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Chinese tourists will return to Thailand in October - "great opportunity" say tourism chiefs


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Just now, Alex Sharp said:

That's the news I got from my son in China last week. China are extending "closed" borders for a further year.

Yes they do not wish to spread Covid-21 upon the world and instead want to keep their economy on the positive side, of course this post is sarcastic in nature and only my view, but in all probability is correct, well maybe in an alternate universe.......

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2 hours ago, club said:

Probably because  other countries have already banned it, Temporarily stopped using it and are donating it such as Japan. I believe Japan still uses Pfizer and Moderna. Also its been recommended for people over 60 . Doesn't help people under sixty does it? 

The only country I am aware of that has completely stopped using AZ is Denmark.

Others I believe are restricting it to those over 60.

Happy to be enlightened

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9 minutes ago, natway09 said:

Interesting to note  that the jaws are all working overtime, but

it would be prudent if more effort, time, money & planning was spent on getting

at least 60% of Thailands population vaccinated with imported product as SiamBioScience

has let the country down in it's hour of need. Why ? Graft, Nepotism & corruption at the very 

highest level


Thanathorn the ex Future Forward Party Leader predicted a year ago that there would be a problem relying on a single supplier (SB). He was shot down in flames, had a gagging order with various threats... I'm surprised he hasn't come out and said "told you so"...

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2 minutes ago, kevin612 said:

Fake news, I doubt whether Thailand has curbed the spread of Covid-19.

Really, but didn't Anutin say it would be over soon and they had it under control, well maybe 6 weeks ago or so he did, and didn't we peak sometime ago, so no need to panic as Covid is on its last legs, so why not come for a visit....


Yes loaded and dripping with sarcasm this post is.

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4 minutes ago, Forza2002 said:


Thanathorn the ex Future Forward Party Leader predicted a year ago that there would be a problem relying on a single supplier (SB). He was shot down in flames, had a gagging order with various threats... I'm surprised he hasn't come out and said "told you so"...

He has been muzzled with more threats of LM, and ore imprisonment time as well as his family being dragged into the fray.  I would hang low as well.

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2 hours ago, club said:

Probably because  other countries have already banned it, Temporarily stopped using it and are donating it such as Japan. I believe Japan still uses Pfizer and Moderna. Also its been recommended for people over 60 . Doesn't help people under sixty does it? 

Yes it does.  The issue with AZ is not efficacy but very rare blood clots. This was inconsequential against risk of covid in over 40s but a factor for low risk covid young people. . 

Now the USA is issuing a warning of myocarditis heart enlargement in young people when taking Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. 

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16 minutes ago, StevieAus said:

The only country I am aware of that has completely stopped using AZ is Denmark.

Others I believe are restricting it to those over 60.

Happy to be enlightened

Not approved in the US is the one that worries me. Means that when the US opens to tourists ... for example families going to Disneyland....they won't be allowed in if their vaccination was with AZ... That would include most UK people would it not ?  I would also be happy to be enlightened. 

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4 hours ago, webfact said:

A deputy at the Tourism Council of Thailand told Thai Rath that Chinese tourists would start returning to Thailand from October. 

So, one deputy at the least important of the various tourism departments has come out with this piece of speculation and the whole industry is wetting itself with excitement?


If all the probable caveats were included the article it would be much longer.


I really think there will be nothing but a trickle of tourists until 2022, when perhaps the trickle might turn into a light shower.



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4 hours ago, beano2274 said:

Thought China had banned travel 

They may well have, but someone has grand ideas.

These ideas may include the returning of Chinese tourists to drop cigarette  butts on the beach at Pattaya, then go back to Wuhan without quarantine.

if they are found to be carrying Delta variant they may have to stay in correction camps until they are tested clear.

These camps will be easy to construct using spare railway carriages that can be shunted through decontamination sites on rail sideways. 

There may be no charge for this, however they may have to enter quarantine correction camps and pay for this service, when cleared by Thai authorities to re-enter China.


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4 hours ago, beano2274 said:

Thought China had banned travel 

Don't let facts interfere with the PM's wishful thinking plans. Open in 120 days, must mean they've given up on the idea of vaccinating people. 

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3 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

why would they ban AZ ? Seems to be working somewhat better than the sinovac gel gunk. The fact alone that deaths in my uk is no longer reflected in infection numbers is some comfort - covid was 1 in 120 deaths recently.


What's happening in sinovac countries to me is more worrying. None seem to be making headway against the disease

I read another article this morning saying that the USA was not going to allow international travellers into the country if their C19 jabs were AZ.

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Just now, StevieAus said:

Thailand is only giving it to people over 60 years of age as is my home country Aus  I got my AZ last Thursday.

The information I quoted was the latest I could find from Europe but then again they seem to chop and change like their weather

Not true, 2 people died in June that were 47 and 50. 

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22 minutes ago, terryofcrete said:

Not approved in the US is the one that worries me. Means that when the US opens to tourists ... for example families going to Disneyland....they won't be allowed in if their vaccination was with AZ... That would include most UK people would it not ?  I would also be happy to be enlightened. 

I have no idea unfortunately I am living here in Thailand and had my AZ last Thursday

I have no plans to visit the US so will not affect me.

It all seems to be “ a moving feast” so could all change next week.

I believe Sinovac isn’t recognized in the UK and other places which I can understand.

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4 minutes ago, StevieAus said:

Thailand is only giving it to people over 60 years of age as is my home country Aus


Anybody can get in Aus now as long as they are aware of, and happy to take, the small risk involved.

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4 minutes ago, StevieAus said:

Thailand is only giving it to people over 60 years of age as is my home country Aus  I got my AZ last Thursday.

The information I quoted was the latest I could find from Europe but then again they seem to chop and change like their weather

If AZ is the only available vaccine, that's what your going to get whatever your age is . Thats how it works in   Thailand

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