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Shaving !


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3 hours ago, MrJ2U said:

London Bridge shaving cream (Gillette) from Makro or online.  Finally cheap and good shaving cream.

That appears to be a foam or gel, not a cream. I don't see it online at Makro. However, I see London Bridge DE blades, which get good reviews, so I may try those.

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  • German Merkur Slant razor
  • Nacet double edge blades. Used Astra SPs for years, cheap at any local beauty supply
  • Cheap Vitamin E cream from Lazada as pre-shave
  • Cella shaving soap, 1 kg block. One of the world's great shaving bargains, lasts for years. Vary that sometimes w/ artisan soaps, Tabac, etc. Use a cream, brushless, when traveling, such as Palmolive.
  • RazoRock Plissoft synthetic brush. Lots of decent brushes cheap nowadays on Aliexpress
  • plastic travel dog bowl from Aliexpress. World's greatest lathering bowl, will even lather Williams or Mitchell's Wool Fat quickly & easily
  • witch hazel w/ a few drops of essential peppermint oil as aftershave
  • quality, masculine cologne on occasion. Thai women . . . .


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16 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Got myself a Chinese rip of a famous German razor, Merker Futur for $10.

100 blades another $10, I use about 5 blades a year, shave around 3x a week.

Foam is too expensive, soap and a brush ....... soap lasts more than a year.

Works a treat and costs almost nothing.


Electric always burned my skin.



Absolutely the best and cheapest choice. And theres so many razorblades out there for a penny so just go and by different ones and try them out

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15 hours ago, Rampant Rabbit said:

That's because it's easier to rub hair against hair than it is to rub skin against skin.

Better known as 'bumping fuzzies'.



I used to use 7-11s brand of razors called 'Venture'.  2 twin blades for 49b.


About 4-5 months ago it appeared that they stopped making them. For several weeks I couldn't find them anywhere. Then one day I spotted them and saw that they'd become triple bladed and yet still at the same price of 49b.


Now they've gone missing again and haven't seen them for about a month. Presently using Gillette's twin blade 2 pack. 

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Brought a Gillette Mach 3 and 10 XL boxes of 8 blades from the UK 8 years ago.

Picked the lot up in a supermarket clearance for a £10. Still got 16 blades left.


Used to shave 2/3 times a week, but since Covid just once a week when we do the weekly grocery shopping.

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1 hour ago, sead said:

Absolutely the best and cheapest choice. And theres so many razorblades out there for a penny so just go and by different ones and try them out

Ali express, they don't accept Paypal , as I have read ; how do you pay ? Credit card ? is it sure ? I must say that I hesitate to give my card number 

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3 minutes ago, Aforek said:

Ali express, they don't accept Paypal , as I have read ; how do you pay ? Credit card ? is it sure ? I must say that I hesitate to give my card number 

I use my Kasikorn bank account to pay. As soon as I buy something, the phone goes beep and I see the money debited.

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1 hour ago, Aforek said:

Ali express, they don't accept Paypal , as I have read ; how do you pay ? Credit card ? is it sure ? I must say that I hesitate to give my card number 

So you never buy through internet. Or are you one of those that think worlds biggest company aint keeping it more safe that Google, Apple, Amazon, Ebay etc.

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23 hours ago, Excel said:

Well start shaving at 15 but due to my nature and continuing loss of blood I gave up having a wet shave after 1 week and to this very day have never had one since. Around that time my Dad bought himself a Remington electric shaver but I guess as he had always wet shaved he could not get accustomed to it and being a blood donor I guess he wanted to help and gave it to me.


That Remington was the old foil type and I'm guessing but it lasted me about 3 years until one day it was giving more scratches then cutting hair as the foil had split in a few places. Couldn't get a new foil so bought another foil type, a Braun I think. Same thing happened after around 2/3 years so binned that and bought a Philishave and have been using them ever since to this very day. I shave every day as I hate having beard growth, always have done as it not only irritates me I also think it looks scruffy as if you can't be bothered to look after yourself. I know many like that look but I don't , never have never will. The last 20 years have seen these types of razors vastly improved and nowadays a very close shave can be had.

I have used Braun for years and you are right the technology has greatly Improved in recent years.

Braun recommend replacing the foil after two years but I have never had them last that long.

I have found the best way to get a good shave and to make them last is to use an electric pre shave, don’t apply too much pressure and keep the head and foil clean, the models these days allow them to be cleaned in water.

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Have switched from electric razor (which was not getting a lot of the sporadic hairs on my neck), to a full old school razor set up. As Britman has said, it's cheaper, better and I'm using a lot less plastic. I actually enjoy the process now. 


I get all my info and products from www.shavenation.com (he has a great YouTube channel as well)


Shower, pre shave oil, foam up some cream, apply and shave, repeat if required, alum block, after shave. 


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9 minutes ago, ncc1701d said:

Have switched from electric razor (which was not getting a lot of the sporadic hairs on my neck), to a full old school razor set up. As Britman has said, it's cheaper, better and I'm using a lot less plastic. I actually enjoy the process now. 


I get all my info and products from www.shavenation.com (he has a great YouTube channel as well)


Shower, pre shave oil, foam up some cream, apply and shave, repeat if required, alum block, after shave. 



I got hold of the cheapest model Wahl Moustache Beard trimmer... which gets those neck hairs every time (the ones that lay as flat out as a lizard drinking)    

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I'm a disposable 3 blade Gillette man. I usually shave after showering as the skin is clean , soft and compliant. Timing of a shave is intermittent and usually happens after the sudden shock of seeing a face full of grey stubble. (one of the advantages of being in a wheelchair is that I'm usually below bathroom mirrors).

I could never understand the reasoning behind slathering half an inch of foam over the face, it clogs the implement and makes it hard to find the edges. If lubricant is required, hair conditioner is ideal.

I have a cheap Lazada electric trimmer to keep the goatee in check.

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Over the past couple of years I have bought two cheap Philips shavers from Boots, they only worked for a few months, although they start up OK, they just don't shave.

I am now back to using a Gillette Fusion battery operated shaver with ordinary shaving cream, and shave every second morning.

I hate shaving, but I have never and never will have facial hair.

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1 minute ago, possum1931 said:

Over the past couple of years I have bought two cheap Philips shavers from Boots, they only worked for a few months, although they start up OK, they just don't shave.

I am now back to using a Gillette Fusion battery operated shaver with ordinary shaving cream, and shave every second morning.

I hate shaving, but I have never and never will have facial hair.

Those cheap ones are only ever good for travel use so hence infrequently. For daily use I always have used the 3 head hi end ones which are damned expensive here in Thailand

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9 hours ago, BigStar said:
  • German Merkur Slant razor
  • Nacet double edge blades. Used Astra SPs for years, cheap at any local beauty supply
  • Cheap Vitamin E cream from Lazada as pre-shave
  • Cella shaving soap, 1 kg block. One of the world's great shaving bargains, lasts for years. Vary that sometimes w/ artisan soaps, Tabac, etc. Use a cream, brushless, when traveling, such as Palmolive.
  • RazoRock Plissoft synthetic brush. Lots of decent brushes cheap nowadays on Aliexpress
  • plastic travel dog bowl from Aliexpress. World's greatest lathering bowl, will even lather Williams or Mitchell's Wool Fat quickly & easily
  • witch hazel w/ a few drops of essential peppermint oil as aftershave
  • quality, masculine cologne on occasion. Thai women . . . .


You have my nomination on this thread as the poster with the most pampered face.

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1 minute ago, Excel said:

Those cheap ones are only ever good for travel use so hence infrequently. For daily use I always have used the 3 head hi end ones which are damned expensive here in Thailand

I have used Gillette Fusion for years, and never scratch myself like I did with the non battery ones, but yes, they are expensive, though very comfortable.

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On 6/18/2021 at 8:51 AM, Dmaxdan said:

Always wearing a mask when I'm out has changed my shaving habits. I no longer see the point of shaving just to go to the supermarket like I did in the days before Covid. Being at home a lot more is another excuse for shaving less regularly. 


I currently own a job lot of Watson's 5 bladed razors which I bought  when they were selling them off for less than half price. Not the best but they work. 



Does your wife/GF not mind you kissing her? I'm sure if I could not get access to a razor, I would keep scratching my face all the time.

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4 minutes ago, faraday said:

When he wears all that Nike gear he purports to have, he probably looks like Adonis!



I've observed Thai women get more excited by the sight of a wallet, than with the smell of an aftershave. Unless, of course, one is so hansum they give freebies.

I've had a beard for most of my adult life, albeit a neat one. Although Thai women are reputed to detest beards, I've never found it to be an impediment.

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8 hours ago, bobandyson said:

Better known as 'bumping fuzzies'.



I used to use 7-11s brand of razors called 'Venture'.  2 twin blades for 49b.


About 4-5 months ago it appeared that they stopped making them. For several weeks I couldn't find them anywhere. Then one day I spotted them and saw that they'd become triple bladed and yet still at the same price of 49b.


Now they've gone missing again and haven't seen them for about a month. Presently using Gillette's twin blade 2 pack. 

A  lot  of  stuff  is  like that here, you find something at a good  price and next time its  gone  never  to  bee  seen  again, what Ill often do is buy 3-4-5 if  its  something I  know Im going to use  again, be it  tools  or household  products

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18 hours ago, Excel said:

I have heard of badgers, bald badgers but never a badger hairbrush

Also used in the decorating industry a  Badger Softener for when you are doing wood  graining marbling techniques, see  you  learn something new everyday.

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On 6/18/2021 at 9:07 AM, Saltire said:

I shave every other day unless I am going out and shave those days.


I use Gillette Fusion 5 and order them in a box of 12 from Amazon. Cheaper than Thailand pharmacy, and originals. Fakes or cheap razors irritate my baby soft skin. Tried electric several times, quick but never a close shave.


I shave every second day as I actually dislike shaving, but gave up on beards many years ago when I read a survey that 99.9% of women prefer clean shaven.


Another reson for every two days is to make my Nivea shaving foam at 220 Baht  last twice as long.



"when I read a survey that 99.9% of women prefer clean shaven." Unfortunately. that's not the case today with so many sheople copying others with their facial hair, when I was younger and dated many girls, I never met one who liked facial hair.

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