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Losing My Dog

KC 71

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22 minutes ago, internationalism said:

get some puppies, young adults, 2 for companionship (when nobody home they wont feel lonely). Train them. 

Small size, so they can seat on a lap or on just one car seat. That unless need a large dog for protection of property.

Small dogs can live up to 20 years, larger size just 10-15 years.

Get them free from temple or from a breeder (from some 3k).

Check with the rest of family what are their needs, expectations, so dog/s will become part of family.

Do all vax on time. Don't keep dog on a leash, even more so on a chain. Let them run free in enclosure and house

These are soi dogs (. It they seem to have German Shepherd in them) ????

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Unfortunately, soi dogs are not a good emotional investment. They can be run over by vehicles, killed by other dogs in a pack, or get infected with STD's that are passed around freely.

I've had two, I've given up. One disappeared, the other had to be euthanased after acquiring an STD that morphed into cancer.

Dogs are social animals. Keeping them from other dogs is virtually impossible, ours was jumping six foot fences. And I'm not into chaining them up 24/7.

Sorry for your loss, but it is what it is.

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1 minute ago, giddyup said:

I've had a soi dog for 8 years since a pup, he's a homebody, never ventures out unless I take him on a lead, and he doesn't like socialising with other dogs.

Fair enough, I'm just recounting my experiences.

Have you had him neutered? IME, male dogs will travel from miles around if there is a bitch on heat.

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22 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Fair enough, I'm just recounting my experiences.

Have you had him neutered? IME, male dogs will travel from miles around if there is a bitch on heat.

No, he's never been neutered, he's never tried to escape even when another dog is on heat, but he does get a bit moody and goes off his food for a few days.

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6 hours ago, giddyup said:

Never shed a tear for the loss of my parents or a close friend, but cried like a baby when I had to put down my dog of 15 years.  A  dog can get into your heart in a way people can't.

Well said.

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Its one of the hardest things to watch and experience but this is life. Have to focus on positives, how wonderful their life was and how much love they have brought into your life.


May be its me or may be its silly, but i have seen way too much death in my life and not only animal but human also. I found peace in temple.


Make a merit, bring some dog food to temple as an offering to feed all the dogs in their care and ask monk to make a prey for the dead. 


Made me at peace, saving another pup from the street also helps

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