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It is well known that Thailand makes rules on a daily basis and normally it is implemented within 24/48 hours tell your friend not to worry life’s to short what will be will be 

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21 hours ago, grain said:

Nothing's going to happen in the next few months, not this year, but if the pandemic continues globally (and it certainly looks that way) and as more of the population gets vaccinated, then Thailand, and most other countries, will certainly make vaccination mandatory in order to get visas, and in my opinion, to renew visas for those foreigners already in the country. They may make exceptions to renew visas for any expats who cannot get vaccinated for medical reasons, but they are extremely unlikely to make exceptions for any unvaccinated Joe Blow tourist.


As for airlines not mandating vaccination for passengers, well Australia's Qantas has already stated several times that they are going to mandate it. And so will many other airlines. The most likely situation within another 1-2 years is unvaccinated people won't be able to do much at all other than stay home and watch TV. Proof of vaccination is going to be the only way to travel and attend concerts and get out into the world again.


21 hours ago, KarenBravo said:

They won't have to. The airlines will make vaccination a mandatory requirement before flying international.

You are right about that. Qantas has already announced that they will at some stage  make it company policy that all passengers will need to be vaccinated and they have just fold all staff that they have until November to get vaccinated or ...NO job.

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On 8/19/2021 at 10:01 AM, Dmaxdan said:

I can only speculate but I think in years to come Covid vaccines will be mandatory for all Thailand visas including non-O extensions.

I was going to say the same thing. I can foresee that Immigration will make it another hoop to jump through to renew your annual visa.

23 hours ago, Moonlover said:

How can they? Vaccination is voluntary, for both nationals and foreigners.

Vaccination is voluntary, getting is a visa is voluntary, but they can always make vaccination compulsory to get a visa or extension of stay.
Yellow fever vaccination is already mandatory when coming from some African and South American countries.

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I had an uncle who had kidney problems and needed dialysis, so he could not get the vaccination. 

  Unfortunately he contracted COVID and has died.  I feel sorry for those who have health problems.

  I also have a young relative in his 40 who is refusing to get vaccinated, and I asked him if he wanted to 

travel to the USA in the future. Of course his answer was yes. So I said, good luck, as he will likely be turned

around at the border.  There are also many people who hate needles and are just afraid of needles and 

such. I feel a bit sorry for them but not very much.  I have heard that a nasal spray is being investigated

to see if it will be effective, and I sure hope it is so that small children can get vaccinated as well, if they

cannot get the injections.


On 8/19/2021 at 10:01 AM, Dmaxdan said:

I can only speculate but I think in years to come Covid vaccines will be mandatory for all Thailand visas including non-O extensions.

I think when hell freezes over or when the FDA approves just one vaccine.


Thailands always so desperate for tourists dollars I'm sure they will put money before safety.


So probably not.

3 hours ago, Darkside Gray said:

Do they really know?

There is no certainty over the numbers in India. The best indicator is the excess death statistics which suggest a little under 5 million Covid deaths up to the end of July.


I believe by the end of 2022 it will be mandatory for all International travel.

Yes, vaccination is not a mandate & doubt it will ever become, but like many airlines staff

requiring to be vaccinated if you want to travel, will need your shots, you have a choice

  • Thanks 1
47 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

Read the article you posted very carefully and study the statements made last December then what was said in Spring 2021 after his board of directors told Mr. Joyce to "shut your gob." **


Of course he will lobby the AUS government to mandate all travelers require vaccination. Then United and American and Singapore and all the domestic carriers will have to require it also. They will all be on a level playing field, with no potential impact to the bottom line of QF. I would prefer to be on a airline that needs vaccination for all personally but there are some twisted goons in this world, up to 30 percent of Americans probably, who might CHOOSE another airline if it allows them to travel internationally without the essential protection of safe and effective vaccines. 


Australia for one is one of the strictest countries in the world to get into NO WAY they are going to allow tourists to come down without covid-19 vaccination perhaps for our lifetimes. 


  • Governments will mandate vaccination, not airlines
  • Options for international travel will be very limited for those unwilling to vaccinate
  • Just get your jabs, there is no downside






**December 2020. QF CEO says Qantas will mandate vaccinations for passengers.

 https://asia.nikkei.com/Business/Transportation/Qantas-says-vaccine-to-be-mandatory-for-international-flyersMarch 2021. Qa

March 2021 Qantas CEO says governments will mandate vaccines for international travel


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33 minutes ago, Captain Monday said:

then what was said in Spring 2021 after his board of directors told Mr. Joyce to "shut your gob." **

I like that part. Have never liked the him since he put pressure on the AFL to remove Israel Folau for his Facebook post comment. Long of the short he threatened to pull 10 million of Qantas annual sponsorship for the game. Folau, a real hero sued the AFL and was given an undisclosed amount in an out of court settlement, he did refuse 14 million at one time, nice pay out for someone who took on the corporations in trying to silence his religious freedoms...lol.


The guy is a garden gnome, I won't use any other words because I will be banned.


I agree that if people don't want to get vaccinated, then that is their right, but they will find that travel will require proof of vaccination, that said, we all know that vaccinated people can be infected as well as unvaccinated people, however if those unvaccinated get infected they will more than likely end up in a hospital.


Sort of a catch 22 situation, whereas you can have a plan load of people vaccinated and if one of the vaccinated is infected, then the plane load of people are more than likely to get infected.


Maybe they should have vaccinated and unvaccinated flights...lol  


he has a medical condition and then want to travel

On 8/19/2021 at 4:57 AM, bestie said:

Because of some health issues he can't take the Covid vaccine. So he's worried about to wait any longer for his trip to Thailand because he doesn't know if Thailand will let him in the near future without being vaccinated against Covid.  

planning to travel into a country that is in a covid crisis? 


sorry for the next thing this is just a 'head' case. Which head is thinking? When the little head it taken over control the big head is due to lack of blood unable to think clear. probably this is the reason need need to go?.


more countries are demanding testing or vaccination. vaccination because when you get ill it is expected that you will need less healthcare, reduces als changes of getting very ill



It will only become mandatory for airlines when the jabs are freely available in countries you are flying from ! No point in imposing it otherwise. Take Thailand for example, imagine airlines imposing it now - would not work as the vaccines are being fought over !


Too many other questions- like when exactly does the vaccine run out - with efficacy failing does all visa entry get stamped on expected vaccine failure ? Does AZ get you a 6 month visa but sinovac 3 months ? What if they change the vaccine rules to shorter when your in country ? 


Remember there only has to be one successful law suit against an airline for discrimination and all world air flight travel could crash !


6 hours ago, wavodavo said:


You are right about that. Qantas has already announced that they will at some stage  make it company policy that all passengers will need to be vaccinated and they have just fold all staff that they have until November to get vaccinated or ...NO job.

Neither airlines or governments can operate internationally on a unilateral basis, although some seem to think otherwise. The general conditions of carriage for airlines are based on several international conventions.

It is uncharted territory but very unlikely a blanket ban without exemptions could be imposed on international travel without a breach of a convention involved, in other words a legal minefield.

Domestic policy is another matter altogether. Rather than speculating on what airlines may or may not say, the more likely problem is where you want to disembark, which comes back to reciprocal recognition.

25 minutes ago, sandyf said:

Neither airlines or governments can operate internationally on a unilateral basis, although some seem to think otherwise. The general conditions of carriage for airlines are based on several international conventions.

It is uncharted territory but very unlikely a blanket ban without exemptions could be imposed on international travel without a breach of a convention involved, in other words a legal minefield.

Domestic policy is another matter altogether. Rather than speculating on what airlines may or may not say, the more likely problem is where you want to disembark, which comes back to reciprocal recognition.

Right now they are operating with no reciprocity! Come on, Joe Biden.


US citizens who are vaccinated can go to UK and EU now, but I was surprised America is still denying entry to anyone who has been there past 14 days. Why?  Japanese (Residents of Japan too)  can enter the US with one test paper result. Japan has been completely closed to most for 16 months, no end in sight. Makes no sense as Japan is still struggling to catch up and daily numbers in Tokyo are record highs.


Despite international aviation conventions Governments appear to have dictatorial control for setting rules for non-residents to enter.


(I have never been there but now my company is talking about flights to some African cities where Yellow Fever card is required, no exeptions for crews).. 

On 8/19/2021 at 4:39 AM, cclub75 said:

When its defiency is exposed (vaccine fiasco), Thailand tends to overdo things.


That's a common law that applies to any kind of subject (from institutions to simple individuals).


They try to overdo, and to be seen as the good pupil within the class.


So, to impose a vaccination to foreigners living here, will be such an easy target for the gvt, to gain face and to try to mask its own limitations...


Therefore, they will do it. Probability is very high.

Well observed. That's so true!

5 hours ago, SymS said:

Vaccination is voluntary, getting is a visa is voluntary, but they can always make vaccination compulsory to get a visa or extension of stay.
Yellow fever vaccination is already mandatory when coming from some African and South American countries.

Agree. Similar to having a car is voluntary; getting a car insurance is voluntary; but getting a car insurance is compulsory if you want to drive the car!


In my opinion it should not be taken for granted that the Covid and the to stay and that the vaccines must be made every year, which seems to me rather nonsense, nothing suggests this only time will tell. By the end of next year we will be able to see more clearly.


For now, no vaccine is mandatory and that they require it for the visa or for the extension are only suppositions, if you now have the vaccine do the same for the 14 days of quarantine so the vaccine for the Thai authorities does not count for anything.

On 8/19/2021 at 10:20 AM, ubonjoe said:

I cannot see it being mandatory within the next 2 or 3 months.

Maybe in the future if Thailand has reached herd immunity.

I can see them though start reducing the quarantine requirement to 7 days again if fully vaccinated.

There are signs that this is a trend indeed, even without having reached herd immunity. 2 months ago Hong Kong "shorten hotel quarantine to seven days for fully vaccinated residents travelling from most places, as well as non-residents inoculated against Covid-19". Link Hong Kong to reduce quarantine for fully vaccinated residents, East Asia News & Top Stories - The Straits Times


I understand that Singapore has just made a similar move.

If there are some people with a few grams of grey cells in the T govt, they must realise that the current draconian restrictions to getting to Thailand results in very few tourists coming in. Following the example of Hong Kong and Singapore would not be a loss of face for Thailand. Maybe on the contrary : "look, we are best of class too!".

On 8/19/2021 at 4:57 AM, bestie said:

I'm telling him that he don't have to worry because I personal don't think they will make it mandatory but that's only my personal opinion. But of course I can't tell for sure and maybe you can't too. But what you think? 

He said he heard when Thailand will open up again that you need to be vaccinated. Is that true. ? 


I'm sorry if this topic had discussed before.


Thank you for your answers. 

Opinion only: I don't think that any country will make vaccination mandatory, including Thailand - some people cannot be vaccinated due to health issues - but non vaccinated people might need to quarantine when travelling between countries or regions, i.e. for example US and EU could each be considered as a region, so travelling within US or EU wont need vaccination or quarantine. Also, some countries might make boble-agreements due to low number of infections, and thereby no quarantine needed for non vaccinated inhabitants.

1 hour ago, Captain Monday said:

Despite international aviation conventions Governments appear to have dictatorial control for setting rules for non-residents to enter.

That would be domestic policy.

On 8/19/2021 at 9:57 AM, bestie said:

I'm telling him that he don't have to worry because I personal don't think they will make it mandatory but that's only my personal opinion.

You should not be promising things you have no influence on.


As for whether vaccinations would be required for visas or even for extensions of stay... nobody knows. It's up to what government thinks it should do at the time it's deciding on it. It is my OPINION that beggars can't be choosers and that many countries that lived off tourism will sooner or later run out of cash and drop all restrictions, regardless of consequences. But that's just an opinion. Would he then want to come to country where a disease could kill him, that's a serious question he should be asking himself.


I doubt that most countries or airlines will demand vaccination. BUT there may be additional hoops for the unvaccinated. So for instance if coming to Thailand, you may require a covid test either before or after flying, if vaccinated, but unvaccinated people will have to quarantine. Anti-vaxxers will just have to suffer the consequences. 

As for travelling to Thailand while not vaccinated because of health issues, not clever. In the middle of a pandemic wave, there is a good chance of catching the disease, and therefore when you have health issues a fairly high risk of serious illness - and with a struggling health system, maybe no treatment available as well.

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On 8/20/2021 at 4:01 AM, SymS said:

Vaccination is voluntary, getting is a visa is voluntary, but they can always make vaccination compulsory to get a visa or extension of stay.
Yellow fever vaccination is already mandatory when coming from some African and South American countries.

Agree with you.

YF has been mandatory for some destinations since the 1980s!!! I have 2 books of records from then when I was travelling round Asia / Africa for work - arms like pincushions! ????

For the life of me I cannot comprehend these idiot anti-vaxxers especially people of my advanced age who were all vaccinated as kids. Almost as if they read nothing but conspiracy theories - they actually anger me....despite the fact that I still do support people's right not to be injected against their will! Just keep away from me please!


Oh, and @4MyEgo you said "Maybe they should have vaccinated and unvaccinated flights...lol "


Better. (IMO)....."Maybe they should have vaccinated flights only....after all......it's still voluntary...(lol)" ????

  • Haha 1
48 minutes ago, VBF said:

Better. (IMO)....."Maybe they should have vaccinated flights only....after all......it's still voluntary...(lol)"

I take it you didn't get my sarcasm ?


Wonder what would happen if they had flights for blacks and flights for whites, oooops, going back in time, let's not, suffice to say everyone has a right to choose and we can disagree with their choices, but respect "their" decisions, after all could you imagine a society where we all were forced to comply, no thanks, I choose to get vaccinated, if they choose not to, I am not going to worry about it because I can still infect them regardless of the fact that I will be vaccinated, and if I do infect them, i.e. the unvaccinated, well I wish the a speedy recovery.

  • Haha 1
On 8/19/2021 at 8:16 AM, KarenBravo said:

At the moment, the middle seat has been mandated to be unoccupied, yet, they still fly.

If all passengers are vaccinated, they won't have to leave those seats empty.


Well, when I flew back to LOS in December on Singapore Air, economy had a whole 14 seats filled.....


Quite comfy and lots of attention from the stewardesses. 

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