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48 minutes ago, EricTh said:

If you want to enrich the Big Pharma, that's your choice but we have alternative sources.


Eric Berg is NOT a vitamin peddler but a researcher who gives alternative information as to what the Big Pharma feeds the gullible public.

Really?  You weren't referring to Dr. Berg the vitamin peddler?  https://shop.drberg.com/


If not, then who is this Eric Berg you have so much faith in?

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59 minutes ago, EricTh said:

If you want to enrich the Big Pharma, that's your choice but we have alternative sources.


Eric Berg is NOT a vitamin peddler but a researcher who gives alternative information as to what the Big Pharma feeds the gullible public.



So he's not the Dr. Berg who peddles vitamins on the internet? 

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1 hour ago, canthai55 said:

I remember Nancy Reagan - you know, wife of the liar, thief, crook, and all around bad apple.

Just Say No - marijuana is bad, has no medicinal value, yadda yadda yadda

And now - how times have changed.

Just keep on being spoon fed, keep on believing established liars who are out for your $$$ and have no interest in your well being - ZERO

Gullible ? Senile ? Fluffy coat made of wool ? 555

thanks for keeping up the fight  cantai .................   i give up on those guys and all the others that just don't have the intelligence to do the difficult work of sorting through what is truth and what is propaganda.     that is how the system keeps on running and running...... and in fact is more emboldened than ever to ratch up the control and dominance of these followers.   

reminds me of the religious followers that knock on my door with the path to salvation.  Zombies !


there other forums where there are a few good minds ....... allowed to express their viewpoints

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10 minutes ago, Harveyg said:

The thing is that this kind of exchange on social media is not always about information. It’s easy to get frustrated and angry with people you think just can’t see the forest through the trees. But we must remain respectful.  Others may feel just as sure about their opposite view. To allow yourself to be challenged in one reply is too much to expect. It messes with your whole worldview. We can probably both relate to where they are, since we have probably both been there. Consider this. When I was growing up, and perhaps you also, I trusted the government, I trusted that the milk I drank was healthy, I trusted that the animals whose flesh I ate were raised in a healthy way, I trusted that the crops in the field were healthy to eat. And then <deleted> started happening that I noticed. The single bullet theory in Kennedy‘s assassination, the Vietnam war, and the other bad things my country did in the name of democracy - i’m sure you all can name a bunch.  Then I realized that corporations were actually not necessarily interested in our well-being, but rather on the bottom line.  That that provides a conflict of interest. The last fall was the health institutions in government. I am amazed at my naivety, thinking that doctors in those institutions were above reproach, were above corruption.

And now we have an amazing amount of censorship and Bill Gates negotiating contracts with countries all over the world as his charitable foundation gets richer year-by-year from the foundation’s activities.

From Watergate I learned “follow the money”, but I never realized how religiously I need to do that.

It’s because of the censorship that I come on here and offer information that may not be easily available to others. I understand that others may think completely differently from myself and are not looking for new information. As I reply to comments I keep in mind those people besides the author who may be seeking information and reading through the posts, and secondarily consider the author. I’m doing that somewhat now with you. I don’t concern myself with those who want to call names or play the war of links.  So I look for interviews by people with the highest qualifications that are fairly easy to listen to and refer to appropriate studies.  Personally I like seeing the facial expressions and the personality of the person speaking to help me gauge trustworthiness in addition to their credentials.  Of course we now have the additional problem of fact checking being hijacked by those who have another agenda. I’m sure we have both seen well respected individuals before Covid suddenly become pariahs after Covid.

i’d like to offer two links right now for you to share with others and for those who are interested in putting in the time to listen.  If you have any I’d appreciate you sharing them also.
The first one is Dr. Peter McCullough talking to the Texas Senate committee regarding the general Covid situation but more specifically the successful protocol he has been using that he claims reduces hospitalizations and death by 85%.

Check his qualifications in his introduction.


Peter McCullough, MD testifies to Texas Senate HHS Committee


The second link is Dr. Malone, the inventor of mRNA. Let me say that again, the inventor of mRNA. He is in a group of three doctors that discuss several things about Covid including the danger of the vaccine and the adverse effects.

Spike protein is very dangerous, it's cytotoxic (Robert Malone, Steve Kirsch, Bret Weinstein)


Thanks for reading this far and I hope it’s helpful.

"Malone claims to be the inventor of mRNA vaccines, although credit for the distinction is more often given to later advancements by Katalin Karikó or Derrick Rossi,[5][2][6][7] and was ultimately the result of the contributions of hundreds of researchers, of which Malone was but one."


"Malone received criticism for propagating COVID-19 misinformation, including making unsupported claims about the alleged toxicity of spike proteins generated by some COVID-19 vaccines;[3][7][19] using interviews on mass media to popularize self-medication with ivermectin;[20] and tweeting a study by others questioning vaccine safety that was later retracted.[3]"   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_W._Malone



"McCullough testified before a committee of the Texas Senate in March 2021, posted to YouTube by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, in which he made false claims about COVID-19 and COVID-19 vaccines, including that person under 50 years of age and survivors do not need the vaccine and that there is no evidence of asymptomatic spread.[22]"   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_A._McCullough


Relying on outliers in the medical community for health advice is risky.  There isn't a 60% to 40% split in the medical community about the effectiveness of vaccines, ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, etc., there is more like a 99.9% to 0.1% split.

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14 minutes ago, rumak said:

thanks for keeping up the fight  cantai .................   i give up on those guys and all the others that just don't have the intelligence to do the difficult work of sorting through what is truth and what is propaganda.     that is how the system keeps on running and running...... and in fact is more emboldened than ever to ratch up the control and dominance of these followers.   

reminds me of the religious followers that knock on my door with the path to salvation.  Zombies !


there other forums where there are a few good minds ....... allowed to express their viewpoints

Good idea  In return I give up on those that deny facts, numbers, and the consensus of the medical community and instead search for fringe beliefs on the internet.

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2 hours ago, canthai55 said:

Thanks for that.

I just can't believe some people will allow themselves to be spoon fed their information.

I trust no one - not even myself.  losif Vissarionovich Dzugashvili


I know what it is to be stubborn .   Even intelligent people are not immune.    Though IMO  the smartest of all are those that can put aside their have to be right attitudes and create a more open mind.

Try to listen, observe and evaluate.  AND,  there is not substitute for real personal experience...... something very lacking in many keyboard "experts".

OK,   i have wasted enough time preaching to the unreachable.    Over and out

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On 8/24/2021 at 4:36 PM, HappyExpat57 said:

There's no question the FDA is crooked as a dog's hind leg. As such, the creators of ivermectin would gladly send their version of brown envelopes and the FDA would accept them if there were any chance this animal deworming product was viable for Covid. Instead, the FDA posted this (as a result of many calls to the Poison Control Center because people were getting sick from taking ivermectin):



The spin on this is so strong I am surprised it didn't create a tornado.  What about morphine?  That is used in animals.  Should cancer patients refuse it because it happens to be used in animals?

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1 hour ago, teatree said:

The spin on this is so strong I am surprised it didn't create a tornado.  What about morphine?  That is used in animals.  Should cancer patients refuse it because it happens to be used in animals?

Should people be allowed to self-administer horse sized doses of morphine without a consultation with a doctor and a prescription?

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7 minutes ago, heybruce said:

"An ER doctor in Oklahoma says rural hospitals in the state are clogged up by people overdosing on ivermectin."  https://www.yahoo.com/news/oklahomas-ers-backed-people-overdosing-053822589.html

And you believe a news source called Yahoo ?

The mind boggles - that you believe ANY mainstream media

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31 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

Yahoo is a news aggregate, they quote from reuters and many sources, this particular article is from the Insider.



Subsidiary of Axel Springer SE

From their website -

The company is with great pace pursuing the objective of building up a fast-growing and profitable digital portfolio and to establish journalism as a successful business model also in the digital world. Along with the transformation of its established strong media brands, its own new developments and strategically-oriented acquisitions of web companies, the networking with the current generation of digital founders is one of the building blocks of the company’s digitization strategy.



Another Media Mogul in the making - hardly a ringing endorsement for unbiased journalism

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3 hours ago, heybruce said:

An internet search of "ivermectin overdoses oklahoma" will provide numerous other sources.


The mind boggles - that you and many others reject ALL mainstream news media and instead go for fringe sources you find on the internet.

You seem to make make assumptions of what I do and do not reject.

Show me where I advocate 'Fringe' sources - all I have posted is a distrust of mainstream media, and for good reason.

Easy enuf to find bias in all of them, if you care to look.

But many people have blinders on and will take at face value anything that is put in front of them

More Fools Them

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Research indicates that the reach of fake news websites is limited to small parts of the population. On the other hand, data demonstrate that large proportions of the public know about notable fake news stories and believe them. These findings imply the possibility that most people hear about fake news stories not from fake news websites but through their coverage in mainstream news outlets. Thus far, only limited attention has been directed to the role of mainstream media in the dissemination of disinformation. To remedy this, this article synthesizes the literature pertaining to understand the role mainstream media play in the dissemination of fake news, the reasons for such coverage and its influences on the audience.

Two well-known examples are a complex of fake news websites run by teenagers from a small town in Macedonia and a U.S. company called Disinfomedia, owning many sites disguised as serious journalism (including USAToday.com.co and WashingtonPost.com.co). Both operations spread pro-Trump and anti-Clinton fake news stories prior to the 2016 U.S. elections (Allcott & Gentzkow, 2017, p. 217), as did many so-called alternative news websites in the right-wing media ecosystem (Benkler et al., 2018).



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14 hours ago, canthai55 said:

And you believe a news source called Yahoo ?

The mind boggles - that you believe ANY mainstream media

Patients overdosing on ivermectin backing up rural Oklahoma hospitals, ambulances

Patients Overdosing on Ivermectin Are Clogging Oklahoma ERs: Doctor


loads of sources confirming the story.


Now that your first defense has been trashed, the reality is that Ivermectin is pretty dangerous stuff.


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2 hours ago, Danderman123 said:

Now that your first defense has been trashed, the reality is that Ivermectin is pretty dangerous stuff.

So ... some patients overdose themselves

Better ban Aspirin and a million other drugs I can name where an overdose is dangerous.

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