deadly ? - life is dangerous - accept the risk or not.

50 years and I'm still here


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3 minutes ago, balo said:

I ride a bicycle without a helmet, I know stupid, but it all depends on where you go, you will never find me on the main roads.

Go buy two watermelons the size of your head.

Ride 20 Kph and drop one on the road.

Place helmet on the other, drive 20 Kph, and drop the other one.

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19 minutes ago, Kadilo said:

Yeah good idea. Seems to be the only ones using personal language such as stupid, idiots etc are the ones who are frustrated that not everyone wants to behave the way they are. 

I am sure their attitude would be the same whatever the subject matter as this kind of behaviour is commonplace when people can only think and believe that their way is the only way hence “everyone else is stupid”


As someone else wrote - Please highlight how not wearing a helmet is an intelligent choice ?


There are some actions in life which are downright stupid - not wearing a helmet is one of those actions. 



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On 6/18/2021 at 2:29 AM, bobandyson said:

6 months ago I was forced off the road and took a spill doing only about 15 kph. My head hit the tarmac but luckily the helmet took the blow at the back. Received cuts and scrapes.


3 months ago my bike went from under me doing about the same speed, 15 kph. Helmet slammed against the concrete road breaking off the peak and the visor on one side. Received a broken collar bone. 101k+ in medical bills.


On both occasions the helmet probably saved me 15-20k each time in fees for head scans. 



Were you drink? It's not normal to be having so many accidents so close together. I suggest you improve your driving skills.


Been riding bike bikes and scooters for 30 years and only had one accident on the scooter here due to someone else overtaking and loosing their balance on a bend.



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11 minutes ago, balo said:

I ride a bicycle without a helmet, I know stupid, but it all depends on where you go, you will never find me on the main roads.  I guess it's the same with scooters, as long as the speed is very slow , 20 -30 km/h.  

If someone really hit you at speed a helmet wont save you anyway.  I don't feel more stupid for saying hat. 



Thats like saying Air-bags and a seatbelt won’t help you in a 100mph impact with wall. 


Of course, a helmet is not going to save your life in all accidents. But, a helmet will save your life and prevent brain injury in a lot of lower energy impacts.






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24 minutes ago, jak2002003 said:

It's not normal to be having so many accidents so close together.

And how - Pray tell - does he control the actions of others ?

Magic Wand ? Cast a Spell ?

Normal ? What Da F is that ?

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1 hour ago, WhiteBuffaloATM said:

ok canthai “ ya got me “ ( hands up emoji) ... how about we add “consider “ to “ avoid bike riding” ?

have you and kwasaki, and others like you disposed to mockery of sensible comments, ever passed a western motorcycle test ? I have & do ride here every day. 

Perhaps you see yourselves as rebel tough guy comedians, “ too cool for school” types to which safety rules dont apply ? 

I hold a uk full motorcycle licence and an IAM advanced uk driving certificate.

What do you hold ? Doesnt look like you are motorcycle instructors, thats for sure......


If you are both qualified riders have you forgotten or dismissed what you learned ?

What is it that you fail to accept about my obvious & serious bike safety points ?

Are you perhaps naturally negative / sarcastic / dismissive ?

That might explain your poor attempts at “humour”  & personal attacks, on a literally deadly serious subject......

One little laughing guy isn't enough ???? ????????

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On 6/17/2021 at 10:11 AM, worgeordie said:

I have a friend , whose wife was just popping out to 7-11 down the road, thought she did not need to wear a helmet as was only 5 mins away, and fate struck, well a pick up truck, she

had head injuries ,and 2 years later she is still been taken care of in a care home, which is costing my friend a lot of money every month, so you should always wear a helmet, EVEN if you are just popping out around the corner,


regards worgeordie 


Most traffic accidents happen within 2 miles or some such minor distance to the home.

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5 minutes ago, Kadilo said:

Maybe they are not bothered and obsessed with being “intelligent” and just enjoy the experience of not wearing vs wearing. 


Certainly not wearing a helmet is more enjoyable...  


5 minutes ago, Kadilo said:

Maybe they like living on the edge. 


This answer does not highlight an intelligent choice. 


5 minutes ago, Kadilo said:

Maybe they believe it’s in the lap of the gods and what is meant to be will be. 


This answer highlights the opposite of an intelligent choice....  just like amulets !


5 minutes ago, Kadilo said:

Maybe they don’t worry too much as they see the local policemen not wearing a helmet greeting the 14 yr old kids not wearing them. 


A lot of locals do not know any better. For those who do know better, those who do know the additional risks of not wearing a helmet i.e. many of us foreigners, the choice not to wear a helmet is not a clever choice. 


5 minutes ago, Kadilo said:


Who knows what peoples reasons are and personally I don’t care and obsess about them as it’s none of my business and no one else’s what situation they may leave their family in if they have an accident. 


The main issue I have with people not wearing helmets is if my Wife were to hit a motorcyclist. 


If it was clearly the motorcyclists fault, I have  dash cam to prove it etc. I don’t think I would feel bad or guilty if I hurt another motorcyclist and it wasn’t my fault.


But, if a motorcyclists suffered brain damage or was killed in an accident they would otherwise walk away from if they were wearing a helmet, my Wife would feel terrible for a long time - this is one of the ways ‘others’ are impacted. 



In Thailand when a death is involved the other party is automatically charged with ‘reckless driving causing death’ - bail is posted and the charges are usually dropped (if its obvious no dangerous driving took place). 


This is why our 1st Class insurance always has a 200,000 baht bail bond. 


I imagine its not a pleasant situation to be in. A lot of motorcyclist deaths where the motorcyclist was not wearing a helmet are incidents which the motorcyclists would normally limp / walk away from.




5 minutes ago, Kadilo said:

Control what is in your life if you must control someone/something and leave others do the same 


Then there would be no discussion on this forum.... 


I don’t think anyone goes around telling other motorcyclists they should be wearing a helmet.


But, when this topic comes up, it's open for discussion.

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Many of us drive motorcycles or scooters here, and it is dangerous getting on the roads with some of these other drivers. Getting on a scooter, or a motorcycle anywhere in Thailand, (much less Phuket, Phangan, Dark Tao, or Samui) without a very good helmet, is like playing Russian Roulette with three or four bullets in the chamber. It is absolutely asking for problems. The degree of recklessness here is astounding.


Use as good a helmet as you can afford, and do not use these eggshells pieces of <deleted>. They crack at the first impact, and what lies underneath them? Your skull, which is very delicate.


I have been riding bikes for 40 plus years. Without any serious accidents. A few minor ones over the years. Riding a bike here is very dangerous. If not the highest, one of the highest fatality rates in the world. And an accident here can be very costly, to your person. Just ask yourself- do I have enough problems already, without a broken skull, or smashed head, or face injury, or lost eye? I have three friends who have been in motorbike accidents on Samui within the last several years. One still cannot walk, or talk or function on her own, from a motorbike accident, where she hit her head on the pavement going only 20 kph. The other one has lost alot of his mental capacity after hitting his head. He insisted for years he would never wear a helmet. Now, he seems 15 years older. The third one is a close friend, who was hit by a sidecar, and nearly lost his leg. 11 operations later, he can walk, but with a limp, and the leg causes him constant problems, many years later. And many, many millions of baht later too. 

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On 6/17/2021 at 11:53 AM, The Cipher said:


I don't know how to ride a motorcycle. But I do track cars and have completed a bunch of performance driving courses. Would consider myself a pretty skilled driver, but I still wear a seat belt every time I'm in a vehicle.


It's a low effort habit that protects against asymmetric downside risk. Would think putting on a motorcycle helmet is the same situation - and it can look cool too!

Motorbike really not start make irritating sound if you drive it whitout helmet! So if you are not deaf you want use seat belt anyway!

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On 6/18/2021 at 1:39 AM, Kadilo said:

Best just concentrate on what you wear and leave others to make their own decisions. It’s their head at the end of the day and their life they are putting at risk. 

What is this obsession of people worrying about what others are doing. 



those are ALL the farangs I came here to get away from.     wouldn't you know it..... I told them it was dangerous here in Thailand ,   but they came anyway !   

Brought their dang fangled ideas on how to live with em 

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On 6/17/2021 at 6:28 PM, Kwasaki said:

Only use seat belt in my truck going into the city I don't have a seat belt on my bike, knocking about in my truck locally I don't wear a seat belt, my truck is not performance related.

As they say "Up to you"  that's what I like about where I live in Thailand.


Everybody can make their own choices.

However, once I trained myself to belt up as soon as I got into a vehicle I realized something about such habitual behavior.


To stop from doing something that is actually a habit takes a conscious effort. That being so, why would I make such an effort to intentionally put myself at risk? What is the gain/reward? Why would I spend the time to weigh risks every time I get into a car?


Even minor events like hitting a deep pothole at low speed can cause your head to hit the roof. Wearing a seat belt would prevent that. Life has a way of offering up unpleasant surprises.

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1 hour ago, impulse said:

It's still statistically crazy dangerous to ride a scooter, either way.

Sold 2 cars in Australia before moving here. On arrival I bought a small car and a 125cc scooter. I had only riden bikes a little in Oz. We lived in a large muban in San Sai with a lot sois not built on as yet so I decided to practice riding around the muban. After many drives into the city in the car I decided riding a bike was not for me. I sold the bike with 14km on the clock (yes fourteen only).


Since then I have had 2 personal friends die in bike accidents and several injured so I am happy with my decision.

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26 minutes ago, RocketDog said:

Even minor events like hitting a deep pothole at low speed can cause your head to hit the roof. Wearing a seat belt would prevent that. Life has a way of offering up unpleasant surprises.

A small forward impact could allow you to lunge forward without a seatbelt then the airbag tries to launch you through the roof of the car at 300kmh. I was always at my father-in-law to buckle up for this reason as he would just hold the buckle near the lock point.

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