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Thailand’s airports prepare for full reopening to foreign visitors in 4 months


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5 hours ago, hotchilli said:

He has a dream, hope it doesn't turn into another apology later.

Open all you want but lets see how many tourists actually want to come.

There wasn't that many before the Chinese virus, I noticed a few times when I was in Bangkok how few white faces I seen, this was around the lower Sukhumvit area.

This unelected "PM" and his cohorts have come away with issues which have made it more difficult for tourists, especially the long stay under fifties, and retirees alike.

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5 hours ago, hotchilli said:

He has a dream, hope it doesn't turn into another apology later.

Open all you want but lets see how many tourists actually want to come.


That is the crunch.

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5 hours ago, kiwikeith said:

By the look of the airline names in the article it seems like they are expecting a mass of Chinese/ asians to flood in.

Mind you things are not good anywhere in the world, covid numbers are again rising with Russia going mad again and world numbers on the rise.

Travel bubbles are under strain already between NZ and Aussie, and the feared Delta strain is spreading around the world.

Nz had to stop people coming in from India as the quarantine facilities were under strain and as soon as they did this the numbers of imported people with covid dropped dramatically.


Since there are migrants living all over the world now, controlling the Delta strain is almost impossible

to contain, the only way probably would have been locking the borders, and land borders are next to impossible especially with smuggling and slave labor .

Couple that with vaccine scams starting up in India (Mumbai, india today news) and the likelihood that scams will happen in Thailand the whole world is in a mess 


Yes, look at the airlines mentioned. 

2 of 3 are Chinese "budget" carriers using narrow body aircraft and originate from mainland China. 

My mainland Chinese friends.... business men, manufacturers and exporters, are still waiting to be vaccinated and NOT (easily) permitted to leave China. 

These friends all have business interests in Thailand and want to come to get a slice of new projects here. 

But can't at the moment. 

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57 minutes ago, billd766 said:

I don't think so Sandy. Since this mob took over the only real progress has been slowly backwards. As for the last 3 to 6 months since the 3rd wave has come along, there are too many ministers, deputy ministers, government departments etc all putting the plans up only to change them, have them changed or simply let them die.


From the Thai people I speak to locally, there is no trust or hope in anything that is said or published by anybody in the government.


The Thai people are not stupid or dumb, many are not as well educated as they ought to be, but even they realise that this mob took power in 2014 and intend to stay in power as long as they can, by hook or by crook.

I agree - I speak to a couple of ladies via WhatsApp and as you say they're not formally educated but they can see right through this mob of self-serving fools.

I sent one of them a video link to Laurel & Hardy, captioning it Auntin & Prayut  - she loved it! 

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5 hours ago, chesterubi1 said:

This is the full translation of the Prime Ministers message. Seems quite sensible to me, where he states the country needs to open up to ease economic woes, but it is a risk and the Government may have to react if a Covid 19 outbreak occurs.


Prime Minister and Defense Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha stated that the Government aims to fully reopen the country within the next 120 days.
The statement was made on 16 June 2021 and was televised on the Television Pool of Thailand. It informed the people of the progress of mass vaccination against COVID-19 and Thailand’s roadmap following its recovery from the COVID-19 crisis.
In his statement, the Prime Minister said that Thailand had agreed to secure COVID-19 vaccines from six manufacturers, namely Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, Moderna, Sinovac, Sinopharm, and AstraZeneca. It had also signed contracts to procure 105.5 million doses of vaccines to be delivered to the country before the end of this year. Additional vaccines will be secured next year, as well.
He reaffirmed that more than 10 million doses a month would be offered to the people. If there are enough vaccines, 50 million people will receive at least the first dose by early October 2021.
The Prime Minister said, "The time has now come for us to look ahead and set a date for when we can fully open our country and start receiving visitors, because re-opening the country is one of the important ways to start reducing the enormous suffering of people who have lost their ability to earn income. I am, therefore, setting a goal for us to be able to declare Thailand fully open within 120 days from today, and for tourism centers that are ready, to do so even faster. The only exception to these guidelines will be if a truly serious situation develops or seems likely to develop, and we will look at those situations on a case-by-case basis.
"I know this decision comes with some risk because when we open the country there will be an increase in infections, no matter how good our precautions. But, I think, when we take into consideration the economic needs of people, the time has now come for us to take that calculated risk. The priorities for our country must now advance to the next level.
"Our national policy must now evolve and we must look on this virus just as we would on the many other diseases that are in the world and with which we must learn to live. We have seen that this virus is not going to go away quickly. We have to come to terms that it will continue to be around in the world and in Thailand for some time. We cannot wait for a time when everyone is fully vaccinated with two shots to open the country or for when the world is free of the virus. We must be ready to live with some risk and just try to keep it at a manageable level, and let people go back to being able to earn a living. That is the policy that I have set.”

Is that the self elected "PM" talking the first bit of sense since he and his soldiers stole the country? I bet he had a script writer making this speech up in desperation to try and keep him in a job.

No one with only a Military Academy education and only the ability to order soldiers around could have made up a speech like that.

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6 hours ago, RR2020 said:

October and November and December will represent the real most dangerous times in Asia.


Massive mixing of vaccinated but infected people all over Asia in October and November.  


New Super Variant (what they call a VHC - Variant of High Consequence) will emerge.


You will soon be seeing the abbreviation VHC more and more.......wait and see.



This is the fallacy, the potential stupidity of the "lockdown and vaccinate" - it may not solve the problem imo, it may simply create a VHC which never would have happened if the world just had taken the original Covid-19 in 2020 with no lockdowns and got it over with. Yes millions would have died, but the human race, as in the past many thousands of years, would have evolved stronger through natural evolution and survival of the fittest.


Everyone who has never had real Covid and recovered should in my opinion be very afraid about November and December of 2021.


Swampy may open to be closed again very quickly.





Besides the optics of millions dying, already happened, the problem with your idea is that immunity after infection may only last long enough for the next VOC (variant of concern) to start a new cycle and kill millions, or tens of millions, more hapless victims. We may get an inkling of this future with current and future Indian variants, as they overcome the defenses conferred by the least capable vaccines, not to mention those who were previously infected, who would be even more at risk.


UK is doing a pretty good job of fighting off Covid with vaccines, but in some US southern states we may also see the fallacy of natural herd immunity as promoted by the Great Barrington clique, when thousands get wiped out by the Indian variant. It could have been worse had we not learned effective ways to treat severe cases in hospital.

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9 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

I think it is all so wrong,  but I do believe he will order it to happen.

Historically, when he says he wants something it usually does.

Seems to have a strong tone of business over lives at this point.


Businesses have to open lively or the country will slip back into the Third World category.

Starvation, neglect etc would be far worse deaths than a quick COVID attack.

The elderly,fatties and those with underlying health conditions will need to shield themselves until vaccination time.

Quite simple really.

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On 6/18/2021 at 12:50 PM, billd766 said:

I don't think so Sandy. Since this mob took over the only real progress has been slowly backwards. As for the last 3 to 6 months since the 3rd wave has come along, there are too many ministers, deputy ministers, government departments etc all putting the plans up only to change them, have them changed or simply let them die.


From the Thai people I speak to locally, there is no trust or hope in anything that is said or published by anybody in the government.


The Thai people are not stupid or dumb, many are not as well educated as they ought to be, but even they realise that this mob took power in 2014 and intend to stay in power as long as they can, by hook or by crook.

Not really Bill. The "mob", as you say, are in government and have the right to manage as they see fit irrespective of what any foreigner or outsider may think. As a government they are no better or worse than many others, Boris Johnson's lies, U turns and discriminatory policies take a lot of beating.

You are quite right about the Thai people, more than capable of thinking for themselves, but the views are regional and always have been. During the protests I saw first hand the convoys coming from the north, never saw any from around here. Many around here willingly voted for the government and would do so again.

It is an unfortunate fact of life that logistics tend to determine the most industrial parts of a country and the remote areas often get left behind, as we see in the UK with the north of Scotland. The crofters could never be said to see the government in the same light as the affluent south.

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