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This Isn’t the Fall of Saigon in Kabul.....or is it?


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The Biden administration is belatedly taking action to evacuate Afghans who helped the U.S. military.


But it’s far short of what America has done in the past.



US Embassy in Saigon and Kabul


Memories of the chaos back in Saigon in 1978 echo today as people fight to leave Afghanistan in fear of their lives.


It is not known how many SE Asian people, including Vietnamese are stuck in Afghanistan today, but all countries are struggling to evacuate their citizens leading to more chaos.




It is hard not to see the similarities in these photos, as people try to get into the airport to escape. The difference is the first photo was taken in Saigon years ago while the second photo was taken this week in Kabul.


Despite President Joe Biden’s public optimism on Afghanistan’s stability in the aftermath of the full U.S. troop withdrawal early this year, the prognosis isn’t looking great as Afghanistan has collapsed like a pack of cards.


The US and British forces left thinking the Afgan miltary would keep order, and their intelligence was completly wrong.


Not only is there chaos in the streets, as even the Taliban seem uninterested in keeping controlling of the panicked citizens, but with the airport shut down it is very difficult to see how the thousands of immigrants can be evacuated safely.



People cling to plane at Kabul Airport


The initial effort now is being focused on those who had direct ties to the U.S. war effort and were at the greatest risk but quickly pivoted to anyone under threat of persecution.


Similar problems Existed in 1978


During the end of the Vietnam war, at the forefront of those initiatives was James Purcell, who helped create the State Department’s Bureau of Refugee Programs.


He was quoted back then saying, “Our job was to help save what we thought would be millions after the war,” Purcell added, “We didn’t have time to look at individual cases.”


The Vietnam experience highlights one of the main logistical hurdles for a potential wide-ranging Afghan refugee program, which is that there’s a pretty narrow window of time to process refugees on the ground there before that becomes largely untenable, and there isn’t a wealth of obvious regional allies to lean on.


In a press briefing about the Priority 2 program this week, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken all but said that that would be it, and other would-be refugees would just have to go through the standard, long-winded refugee program, starting with a referral from the United Nations.


 Ultimately, the administration seems hesitant to even consider something of similar ambition to the Vietnam resettlement for the same reason that it’s gone all in on a “root causes” strategy of preventing humanitarian migration from Central America—it sees its preeminent responsibility as helping from afar and the calamities the U.S. set in motion as fundamentally other people’s problem now.


It is doubtful that there would be as great an interest in a large-scale program for Afghans as there was for Indochina.


James Purcell was quoted as saying, "America had lost the war in Indochina, in Vietnam, and we had a quite special responsibility to see to its end.” 


We’re arguably leaving Afghanistan even worse off and less stable than Vietnam, but it’s the sense of duty that’s changed.


While the political fallout for President Gerald Ford was limited back in 1975, it's unclear what impact will be felt by President Biden, despite the war's unpopularity at home.


"I have little doubt that it's going to hurt Biden," says Christopher Phelps, an associate professor of American Studies at the University of Nottingham. "It's going to be viewed as a loss, and possibly as a disgrace - it really was his call, fairly or not."





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It's worse than Saigon.

People desperately clinging to airbourne planes and then inevitably falling to their death?

I think only one Vietnamese died this way after clinging to the last helicopter's skid.

Didn't the US also manage to evacuate many Vietnamese that worked for them?

The Afghans that worked for the US armed forces have been betrayed.


Leaving Afghanistan (a good thing - botched) but breaking a promise, on top of what they did in Syria will make it hard to ever trust the USA's word ever again.

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Not to wake up all the anti trumpets but when tromp only mentioned withdrawal it was all over mass media with condemnations how dare he put US in danger.


Now with senile Biden who pulls out over night and leaves county in total chaos with all US weapons going to taliban , np one says a word.


this was the most embarrassing moment for US and NATO, absolute disgrace and taliban took control of most provinces in less than a week with no bloodshed.


the only ones looking good in this mess are taliban , showed heart to fight and promised not to do revenge killings or hunt those who helped US in addition to establishing proper government , not to affect businesses or cause any trouble to every day life 

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9 minutes ago, BestB said:

Not to wake up all the anti trumpets but when tromp only mentioned withdrawal it was all over mass media with condemnations how dare he put US in danger.


Now with senile Biden who pulls out over night and leaves county in total chaos with all US weapons going to taliban , np one says a word.


this was the most embarrassing moment for US and NATO, absolute disgrace and taliban took control of most provinces in less than a week with no bloodshed.


the only ones looking good in this mess are taliban , showed heart to fight and promised not to do revenge killings or hunt those who helped US in addition to establishing proper government , not to affect businesses or cause any trouble to every day life 

"No one saying a word"? Are you kidding?

Watch some TV and YouTube, he's getting it from Republicans. Democrats and most TV and YouTube channels plus the print media, regardless of their political bent.




Edited by KarenBravo
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7 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:

"No one saying a word"? Are you kidding?

Watch some TV and YouTube, he's getting it from Republicans. Democrats and most TV and YouTube channels plus the print media, regardless of their political bent.





CNN is still trying hard tho

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1 hour ago, KarenBravo said:

It's worse than Saigon.

People desperately clinging to airbourne planes and then inevitably falling to their death?

I think only one Vietnamese died this way after clinging to the last helicopter's skid.

Didn't the US also manage to evacuate many Vietnamese that worked for them?

The Afghans that worked for the US armed forces have been betrayed.


Leaving Afghanistan (a good thing - botched) but breaking a promise, on top of what they did in Syria will make it hard to ever trust the USA's word ever again.

It is completely similar and even more heartbreaking.

Talibans are way worse than communists.

They took the country in just a few days, so much for the 300.000-strong Afghan army that was trained and equipped by the USA. Total fail.


I am very sad for the Afghan people who will now be ruled by lethally violent and oppressive retarded terrorists with retarded beliefs.
I can't even find the adequate words to accurately describe the situation.


The worst part is that they probably will also claw back at our countries, again coming to kill people representing freedom, or if they can't do that, instead kill random people in the streets or at the store, at the cinema or theater, elderly and priests, but also women and children.


Anther victory for Al-Qaeda. They defeated the USSR before and now they defeated the USA.

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1 hour ago, KarenBravo said:

"No one saying a word"? Are you kidding?

Watch some TV and YouTube, he's getting it from Republicans. Democrats and most TV and YouTube channels plus the print media, regardless of their political bent.




He is getting nothing, go back when Trump made the announcement and watch the difference.


All youtube is showing is suffering of afgans trying to escape, i do not see any mass media calling on Biden to resign or be impeached or accusing him putting US in danger.


All mass media is concentrated on what has happened or happening on the ground, not on who is responsible for all the mess



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28 minutes ago, xylophone said:

Well he was on a hiding to nothing wasn't he, because the wind down in the military was agreed before his tenure (in February 2020, President Trump and NATO allies agreed to formulate a deal with the Taliban, allowing for a formal withdrawal of US combat forces from Afghanistan. Under the terms of the agreement, the Taliban promised "not to allow al-Qaeda or any other extremist group to operate in the areas they control." The deal, titled the "Agreement for Bringing Peace to Afghanistan", saw US and NATO forces withdrawing in earnest and set the deadline for a complete withdrawal of US forces by 1 May 2021)  so although it is happening on his watch, that is not the whole story.


For years there have been stories of huge corruption in Afghanistan, where the US and allies pumped hundreds of billions of dollars into the war effort, and for the most, the US government, military and other advisers turned a blind eye to it.


One has to ask how the US and others spent 20 years and hundreds of billions of dollars "training" the Afghan military to be a fighting force to protect the country, only to see it crumple like a house of cards.


It asks a couple of questions: – just how effective was the training, and irrespective of any training, did the Afghans have the courage and mettle to be able to fight for their country. If you add into that the corruption which ensured a great deal of the military, police force and others were unpaid, due to their own corruption, and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.


It was yet another war that America (and its allies) had had no business being in, but the lessons of Vietnam were seemingly not learned.


This was a complete failing of the American military and its advisers, which is such a shame because it sacrificed so many young American lives (not to mention the many Afghan citizens who died over the 20 year period) on poor principles, bad advice, corruption and total ineptitude, 

I agree with most of what you say, but Afghanistan and Vietnam wars were fought for very different reasons.


In Vietnam the Americans were fighting to suppress Communism and avoid the now debunked 'domino effect'. In actual fact, they were fighting in a war of nationalism which wanted to finally reunite the country. The Vietnamese just happened to be Communist.


I think the war in Afghanistan was justified in the beginning. It was a terrorist base that planned and executed 911. They should have left after Al Queda had become weakened and it was obvious that Osama Bin Laden wasn't there. They were never there to nation build. 


In the Vietnam war, the USA did not understand the real motivation of the enemy.


In the second, the USA has now admitted that they knew nothing about the local culture (tribes) and mentality of the Afghans.


Ignorance nearly always exacts a price.



Edited by KarenBravo
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9 minutes ago, BestB said:

He is getting nothing, go back when Trump made the announcement and watch the difference.


All youtube is showing is suffering of afgans trying to escape, i do not see any mass media calling on Biden to resign or be impeached or accusing him putting US in danger.


All mass media is concentrated on what has happened or happening on the ground, not on who is responsible for all the mess



Firstly, there are plenty of sources that ARE blaming Biden for this mess, on both sides.

Resignation? Impeachment? Really?

After all the nasty traitorous things that Trump did?

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3 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:

I agree with most of what you say, but Afghanistan and Vietnam wars were fought for very different reasons.


In Vietnam the Americans were fighting to suppress Communism and avoid the now debunked 'domino effect'. In actual fact, they were fighting in a war of nationalism which wanted to finally reunite the country. The Vietnamese just happened to be Communist.


I think the war in Afghanistan was justified in the beginning. It was a terrorist base that planned and executed 911. They should have left after Al Queda had become weakened and it was obvious that Osama Bin Laden wasn't there. They were never there to nation build. 

Yes, you make good points, but overall they were wars that the US shouldn't have been in, and the "suppressing communism" was as much an ideological thing as anything, and sure enough, Afghanistan was a terrorist base, but then again so was Pakistan!

The overall picture, on which I think we both agree, is that it was totally mishandled and inept war, and one which you quite rightly state should have ended once bin Laden wasn't there, and trying to build a nation in a country such as Afghanistan with its mediaeval customs, warlords and whatever else you want to name, was always going to be a nonsense.


However it seemed to benefit many in the American military, many advisers and hangers on, not to mention the Afghanistan hierarchy, and so it went on – – such a shame.


This is an interesting article from the NZ Herald: –



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I honestly don't know what any of you people expect that want to trash America. American citizens didn't want our troops there, period. I don't want our service members dying protecting them or anyone else and I don't want my tax dollars spent protecting those people or anyone else. Many American lives were lost and a great deal of money was spent training their army who turned out to be cowards and deserted in the face of their enemy.


We only had a few thousand troops left there and that kept roughly 80,000 Taliban fighters at bay. You tell me where did the roughly 200,000 member better equipped Afghan army go?


Don't blame the American citizens, blame the American government all you want because we hate the American government too. Personally I hate the American government and that's why I left, I refuse to pay taxes for their BS policies!!!

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52 minutes ago, Nojohndoe said:

Afghanistan has historically defeated all attempts to successfully invade, colonize, subjugate or any alternatives such as.

I think Historians have dubbed it "The Graveyard of Empires".


well, at least it will mean the fall of the US/Capitalism empire ????


with covid, a perfect storm for a major global civilization change

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2 hours ago, GrandPapillon said:

well, at least it will mean the fall of the US/Capitalism empire ????


with covid, a perfect storm for a major global civilization change

Problematic is that while I can agree it might just be that because there is no clear sense of direction evident in what that change might be other than ultimate  gloom and doom from those in denial as they are obliged to retreat from the philosophy of rampant wasteful destructive capitalism enhanced by militaristic  "encouragement " that has fostered  opposition.

Covid-19 has in some aspects become a heads up in relatively  gentle terms of global significance not so much in consideration of societal death tolls but in the mainstream politically incompetent reaction to it.




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Please tell me if i'm wrong.      I am flabbergasted  !   The enemy have just won the lottery.  


The US pullout of Afghanistan has been an absolute disaster. It was done in the middle of the night so as to not alarm of arouse the Afghanistan government too much.


Why didn't Biden withdrawal the US and ALL it's military hardware slowly and methodically over months  ????

2000 Armored vehicles   (   geeeze !!  for crying out aloud  !  )  


Now,  what the Taliban have just received is a treasure of army surplus hardware  :


more than 2,000 armored vehicles, many new,  including U.S. Humvees

40 aircraft potentially including UH-60 Black Hawks, scout attack helicopters

100's of ScanEagle military drones

600,000 infantry weapons including M16 assault rifles, 162,000 pieces of communication equipment, and 16,000 night-vision goggle devices

small arms seized by the insurgents such as machine guns, mortars, howitzers.



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5 hours ago, steven100 said:

Please tell me if i'm wrong.      I am flabbergasted  !   The enemy have just won the lottery.  


The US pullout of Afghanistan has been an absolute disaster. It was done in the middle of the night so as to not alarm of arouse the Afghanistan government too much.


Why didn't Biden withdrawal the US and ALL it's military hardware slowly and methodically over months  ????

2000 Armored vehicles   (   geeeze !!  for crying out aloud  !  )  


Now,  what the Taliban have just received is a treasure of army surplus hardware  :


more than 2,000 armored vehicles, many new,  including U.S. Humvees

40 aircraft potentially including UH-60 Black Hawks, scout attack helicopters

100's of ScanEagle military drones

600,000 infantry weapons including M16 assault rifles, 162,000 pieces of communication equipment, and 16,000 night-vision goggle devices

small arms seized by the insurgents such as machine guns, mortars, howitzers.



Obviously Biden had an eye on the elections, he knows very well the US voters do not want Americans in Afghanistan. It is a bit much for Biden to claim he was not advised by the military to leave 2500 troops stationed in Afghanistan though, when the military have clearly said they did, Mark Milley in particular.  The fact that Biden claimed no one died in the Kabul airport chaos is probably just due to him not following the news properly. A dozen confirmed deaths at that airport.


That ABC interview was a total airplane crash. How bizarre for Biden also to say, after claiming his hands were tied by the Trump agreement with the Taleban, that he would have pulled out the troops anyway. What a strange flip-flopping president this is.



Edited by Tanomazu
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6 minutes ago, Tanomazu said:

Obviously Biden had an eye on the elections, he knows very well the US voters do not want Americans in Afghanistan. It is a bit much for Biden to claim he was not advised by the military to leave 2500 troops stationed in Afghanistan though, when the military have clearly said they did, Mark Milley in particular.  The fact that Biden claimed no one died in the Kabul airport chaos is probably just due to him not following the news properly. A dozen confirmed deaths at that airport.


That ABC interview was a total airplane crash. How bizarre for Biden also to say, after claiming his hands were tied by the Trump agreement with the Taleban, that he would have pulled out the troops anyway. What a strange flip-flopping president this is.



 he should be hung & quartered for handing the Taleban the lottery of weapons. 

he must have known they would acquire all that hardware as soon as the flight left. 

what was he thinking ?       just an appalling dismal display of leadership. 

Is there no common sense anymore ?      it wasn't rocket science to see what would happen. 

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4 minutes ago, steven100 said:

 he should be hung & quartered for handing the Taleban the lottery of weapons. 

he must have known they would acquire all that hardware as soon as the flight left. 

what was he thinking ?       just an appalling dismal display of leadership. 

Is there no common sense anymore ?      it wasn't rocket science to see what would happen. 

There was no leadership at all by Biden, and probably Biden should be the last one anyone should look for for leadership. He basically let everything cruise along in Afghanistan and pretty much was AWOL when the dirt hit the fan. His military are totally disgusted by his lack of leadership.


What was anyone thinking when going into Afghanistan though, billions of Dollars spent, American lives lost, over 20 years, and all for nothing. Nothing at all. The pointlessness of American politics exposed to the full.

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18 minutes ago, Tanomazu said:

What was anyone thinking when going into Afghanistan though, billions of Dollars spent, American lives lost, over 20 years, and all for nothing. Nothing at all. The pointlessness of American politics exposed to the full.

Totally agree with that statement as it was a total waste of money, equipment and lives, this after the death of Osama bin Laden.


Yes, a lot of American military hardware has been left behind, and I would suppose a lot of it is not worth salvaging, but on that point, the military leaders (you know the high up leadership) had they been worth their mettle would have ensured that either the equipment got back one way or another, or it was blown up.


Throughout all of this, the military leadership has been dreadful, and I can't blame any president for the fact that they've got some pretty dumb people in charge of the military and it is they who should be held responsible.


The old saying that the term "military intelligence" is an oxymoron was never more true.

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On 8/17/2021 at 10:22 AM, BestB said:

Not to wake up all the anti trumpets but when tromp only mentioned withdrawal it was all over mass media with condemnations how dare he put US in danger.


Now with senile Biden who pulls out over night and leaves county in total chaos with all US weapons going to taliban , np one says a word.


this was the most embarrassing moment for US and NATO, absolute disgrace and taliban took control of most provinces in less than a week with no bloodshed.


the only ones looking good in this mess are taliban , showed heart to fight and promised not to do revenge killings or hunt those who helped US in addition to establishing proper government , not to affect businesses or cause any trouble to every day life 


The Vietnam vs Afghanistan analogy has a giant hole fellows. U.S. ground troops were out of Vietnam in 1972. The fall of Saigon was in 1975.


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5 minutes ago, xylophone said:

Totally agree with that statement as it was a total waste of money, equipment and lives, this after the death of Osama bin Laden.


Yes, a lot of American military hardware has been left behind, and I would suppose a lot of it is not worth salvaging, but on that point, the military leaders (you know the high up leadership) had they been worth their mettle would have ensured that either the equipment got back one way or another, or it was blown up.


Throughout all of this, the military leadership has been dreadful, and I can't blame any president for the fact that they've got some pretty dumb people in charge of the military and it is they who should be held responsible.


The old saying that the term "military intelligence" is an oxymoron was never more true.

The Soviets were in Afghanistan. When they pulled out there was no Kabul moment, it was all orderly. However, a few months  later their regime in Afghanistan collapsed. It's not like the Americans did not have prior warnings in history.


US Intelligence did foresee the collapse in Afghanistan.




The US military was desperate to get out of Afghanistan in the interests of troop safety after their advice not to pull out was disregarded, in fact it was the White House that ordered troops to remain in Afghanistan. Top military officials wanted to evacuate key Afghan personnell as early as May  but Biden's national security team did not authorise it.


This is the liberal media itself saying this. Biden himself has admitted the buck stops with him. And he is right. Even if the military failed to foresee the exact speed of the collapse, how could they? It was up to Biden to make proper arrangements for an orderly transfer of people to the US. There were warnings of a total collapse by the CIA, even if Biden, as usual, claims he did not see them.

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1 hour ago, xylophone said:

Totally agree with that statement as it was a total waste of money, equipment and lives, this after the death of Osama bin Laden.


Yes, a lot of American military hardware has been left behind, and I would suppose a lot of it is not worth salvaging, but on that point, the military leaders (you know the high up leadership) had they been worth their mettle would have ensured that either the equipment got back one way or another, or it was blown up.


Throughout all of this, the military leadership has been dreadful, and I can't blame any president for the fact that they've got some pretty dumb people in charge of the military and it is they who should be held responsible.


The old saying that the term "military intelligence" is an oxymoron was never more true.

i am just absolutely astounded that they would leave this  :    and helicopters, 

40 aircraft potentially including UH-60 Black Hawks, scout attack helicopters

100's of ScanEagle military drones

600,000 infantry weapons including M16 assault rifles, 162,000 pieces of communication equipment, and 16,000 night-vision goggle devices.


I mean this cost BIG $$$  .....      



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6 minutes ago, steven100 said:

i am just absolutely astounded that they would leave this  :    and helicopters, 

40 aircraft potentially including UH-60 Black Hawks, scout attack helicopters

100's of ScanEagle military drones

600,000 infantry weapons including M16 assault rifles, 162,000 pieces of communication equipment, and 16,000 night-vision goggle devices.


I mean this cost BIG $$$  .....      



The Pentagon has a history of losing track of its weaponry delivered to foreign nations. It failed to account for around $715 million of equipment sent to Syrian partners to fight ISIS in 2017 and 2018. A similar outcome happened in Yemen in 2015, when the Pentagon lost track of more than $500 million in military materials.




The embarassment of riches.

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On 8/17/2021 at 12:07 PM, KarenBravo said:

I think the war in Afghanistan was justified in the beginning. It was a terrorist base that planned and executed 911. They should have left after Al Queda had become weakened and it was obvious that Osama Bin Laden wasn't there. They were never there to nation build. 

I thought 7-11 was a Saudi terrorist attack, the terrorists were all Saudi nationals.

Maybe I'm wrong.

Nobody explained to me why a Saudi terrorist attack on America caused an American attack on Afghanistan.

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23 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

I thought 7-11 was a Saudi terrorist attack, the terrorists were all Saudi nationals.

Maybe I'm wrong.

Nobody explained to me why a Saudi terrorist attack on America caused an American attack on Afghanistan.

Do you mean 911?

Because these Saudis were part of an international terrorist organization called Al Queda, which has a presence in many countries with many nationalities.


It wasn't a "Saudi" attack, it was an Al Queda attack. It would have been a Saudi attack if sanctioned by the Saudi government. It wasn't.


If you can get past nationalities, it's easy to understand.

If each attacker was of a different nationality, what would you then call it?


The plan for 911 was hatched in Afghanistan. The USA demanded that the planners in the attack be handed over (like Osama Bin Laden and Sheik someone). At that time these people were sheltering in Afghanistan with the blessing of the ruling Taliban. They refused to hand them over, so America attacked.


The mystery is why the USA went into Iraq. Saddam Hussein had these terrorist groups suppressed as he saw them as a danger to his own despotic rule. Iraq had nothing at all to do with 911, neither did any of it's citizens.



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