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Ex cop "Jo Ferrari" swears on his amulet it wasn't about money - just protecting the public


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1 hour ago, ThailandRyan said:

What happened to just blindfolding a person or wearing those masks that the police always seem to wear.  This statement is just pure BS, and the man is trying to wriggle out of a charge of murder.  Well thats my view at least.

That's most people's view except his cronies who are interviewing him and expect you to believe it..????

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2 minutes ago, recom273 said:

I heard he confiscated those vehicles from the affluent youth of Nakhon Suwan, to keep them off the road, not only to protect innocent road users, but also to protect the youth from killing themselves.


He's made his statement, the property has already been explained, he was selling the honey online. The guy was just doing his job, to protect the youth from the dangers of drugs and road traffic tragedy. It's only natural an officer of such fine upstanding character should only want to protect his identity, by putting a plastic bag over the suspects head. I mean, Batman doesn't reveal his identity in the pursuit of justice, right?


Theres now way he should be given a prison sentence, he should be given a medal!



Can I have some of what you have had please?


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1 minute ago, ikke1959 said:

That is easy to do.. swearing on an amulet.. and now he swore falsely reason  eternal burning????

No a position in the PMs office, overseeing seizing of assets from corrupt officials 

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2 hours ago, webfact said:

swear by the amulet that hangs around my neck that this was not about extorting money. I have never been involved in any corrupt practices over money".

Yeah, that make plain murder totally okay. Moreover, he swear on his amulet. That directly makes everything okay. Now just go back to work. Please do not forget to pay your fine of 500 baht on your way out.

Edited by Gottfrid
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31 minutes ago, recom273 said:

I heard he confiscated those vehicles from the affluent youth of Nakhon Suwan, to keep them off the road, not only to protect innocent road users, but also to protect the youth from killing themselves.


He's made his statement, the property has already been explained, he was selling the honey online. The guy was just doing his job, to protect the youth from the dangers of drugs and road traffic tragedy. It's only natural an officer of such fine upstanding character should only want to protect his identity, by putting a plastic bag over the suspects head. I mean, Batman doesn't reveal his identity in the pursuit of justice, right?


Theres now way he should be given a prison sentence, he should be given a medal!



Or made Prime Minister.????

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2 hours ago, jacko45k said:

When these types come up with these lies, like the overdose death certificate being 'temporary', do they think anyone believes them? Do they believe others are so stupid?

They really don't care. 

This guy is not stupid, he will never go to jail, he knows too much and is very well connected. 

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Uhh, he is innocent.

Uhh, he never done it before.

Uhh, he never took corrupt money.

Uhh, he swears on his amulet.

Uhh, he doing his job for the good of the public.


What a Drama queen.

If he continues to whine for 5 minutes more, then in the end he is the victim.


If I am sentenced to life in prison, so be it," 

Accepted. Good suggestion from the plastic bag killer.

Edited by tomacht8
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He said it was not about extorting money but about getting to the truth. Plus he didn't want the suspect to see his face.


He claimed the suspect was cuffed to stop him scratching away at the plastic bags. 


So is he saying it was premeditated? Hands cuffed first, so that once the plastic bag is put over his head to suffocate him to try and force him into giving up information, he can't pull it off and see who is torturing him.


And why the fear of him seeing his face, but not the underlings?




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2 hours ago, webfact said:

"I didn't mean it to happen, I was just doing my job for the good of the public and to protect kids from drugs."

Oh, what would we do, where would this country be, without such charitable, well-meaning, benevolent, caring and service-minded people such as you? Thank you three times!

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I think they got the information out of the guy just using one plastic bag. so now that they know where the money is hidden they threw on another 5 bags to finish him off. 

After all 6 bags is defiantly an over kill.

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2 hours ago, SooKee said:

I can't understand why the heck this guy is even still in custody!  He's sworn on his amulet!  Surely that should be the end of it?  ????

That and a wai, and a month in a Wat as a monk should about do it and cleanse the conscience of those who think is was wrong.

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35 minutes ago, Will B Good said:

Wifey is watching the Thai news, the No 1 cop in Thailand (her words) she claims is coaching this allegedly errant policeman on how to respond to questions in terms of his actual answers and his demeanor.

No 1 Cop you mean the National Police Chief, or Big Joke....

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3 hours ago, Henryford said:

No top cop is going to condemn him otherwise they will lose their Lamborghinis. He will be "reassigned" until the fuss dies down.

A room at Red Bulls place appears on the cards .................LOL

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23 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

That and a wai, and a month in a Wat as a monk should about do it and cleanse the conscience of those who think is was wrong.

Don't forget the THB500 fine.

Edited by phetphet
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