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All aboard the Corruption Express! Next stop a Police Station near you!

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Yes keep the Good Rambling coming Rooster !!! ... Things so bad that it is hard to give the usual awards out at the end of your Pieces !!! ??? ... Like "The Most Depressing" ? or "Most messed up" ? or "Biggest (But quite obvious) disasters this week !!! ...  All very good Non Starters right !!! ??? ...


I had better just ignore it all, .... and get back to the Thai Embassy web site, and just keep on drooling about NON O-X ... Five year Visas. ??? ...   Less dramas with renewals ? .... of insurance ? ... Bank account statements, ? and at the Immigration Department ???  ... Every thing else being pretty handleably, and even the Epidemic I think ... ... Thai's still being pretty good at Dealing with these things I think ??? ...  From a Local Point of View any way ???  ...  There being a cluster <Deleted> all over the world just now, ... and it is STILL getting worse I think ??? Just about every where ! ...


So would I get the "There is a Cluster <Deleted> all over the world ... If you had not noticed " award now ??? 


Still ... "We shall See" ... as the Russians would say.


( And I would be pretty Much More <Deleted> off with the Idiots cutting down those beautiful Old Trees In ??? Puke Et ? Or was it Pattaya ??? ... Both places Beaches, being Disasters waiting to happen so it would seem ???) 

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15 minutes ago, Jonathan Swift said:

Just a general comment - there isn't anything written about Thailand or that takes place here that doesn't exist tenfold or worse in the US and other "developed" countries. Including and especially heinous crimes and murders committed by police against the innocent and the guilty. .....

Yes ! at least they do not discriminate against Dark Skinned people in Thailand. ... ... Yet ??? .. The whole world changing pretty fast Now, and often not to the best just at the moment I think ??? ... Just verbally.? Right ??? or On Line !!! ???

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3 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Requiring certification - especially while fewer than 20% have been double dosed - will lead to a free for all in falsified documents that will make those stands you used to see selling dodgy licenses on Khao San Road look legit.

Particularly since the actual number of fully vaccinated folks is much closer to 10% than 20% - I guess the restaurants will mostly be serving medical personnel and influential rich people.

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Yes, they do know right from wrong.

They know what's right for their bank accounts and everyone else is wrong.

Reform will never happen because of the greed.


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4 hours ago, THAIPHUKET said:




4 hours ago, inThailand said:

Maybe if it was 10 pages of less rambling we might read the whole thing? 

This was one of the few of his scribblings I read from end to end as it was all interesting (I thought). Usually I just dip in. 

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We can all talk about the corruption but the corruption needs to be documented and laid bare by an investigative journalist, alas it seems that there aren't too many journalists in Thailand that are willing or capable of doing this. This joker cop is sitting in the middle of the chain of command, he is paying it forward like all other cops have too. The head of the snake isn't in view yet. The murder charge is one angle that needs to be bought to trial, the endemic corruption and money laundering requires a totally different investigation to the murder.

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