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Have you changed your mind on the COVID Vaccines?

Chomper Higgot

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2 minutes ago, HeijoshinCool said:



Do you have a moment to cogently and logically describe what makes the people you don't care about lunatics and lost causes?



That’s an illogical conclusion.


There are billions of people who I don’t know let alone care about in any meaningful sense.


On the basis probability billions of those people will be entirely sane.



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I wasn't really fussed in getting it or not but if it means i dont have to quarantine if im fully vaccs as in the case where i work in Oman, i can now go to Dubai or any other middle east country without quarantine, well go without saying Covid vaccine yes please.


Oman has fully opened up now, if you have not had a vaccine you cannot go to malls, government offices, airport nothing, its the way the world is going.


Any anti vaccers out there sure if you dont want it nae bother dont have it and good luck.

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13 minutes ago, Justanotherone said:
I think I got something on my return flight from Singapore beginning of 2020.
I nor anybody around me got covid.
We survived for 18+ months doing what we always do.
Everybody gets a cold once and a while.
While most people cannot even make the difference between a could and real flu...
Scare tactics in taking an experimental vaccine, that normally takes years of clinical trials
unknown side effects on long term
So why would I be a scared sheeple about a virus EVERYBODY will get.
I am 50+, active, eat healthy, walk daily, only in airco room at night, avoid crowds, wash hands
You people talking about double masking etc...
A mask is a good to stop a virus, thousands of times smaller than the holes in your mask
as a sock is useful as being used for a condom
You are safe with your vaccine, that is not sterilizing, that is what a real vaccine is supposed to do, you can still get it and transmit it.
The media and big pharma convinced you (where are the actual studies or clinical trial results) that you will spend less time in the hospital ?
Wait, nothing to do with taking care of your health ?  Not being overweight ? Diabetes ? or other chronic disease you got from your BAD HABITS ?
Covid19 is REAL, not a denier of that...  made in lab, escaped ...  for long this was illegal to even think or talk without being banned everywhere...
Big pharma tried for 30-40 years, for you sheeple, to scare you in taking a flu vaccine that worked half at best or not at all.
They never succeeded.
But this,  we going to all die and vaccine is the only way back to normal and everybody should be forced, is good for business, many new BILLIONAIRE big pharma executives.
As is this vaccine suddenly cured everybody from dangerous overweight, diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular diseases.
As a farang, I will have to pay for my hospital anyway if/when I get sick, no freebies.
Good for you all that believe this is the only way back to normal.
Where can I order my YELLOW star to be not a sheeple and blindly believe the hype for a disease that kills, the old and the weak.
Where will there be lockdowns against road accidents, smoking, alcohol, cancer ?


You got Sheeple and Yellow Star in there.


Well done, stay lucky.

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1 hour ago, Hummin said:

Often easier to adress their problems on politicians, fake news and science than realize their struggle and complexed mental problems. It gives more meaning to them that the whole world is crazy and not themselves. Also one important thing is the conspirecy make them the elite because they understand how the world really is. Woke 




Whether it’s COVID-19 or election fraud, they seem to be everywhere. Social media, television, and even conversations with friends and loved ones seem saturated with misinformation. 

A May 2020 online survey of 2,501 adults in England found that 25 percent of respondents believe unproven COVID-19 conspiracy theories"


"017 research reviewTrusted Source found that people who buy into conspiracy theories believe they benefit socially and existentially from them."



i know a full on anti vaccer going to protests and all that, this guy is a raver he has had all types of illegal party drugs amongst other <deleted> for years i asked him well you dont have any idea what you been putting in your body for years ya idiot, he started to carry on i just told him talk to the hand and <deleted> off

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16 minutes ago, 248900_1469958220 said:

By 'anti vaxxers' do you now mean the millions of kids in the UK that will now more than likely NOT be vaccinated? Or are you referring to those that, after having TWO jabs and hearing the latest is it will only give 50% protection REFUSE the boosters?? Who are you talking about? Vaccines that dont stop the spread. This story is FAR from over. Calling reasonable people that have asked questions about this pandemic anti vaxxers. ha!.....the science is 'changing' and I think its now going in a way  that many dont like, common sense is finally revealing itself.

Let’s be having links to these claims you keep repeating.

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3 minutes ago, GreasyFingers said:

It would not be a "conspiracy" or a "theory" if it was proven.

Anything proven (beyond doubt) becomes fact. 
Theories exist with a level of probability. 

I have a theory that ‘Chomper Higgot’ who started this thread is a cross dressing British extrovert - it’s only becomes fact when I meet him tonight in the Blue Oyster.


Seriously though, some theories are so close to fact they are ‘as good as proven’ and others so far removed from fact their improbability are almost certain.

In the case of every vaccine  conspiracy I’ve read (I don’t know anyone nuts enough to even bother with the discussion in conversation) the improbability of the theories rate on the ridiculous and improbable end of the spectrum. 



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I have a ‘theory’…. 

Those who are anti-covid-vax, are you pro-gun ? 

PLEASE RATE THE FOLLOWING FROM 1-10 (1 completely disagree - 10 I’m a fruitcake!) 

“Your ‘rights to own a gun’ are even more important than ever now with a tyrannical government pushing this vaccine on everyone & trying to control them”


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I registered the day they opened the site, I got my vaccine date last saturday for next week, they dont tell you what vaccine they will allocate for you but if its the chinese one I will be walking out after tellng them where they can stick it, I have also booked and paid for moderna so will get that as the second shot if the first one is pfizer or AZ or as both if the govt try to give me the chinese one

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16 minutes ago, 248900_1469958220 said:

I am sharing information from the 'authorities' in the UK. I dont need to be a doctor to do that. Are you a doctor? YOu are also taking information from people more informed in these matters than yourself. Do you need to be a doctor to interpret it? Seems you already have interpreted the information you have found. I am telling you the UK's strategy will likely change dramatically. If you watch the video with quotes from the 'authorities' you will see that the vaccines efficacy is being heavily questioned, the need for mass testing of well people being heavily questioned AND the need for vaccinating children heavily questioned. No, I am not a doctor but I am listening to how this narrative is changing. Many dont like the changes which I see as inevitable. 


Therapeutics, which have been shunned will now be more important than ever. I hope now, after all this time they start really looking into it.  

You are correct, you don’t need to be a Doctor to share information.


You do however need to provide links to the source of the information you say you are sharing.

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The latest research suggests that the difference in spreading virus particles is not that great between vaccinated and non-vaccinated individuals. It looks like herd immunity will never be reached, so a vaccination is only benefits vaccinated themselves and does not help to prevent the spreading very much. So earlier I was a supporter of an obligation for vaccination, now it is just up to people themselves if they want to catch corona, like smoking, getting fat, sedentary lifestyle etc. So for society the only problem is the burden of non-vaccinated corona patients for the hospitals, but that is basically the same for smokers etc. So non-vaccinated put themselves at risk. When they catch corona they have a significantly high chance of needing ICU or a coffin. It is not a smart choice, but it is up to them. The up-side is that - based on principles of evolution by selection - the average world IQ will go up a few points.

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On 8/31/2021 at 7:36 PM, EVENKEEL said:

Not sure why you would try to convince others what to do with their own bodies. I'm trying here in Thailand so far only acknowledgment of registration. If I can't have both before trip to US I'll wait and get them there upon arrival. 

It's not the needles they fear it's some of the useless vaccines out there.

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1 hour ago, GreasyFingers said:

It would not be a "conspiracy" or a "theory" if it was proven.

Dependes on your sourches of proof! But yes some is true and never proved it is a though world, but when you making a conspirecy to complex and to wild then you loose credibility, for instance earth  is flat, moon landing never happend, jewish is the root of evil, democrates is phedofile, and you believe aliens is walking among us, then take a rest please.


vaccines saves life, and truth is, some get serious side effects and some do die as an result of vaccines, but 99,99 pople do not have any serious side effects. 


I belive the statistic now is 30 people of 5 milllion had severe side effect of the vaccine, and more than 5, 35 billion jabs have been given world wide. 



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2 hours ago, l4ml4m said:

Nobody not totally insane would change his mind.

I am living almost 2 years with covid around but didn't get it, so there is no reason that I get it later, especially when all the "real men" are vaccinated, so I am still sure that I will never vaccinate.


Read what you wrote….completely illogical. That is like playing Russian roulette with a gun….I’ve done it ten times so I should be fine forever! BOOM!

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Over the years millions in the world have survived sickness and death because of vaccines.

I think current anti vaxers suffer from some type of mental illness.  Conspiracy theorists, illogical, I am in shape and better then others braggarts, and truly weak/twisted minds.  So many stories about these types sucking on ventilators their last breathe pleading to then take the vaccine.  Seems sick and demented.

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2 hours ago, superal said:

Anti vaccers should be made to pay for any treatment caused by the covid virus . These conspiracy believers spout off about its all B/S by all the world's governments . Just wondering if their thoughts are impeded by some other form of drugs ?  Yet as soon as they get the covid they expect and get hospital treatment . Unless they have a very good reason of refusing the vaccine they should be at the back of the hospital queue because they are putting some brave medical staff in danger .

I agree, once everyone who can be has had the opportunity to be vaccinated then anti-vaxxers should go to the back of any hospital queue, however once that time arrives, the unvaccinated should not have their movements restricted in any way (other than to take a rapid test in certain scenarios) as its been shown that vaccinated can still catch and spread the virus with similar virus loads.

Edited by ogb
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