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Shaving !


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7 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Got myself a Chinese rip of a famous German razor, Merker Futur for $10.

100 blades another $10, I use about 5 blades a year, shave around 3x a week.

Foam is too expensive, soap and a brush ....... soap lasts more than a year.

Works a treat and costs almost nothing.

 I am like this too. Never going back to the rip off Gillette products again. Best shave with a single blade. Love the Arko Shaving Soap stick, just lather up on face with a brush. Very fast and efficient. Blades and soap will last year or more.

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I have to shave every day. My whiskers grow really fast and they are thick too.  I don't understand why, because the hair on my head is fine and soft and grows really slowly, and the rest of my body has hardly any hair at all.


Anyway, I use Gatsoy cool shaving jell. It's not expensive compared to foams and other things I have seen, and you only need a small amount so one tube lasts ages  


I used to use shaving oil back in the uk, but can't find it here.  


I use 3 blade Gillette razor.  If I use an electric razor I get a rash and irritated skin, and can't get a close smooth shave with them...even though I have tried a few different models over the years. 








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Just now, jak2002003 said:

My whiskers grow really fast and they are thick too.  I don't I understand why, because the hair on my head is fine and soft and grows really slowly

Bar stewards.......other way round for for me......full head of fairly thick hair......but whiskers not that different...quite soft once grown past the stubble phase .....

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7 hours ago, CharlieH said:

whats your shaving routine

As little as possible....! Shaving is a drag....!

Twice per week, electric razor, if it's not so close, who cares, and/or who will notice...!

More important things in life to worry about than if your shave was perfect of 0.0001 micron....!

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6 hours ago, faraday said:

I use Barbasol cream shave - Tesco's 179 bt.



So much for that "free trade agreement" Thailand agrees to... Less than 60 baht when you do the math. Oddly enough I used to buy the same made in Thailand products in America and they are the same price here and there!


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35 minutes ago, Surelynot said:

Shaved for the first time in about 20 years last night....no particular reason........wish I hadn't...... it revealed what lay hidden for all those years.......sad.......can't wait to grow a beard again.

When does it stop growing?

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Just now, scubascuba3 said:

So after 20 years of not shaving it must have been on the floor, good look

Ha....I see what you mean......I take "shave" to mean shaved to the skin.......the beard was "trimmed" regularly......555

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Short beard style, shave every second day, take a holiday on Saturday.

Bic lasts me about three months, the soft brush is Italian. Shave cream is Australian, lasts about 6 months.

My GF enjoys a shave too, about every second month.





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Fusion 4 blade, 2-3 times a week. Here with shower, hot water, just on feeling , dont see. Use the shampoo from my head.

Out of shower i check in mirror and do additional cutting when needed. But also the 3 blade of Gillette was doing just as fine.  

In Thailand have mostly cold shower, it has effect. Hot water works better. Gillettes dont rust


Also tried how long i could do with one blade, so now i use 1 blade in a year, since many years and it suites fine.

No problems what so ever. OK you do notice when you start using a new one.

But dont care for that and it works, after a year i take a new one.

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8 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Got myself a Chinese rip of a famous German razor, Merker Futur for $10.

100 blades another $10, I use about 5 blades a year, shave around 3x a week.

Foam is too expensive, soap and a brush ....... soap lasts more than a year.

Works a treat and costs almost nothing.


Electric always burned my skin.



I changed from soap to hair conditioner. Soap left my face too dry. Conditioner is  great and leaves my skin silky smooth.

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8 hours ago, CharlieH said:

Now I use a good Gillette 3 blade razor and a decent cream for 99bt, done in minutes.Splash of aftershave all done.

Same-same, Gillette 3 blade and decent foam. I shave every morning, even if I stay home, good feeling for me, but I don't use aftershave, but I often use a bit of coconut oil on my face  after shower, and before my morning exercise, where after I shave. If I'm going out in the evening I shave again, and I might shave before bedtime also, depending of company...????

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Electric. Takes 3 - 5 Minutes


I have tried all top models from Phillips and Braun, but the best in my opinion is the Panasonic ES-LV6N


Full water proof, you can use it under the shower.

No idea why this one is not on sale in Thailand. Other, inferior models are. Brought it with me from Switzerland.


Unpleasant consequence: A friend of mine has to ship me a set of new "blades" about once in a year.


I have as well a Panasonic hair cutter for my hair. Done by my wife within 3 Minutes.

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There's a routine?


I shaved daily when working. Always electric, after cutting the more sensitive areas too often.

Now I shave when told.


A combination of wet shave and electric. I use an orange coloured wet razor from Tesco. Don't know the brand. Electric shave around bottom and top lips and nostrils. Philishave. 

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Arrived in Samui late 90's with my trusty Phillips triple head in back pack; think it was called a Philishave....had never really wet shaved, always cut myself to shreds and gave up.............No joy from day 1 with the Philishave and the humidity, what a mess....gave up after a couple days, my hand was forced and I embraced the razor...............never looked back.............................Gillette sensor ever since................

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Face - foam shave with the 2 blade disposable razors approx every other day, sometimes every 3 days. 

I don't mind a bit of stubble on my face.

Chest and abdomen - about once a week.  I dislike having hair on my chest or belly. 

Balls - trim about once a week, close shave with soap and a razor when I can be bothered. 

Haven't enjoyed any female contact in about 5 years, but like to keep things tidy just in case!  

Added... also check ears, eyebrows and nose for errant hairs and pluck them daily.  

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34 minutes ago, seancbk said:

Balls - trim about once a week, close shave with soap and a razor when I can be bothered. 


Have you tried waxing? Problem solved permanently, or so I understand.

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11 hours ago, CharlieH said:

Now I use a good Gillette 3 blade razor and a decent cream for 99bt, done in minutes.Splash of aftershave all done.

I actually ordered the Gillette triple blades 54 pac from Amazon.  I found they were better and cheaper than the ones at Makro.  


London Bridge shaving cream (Gillette) from Makro or online.  Finally cheap and good shaving cream.


Try to Shave in the afternoon so I can help with two kids in the evening and mornings.  I need to shave everyday as it grows so fast.  Electric isn't close enough for me.

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6 hours ago, CALSinCM said:

Use Gillette Blue 3-blades.  The things last forever. 
Shave in the shower.  Grab any soap that's handy.  Shave by feel. 
Maybe look in the mirror afterwards, maybe not.  I've never been hampered by vanity.
Ditch cologne, never have been a fan.  Whatever the soap smells like is good enough although I'm fond of citrus.

Don't shave for three days, then shave under the chin and neck because it's rough, then after about 5 days I can't stand the feel and shave it all off (I could never be a "Hipster")  Then may go clean shaven for a few days.  Rinse and repeat.



ditch cologne, I assume you are from the UK... thankyou for using soap, how often do you shower ?

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I just step out of the shower and, if I'm going out, step to the sink and scrape my head & parts of my face.  Been using a Gillett Mach 3 Turbo, but it's time to change, the shave isn't anything special and the blades are expensive.

In the UK, it was a Wilkinsons Sword for many years, but they aren't sold here.  I miss that.

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