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6 hours ago, thurien said:

typically long story for a Friday morning: What do you want tell the audience?

not much else to do ....have you heard of covid?

16 minutes ago, Harveyboy said:

was not given permission used transfer from my to her account

If so, it was either:

1.) Fraud, in which case the bank branch and, possibly, the head office should be contacted, or

2.) Negligence on your part, giving her all the codes/PIN numbers, or signatures, or having 'easy' passwords that could easily be guessed by her.



23 hours ago, worgeordie said:

Your Ex wife and kids are going to need money, so took it,

you just seem to have run off to Thailand , so what do you

expect, the time courts are going to take,all the while lawyers

rack up the expense, you are in Thailand , court case in France,

Just let it go and earn your own money again.learn from your mistake

regards Worgeordie

sorry mate not the case my kids are grown..i left cash for them for uni ect i never left for thailand till 6 years after my divorce she was already living with her partner years before i left ..she needed money for her social life holidays not my kids ..i follow a lot of your posts on here and agree with almost everything you post .point is i cant earn more that's just it is ran a small company due to covid gone ..my thai wife works I'm home hubby 10000 might not have been the be all for me some years ago but now...well thanks for the post 

4 minutes ago, StayinThailand2much said:

If so, it was either:

1.) Fraud, in which case the bank branch and, possibly, the head office should be contacted, or

2.) Negligence on your part, giving her all the codes/PIN numbers, or signatures, or having 'easy' passwords that could easily be guessed by her.



she was secretary for my company ..company account closed..i had to tell her about the money for my kids so it could be taken out in the event of anything happening she had no authority in any way to touch it ..sheer greed on the part of her and BF.. obviously it was a perfect plan as it was to stay in the account till I died only they would have known

23 hours ago, KeeTua said:

In other words you gave them permission to use that money. That she didn't use it for the purpose you intended is not illegal, there was no fraud involved. If she pays you back with out hassle that's your good luck.

i gave the money for the kid's they didn't get it they didn't spend it they didn't steal it.. their mother did  ..she was not given the money...

38 minutes ago, Harveyboy said:

was not given permission used transfer from my to her account


You have given her access, she can do with it what she wants. The 10K was for them to spend anyhow, so let it be. It was definitely not stolen, you could be sued for defamation.

8 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

You have given her access, she can do with it what she wants. The 10K was for them to spend anyhow, so let it be. It was definitely not stolen, you could be sued for defamation.

Have you not read what hes said she was secretary for his company and had access to his account details, emphasis on his account details. he has emails admitting to the theft. 

The fact that she had access to his bank details simply makes the bank not liable for the theft but it is still theft by his wife. She has obtained money under false pretences

He also states he left her the house/car so any court will realise she has the funds to repay the money by sale of any assets etc and should enforce the money to be repaid

  • Like 2
48 minutes ago, Harveyboy said:

sorry mate not the case my kids are grown..i left cash for them for uni ect i never left for thailand till 6 years after my divorce she was already living with her partner years before i left ..she needed money for her social life holidays not my kids ..i follow a lot of your posts on here and agree with almost everything you post .point is i cant earn more that's just it is ran a small company due to covid gone ..my thai wife works I'm home hubby 10000 might not have been the be all for me some years ago but now...well thanks for the post 

Now things are clearer and I understand the situation better, good luck.

regards Worgeordie

  • Like 2
36 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

You have given her access, she can do with it what she wants. The 10K was for them to spend anyhow, so let it be. It was definitely not stolen, you could be sued for defamation.

she was never given access to take the money out but to transfer it to my children to pay for their travel here which they wanted they all knew the money was for that not her holidays she stole it as if it was taken from my wallet she tried to cover up by sending photos of bank statements.. who's i don't know but just some random amounts no name no account  numbers just figures it was pathetic how she lied till the end but as i said she admitted stealing it ..what more proof would i need i have every conversation in black and white..

18 minutes ago, worgeordie said:

Now things are clearer and I understand the situation better, good luck.

regards Worgeordie

ok mate i should have made it clearer but as one op posted it was far to long a post ..

6 hours ago, AlQaholic said:

I don't understand, vindictive self-consuming enraged etc. etc. You already left your life over there, You left a bunch of money to whoever wants to take it. Just let it go. Life goes on.

yep I'm all of the those and a few that would get my blocked on here if said .what part of.. wife stole... don't you understand didn't leave it to who ever wants  it ...it was my children's money She stole not just from me but her own kids  you seem like a very forgiving person ..would you be if it was yours .just asking .anyway tks for the reply

On 8/19/2021 at 3:33 PM, jwest10 said:

Every situation different and I know of someone who loaned and it was stipulated as such to his brother-in-law and a substantial amount but when asked  so many times since 2008 the sister in law apparantly  gave his money to a cousin and she claimed very  persuasive wanted his money to cover college fees and when confronted stated it was given as a gift.
He got a few thousand Baht back but no where near the amount.
This happens alot here in the Far East and despite asking so many times it is obvious not going to get this money back
Nothing signed and one poster noticed it will cost far more to get it back and the ironic thing is her husband is a lawyer.
Very much doubt you will get your money and you lost your business too.
Disgusting indeed and yeah divorce very friendly, Yeah sorry you have to take it on the chin but hope you have a little left. 

tks mate not a lot but the thai bride still working lol

2 hours ago, Dene16 said:

Have you not read what hes said she was secretary for his company and had access to his account details, emphasis on his account details. he has emails admitting to the theft. 

The fact that she had access to his bank details simply makes the bank not liable for the theft but it is still theft by his wife. She has obtained money under false pretences

He also states he left her the house/car so any court will realise she has the funds to repay the money by sale of any assets etc and should enforce the money to be repaid

Did you not read that it isn't about the money from the company but from a death account?

3 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

Did you not read that it isn't about the money from the company but from a death account?

Yes i did read that, the op called it his death account. to my knowledge there is no such thing as a death account so it was just a private account. of which she had access to.

In answer to a question someone asked as to why she would have the necessary codes to do the transfer he states that this was due to her being a secretary of his company

Did you not read that?


4 hours ago, Harveyboy said:

was not given permission used transfer from my to her account


it might be peanuts to you but its the only peanuts i have to eat.. 

IF You read my reply Properly....I Said I WISH I had a bag of Peanuts  So It's Certainly NOT Peanuts to ME.....I'm Fookin' SKINT Laaadd !!

4 hours ago, Dene16 said:

Have you not read what hes said she was secretary for his company and had access to his account details, emphasis on his account details. he has emails admitting to the theft.

From OP:
"when i left france my x wife was still allowed access to my business account so all the final closedown could be done   she also had access to my private account over 20 years ..anyway before i left france i gave my kids all the money i could i also put 10000 euros in an account  my death account"

From the wording of that it sounds like OP is talking about three different accounts business, private and 'death account' all of which his ex had access to. It sounds like the money was not in the business account and he mentions the other accounts to show he had trust in her and didn't expect she would help herself to the death account money. If it is just a private account he gave her access to without any legal agreement it was hers to do with as she wanted. Sleazy for sure but it doesn't sound like it would ever get prosecuted in a court.


I highly doubt she admits to theft in emails. She may be admitting to helping herself to the money but doubtful she would say she stole it.


Trust an ex-wife? Big mistake. When i got divorced i paid for the divorce (uncontested). She had her own pensions so i said each should keep her own. Also said she could live in the house as long as she wanted. But 2 years later she went to court to get the house from me. 


My Thai sister-in-law had similar problem. Her American husband had divorced his wife in UK, and given her a house. He got cancer and died suddenly while undergoing treatment in the UK, while staying at ex-wifes house. She was very nice to my sister-in-law, said she would arrange everything - she did - including stealing all the husbands financial documents, laptop and anything else valuable, and draining their joint account, leaving S-in-Law destitute. I had to buy her ticket to get back to Thailand.

1 hour ago, KeeTua said:

From the wording of that it sounds like OP is talking about three different accounts business, private and 'death account' all of which his ex had access to

I see your point but it is only a death account in name (he has named it that as it was to be used on his death) It is a private account in his sole name. He had already directed to his wife and his children that it was to be used on his death only. Just because she had access to it obviously does not mean she can take the money out to do as she pleases with. Her only defence would be to argue that he gave her permission but he had already informed his children the reason for the account. It

 I was actually was privy to an instance where an elderly lady had put money into an account for a grandchild, 6K, but was taken and spent by the parents. Police were prepared to prosecute but she would not press charges.

Admittedly it would be problematic if he had not informed his children of the reason of the account and not/or mentioned it in a expression of wishes in his will but that is not the case here as the children were aware.

Charges can be filed  and would likely come under the following guidelines

Financial mismanagement by people without legal authority

Where someone manages a persons finances without formal legal authority then they still have a legal duty to keep detailed financial records and be ready to justify any transactions that take place



5 hours ago, Harveyboy said:

she was never given access to take the money out but to transfer it to my children to pay for their travel here which they wanted they all knew the money was for that not her holidays she stole it as if it was taken from my wallet she tried to cover up by sending photos of bank statements.. who's i don't know but just some random amounts no name no account  numbers just figures it was pathetic how she lied till the end but as i said she admitted stealing it ..what more proof would i need i have every conversation in black and white..

I assume the legal jurisdiction is France. I am not familiar with the French legal system but give the following.

The French definition of theft is fraudulent appropriation .  From what you have described it is unclear if the bar of fraudulent has been reached. It is also contestable that by placing the monies into an account for the purpose of others that you have retained the ownership of the monies.


Due to the act of Theft being a crime against the state , it would be the state prosecuting and yourself acting as a witness only. I fail to understand how in such circumstances an out of court settlement is possible.


One further thought

 what stipulations was placed on the use of the monies. I know you stated it was to be used in case of your death to attend the funeral .

However what was the intention if your children decided not to come for the funeral.

8 hours ago, Harveyboy said:

was not given permission used transfer from my to her account


it might be peanuts to you but its the only peanuts i have to eat.. 

The question of the accounts legal owner needs to be known.

Stating was not given permission is fudging the answer.


If your ex does not have any legal ownership of the account , how was it possible to transfer the money.

7 hours ago, Harveyboy said:

.it was my children's money She stole not just from me but her own kids  

Boo hoo. Did you really think she would think about that when she could get the coin herself?? It's all about today here. I once opened an account for my daughter and put 50k baht in there, wasn't long before the wife took it out, citing it was 'needed'



12 hours ago, Dene16 said:

In answer to a question someone asked as to why she would have the necessary codes to do the transfer he states that this was due to her being a secretary of his company

Did you not read that?


I didn't read that because it isn't in the OP. The "death account" has nothing to do with the company, it was for his kids to come to Thailand when he died. The company was being liquidated. So it wasn't a company fund. Don't you understand that?

2 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

I didn't read that because it isn't in the OP.

Ok.  i am going to have to eat a little bit of humble pie. The op refers to having to tell her about the money  by that it has to be assumed that he gave her access so that she could withdraw the money to give to the children. He mentions her being a secretary of the company in answer to why she would have access to codes etc. This is of absolutely no relevance  to the private account so i don't know why he stated that fact. For that i apologise.

Cleaopatra2 has explained it well, as ownership has to be determined. Having access to pins/ codes does not give you ownership. This has been a fundamental point in many cases where dementia was involved and others having access without power of attorney (UK Law). Under the circumstances the op relates to it is theft/fraud  whatever you wish to call it. Many people in the past have used the excuse  that they did not steal the money as they intended to replace it at a later date (in other words borrowed the money). That is why ownership has to be determined but ultimately the money in this case, will need  to be replaced even without a conviction. ????

3 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

So it wasn't a company fund. Don't you understand that?

yes i do

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