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Foreigner flummoxed by Thai driving standards - puts clip online


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5 hours ago, ezzra said:

I can tell that from what i have been and seen in other countries around the world, Thai drivers are not the worst, infect, i find driving on Thai roads fairly safe most of the time with no hassle or road rage display like you see in other countries...

Careful, posting a rational comment won't go down well here with some posters!

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5 hours ago, tomacht8 said:

For over 20 years on the streets of Thailand, I would estimate that I have saved around 500 lives through my defensive driving style. Never trust a green traffic light, no frantic maneuvers if someone is approaching on the wrong side of the lane, do not think that the indicator here shows the actual direction of travel, at night scan regulary the street with a short high beam for vehicles without lighting, be particularly careful with all U-turns, always expect the Thais to turn into a main road without looking. Thailand is still the number 2 in traffic deaths worldwide. I wish everyone an accident-free journey

What do you want, a medal for your heroic life-saving?   You're not the only one who does that.

Edited by Liverpool Lou
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5 hours ago, BobinBKK said:

I once seen a 10 wheel truck run over a motorcycle with two people sitting on it stopped at a red light. The funny thing was that it was in the middle of a sunny afternoon and the truck had previously stopped behind the motorcycle. Hilarious!

Must have been so "funny" and "hilarious" to see.    Glad you enjoyed it; did the two people on the bike find it so uproarious?

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2 hours ago, Benmart said:
7 hours ago, EVENKEEL said:

Nobody cares what you have to say. Yeah he's American, again nobody wants to hear your comments.

The same could be said about your miopic post.

...and yours!   


What does "miopic" [sic] mean?

Edited by Liverpool Lou
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2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:
7 hours ago, EVENKEEL said:

Nobody cares what you have to say. Yeah he's American, again nobody wants to hear your comments.

Yeah. That is true. We have lost an awful lot of credibility over the past four years.

Americans have lost even more credibility over the past 5 months, than the last 4 years and that credibility loss is just getting better every day.

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1 minute ago, Liverpool Lou said:

Americans have lost even more credibility over the past 5 months, than the last 4 years and that credibility loss is just getting better every day.

Now, that is a very partisan opinion. I feel the opposite. Without a hater leading the nation, there is some sanity returning. Some. 

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1 minute ago, spidermike007 said:
3 minutes ago, Liverpool Lou said:

Americans have lost even more credibility over the past 5 months, than the last 4 years and that credibility loss is just getting better every day.

Now, that is a very partisan opinion. I feel the opposite. Without a hater leading the nation, there is some sanity returning. Some. 

No more partisan than your opinion but a lot more realistic!   In which area do you see sanity, in your opinion, "returning"?

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7 hours ago, worgeordie said:

Flummoxed is not a problem, it's when they get dangerous ,

like every time I am on the road.

regards Worgeordie

After 20  years of driving here I feel much safer on my motorcycles than in the car. And Thailand is still number 1 in the world for MC deaths.

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47 minutes ago, Liverpool Lou said:

No more partisan than your opinion but a lot more realistic!   In which area do you see sanity, in your opinion, "returning"?

The lands. America has the greatest public land system in world history. 


The Federal Government holds in trust about 640 million acres of land (30 percent of the country's total land area). This includes national parks, national forests, national wildlife refuges, and other Federal agency ownerships.


Trump attempted to decimate this system, sell off old growth timber forests on public land, open it up to mining, oil, gas and other development, to the highest bidder. Likely he has never visited a national park, so no wonder. Same applies to offshore drilling in Alaska and elsewhere. 


That is a big deal for me. 


Add in the incredible job Biden as done with vaccination, by actually recognizing Covid as an issue, and we have a resounding success to date. 


A man of decency has replaced a crime lord. 

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I was driving our little Mio in the village with my wife on the back and the dog between us. Our dog is big and hairy, like a blonde wolf in looks and size. Tried unsuccessfully to drive on the smooth new road to the side of a over-sized speed bump. A truck had passed before all too clearly carrying aggregate - crushed black stone they mix with sand and cement her to make concrete - and there must have been a hole in the side because there was a line of gravel on the road side for a km or more. Anyway, I misjudged positioning the bike to the side of the speed bump and ran over the end of it, the front wheel slid off the chamfered end of the bump onto the gravel and down we went.


We were only going very slowly so it was more like falling off and my wife fell on top of me so she was uninjured thank God, I had some minor scrapes and bruising, and the dog who had jumped clear legged it across the road into the jungle and kept on going! She might be as big and with the looks of a blonde wolf but she is a nervous baby really, very lovable with us but dangerous to other dogs and strangers! 


My wife took off after the dog leaving me to struggle with arthritis to get up. Here's the good bit: a long line of cars behind all stopped, from nowhere 3 young men appeared, turned off the bike's engine, picked it up and put it on it's stand, and solicitously enquired after me before two of them picked me up and hung on until they were sure I wasn't going to fall over. A passing car then stopped and one of the most beautiful girls wound down the window and asked if she could help, was I ok, did I need a ride etc. I was very tempted to ask for the kiss of life as I told my wife but thanked her, I was ok, and went off to find my wife who had by now vanished into the middle distance chasing one scared large doggie baby!


So full marks to everyone, no one was impatient, no one acted like I was a smelly covid saturated falang as Anutin inferred, they were courteous and caring. Out on the highway where my wife and I both drive it is often different for sure, we got a bike, a Toyota car, and a small drop-side lorry and drive all on the highway. Just keep your eyes open, use mirrors, expect bad driving from others and be prepared to slow or stop or get out of their way.


I tell my hot-tempered wife "don't copy the idiots, give them room to kill themselves if they trust their amulets and charms that much" "Don't react to their bad behaviour, stay cool and above all keep good lane discipline (Thai drivers haven't mastered that one) and a decent thinking/stopping distance to the guy in front, increasing it if it's raining and be prepared to drop back if untrained drivers push in because they think you've left too much space." 


"Always read the road ahead watching possible hazards and developments and with an eye to an emergency escape route." I keep banging on about it, slowly it will sink in I hope.

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Would you like me to post my car-cam videos from today in Chiang Mai?

Two instance of cars driving down the highway in the wrong direction, multiple instances of both large motorcycles and cars passing in excess of 140kph with one of the motorcycles passing my on a tight curve while driving in my lane directly next to me approximately 1/2 meters away (he had his own lane passing lane on the right) and another instance with a BMW traveling at probably 160 on Highway 11 again with his wheels in my lane as he passes me with less than a meter between us (I'm doing 95) and he has an empty lane to the right but he needs to be in my lane, the normal 50+ occurrences of Thais pulling out from the left curb or a left hand intersection without looking or caring if they ram into your car, and on and on and on........
Normal day on Highway 11 and Chiang Mai.  Nothing unusual under the sun.

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10 hours ago, thaitom said:

I personally like the driving style here, I have adapted quite well.  I would never go back to the USA and drive again.


I totally agree. Thais in general drive pretty decently. 


Motorbikes are more of a problem, you find underage kids, drunk people, but well at the end of the day it's them risking their life vs a dent in your car, so.... their own problem.


But when it comes to car, they are much more patient, chill, and overall drive defensively - contrary to the West. It's a million times bette.

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10 hours ago, BobinBKK said:

I once seen a 10 wheel truck run over a motorcycle with two people sitting on it stopped at a red light. The funny thing was that it was in the middle of a sunny afternoon and the truck had previously stopped behind the motorcycle. Hilarious!

Yeah, sounds side splittingly funny, must have made your day.  Absolutely hilarious.

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9 hours ago, billd766 said:

Then don't knock anyone else as they have the same rights as you.


If you don't like the post then skip over it.

I'll knock anyone I want to, seems you've developed an unhealthy affection for me. 

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15 hours ago, Seismic said:

Obviously you don't spend much time in Bangkok then, because I see that sort of behavior every day!

Yes, I avoid coming to Bangkok or any large city as best I can. I like it out here in the mountains and rural areas.

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12 hours ago, chiangraibob4 said:


I totally agree. Thais in general drive pretty decently. 


Motorbikes are more of a problem, you find underage kids, drunk people, but well at the end of the day it's them risking their life vs a dent in your car, so.... their own problem.


But when it comes to car, they are much more patient, chill, and overall drive defensively - contrary to the West. It's a million times bette.

Yes, I agree. The kids on bikes really bother me, especially the under aged ones, I personally would fight it and refuse to let a claim against me if one of them hits my car and wants compensation .  But.... I know that would never happen, i would lose . Even though they have no license, most bikes are not even registered so don't have insurance, I would still have to pay and i don't know why !

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Just now, thaitom said:

Yes, I agree. The kids on bikes really bother me, especially the under aged ones, I personally would fight it and refuse to let a claim against me if one of them hits my car and wants compensation .  But.... I know that would never happen, i would lose . Even though they have no license, most bikes are not even registered so don't have insurance, I would still have to pay and i don't know why !


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