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Government says no deaths tied to Covid-19 vaccines but investigation still ongoing


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34 minutes ago, ikke1959 said:

The son of nephew of my partner age 26 years died within a week after getting a Sinvac jab. The doctor said a heart attack... 26 years old????  weird, but I not a doctor, but i have my doubts

At 26 years of age was he in a priority group due to health issues? Anecdotal comment does not assist at all IMO.

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4 hours ago, webfact said:

There is no evidence of any deaths tied to Covid-19 vaccines in the 7.9 million doses that have been administered in Thailand, the Department of Disease Control (DDC) said on Thursday, although several cases were still being investigated.

Shortly to be denounced as unrelated.

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35 minutes ago, zyphodb said:

Nearly everyone believes the opposite of anything that this gov. says by default, so why would anyone believe them now?

History has a habit of repeating itself.

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Taking into account the level of physical abuse the average Thai puts themselves through (Sugar, fats, pollution) and given the average age of people receiving vaccines, is it really any wonder that a few will die in the days after getting the vax.  Very likely natural life expectancy taking a toll.

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Statistics, current information and history tell us that unfortunately there will be deaths.

So we have some options.

  1. People are being injected with a placebo
  2. Medics are incompetent and cannot carry our autopsies accurately
  3. The government have not really vaccinated that many people
  4. The government is telling lies about C.O.D.

I am sure that there may be other reasons, but take your pick of one of the above.

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2 hours ago, Swiss1960 said:

Government promised payments for each Covid related death... So... draw your conclusions, no need for me to mention them...


Is that correct?

Now I realise why someone I know passed away on Sunday after having Covid. He was eventually tested negative and moved to another ICU (after 6 or 7 weeks in Covid ICU) where he passed away after just 24 hours. Cause of death - inflammation of the lungs.

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29 minutes ago, Harveyg said:

Who is really running the show? Where do the conspiracies lie?

The names of the countries change. The evidence remains more or less the same:



REALLY???? You are quoting something, where Tucker Carlson is part of, the biggest conspiracy disseminator of all times??? Wow... 

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5 minutes ago, petedk said:


Is that correct?

Now I realise why someone I know passed away on Sunday after having Covid. He was eventually tested negative and moved to another ICU (after 6 or 7 weeks in Covid ICU) where he passed away after just 24 hours. Cause of death - inflammation of the lungs.

400'000 Baht for each Covid-vaccination related death is the figure. So far, only 1 such payment has been acknowledged. And yes, so far all others who died after the vaccination would have died anyway because of their underlying conditions, even those, where the underlying conditions were yet to be developed...

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Of course not.  But then it's not like they are looking beyond the most apparent cause.  I doubt they looked at tissue samples under an electron microscope.  From the research I've read the samples would probably be packed with spiked proteins that are not suppose to gravitate beyond the injection site.  You can't sell vaccines if you scare the public. 
"Move along, nothing to see here. No payment for anyone.  Perfectly safe.  Move along."

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Many Thais are quite ambivalent regarding Sinovac. Not surprised the government, who excel at such things, are massaging figures.


I am very much pro-vaccine and I don’t believe there have not been at least some deaths in Thailand arising from vaccines given, based on published evidence in other relatively transparent countries where identifying and resolving issues takes priority over concealing uncomfortable truths. 


That’s the difference between a mature country/democracy and what we have in Thailand. 

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11 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

Given that the current Government is hardly renowned for transparency, and have been known to tell quite a few lies to the populace, I also believe it is just a face saving statement in order to get the people to comply. I would think some deaths were caused by vaccines, but they haven't got the balls or decency to admit it. 

They are spineless . The chances of dying are extremely small after vaccination of any Covid vaccine.  Why are they so afraid to say this? They are not alone. Other countries  are afraid to admit it also 

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