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India shows promise as continued major visitor source market for Thailand


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9 hours ago, bendejo said:

Many years ago I lived in India, and on more than two occasions my neighborhood friends would try to get me to hire a girl.  I had thought they were just pimping, but looking back now, it was probably also about sloppy seconds (and thirds, and . . . ).  After witnessing that in Pattaya (and learning how common it is) I get the impression these chaps get off on seeing each other in action.



I lived there too,the middle range hiso indian woman liked nothing better than a bit of white,their husbands too liked to watch,passed around pillar to post

 Medical care there is fantastic cannot wait to get there again for some procedures   eyes for one,  pre cancers scans for two

Edited by fredscats
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17 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Oh such a warm and fuzzy feel good story.

Not many staying more than a week, and one wonders what kind of coin they would spend while here.


The survey they refer to for the large majority of those wanting to visit seems to have come from 2019.  I wonder now, what kind of funds these same people who expressed interest back then have now and if they would still come now and not just a statement of "I would like to visit Thailand" to round out the facts for this as I said feel good story.

The market outlook for 2022, lets hope that TAT has not been reading the tea leaves again and maybe if lucky will get half of the numbers they did in 2019


Looking at the money each tourist spent around 47k baht during their stay.....not a bucket load of money there.

I would have thought Thailand would have learnt from past visits that most tourists from India  & mainland China spend very little, budget flights, hotels, pre arranged tours & dining from street vendors and your 7 elevens etc. Probably stay in foreign owned hotels and frequent foreign owned establishments where most is prepaid in their own country prior so Thailand see very little. 

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13 minutes ago, paul1804 said:

I would have thought Thailand would have learnt from past visits that most tourists from India  & mainland China spend very little, budget flights, hotels, pre arranged tours & dining from street vendors and your 7 elevens etc. Probably stay in foreign owned hotels and frequent foreign owned establishments where most is prepaid in their own country prior so Thailand see very little. 

    Now battling covid in its second year, what Thailand has painfully learned, if it didn't already know, is that every tourist is important.  Drive around the tourist areas of Pattaya sometime.  The 7-11s you mentioned are closed, workers laid off.  The street vendors you mentioned are gone, their incomes lost.  Everybody is out of work at your 'pre arranged tours'.  And, of course, many hotels and restaurants and other tourist-oriented businesses are also closed, with many local workers in these businesses also now without jobs.  

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Pent up demand by plane loads of only young males from India going to Soi Honey. Only to find out that body massages (by those that cant say no ) are no longer allowed.  Cant even share a drink among a group of 5 anymore.  Enjoy Amazing Thailand 

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16 hours ago, John Drake said:

India. Nipah virus outbreak. 75 percent mortality.

Estimated 40-75% but that's semantics.

I hope India keeps in under control, but in the past it has been in countries close to Thailand and the bat lives in Thailand as well.




As for tourists from India.

I wouldn't want to invite a whole bunch of Indians until the above is 100% under control.

Better safe than sorry.

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1 minute ago, Virt said:

I hope India keeps in under control,

What I saw in the initial story was that Nipah has been around and has been controlled.  The problem this time was that, because of Covid cases filling the beds, the boy with the initial Nipah infection was brought to and turned away from two treatment centers, meaning he exposed a couple of hundred people, including those being treated for Covid in the treatment centers.

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6 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Since the vast majority (perhaps 85%?) of tourists coming just prior to Covid, were low to middle income Indians, Chinese and Malaysians, they might as well stick to that segment of the market. Western interest in Thailand has been falling off, and Thailand cannot and will not attract the wealthy tourists they keep ranting about, for a dozen different reasons. So, stick with what you have. Tourism is going to be down anyway, no matter what they do. Likely only one million in 2022, with no restrictions, and only up to 5 million by 2026.


It is a sabotaged industry, and it appears that might be what they leaders wanted, in order to kill the nightlife here. It will devastate millions in the industry, but the leaders just do not care, one iota. 

Where do you get these numbers and information…just make it up as you moan along??


***”The leaders@ want to sabatage the nightlife??

***A million in 2022 and five million in 2026??
***85% of tourists were low to middle income Indians, Chinese and Malaysians??



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5 hours ago, paul1804 said:

I would have thought Thailand would have learnt from past visits that most tourists from India  & mainland China spend very little, budget flights, hotels, pre arranged tours & dining from street vendors and your 7 elevens etc. Probably stay in foreign owned hotels and frequent foreign owned establishments where most is prepaid in their own country prior so Thailand see very little. 

Probably ????

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23 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

(...) The most recent survey conducted by Thomas Cook in June 2021. on 4,000 people discovered that 46% of them wanted to travel abroad. Alongside Thailand, the top three destinations they want to visit are Dubai/Abu Dhabi and the Maldives. An earlier survey in April 2021. by InterMiles on 11,500 Indians found that 65% of respondents planned a trip overseas (...)

Pretty meaningless paragraph without actual numbers, but rather a vague '46% wanted to travel to Thailand alongside other destinations' - So, how many of those 46% actually wanted to travel to Thailand? Maybe 50% wanted to travel to the U.A.E., 47% to the Maldives, and just 3% to Thailand...


Also, what country in the world, besides Thailand, favours tourists that come for only 7 days? Oh yes, must be the quality tourists that mostly come for the cheap shopping at Big C (as mentioned by an Indian tourist to Bangkok on "Living English" on ABC Australia). That can easily be done in one or two days...

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23 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Looking at the money each tourist spent around 47k baht during their stay.....not a bucket load of money there.

If 47,000 baht are for 7 days then it's 6,700 baht per day, which equals about $204; Europeans spend $127 per day (in 2017), and American $147, so actually quite good.


In 2017 the top spenders were Chinese with $193 per day...????

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1 hour ago, Kanada said:

Where do you get these numbers and information…just make it up as you moan along??


***”The leaders@ want to sabatage the nightlife??

***A million in 2022 and five million in 2026??
***85% of tourists were low to middle income Indians, Chinese and Malaysians??



There were a multitude of surveys which showed the vast majority of the 39 million who came in 2019, were Malaysians, Chinese and Indian. That is not in doubt. The people in the tourism industry that I talk with, all testify that most were lower income. Some were middle income. Barely. They spent little. 


The rest are theories. No question there is some sabotage. You cannot destroy tourism more here, if you tried. I have some theories. I assume you have some? You are most welcome to share them, without fear of persecution. 

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13 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

There were a multitude of surveys which showed the vast majority of the 39 million who came in 2019, were Malaysians, Chinese and Indian. That is not in doubt. The people in the tourism industry that I talk with, all testify that most were lower income. Some were middle income. Barely. They spent little. 


The rest are theories. No question there is some sabotage. You cannot destroy tourism more here, if you tried. I have some theories. I assume you have some? You are most welcome to share them, without fear of persecution. 

No….I absolutely do not want to hear your theories on Govt sabotage or “the people in the tourism industry you speak with” .

I tend to care about or deal with issues where I might be able to make a difference and leave this countries and Govts. injustices/conspiracies to guys like you… listening to the sound of his own voice….it’s called an echo chamber! 
Keep on keeping on tho’…apparently makes you happy and gives you something to do….or you could just do a nature walk and look around at all the positives in your part of the world????


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"An Indian wedding, known for their extravaganza feast, cost on average 5-6 million Baht with 200-300 participants."


yes that is exactly the type of tourist event Thailand needs to encourage.....maybe the Chinese in the same hotel could help out with finishing the buffet

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22 minutes ago, bendejo said:

And it wasn't that long ago that some Indian chap said he would be opening an adult nightlife center in Pattaya specifically catering to this sort of tourist.  Anyone heard of any progress on this scheme?



The scheduled completion date was March 31, 2020. When they showed up on April 1, it would have been oops, April fools...


There was no construction going on in the location it was to be in at any time in 2020, even before Covid arrived. I think it was all a joke. 

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26 minutes ago, gargamon said:

The scheduled completion date was March 31, 2020. When they showed up on April 1, it would have been oops, April fools...


There was no construction going on in the location it was to be in at any time in 2020, even before Covid arrived. I think it was all a joke. 

Ah yes, very popular expression over there:  "ha-ha, only joking!"

It what they say when they get caught red-handed.



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5 hours ago, gargamon said:

The scheduled completion date was March 31, 2020. When they showed up on April 1, it would have been oops, April fools...


There was no construction going on in the location it was to be in at any time in 2020, even before Covid arrived. I think it was all a joke. 

Someone on TV.com posted a statement that wasn’t true?

was he he a Dr. or a Lawyer????

mor just independently wealthy??

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On 9/9/2021 at 11:07 AM, newnative said:

    Now battling covid in its second year, what Thailand has painfully learned, if it didn't already know, is that every tourist is important.  Drive around the tourist areas of Pattaya sometime.  The 7-11s you mentioned are closed, workers laid off.  The street vendors you mentioned are gone, their incomes lost.  Everybody is out of work at your 'pre arranged tours'.  And, of course, many hotels and restaurants and other tourist-oriented businesses are also closed, with many local workers in these businesses also now without jobs.  

Yes agree that lots of businesses are closed but you miss the real point that with most of the tourists from the countries mentioned are on pre paid and or budget packages so Thailand see a much lesser % of their holiday spending.  I am not saying these tourists should not come but the Thai authorities keep harping on how these visitors will be our saving grace which is so far from reality. Target those who will come here and spend, the money will go round internally and benefit all including those businesses that you mention as well as 5 star hotels to street vendors & local markets!! So obvious yet the authorities like you don't see the real bigger picture!

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On 9/9/2021 at 4:55 PM, khunPer said:

If 47,000 baht are for 7 days then it's 6,700 baht per day, which equals about $204; Europeans spend $127 per day (in 2017), and American $147, so actually quite good.


In 2017 the top spenders were Chinese with $193 per day...????

I would dispute that the Chinese were the biggest spenders in 2017, which Thai brown paper bag minister or official told you that!!

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1 hour ago, paul1804 said:

Yes agree that lots of businesses are closed but you miss the real point that with most of the tourists from the countries mentioned are on pre paid and or budget packages so Thailand see a much lesser % of their holiday spending.  I am not saying these tourists should not come but the Thai authorities keep harping on how these visitors will be our saving grace which is so far from reality. Target those who will come here and spend, the money will go round internally and benefit all including those businesses that you mention as well as 5 star hotels to street vendors & local markets!! So obvious yet the authorities like you don't see the real bigger picture!

You don’t get to cherry pick tourists…you need them all but mostly you need to get tourism up and running!!

Money brings money…busy just gets busier

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1 hour ago, paul1804 said:

I would dispute that the Chinese were the biggest spenders in 2017, which Thai brown paper bag minister or official told you that!!

Official statistics - Chinese are mega-shoppers and many buys expensive luxury goods - but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to share the stat-image due to forum-rules, but you can try to Google for it yourself...????

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