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Thai govt proposes fines of 500,000 baht for posting photos of alcoholic drinks online


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this is just another in a long series of proposals from government agencies that result from the feudal nature of thai society where the bosses underlings are only permitted to agree with whatever spews from his pie hole irrespective of how stupid it is.

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Just when I think it's impossible to get another stupid law from this government, up pops another one. Alcohol is at present a legal substance which provides the government with a substantial income from taxes. But if they are really concerned, make it illegal and ban it from the country, then you can do away with all the silly rules that keep popping up. Ah... but they won't do that will they?

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6 hours ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

I am in favour of these restrictions .

For those of us trying to give up drinking  , it can be torturous tp keep seeing alcoholic drinks popping up on social media .

   It was terrible a few years back when Chang and Leo beer signs seemed to be outside every shop and on advertising boards .

  Your head is saying "Dont think about drinking" and your eyes are seeing "Drink, drink, drink" all day long

So you stopped watching movies too.....

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1 hour ago, bergan said:


It is indeed illegal to sell it to them, but your second sentence would make so much more sense if you removed 'cannot' ????

According to Thai law it is forbidden to sell alcohol to people under the age of 20 , so why did they need this other protective , for school children, law banning the sale of alcohol at the known hours?????

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This government has an unhealthy fetish about alcohol. It seems to believe that alcohol is responsible for all of the ills in Thailand. There is no obvious reason why catching COVID should be facilitated by having a beer, but those with limited intelligence creating policy in Thailand have magicked up some link and so restrictions on alcohol go hand in glove with restrictions on COVID. Did they miss the giant failure of Prohibition in the US in the 20s?

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Very sad new Law 

another bail in the Thai coffin

so if I come to Thailand sit in a beach bar drinking a bottle of singer beer and I send to my friends in England a photo on line saying how fantastic Thailand is I’m sitting on the beach drinking this beer 

I will be Fined

another reason to not go to Thailand 

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As if they don’t have immensely bigger issues on the table. This entire dark comedy show has been a disaster from the get go. Whether it’s hyping Covid to scare everyone or this alcohol nonsense to take your eye off the ball, it’s all about control and I’ll guarantee you if this doesn’t work they’ll dream up another cockamamie idea.

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23 minutes ago, Parsve said:

Is it not both selfish and pathetic to think that an entire country's population should stand up to save you from your weaknesses?


  You will be pleased to know that the authorities are not doing this on my behalf and there decisions shave absolutely nothing to do with me and I didnt suggest to them to do it 

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6 hours ago, tonray said:

I'm a bit worried. I always wear some T-shirts with LEO and Singha logos around the house. I'm hoping my Thai neighbors don't drop a dime on me for a reward.

Just think of all the sports uniforms that will have to be turfed out.

Along with the sponsors cancelling.

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This link takes you to the draught in Thai where you can vote disagree


 And this link takes you to a draught of what sensble people should vote Agree. 


You will need your Thai wife /girlfriend /partner to fill in their ID. 

 Please share this and show the moronic Kretins enough is enough. Dont they think restaurants and bars are suffering enough.

Probably need the cash to buy vaccines.

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Who exactly is liable for prosecution? Let's say you are visiting Thailand for a few weeks on holiday and you post a pic of your and your mates enjoying a few cold ones at the hotel beach bar and a few bottles are clearly seen in the pics. Now the local BiB team sees this, recognizes the location and shows up the next night and you are busted? ...maybe this isn't likely but it's possible? Yes? Not exactly conducive to bringing in more tourists.

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6 hours ago, RotBenz8888 said:

These hours doesn't make any sense to me at all, did they just make it up like randomly? 

These hours were introduced with the reasoning that it would stop school children from buying alcohol after school.  If I remember well it was done by Supachai, interior minister during Thaksin.

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1 hour ago, tomacht8 said:

That's not true. We're not talking about celebrities here. This is a stupid law that the rulers can use to blackmail people as needed. I think there are party pictures of every person here with a drink in hand.


   I do seem to recall that just after the ban on advertising alcohol , numerous Thai celebrities were posting photos of themselves holding drinks with the logo clearly and deliberately ion display and there were suspicions that they were being paid by the drinks companies to advertise their products 

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6 minutes ago, lavender19 said:

Probably need the cash to buy vaccines.

Thank you - possibly yes, but think how much excise duty on alcohol and VAT on sales of alcohol would have been going into Prayut's coffers, millions if not billions of baht!

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