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The Ambassador: H.E. Mark Gooding, Ambassador of the United Kingdom to Thailand


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14 minutes ago, John Drake said:

Why doesn't aseannow offer this service for other countries?

Because its their service not ours.If they(other countries) wish to post as the British do, they are more than welcome.

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14 hours ago, it is what it is said:


there seems to be some misunderstanding as to the role of an embassy, they do not exist to sort out basic problems for every tom, dick and harry who didn't take appropriate precautions or actions in the first place. they can, and do, assist individuals in extreme circumstances.


an embassy exists to facilitate peaceful co-operation and collaboration between two nations.

They do, but, the Embassy also contains a large consular department, which exists, and is funded by the government to deal with and assist British people in Thailand. That department is part of the Embassador's responsibilities.


It seems clear that there is considerable disquiet amongst the expatriate community as to the way in which it functions, certainly, my experiences on the two occasions when I have had contact with the consular offices in Bangkok have been less than stellar!


Now far be it from me to tell "His Excellency" what to do, but he could do justice to his title by reviewing that aspect of his Embassies operations.

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4 hours ago, mikebell said:

I worked for 40 years; fully taxed & insured in UK.  They froze my pension so I get 350 UKP State Pension per MONTH.  Wonder if our Ambassador knows/cares.  I still pay tax on it!

And what would you like him to do about it?

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1 hour ago, Anna Rak said:

If you have an address in the U.K. you still get not only the increases but the cold weather payments, so maybe a homework lesson may have been in order. ????

Not the best advice

Very easy to see your comings and goings to the uk now days.

Paying money back down the road, could be very bad news


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21 hours ago, The Hammer2021 said:

Does Great Britain even have an embassy here where citizens can go for advise or help?

Is there an emergency hot line number?

Is there a dedicated email address for citizens in need of help?

Do UK citizens have the right to register with their embassy?



Why would you want an email address if you needed help when there's a phone number?


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10 hours ago, MRToMRT said:

Interesting - I just read on Wikipedia that World Vision does not support same sex sex marriage in its staff. Bit of an oddity there as two of our last UK Ambassadors have been in same sex marriages. I wonder if Wikipedia is out of date?

Someone else who assumes that everything in Wiki is true or accurate!

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3 hours ago, Anna Rak said:

If you have an address in the U.K. you still get not only the increases but the cold weather payments, so maybe a homework lesson may have been in order. ????

You are Not correct, If you spend more than 9 months in any year out of the UK all benefits including free NHS healthcare are automatically suspended, All disability allowance benefits cease after 3 months out of the country (6 months in very exceptional circumstances). This is a fact whether you have an address in the UK or not. Some UK hospitals and GP's don't make adequate checks and often many UK GP's don't know these rules so some people slip back in and are effectively defrauding the state.

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I wonder if the spineless British Embassy and Ambassador, instead of giving photo opportunities to reprehensible scumbags here, plans to formally and strongly protesting at the plight of political prisoners and dissidents in Thailand?


Or do we only do what the US do now that we "have our country back"- and that is to focus on whatever the US orders us to - probably only abuses in China for US-domestic reason at the moment.

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On 10/20/2021 at 8:41 PM, Sir Dude said:

Pretty cushy posting as it's abundantly clear that the UK embassy isn't basically interested in any of us or our problems... soirees on the lawn. Anyone for tennis?

Soimetimes it can be stressful like when the ambassador was tasked by the FCO with assisting in a BiB frame up over the murders of two British citizens in Koh Tao. It all went smoothly in the end with the exception of the sister of one of the deceased publicly stating she didn't believe the official version which got her threatened with a defamation suit by the police chief.  So hopefully the UK got a nice defence order out of it.

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