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Thailand may cancel Test & Go due to Omicron: Anutin


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7 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:

Yes I do think its as easy as a tick box. Hospitals for example:  very few, if any, Covid patients are unconscious when admitted.  At some point soon after admission, the hospital has to get their NHS number. The patient may either know it, its on their vaccine pass or available though their address or GP.  The NHS number will tell them everything they need to know about the patient, very quickly. The hospitals are already supplying some of the information already, I can't see another few tick boxes being a burden.

Ok you think it is great, so do I, not happening simple as that............................

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1 hour ago, Chivas said:

Notwithstanding that Brits coming back into the UK could face quarantine very quickly as well it appears so add £2000 to the cost of a trip

I very much doubt that.  Over the last few days there has been much talk about new measures to deal with the spread of the Omicron variant. Indeed a meeting of all 4 nation's head was held yesterday to discuss them.  It is highly likley that there will be an announcement very soon but I am confident that any new measures won't include travel bans.  Remember that having put several African countries on the Red List a few weeks back, they were taken off again in a matter of days.  The government stated that Omicron was already spreading throughout the UK through community transmission so there was nothing to be gained by travel restrictions.

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35 minutes ago, Soyboy said:

Any date been mentioned as to when this will be coming into effect (if it does) ?

No, but I set a personal timeline for approx. 6 weeks ago when the increase in infections started due to cooler weather in the Northern hemisphere and not at least a longer period where people have generally lived and travelled as if Covid-19 was over, so I say 3-7. January. Btw, I think it is very understandable that Thailand will do like most other countries and increase restrictions to slow down the transmission of Omicron and try and prevent the health sector from being overrun.


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10 hours ago, Glassjaw said:

The booster helps a lot. Why is it so hard to comprehend viruses mutate and vaccinations need to keep up with it. Without vaccines we’d be so much worse off. Give it a few weeks and if people in hard hit countries don’t start dropping like flies then we should just let it spread with adequate protection.

I think we all should be on our 8th booster now that seems to be making things so much better. Imagine having an immune system that fights diseases. It is impossible because the human race died off centuries before because we didn’t have vaccines to fight off the Omicron variant. The sniffles made everyone drop like flies.  

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1 minute ago, Midwit said:

I think we all should be on our 8th booster now that seems to be making things so much better. Imagine having an immune system that fights diseases. It is impossible because the human race died off centuries before because we didn’t have vaccines to fight off the Omicron variant. The sniffles made everyone drop like flies.  

I take it you forgot the sarcasm emoji? ????

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1 hour ago, KhaoYai said:

Yes well, I live in Thailand but due to its laws, I work elsewhere.  Much like others, I have pressing reasons to get back to my home.  How would you have dealt with all the 'normal' issues that crop up from time to time?  People all have different reasons but mine are family, home and dealing with an insurance company that's trying to gey out of paying for a recent break-in.  Try doing that from 10,000 km away with a 7 hour time difference.


If you're already in Thailand or have no pressing need to visit, its easy to have that kind of attitude.

Personally, I made the choice not to have family in Thailand but work elsewhere. I had a great job travelling the world as a journalist. I am from the UK but spent only a few weeks there, and some of that was for work. Then, in the course of my work, I met my future wife. She joined me on the road for 18 months, but it was boring for her when I worked long hours and like any Thai she missed family, so I decided to move here with her. In doing so I lost a great amount of my work, but I had no intention of ending up as an old man living alone, so... I doubt if the marriage would have worked had I put my own interests ahead of hers and been away for long periods. Would I have liked that if our roles were reversed? As it is, we married two weeks after meeting and that was over 30 years ago.

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12 minutes ago, billd766 said:

But who would pay for the flights etc for a 14 day holiday in Thailand knowing that you would spend most or all of it locked away in quarantine?

Correct, no one would.


As have been spoken about the majority of people returning are not 'tourists' but long term visotrs coming back to family or people that plan to spend a couple months ( or longer ).

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11 minutes ago, HashBrownHarry said:

Correct, no one would.


As have been spoken about the majority of people returning are not 'tourists' but long term visotrs coming back to family or people that plan to spend a couple months ( or longer ).

Ur rigth.Businesspeople too and thais coming from abroad.My last trip i stayed about 3 months.Next trip 3-4 months with my lady.Anyway not before march next year.

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11 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

Cancelling the test and go program will not only destroy my plan to get back to the family after 2 years away due to covid, but totally destroy thai tourism for  2022 and beyond. It's an absolutely nuts idea. If Thailand is willing to cancel the test and go after a month, it means thailand will never be open as it will be closing every 3-4 months when variants raise their heads.


He would be better addressing and publishing who and where these cases are coming from. Is it all migrant workers ? Is is all arrivals from say India with bogus certificates ? Is it us Brits catching it between testing and flying ? Is is a country known for bogus travel info ? 







Many of us expats are in the same situation. It would seem logical for the Thai government to allow those already in the Thailand Pass system for the next 60 days to enter. After that shut the door again.

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That's why I'm bringing my laptop with me on Thursday.  Might get caught in a COVID trap and have to work from a hospital bed, if I test positive.  Or from a quarantine hotel.


Do Thai mobile phone companies care if you have a Hotspot on your phone? 


Because I doubt even private hospitals have Wi-Fi and I'll need to create my own Wifi connection.


On the positive side, some PCR tests can't detect Omicron because it has a mutation in the snip of DNA which causes it not to match and a false negative.


So, doubt that I will test + even if infected with Omicron from the flights.

Edited by SiSePuede419
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5 minutes ago, SiSePuede419 said:

Do Thai mobile phone companies care if you have a Hotspot on your phone?

I don't think so, I did this with AIS for 14 days last year in hotel quarantine (because the hotel wifi was hopeless)

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11 hours ago, JonnyF said:



And it's not only the expense. Who wants to spend 50% of a 2 week holiday locked in their hotel room?

There will be no more tourists if it’s a lockdown quarantine. The high season will be over before it starts.  Maybe a Sandbox program would save some .

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8 hours ago, LoVeFuN said:

I have Thai pass and go for 9th January and hotel for one night, will they change it so we have to quarantine and still allow entry. I suppose we have to wait and see.

So you did the TP well in advance. I thought no more than two weeks in advance were recommended. 

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15 hours ago, Sheryl said:



I'm in Cambodia with plan to return on the 2nd and TP in hand. I was thinking they were unlikely to change things prior to the New Year....!!!



Seriously?  TIT, things can change any given day for any given reason, sane, logical, or not.

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13 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

Cancelling the test and go program will not only destroy my plan to get back to the family after 2 years away due to covid, but totally destroy thai tourism for  2022 and beyond. It's an absolutely nuts idea. If Thailand is willing to cancel the test and go after a month, it means thailand will never be open as it will be closing every 3-4 months when variants raise their heads.


He would be better addressing and publishing who and where these cases are coming from. Is it all migrant workers ? Is is all arrivals from say India with bogus certificates ? Is it us Brits catching it between testing and flying ? Is is a country known for bogus travel info ? 







Well posted Richard, my exact thoughts, I planned to travel early February 22, to see my Son, but if they introduce 7 day quarantine I will just cancel my flight and other plans, and me and my son will miss out again.... 


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2 hours ago, Tuvoc said:

I don't think so, I did this with AIS for 14 days last year in hotel quarantine (because the hotel wifi was hopeless)

Most hotel WiFi is hopeless everywhere (with a few exceptions). Always make sure that you have a back-up connection.


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2 minutes ago, RichardColeman said:

I also think that if you have booked the TP and the hotel and insurance, then your bookings and TP should be honoured.

Agreed. If they announce the withdrawal of Test & Go, they should at least make it effective a week or so into the future - maybe 1 Jan - so that people have time to re-arrange their travel if necessary.

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