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Emerging Obesity in Thailand's female youth.


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7 minutes ago, Tony125 said:

Think the extra  weight on Thai girls/boys may come from too much sugar from junk food and sugary drinks. Their increase in hight/size is probably from the steroids added to beef to make bigger cows and hormones added to chiken to make them have bigger breasts ( that has caused girls maturing early) as cooking does not destroy the steroids or hormones in animal flesh. We have a niece who won't be 12 untill next Apil. Her mother is well off and feeds her the best steak and  chiken and other foods. She is not fat as she is very active in sports but she at 11 is already slighly taller than my wife who 5'3"  and weighs 52 kilo which is 4 kilo more than my wife.

Neighbors daughter started have periods when she was 10. Her mum put it down to hormones in food and said most of her daughters' friends were the same. I can't recall how the conversation started though. 

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1 hour ago, GarryP said:
2 hours ago, Moonlover said:

I have to admit that I too have a 'fat prejudice' nature and don't feel comfortable when the boy's fat mother calls by our house.


1 hour ago, GarryP said:

What caused that? I'm asking because I can't work out where my prejudice/discomfort comes from. I have worked with some great overweight women, but for some reason would always try to avoid spending any free time with them.  Being in close proximity makes me uncomfortable.

I cannot answer that but if you explore the internet, you'll find that 'fatism' or 'sizeism' is more common that we would like to think. There was a M & P shop close to our house in Udon Thani. Both their young children were grossly overweight and I, almost subconsciously, called it 'the fat kid shop'. 


This subconscious prejudice is probably the reason why this thread exists in the first place. Any comments on that @Jenkins9039?

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5 hours ago, Gsxrnz said:

Being called fat or tubby in Thailand is considered a compliment and not a derogatory name.


Fat-shaming in the West is now basically a hate crime. Thailand will get there eventually.





Only true up to a point and it's never a compliment.I'm aware of many Thais with 'fatty' type nicknames and there is no obvious malice on one side (the opposite really since usually used with affection) or resentment by the person so called.


But there is a huge pressure on Thai girls - and increasingly boys - to be fashionably slim, even underweight.This causes a great deal of unhappiness.

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3 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Me too!

I always assume if they have no respect for their own bodies, they probably won't have much respect for me, and are therefor best avoided.

Your assumption about obese children is both harsh and unfair since their lives are often made miserable as a result of their obesity, and the reason for their obesity is that they were not taught about proper nutrition by their parents in most cases.  I know because I fell into that group as a pre-teen. 


Luckily for me I overcame it through sports and a coach who took an active interest in teaching me about proper nutrition.  I'm grateful he was not one of those people who merely assumed I have no respect for my own body and, as you put it, "avoided" me.

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4 minutes ago, WaveHunter said:

Your assumption about obese children is both harsh and unfair since their lives are often made miserable as a result of their obesity, and the reason for their obesity is that they were not taught about proper nutrition by their parents in most cases.  I know because I fell into that group as a pre-teen. 

Was talking about adults, I have nothing to do with other peoples children.

Where's that ignore button?

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5 hours ago, CrunchWrapSupreme said:

Same problem as in America

And in the UK. I just watched a video of people out on a Saturday night in Manchester, and the overwhelming majority of the girls had huge chunky thighs. What made it look worse was that they also wore dresses that barely covered their crotch. Obviously they considered their size as perfectly normal. Which, I suppose, it is these days. The men were of normal size, so why only women (for the most part) are getting larger is a mystery to me.

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1 minute ago, Bangkok Barry said:

And in the UK. I just watched a video of people out on a Saturday night in Manchester, and the overwhelming majority of the girls had huge chunky thighs. What made it look worse was that they also wore dresses that barely covered their crotch. Obviously they considered their size as perfectly normal. Which, I suppose, it is these days. The men were of normal size, so why only women (for the most part) are getting larger is a mystery to me.

Eating chocolate is a substitute for sex.

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31 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:

And in the UK. I just watched a video of people out on a Saturday night in Manchester, and the overwhelming majority of the girls had huge chunky thighs. What made it look worse was that they also wore dresses that barely covered their crotch. Obviously they considered their size as perfectly normal.

There is a distinct correlation in the UK ,and increasingly in Thailand, between social class/wealth and obesity.When I last visited the UK (three years ago now) I visited my father in a Manchester hospital.The level of obesity there was staggering particularly among nurses and ambulance staff.I also visited my niece's son at a well known Dorset public school event for parents.There was not a single fat person at the gathering.Later back in London I spent time in the Sloane Square area (almost no obesity visible) and then Peckham, South London - much more obesity.Without going into detail there is a distinct ethnic aspect to this as well.I remarked on all this to an American friend who mentioned that the disparity is even more glaring in the USA.

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17 minutes ago, jayboy said:

There is a distinct correlation in the UK ,and increasingly in Thailand, between social class/wealth and obesity.When I last visited the UK (three years ago now) I visited my father in a Manchester hospital.The level of obesity there was staggering particularly among nurses and ambulance staff.I also visited my niece's son at a well known Dorset public school event for parents.There was not a single fat person at the gathering.Later back in London I spent time in the Sloane Square area (almost no obesity visible) and then Peckham, South London - much more obesity.Without going into detail there is a distinct ethnic aspect to this as well.I remarked on all this to an American friend who mentioned that the disparity is even more glaring in the USA.

You are not the first to say this, and I think it now plays a part in a campaign in the UK to stop the trend.

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4 hours ago, GarryP said:
4 hours ago, Moonlover said:


What caused that? I'm asking because I can't work out where my prejudice/discomfort comes from.

likely TV and marketing... this is the age of skinny being beautiful.. Rubenesque is out... you have been brainwashed/taught that...


4 hours ago, BritManToo said:

I always assume if they have no respect for their own bodies, they probably won't have much respect for me,

the ever popular snack foods and processed foods have addictive qualities and plenty of added sugar and salt... it is quite sad to see young children so addicted to foods. I remember seeing one of your Brit drama set in the 1940s and the portion sizes were incredibly small by todays standards... I doubt that any fat people young or old look at you and care a wedge if you are skinny or fat... 

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48 minutes ago, jayboy said:

There is a distinct correlation in the UK ,and increasingly in Thailand, between social class/wealth and obesity.When I last visited the UK (three years ago now) I visited my father in a Manchester hospital.The level of obesity there was staggering particularly among nurses and ambulance staff.I also visited my niece's son at a well known Dorset public school event for parents.There was not a single fat person at the gathering.Later back in London I spent time in the Sloane Square area (almost no obesity visible) and then Peckham, South London - much more obesity.Without going into detail there is a distinct ethnic aspect to this as well.I remarked on all this to an American friend who mentioned that the disparity is even more glaring in the USA.

It's obvious that those white collar households have a better diet than blue collar households. Maybe because they do not live on a diet of junk food. The world is following the Americans a...s when it comes to food. We now see people walking about carrying giant cups of coffee and sweetened drinks. Fast food outlets have a lot to answer for. But then It's up to the individual what they consume. But don't moan and get offended when someone refers to you as fatty, when it's a perfectly appropriate description.  

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9 hours ago, CrunchWrapSupreme said:

Same problem as in America, whenever you see footage of homeless and poor, they are quite portly. Then come the comments like "Hah, looks like they're eating well to me!", though the reality is quite the opposite.


The bad food is cheap and more accessible, with bags of chips, candy, and soda at the liquor stores fattening them up. The good food is expensive and out of reach, with fresh produce and healthy options at the expensive supermarkets.


Here in Thailand the fresh vegetables stay at the fresh markets in the cities and towns, and rarely make it out to the villages. Unless your farmer family, like mine, grows and cooks it themselves, though I've noticed most don't make this effort. What's available in the village shops, and what the kids often eat, are much like the junk food in an American liquor store.

I agree with fattening foods being easy to get in USA and Europe as well. It is truly a myth that healthy food is expensive and only in expensive stores.  I find produce very cheap in the USA and you can make a great salad with all kinds of healthy add ons and healthy home made or store bought dressing easily for $1 +~ and cheap bottles of water maybe 15 cents or less when bought in a 24 pack and left at home. A candy bar is about $1.25 a can or small bottle of sugary soda $2.19 and a bag of small chips $2. In Thailand at any supermarket you can find cheap produce and fruit, cheap water and healthier chip alternatives.  Fat kids as well as fat adults don't even THINK about this or just shrug it off. At least you can still comfortably say the word FAT in Thailand!  That's a main reason the West is still getting fatter because the PC world wants to ban the word and have 11 year olds who are 200 pounds waddle freely. 

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Thai children are now consuming a lot of Fast Food, and not the scarse sticky rice and Som Tam they are a few years ago.
When I came to Thailand, now more than 2 decades ago, the young people eating at KFC or McDonalds could be count on the fingers of 1 hand.
Now, around end of school time, KFC and McDonalds outlets are filled to the brim with young people.
7/11 shops offer a wide variety of Burgers and Fried Chicken too.
This consumption of Fast Food, and the lack of consumption of vegetables and fruit are the cause of increasing body weight.

Also, the lack of exersize (smartphones, tablets and notebooks) compared to a few years ago, is the leading cause of the increasing of body weight amongst younger people. 

About a decade ago, the government wanted to tacke this negative development, but someting went wrong ....

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3 hours ago, jayboy said:

There is a distinct correlation in the UK ,and increasingly in Thailand, between social class/wealth and obesity.When I last visited the UK (three years ago now) I visited my father in a Manchester hospital.The level of obesity there was staggering particularly among nurses and ambulance staff.I also visited my niece's son at a well known Dorset public school event for parents.There was not a single fat person at the gathering.Later back in London I spent time in the Sloane Square area (almost no obesity visible) and then Peckham, South London - much more obesity.Without going into detail there is a distinct ethnic aspect to this as well.I remarked on all this to an American friend who mentioned that the disparity is even more glaring in the USA.

Totally agree. I'm in the USA and of course hear all the jokes about fat Americans etc on here and elsewhere. I however SEE  a different America where I live and shop just slightly outside Boston. Tons of people here jog in our freezing Winters. Gyms are full ( ok maybe fat people don't visit here that often ) when I go to the supermarket you'd have to really search for a fat person and at bars and restaurants the same. I'm in a bit of a bubble. Live and hang out in what are considered pricy suburbs. Many of these towns have absolutely no fast food outlets of any kind ( many ban them).Two or three towns over it's a completely different America!  Fat is everywhere. 

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As other posters have mentioned, obesity in the western world is a lifestyle choice.  Thailand is adopting some aspects of this western consumerism lifestyle.


However there is a longstanding cultural belief in some parts of asia eg China, where a fat baby is a sign of wealth and "care" and "love".

The child obesity rise in China has also been exacerbated by the one-child policy.

So the Chinese influence in Thailand is also a factor. 

Also worth a mention: India has the second highest rate of child obesity after world leader China. Again a mixture of cultural belief and consumerism.

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7 hours ago, Moonlover said:


I cannot answer that but if you explore the internet, you'll find that 'fatism' or 'sizeism' is more common that we would like to think. There was a M & P shop close to our house in Udon Thani. Both their young children were grossly overweight and I, almost subconsciously, called it 'the fat kid shop'. 


This subconscious prejudice is probably the reason why this thread exists in the first place. Any comments on that @Jenkins9039?

Oh yeah, i'm piling on the pounds but its acceptable at my age.



Otherwise, no, its a concern, kid wise.

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16 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Was talking about adults, I have nothing to do with other peoples children.

Where's that ignore button?

The thread topic was about children so that's why I made the assumption you were talking about the child not his mother.  After re-reading your posts I recognized my mistake.


So, my apologies for the misunderstanding.

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9 hours ago, Jenkins9039 said:

Just did Xmas dinner, as have friends from Europe overr and family.


family - kids dived into chocolate.



European friends kids dived in to Turkey, Chicken, Vegs


I dived into beers and wine.



Thai family? Perhaps they prefer rice and kao tom and not turkey and stuffing? Chocolate is international.????

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23 hours ago, Gsxrnz said:

Being called fat or tubby in Thailand is considered a compliment and not a derogatory name.


Fat-shaming in the West is now basically a hate crime. Thailand will get there eventually.





They can make it a hate crime, but the reality is that they are likely going to have heart problems,  diabetes and attract looks of derision from non fat people.

They might also be more likely to die young.


IMO the real hate is what they are doing to themselves.

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5 hours ago, mrwebb8825 said:

I'm a little concerned that the OP is looking at 10 yr old girls and the 1st post is about watching school kids leaving school. ????

When I'm outside school waiting for my 10yo boy, I watch everyone, kids, teachers, food vendors, other parents. Some of the moms are hot, and some of the teachers in their 'army' uniforms.

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16 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

Open to discussion which is more fun ???? Depends on the partner, I suppose. Maybe the brand of chocolate too ???? 

Chocolate is available to me anytime I want, but sex with hot early twenty year olds isn't even a possibility.

If only I was able to eat it I'd be shoveling it down.

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17 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

And in the UK. I just watched a video of people out on a Saturday night in Manchester, and the overwhelming majority of the girls had huge chunky thighs. What made it look worse was that they also wore dresses that barely covered their crotch. Obviously they considered their size as perfectly normal. Which, I suppose, it is these days. The men were of normal size, so why only women (for the most part) are getting larger is a mystery to me.

I have no knowledge if true or not, but the movies/ tv shows tell me that females like to eat large quantities of ice cream and chocolate when depressed eg when dumped by boyfriend.

I doubt the first things boys do is open a tub of ice cream.

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