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Condo ownership by foreigners revealed: China tops, UK in third


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This doesn't even remotely make sense.


They sold 34.6k units over what could be argued the best 3 years they ever had for tourism or foreign investment.  And now expect to sale 1 mill units over next five years???  With COVID?  With COE?  With etc. etc. etc.??


That is a huge jump from 35k to 1 mil.  They better get started building those new high rises.   And offer better incentives than I have seen reported.........



Yep, went back up to check, that's the numbers.



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2 hours ago, wwest5829 said:

can't speak to today but when I was looking to retire from the US a decade ago, other countries on the list were Mexico, Panama Canal Zone and Ecuador. never mind the reality deniers, the USA has been a bi-lingual country since taking half of Mexico, then add in Puerto Rico and Cuba pre Castro.

Yes. Spanish is on the ascendant..mass immigration and birthrate demographics..

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12 hours ago, relax33 said:

know why people r constantly saying the Chinese go on zero baht tours in TL n zero dong tours in VN now, cos they spent all their $ buying condos  ...   ha

It is very likely that the buying of condos in Thailand and elsewhere are in large part effectively parking money in real estate (rather in a Chinese bank).... not much different than some Thais who buy gold - which is effectively acting as a bank (will be liquidated later if need to withdraw).

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These figures are meaningless without knowing how many condos have been bought (included by Thai people) during the same period of time. I had a quick look on the Internet and it doesn't look like this information is easy to find. Does anyone knows?

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16 hours ago, Enzian said:

Americans not even in the top five, and for sure I won't ever be helping bump up that standing one bit.

I'm not sure why Americans are not in the top five but as an American, I feel houses and condos are like almost liquid assets in the USA. If you have a house or a condo, you can get 80% of its value as credit line, you can reverse mortgage it at the age of 62, and now you can sell future equity of your house. Bottom line, with house or condo in US, you have access to cash almost immediately. 

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6 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

I wonder which cities have the most Chinese owned condos? Bangkok, then Chang Mai, then where?

  Until the tourist market opens up again, I can see many vacant condos sitting around collecting dead flies

and bugs.  


Its the same in China, haven't they got 50 million empty apartments just bought for investments. Even when Thailand opens up i can't see some of these massive condos they are building being filled up with residents. Look at Copacabana in Jomtien 1600 units selling at 140,000 baht a sqm. How many farangs will be buying those?

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5 hours ago, candide said:

These figures are meaningless without knowing how many condos have been bought (included by Thai people) during the same period of time. I had a quick look on the Internet and it doesn't look like this information is easy to find. Does anyone knows?

   Right.  It's also meaningless to look at just 3 years of sales and then make all sorts of totally  inaccurate statements about how many condos are owned by this nationality and how many by that nationality.   It's just the last 3 years of sales, of which two have been very depressed due to covid.  I'd rather see a listing of sales by nationality for the last 10 or 12 years.  That would give a better idea.  

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13 hours ago, wwest5829 said:

Nouveau-riche. China has been able to position itself as the number one world producer of low cost goods through a centrally controlled economy and, in a bit of irony, earning capitalist profits from the capitalist west.

An article 3 years ago noted the big wealth disparity between the National Assembly of the US vs that of China n mentioned that the US politicians will feel really poor when they looked at those stats ..

Not that that is a good thing but it is what it is ...

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51 minutes ago, newnative said:

   Right.  It's also meaningless to look at just 3 years of sales and then make all sorts of totally  inaccurate statements about how many condos are owned by this nationality and how many by that nationality.   It's just the last 3 years of sales, of which two have been very depressed due to covid.  I'd rather see a listing of sales by nationality for the last 10 or 12 years.  That would give a better idea.  

Interesting, but u bet the UK bookmakers will happily take bets that stats will show that Chinese property purchases in the last 5 years alone will beat the combined total made by all other foreigners over the last 10 years by a wide margin ...
Won't be surprised if  even their purchases in the last 3 years is enough to accomplish this ...

See the source image

Look at this picture ...
Ever ask yourself why the political, ruling n business elites, the leaders off the police, arm forces, air force n navy will usually spot a whiter complexion compared to the darker skin folks that we mainly see in the TL heartland  ??
No prize for guessing as its too bleedingly obvious ...

This is cos 90% of the aristocratic class in TL comprise of ethnic Chinese n they will not probably but naturally dislike folks who pass racist remarks or discriminate against their heritage ..
So TL will probably not be the place for folks who r very anti-Chinese to be staying in ...
Just like the UK , Australia n many parts of America will not be suitable for those who hate whites ...

Edited by relax33
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4 hours ago, relax33 said:

This is cos 90% of the aristocratic class in TL comprise of ethnic Chinese n they will not probably but naturally dislike folks who pass racist remarks or discriminate against their heritage ..

It's a bit more complex than that. To start with, they are probably mainly interested in money and will like anyone who may directly or indirectly bring them some benefits.

I also noticed how Chinese Thais are ambiguous about their origin. Unlike the Chinese diaspora in other ASEAN countries, they have not kept their Chinese name and language, and apart from the fact that they may look Chinese, they are not different from other Thai people. I think that one of the reasons is that, unlike in other ASEAN countries, most of their ancestors did not arrive there as merchant, but as poor people doing unskilled jobs. I remember talking to one of them I know, and he was rather elusive about his origin. He finally admitted he had a Chinese grandfather, and after first telling me he did not know his job, he eventually told me he "making deliveries".

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Funny funny brits, cant deal with chinese overtaking them in Thailand.

"Corrupt money", "spending nothing", " "buy one live twenty))))" regular blah blah.


brits cant even understand that chinese middle class is 300 million people market. 

Where else chinese can go for leisure? To Bulgaria? )))) 


Somehow brits are not ashamed with all brit property in Alicante and Algarve. Is it all corrupt aswell? I bet u overtaking them in Albufeira))))




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On 10/8/2021 at 1:26 PM, The Cipher said:

Lol. And what exactly did Thailand owe you when you moved here? And I mean, if it's that bad now I guess you could relocate?


Also, you might want to consider judging people by something other than their race and other immutable characteristics. Otherwise you might find that the person that folks don't want next door to them is actually you ????.

By what else should one judge a person than by his immutable characteristics?  The mutable ones are changed or can be changed to fool the audience.

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On 10/8/2021 at 3:47 PM, moe666 said:

even for tourism americans are down on the list, easier to go to mexico for a trip


You have to rememberwho has been teaching the manors in china the last 30 or 40 years. They killed all the people with manors and education. The manors have been taught by the wild and wooly farmers and people who use to carry around the little red book.

Quite agree.  Just ask the docents at the museum in Taipei about the Communist Chinese tourists.  We are very lucky the KMT shipped so many movable treasures to Taiwan and that there were art and antique collectors among the traders and inhabitants fo the concessions who shipped them out before teh Japanese invasion.  


Remember, the great wall of China was built to keep foreigners out.  Hence China is the territory to the east of the wall.  All to the west and much to the south are the colonies and occupied land of the Chinese empire.    

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For those interested in the Chinese in Thailand, I again recommend Wasana Wongsurawat's recent scholarly work The Crown and the Capitalists: The Ethnic Chinese and the Founding of the Thai Nation. 

In one section of the book she talks about the efforts of the crown in the late 1930s to encourage Chinese to take Thai names, so it wasn't always of their own choosing. 

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10 hours ago, Enzian said:

For those interested in the Chinese in Thailand, I again recommend Wasana Wongsurawat's recent scholarly work The Crown and the Capitalists: The Ethnic Chinese and the Founding of the Thai Nation. 

In one section of the book she talks about the efforts of the crown in the late 1930s to encourage Chinese to take Thai names, so it wasn't always of their own choosing. 

That is how you know any surname with more than 3 syllables is likely Chinese - all the short names were used up. More than 4 almost certainly.

Edited by mokwit
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On 10/7/2021 at 11:32 PM, relax33 said:

know why people r constantly saying the Chinese go on zero baht tours in TL n zero dong tours in VN now, cos they spent all their $ buying condos  ...   ha

No doubt about it.  Go to Pattaya and you will see they stay in large groups in certain hotels.  They eat their meals there as part of the tour packages.  They mill around the malls and clog up walking street, but I never saw them spending much or even going in many bars or gooos.  I suspect some of the guys sneak out later at night and leave the wives at the hotel though

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15 minutes ago, relax33 said:

But even if the average middle class guys only travel abroad once in 4 years, their sheer numbers due to China 's huge population would make it a very lucrative proposition for neighboring countries to want to attract them .

Which is why there is a very strong bias towards the Chinese tourists to begin with.


16 minutes ago, relax33 said:

what makes the somchai's really happy is that only 10% of the Chinese population presently have passports .. which means  there is really a big pot of gold waiting to drop upon them when the visitor numbers inevitably go up ...

That's well summed up.


Westerners are a thing of the past.


Welcome to Chailand!

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On 10/7/2021 at 9:23 PM, EricTh said:

I see more Americans than British or Russians in Thailand, why aren't they in the top 5?

..........not buying in Bangkok??  or waiting for the price plunge.     ????

Edited by TunnelRat69
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