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Will you wait for one of the Mrna vaccines such as Pfizer or Moderna or take what is available including Sinovac?

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14 hours ago, rabas said:


Considering Thailand's situation, a better option may be to get what's available now and upgrade to a better vaccine when you can. This is my current plan.  Even AZ spaced at 12 weeks vs Sinovac spaced at 4 weeks becomes a legitimate consideration.  Need graph.


With limited studies, AZ performed better in terms of whole body covid immunity than SinoVac when the 2nd dose is one of the 'better' vaccines such as Pfizer, J&J, Moderna.


Pretty sure that the only Pfizer option would be from the government. which is in the process of ordering 20 MM doses for their own citizens, children/young adults, 12-18 YO.


As for the Pfizer vaccine that will be imported, it is also an injection plan for children aged 12-18 years who are in school. Now, Dr. Opas has a plan to support vaccination in children at school. by adjusting the first aid room as a vaccination point With medical equipment to support emergency situations, China's Sinovac vaccine is currently in a phase 3 study for injecting in children aged 3 years and over, and Thailand is closely monitoring the matter.





Moderna is way over-subscribed, suspect it will be a cage-match getting this one, at least in the first tranche of 5 MM doses, due "this year".


If you want an mRNA vaccine maybe hope for the ChulaVac? Maybe next year?





My home country of Canada just announced that travelers hoping to arrive without enduring their mandatory hotel quarantine need to show evidence of vaccination with an approved vaccine.


Unfortunately Sinovac isn't on that list (although AZ is), so if I do get vaccinated here I'll be holding out for one of the vaccines that lets me check the 'travel without quarantine' box.

15 hours ago, Jajazazajaja said:


that article actually proved Sinovac Is even more effective than was thought


350 medical staff out of 40,000 got COVID and dozens were hospitalized means the vaccine is 99.91% effective 

look at the figures behind the headlines 

So you’ll be having the sinovac then?

15 hours ago, rabas said:


Considering Thailand's situation, a better option may be to get what's available now and upgrade to a better vaccine when you can. This is my current plan.  Even AZ spaced at 12 weeks vs Sinovac spaced at 4 weeks becomes a legitimate consideration.  Need graph.



I am with you on this one!


I had AZ on June 16th and next one September 9th if everything according to plan. I do have my second appointment.


My plan then, as after the second AZ jab has been in, I am in the region of 90% protection. I will then go for a booster of Pfizer or Moderna on a paid basis when it becomes available. Of course, I will take medical advice on this, but we all know as it stands, a booster is going to be required at some stage after.


Any vaccine that prevents hospitalization or protection against the most serious effects of this virus I would take without hesitation, on a free or paid basis.


I am no virologist and nor is anybody posting here. I do NOT BELIEVE for one second that governments are putting useless vaccines into arms with regards to Sinovac. It would be pointless and not stand up to international scrutiny.


If it is 50% cover and prevents hospitalization, it is better than no cover at all.

7 hours ago, Heng said:

Waiting for now.  Will fly if necessary.

Your best chance of getting infected will be spending hours and hours on planes and in airports

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I am happy to see (as an MD) that the responding community in majority is coming to their senses. Although with data up to now (from different population sources, not really making a comparison of vaccines in one group) there are some differences in protection rates from different vaccines, it is still clear that they all offer protection from severe sickness. So get whatever you can. Moderna and Pfizer are sexy products but they are based on completely new technology that have not proven themselves for efficacy or side effects in the long run. All the others are made with years old techniques. Bottom line: Grab a jab and ignore the brand.

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17 hours ago, Thomas J said:

Will you wait it out to get one of those or take what is available as soon as you can get it. 


mRNA vaccines

The major adverse event of special interest reported for these vaccines, which include the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines is anaphylaxis. Regulators carefully review the reports of possible anaphylaxis to determine whether they are consistent with true anaphylaxis and whether they may have been caused by the vaccine. Anaphylaxis reports remains very rare (in the order of 10 cases per million vaccinated).

Guidance on the management of possible anaphylaxis is included in the Product Information/Label for these vaccines. Routine vaccination procedures include keeping people under observation for at least 15 minutes after vaccination and having appropriate medical treatment on hand so that anaphylaxis can be rapidly managed. These vaccines should not be given to people with a known history of a severe allergic reaction to any of the vaccine components. A second dose of mRNA vaccine should not be given to those who have experienced anaphylaxis to the first dose.

There have been some other reported adverse events, which include unusual bleeding and blood clotting disorders, facial weakness, seizures, loss of sense of taste or smell and cardiac events. Regulators monitor and carefully review if there is a causal relationship between the vaccines with those adverse events, and, if appropriate, they will be included in Product Information / Product Label of vaccines of concern.




To all the conspiracy theorists.


You are asking us to believe all  this is a giant hoax and they want to inject us with a poisonous vaccine to reduce population levels, to kill us off slowly, to make pregnant women infertile, etc etc.


Your evidence is based on the internet, stand alone embittered scientists who go against the grain or have had a meltdown and the firm favorite, that biotech companies and big brother are making billions out of this giant hoax and scam. This would require every single government to be in on it around the world without exception. Have we ever had such an occurrence?


Brazil is under the control of an anti VAX president. and has the worst record in the world on the Coronavirus epidemic, with now 500K dead. India carried on with mass gatherings for religious festivals and elections, no mask wearing or social distancing, and look what happened? The USA  had a president who didn't take the vaccine seriously, look what happened? The UK was slow to implement lockdown, behind everybody on Covid restrictions, and look what happened?


Countries which closed their borders, restricted travel, enforced social distancing, mask wearing and vaccine roll out, have performed a lot better than those who haven't, and that includes China, where the virus originated. South East Asia performed very well in the outbreak, but I believe it was due to the immediate lockdown, mask wearing which is commonplace here, and closed borders.


It has now increased, largely due to  ' virus fatigue ' and understandably, ' ' economic despair ' as well as boredom with the restrictions, also where people have entered Thailand, and left, through porous borders from Myanmar, Cambodia and others.


Upcountry in Thailand and Cambodia as well as Vietnam, there are vast farming communities that do not travel afar and tend to be static and also do not have the tourist that travel around or associated problems, so the virus has been very slow moving and left many provinces virtually unscathed..


We are lucky, in so far as, the vaccine are on stream and although slow, they are getting through to the people and this year should see the virus rapidly decline.


In the meantime I say, Stay safe, wear a mask, avoid crowds, social distance and grab any jab, as soon as it becomes available to you regardless of brand, and look to get a better one in booster form afterwards.








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2 hours ago, rabas said:


Thanks. I didn't see the 5000 number but knew it was centered in Kudus. 


We still can't calculate effectiveness without a control group because we have no idea how many unvaccinated healthcare workers would get COVID. If it was an equal number, 350, then the vaccine has zero effectiveness. If 1000, then the effectiveness would only be 65%.


It is highly unlikely all 5000 in a control group could get infected because medical staff use heavy protection and not all staff are exposed to COVID. So what ever the number, Sinovac isn't very effective against the delta strain, and less so against the coming South African (beta) strain now heading to Phuket!


The thing is, as the person in charge noted, medical personnel have let down their guard due to fatigue and burnout. Which makes the case against Sinovac somewhat weaker. Most of us won't be engaging in risky behavior around those who are ill.

2 hours ago, a3tsw said:

Johnson & Johnson for me when it becomes available , one shot and done with , surprised no one else seems to be mentioning that one.

Many complications for women 


In USA if you want to be hip in your circles lol you get Moderno only , you will see people’s eyes light up for gawd sakes 

  • Haha 1
2 hours ago, ianwheldale said:

I will wait until the proper research and testing has been done before allowing any poison in my body, so maybe about 10 years or so.

But what about getting vaccinated?

  • Like 1
47 minutes ago, Ireland32 said:

In USA if you want to be hip in your circles lol you get Moderno only , you will see people’s eyes light up for gawd sakes 

You're probably right. That's the status one. But I will say that I have a close relative in the US who claims she has suffered serious long term side effects from her second Moderna dose. As a way of saying be careful what you wish for.

  • Sad 1
6 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

You're probably right. That's the status one. But I will say that I have a close relative in the US who claims she has suffered serious long term side effects from her second Moderna dose. As a way of saying be careful what you wish for.

Wow , Thx for heads up , I wanted to do Phizer with it but I don’t think you can travel , with two different doses to cover variants 

17 hours ago, Jajazazajaja said:

This type of thing drives me mad


the best vaccine is the one available to you. The promise of vaccine maybe/hopefully in the future is just snake oil.


do you understand the efficacy figures? All vaccines are about 98% at preventing hospitalization and death, even Sinovac  

Not sure where you are getting your scientific information from but clearly all vaccines are not the same, in fact Sinovac’s performance is not very good at all? I’m happy to review your information and willing to stand corrected but as of now I would not be sticking Sinovac in my body????


  • Confused 1

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19 hours ago, steve187 said:

i'm with you on this one, been waiting a long time so what's a bit more of a wait to get the better jab in my opinion


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56 minutes ago, placeholder said:

The thing is, as the person in charge noted, medical personnel have let down their guard due to fatigue and burnout. Which makes the case against Sinovac somewhat weaker. Most of us won't be engaging in risky behavior around those who are ill.

Agree, that may well be one factor affecting numbers we do not yet know.


However, that doesn't affect my main point about efficacy.  Measuring efficacy requires a control group.  Given a control group, efficacy calculated for highly protected medical workers, burned out medical workers, or ordinary people is exactly the same. No difference.  If efficacy is not good for Indonesia medical workers, it will not be good for you and me. I repeat this because it's not easily apparent

  • Thanks 1

Anything that will avoid getting full blown Wuflu or avoid Government quarantine with superspreaders is worthwhile. Waiting till Oct or next year just so Millionaires can become Billionaires is not!

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It is necessary to get 1-2 jabs per year to be safe. So we will have to wait about 6 months to get a mRNA jab every year. It is too much.
We can only choose between AZ and Sinovac. What to choose? You should compare 2 counties in Europe:
1. UK is using AZ. 9-10k of new COVID patients per day.
2. Hungary is using Sinovac and Sputnik V. 0 new COVID patients and 0 new COVID deaths (06/19/21 and 06/20/21).

One should think twice and make a hard decision between being a patriot and being a survivor.


Im going to wait.  Sinovac is useless and Astra Zeneca is only a little better, 66% with the Delta variant that will be dominant in a few months.  Our family and myself have already booked a Moderna vaccine in Udon Thani Bangkok Hospital.  We're just staying close to home until then.

14 minutes ago, MrJ2U said:

Im going to wait.  Sinovac is useless and Astra Zeneca is only a little better, 66% with the Delta variant that will be dominant in a few months.  Our family and myself have already booked a Moderna vaccine in Udon Thani Bangkok Hospital.  We're just staying close to home until then.

False. AZ  is 92% effective against Delta as far as preventing hospitalization and deaths.



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5 hours ago, joloit said:

Sinovac has been approved by the WHO on June 1. This means, that countries will accept this vaccine.

hope so however....If...intending to enter EU...

June 15, 2021

Only 4 Vaccines Approved by European Medicines Agency...

The European Medicines Agency (EMA), which is the agency of the European Union responsible for the evaluation and supervision of medicinal products, has approved only Four Coronavirus vaccines so far, which are:

  • Like 1
17 minutes ago, MrJ2U said:

Im going to wait.  Sinovac is useless and Astra Zeneca is only a little better, 66% with the Delta variant that will be dominant in a few months.  Our family and myself have already booked a Moderna vaccine in Udon Thani Bangkok Hospital.  We're just staying close to home until then.

Sinovac useless?  Seems they are not dying from the Delta variant.


Jakarta. Most of the 308 health workers vaccinated with Sinovac's Coronavac vaccine in Kudus, Central Java, a district recently hit hard by the novel coronavirus Delta variant, recovered from the disease last week, an encouraging indication of how the Chinese-made vaccine fare against the more infectious variant. 

Badai Ismoyo, the Kudus district health department head, said administering the Covid-19 vaccine to health workers in the local area has proven effective in protecting them from the worst conditions.

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