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Finally! TAT proposes end to quarantine for foreign tourists and simplification of area requirements


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10 hours ago, charmonman said:

Double jabbed foreigners are no more likely than double jabbed Thais to become infected or spread the virus, and less likely than unvaccinated Thais. So what's the point of all this quarantine/sandbox/sealed route rubbish? Just let fully vaccinated people in as normal <deleted>!


My post is in relation to another post that said vaccinated people cant contract covid, I simply said they can catch it.

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18 hours ago, GrandPapillon said:

it does but it varies from person to person, so it's impossible to make some kind of predictions on the infection rates of fully vaccinated,


you have to assume that you can be contaminated and you will contaminate others, and that's basically what has been observed

On the macro level, scientists know the rate of breakthrough infections. 

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Thainess is being displayed here in all its glory


with all the hoop jumping and restrictions on those entering thailand, you would think that the thais have covid all buttoned up, and need to protect the thais from the dirty infected tourists.


the reality is just the opposite, the covid cases in phuket are almost all local, and just a handful of tourists being infected, likely fro the thai local.


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7 hours ago, jacko45k said:

And a few other countries seem to defy. Israel gets a mention... and even the UK with 81% of over 16s double vaccinated, they still turn up around 30,000 new infections daily. 

I don't know if 30,000 people a day catch a cold or flu in the UK and most are not vaxxed against either. Complications can develop in the elderly and/or very sick so a number of daily deaths will result, be it pneumonia or whatever.

We will all have to treat Covid the same way. Annual vaccine boosts will be possible once supply meets demand.

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6 hours ago, kingkenny said:

My post is in relation to another post that said vaccinated people cant contract covid, I simply said they can catch it.

absolutely, and without much exceptions


here in Europe, DELTA is spreading nicely and fast, but all good on the hospitalization front, so no more lockdowns until the next variant ????

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2 hours ago, GrandPapillon said:

not sure where you get your info, but that's not what is happening


you will get infected if fully vaccinated but the effects will be much less

Preventing severe or over moderate illness, not infection. 

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1 hour ago, Jeffr2 said:

There is a consensus if you follow the experts. Not the ones on social media.

failed again ???? there is no consensus among experts, they might share common ideas on some topics, but that's not having the same opinion or same conclusion on their scientific research

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33 minutes ago, GrandPapillon said:

quite clear actually, and it's what we see here in Europe too, people being infected with symptoms, yet fully vaccinated.


Shame on you for being so blind about it ????

I'm not blind to it. But I show all the facts. Not just the ones that cause confusion. Or support misinformation. You're a master at that.

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35 minutes ago, GrandPapillon said:

if you get the symptoms, even if not severe, you are infected. Duh! ????

If you get the vaccine, the symptoms are normally mild and you won't die or end up in a hospital with a tube jammed down your throat.  Duh!

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4 hours ago, GrandPapillon said:

not sure where you get your info, but that's not what is happening


you will get infected if fully vaccinated but the effects will be much less



14,000 hospitalized out of 176 million vaccinated.


this gives a feel for the number of breakthrough cases in the US.

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4 hours ago, GrandPapillon said:

au contraire, very common. See Israel new boom of infections despite a 90% vaccination rate

Israel's 17% Unvaccinated Now Account for 65% of All Serious COVID-19 Cases.  For every death of an Israeli over 60 that had received the booster shot, there are roughly 15 deaths of unvaccinated Israelis in the same age group


your internet anti-vaxxer friends are not keeping up on current events.

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3 hours ago, GrandPapillon said:

au contraire, very common. See Israel new boom of infections despite a 90% vaccination rate


Your 90% is not the real 90% . Many European countries have higher vaccination rates then Israel . Israel was faster in vaccination , no doubt about it .

And here you see how well the vaccination works


Vaccination does not make you not get a virus , when you come in contact , vaccinated or not , you will get infected . Before your antibodies react , it is spreading in your bloodstream . Then , your antibodies try locate all covid infected cells and kills them , aka you aren't sick or if your antibodies are a bit slower to react , mild sickness . You are infected the same way vaccinated or not , the faster your antibodies react to it , the less chance of transmission to other persons , and in later stage illness .

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56 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

not sure if you understand what you write or what I write, I am not anti-vaxx, I support vaccination because it's the only to be protected against covid


while you are being in denial and claims that vaccination stop the infection, it doesn't. It stops from severe symptoms, nothing else. And this is why you need to get vaccinated. This is quite clear and has been said over and over by most medical experts in infectious diseases. Vaccination doesn't stop the spread but keeps you protected from severe cases.


why do you keep being in denial and claim something else?

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1 hour ago, Danderman123 said:



14,000 hospitalized out of 176 million vaccinated.


this gives a feel for the number of breakthrough cases in the US.

again you are confusing severe cases with being infected. Vaccination will protect you from severe symptoms, not from catching it or spreading it. This is even true of DELTA.


I got DELTA last month, and I was fully vaccinated.

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1 hour ago, Jeffr2 said:

If you get the vaccine, the symptoms are normally mild and you won't die or end up in a hospital with a tube jammed down your throat.  Duh!

duh! that's exactly what I am saying, being infected doesn't mean you go to hospital. Duh! ????


Do you guys have a reading comprehension problem? ????

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1 hour ago, Jeffr2 said:

I'm not blind to it. But I show all the facts. Not just the ones that cause confusion. Or support misinformation. You're a master at that.

ok you definitely have a reading comprehension problem ????


the confusion in your mind is that infection means automatically hospitalization, that's not what we are saying here


infection means you got covid and will potentially spread it to others, yet have little or no symptoms if you are fully vaccinated.


It's really not that hard to understand ????


hence why you need to get vaccinated ASAP!

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1 hour ago, sezze said:

You are infected the same way vaccinated or not , the faster your antibodies react to it , the less chance of transmission to other persons , and in later stage illness .

absolutely, hence why you will still keep spreading the virus in the early stage of your infection


I got delta last month and infected a few people in the process, nothing serious but it still happened

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1 minute ago, GrandPapillon said:

absolutely, hence why you will still keep spreading the virus in the early stage of your infection


I got delta last month and infected a few people in the process, nothing serious but it still happened

If you are vaccinated , you have done your job . You can't do anything more . 

You can spread it , but the window of transmission is smaller , since your antibodies are already working on finding all infected cells . Transmission rate is lower with vaccination then without , but the main reason is not to get sick ( or mild ) .

No worries , we are getting there . Infections without being sick is actually quite good ( well not infected is better , but in the light of the worldwide spread , then we know everybody will get it at 1 point ) , because it again boosts your immune system to recognize this virus and be on higher alert . You can wish for 0 infections , and try to keep the virus out , but that's not going to happen anymore . Vaccinate , make people not get sick and then the infection numbers don't mean anything , as they don't do for common colds also .

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1 hour ago, GrandPapillon said:

not sure if you understand what you write or what I write, I am not anti-vaxx, I support vaccination because it's the only to be protected against covid


while you are being in denial and claims that vaccination stop the infection, it doesn't. It stops from severe symptoms, nothing else. And this is why you need to get vaccinated. This is quite clear and has been said over and over by most medical experts in infectious diseases. Vaccination doesn't stop the spread but keeps you protected from severe cases.


why do you keep being in denial and claim something else?

Come on. Nobody here is saying the vaccine stops the virus. Only you. Stop trolling.

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