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Thailand reports daily record of over 20,000 COVID-19 infections


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I've noticed the attention that the Russian vaccine has garnered from our fearless leader and others, me included.  While the Russians have been transparent as a brick some publications like "The Lancet" have been able to obtain enough information to say the vaccine creates an antibody reaction.  I do hope they are correct and that the vaccine is highly efficacious.


An odd thought crossed my mind (damm all odd thoughts) that a country that had an efficacious vaccine and no anti vaxxer problem should be doing very well in controlling the disease.  Russia has a lot more cases and continued growth than I anticipated.  I was expecting better results since they are telling other countries (Asia) how effective it is.  Am I expecting too much??



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16 hours ago, dinsdale said:

Sadly, it would seem that my prediction on Monday that for the first time we will see >100,000 infections and >1000 deaths in a wk is going to happen. Absolutely tragic numbers. Tomorrow Thailand moves into 40th position on the Covid charts. Mr Empty Head says people should look at other countries to see that Thailand isn’t doing that bad. Well looking at other countries and this is from the very beginning there are as of tomorrow only 39 in the entire world worse than Thailand.

40th position but deceptive by itself.  Regardless of the numbers, Thailand is still doing better on average (but getting more average everyday).  If you sort those same tables by total population Thailand ranks 20th. (i.e. the rankings do not take into account population differences).   What Thailand did right early on, the government is averse to repeating because they fear the political repercussions -- so they are taking the long route to those similarly detrimental repercussions.

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19 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Todays Thailand numbers broke the 20k case mark and set a new high, as well as setting a new high for the number of deaths, which is sad.  I am not sure what the story is with the lockdowns as i believe that they will not do the trick as they expect with slowing the cases.  My reasoning with this is the folks in the dark red zones, which now numbers 29 provinces, can still travel interprovincially with impunity going there and back while still transmitting the virus and infection.  Until they actually stop this type of activity then we will continue to see cases rise especially out in the provinces.  One only has to look to the North East and Issan to see the growth.  I also know that the vaccinations are not reaching out to some of those smaller areas which are seeing the cases, this may be anecdotal evidence, but family and friends living in a few of the smaller villages in Udon Thani have told me that no matter how hard they try to become vaccinated they can not get an appointment and are told "Mai Mi".  It is not for a lack of trying that many of the expats I know in the north can not get vaccinated, it is truly one of supply.  Why Buriram will be getting some of the Pfizer vaccine is beyond my understanding when there are others who desperately need it worse then those that have been vaccinated need it for a booster.


Will the vaccines pick up with more being delivered, well that folks is the 64K dollar question.  The new relaxation of mall restaurants in Bangkok and the other dark red provinces being able to open and deliver food is a nice touch to help those folks out.  Rent on store fronts and their shops still have to be paid and by being completely closed there is no way they could stay afloat, well maybe the bigger chains could, but not the smaller ones.  Delivery versus takeaway is another issue, and it appears the mall food locations are back to what they were a year ago, you can order from a desk in the main lobby and then wait for it to be delivered to that location instead of waiting in front of the restaurant itself.


Stay safe folks and be ever vigilant.  Hopefully there will be a calm on the horizon in the next few months.

Vaccine vaccine vaccine is the sole remedy this government needs  to slow the Delta variant. Military war plans have obviously failed

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3 minutes ago, Bkktodd said:

Mr Empty head is sounding more like trump use to sound. Biden was determined to vax 100.000.000 citizens in his first 100 days.  Too much selfish politics/money changing hands with Thais and expats suffering every day.  How has the never ending  emergency decree to stay in power worked out so far?  

Thailand locked down hard during the first came out of it with very few cases more than 100 days after getting and keeping it under control.  In that case the granularity of the controlled areas was too wide and much of Thailand should not have been controlled (no cases outside a few areas) [that should be adjusted].  This time they responded slowly (if at all), implemented lax controls, sent people throughout the country spreading the disease widely - causing the economy to falter just from that.... this lax control has let the situation get out of control and have greater impact over more of the country.

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21 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Todays Thailand numbers broke the 20k case mark and set a new high, as well as setting a new high for the number of deaths, which is sad.  I am not sure what the story is with the lockdowns as i believe that they will not do the trick as they expect with slowing the cases.  My reasoning with this is the folks in the dark red zones, which now numbers 29 provinces, can still travel interprovincially with impunity going there and back while still transmitting the virus and infection.  Until they actually stop this type of activity then we will continue to see cases rise especially out in the provinces.  One only has to look to the North East and Issan to see the growth.  I also know that the vaccinations are not reaching out to some of those smaller areas which are seeing the cases, this may be anecdotal evidence, but family and friends living in a few of the smaller villages in Udon Thani have told me that no matter how hard they try to become vaccinated they can not get an appointment and are told "Mai Mi".  It is not for a lack of trying that many of the expats I know in the north can not get vaccinated, it is truly one of supply.  Why Buriram will be getting some of the Pfizer vaccine is beyond my understanding when there are others who desperately need it worse then those that have been vaccinated need it for a booster.


Will the vaccines pick up with more being delivered, well that folks is the 64K dollar question.  The new relaxation of mall restaurants in Bangkok and the other dark red provinces being able to open and deliver food is a nice touch to help those folks out.  Rent on store fronts and their shops still have to be paid and by being completely closed there is no way they could stay afloat, well maybe the bigger chains could, but not the smaller ones.  Delivery versus takeaway is another issue, and it appears the mall food locations are back to what they were a year ago, you can order from a desk in the main lobby and then wait for it to be delivered to that location instead of waiting in front of the restaurant itself.


Stay safe folks and be ever vigilant.  Hopefully there will be a calm on the horizon in the next few months.

In my village in the North-East we have received notification that AstraZenica will be available in the next few days as the main hospital in the market town have received their first batch, I've had to provide the village clinic with my passport details for registration. I've been told that due to the reluctance of the Isan population to vaccinate there will be no shortage for those willing to.

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5 hours ago, Petey11 said:

But does age and co-morbidity factor into it. In the UK a larger proportion of those vaccinated are older whilst those unvaccinated are younger as a generalisation, apart from those who choose not to be vaccinated. By reason those who are younger have more chance of a mild case than those who are older. People must remember that vaccines will not give 100% protection, but will improve your chances of a less severe outcome. Hate to say it but the data and way you put it seems straight out of an anti-vaxer text book giving the impression that if you are unvaccinated you have a greater chance of not dying from covid than if you are vaccinated. 

I hate to say it, but if the vaccines are so peachy, just run off and get one. You’re protected at that point. Leave others out of it. 

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