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Covid bride's last message to husband before she died


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this is a very sad story.  googling the topic, covid danger to pregnant women, results in studies that come up with the opposite conclusions:


less risk than non-pregnant:



more risk than non-pregnant:



such is the story with covid studies.  alot of conflicting info, confusion, and frustration.  i hope the child in this case survives and enjoys a long life with her dad (and a new mom).

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3 hours ago, timmyp said:

Highly, highly unlikely that a young woman is going to die of covid, and stories presented like this are just great for the fear mongering, sending paranoia into the stratosphere. 


I wish they would state just how it was that this woman died of covid, cuz I assure you she had serious health problems prior to catching covid, or she simply died of another cause. 

This Delta variant of Covid is much more transmisable than others so much so that it can infect even fully vacccinated persons. Those unvaccinated even young persons are much more likely to be hospitlised and die.

Edited by Tony125
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if you are fully western vaxed it’s (almost) impossible to die from it, even with underlying conditions.never read about any such case,even w/Delta.

has anyone ? sad story here but if true she was not fully western vaxed. many UK msm stories about “fit & healthy” young adults dying in UK but from the photos/ details they are all clearly obese. asthmatic, steroid- juiced, smokers, cancerous, etc......

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2 hours ago, kimamey said:

Lockdown, masks and distancing are just a way to reduce deaths until your vaccine programme takes affect. 

Not just that, it is also meant to keep the health system from being overrun with (many) more sick people than they can take care of.

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10 hours ago, webfact said:

She implored him to live a good life and if he chose a new relationship to choose wisely. 


She said they would meet in the next life and be reunited with other relatives. 

This to me is always where I feel uncomfortable with religious afterlife talk.


Do second husbands get in punch ups with first husbands. Is the wife shared  ? I really do not think I could spend the eternal afterlife looking at the man that had been porking my wife when I was dead !


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1 hour ago, jak2002003 said:

Why should he? 


An average healthy person below the age of 50 who has no health problems is very unlikely to die of covid 19. That is a fact. 


Should he be ashamed of stating the truth? 



Yes you are right , but like i said , it does happen .

Like i said before also , do can go hospital , and can stay there long time or have health issues long time because of it . Dying is not the " ultimate" factor .

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57 minutes ago, Chelseafan said:


And people like you just don't get it....


Masks are an aid to reduce, NOT necessarily prevent infection, they should be used in conjuntion with other factors such as social distancing, hand washing and limiting contact with other people. There's plenty of evidence to support this.


Lockdowns do work when properly enforced, you only have to see the dramtic drop-off last year in the UK when most people were furloughed. Had that not happened then rates would have risen exponentially.


Sweden is not a densely populated country in the same way that the UK is. If you recall they tried herd immunity but it failed and even they had to endure lockdowns.


The virus won't run out of steam, it mutates. This thing will never go away and we can only hope that globally we manage it in the same way as flu which btw kills around 30,000 a year in the UK; a paltry 1/6 of what Covid has done so far.








Screenshot_2021-05-10 (1) BBC News (UK) ( BBCNews) Twitter.png

Screenshot_2021-04-19 Coronavirus What's the risk on transport (2).png

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3 minutes ago, Mascetti said:


Screenshot_2021-05-10 (1) BBC News (UK) ( BBCNews) Twitter.png

Screenshot_2021-04-19 Coronavirus What's the risk on transport (2).png

"Handwashing" has always been important to prevent germs, especially in hospitals. But Covid is airborne. And too much attention has been given to "hygiene theatre" of washing hands and spraying surfaces. The BBC only recently started informing public "outdoors is safer than indoors". But aerosol scientists have known how Covid is spread since Jan 2020.> aerosol transmission.

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8 hours ago, WhiteBuffaloATM said:

if you are fully western vaxed it’s (almost) impossible to die from it, even with underlying conditions.never read about any such case,even w/Delta.

has anyone ? sad story here but if true she was not fully western vaxed. many UK msm stories about “fit & healthy” young adults dying in UK but from the photos/ details they are all clearly obese. asthmatic, steroid- juiced, smokers, cancerous, etc......

Not exactly. The elderly are vulnerable to becoming ill with Covid even after 2 jabs. It's a very nasty virus. Vaccines offer protection but they are not 100%.

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