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Thailand says AstraZeneca asked to delay delivery of 61 million vaccine doses


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42 minutes ago, bradiston said:

Step forward Thanatorn, who had the temerity to simply question the transparency of the deal with AstraZaneca, and got threatened with 112 and defamation lawsuits. Salute that man!


This has to be the end for Prayut and Anutin. Who else is responsible for this appalling cxxx up? Who negotiated the deal with AstraZaneca? A total policy failure. They have to go.

"A total policy failure."

Depends on what side of the political fence you are on. PM Prayut aka former junta leader government may have no choice to what you label "threats." 

Might better be labeled a "forced error."

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24 minutes ago, Cake Monster said:

Anutin and the rest of the Goon Squad have been banging a Drum about the quantity of AZ vaccine that will be made available to the Thai nation right from the start of this endeavor. It is only these delusional Fools that thought all the production from SB was for Thai use only.

AZ have always, and will always, be liable to supply to other Nations in SE Asia, as per the Contracts signed.

If AZ got really shirty about this, I think they would just pull the plug on SB, and relocate their Manufacture Plant to a more accommodating Country, or just utilized other Plants better.

The one thing that AZ has is the formula for the vaccine and the Supply Chain to maintain production. If they walked they would take this with them, and Thailand would have no Vaccine, and have to start from scratch, andwho would be stupid enough to supply them with components.

If they walked away, this would leave Thailand in a very bad place indeed. No Vaccine, no method to produce Vaccine  and a rampant Covid Outbreak.



Do you really think that the Thai factory doesn't have the formula ?   And it's not like AZ Company can physically move the factory and wouldn't be neccesary anyway. President Biden  besides asking Pfizer and Moderna to maximise their production he is also asking them to basically give away their liscens so that factories in Africa, Asia and around the world can make their own. If AZ walks out of Thailand Pfizer or Moderna could take over the manufacturing plant.

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10 minutes ago, Dogmatix said:

It is true that AZ could shut down SBS by cutting down the supply of components . But they could have done that to the licensee in India when the Indian government banned exports.  The contract in India was for the licensee to export half of its production of a billion doses a year. SBS is supposed to export two thirds but is much smaller and unable to produce up to capacity, so the export shortfall from Thailand is likely to be under 100 million doses on an annualised basis vs 500 million lost from Indian production.  Still AZ has taken the Indian defaults on the chin and continued to supply the raw materials.  As as result 20 million Canadians couldn't get their second shots of AZ and had to mix and match with Pfizer without a lot of research available at that time.


One of the big problems is that the Thai government wanted the local production and lent them B500 million of taxpayers' money to build the factory, but was only willing to commit to 35 million AZ doses, some of which were supposed to come from Italy, knowing that it would need more.  So AZ had to commit over 80% of the production to other markets to make the project viable on paper.   

Now I am starting to understand what went on a little better.

If Thailand was only prepared to commit to 35 M Doses, then this would have been in a contractual form, and would still be in effect today.

And yet the Thai Gov,t are now wanting more Doses than there contracted amount, but those doses have been sold elsewhere based on a Business decision forced upon them by the Thai non commitment to the project.

AZ could still pull the plug, and not get hurt too much, if they utilizes other production facilities more. After all 500 Million Baht is small to a Large Pharma Company.

So it was all about Kudos, and little else.

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