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Neighbor's second hand smoke is driving me nuts.

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I think it's wrong for smokers to spread their smoke to others, but in this case, the smoking condo dweller is fully within his legal rights. 

As far as "fake" coughs, they aren't always fake, speaking as an asthmatic. 

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4 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:

I'm not talking about smoking areas in restaurants, but rather some restaurants that allow smoking and some that do not. 


If you want to smoke, go to a smoking restaurant.


If you do not want to smoke, go to a nonsmoking restaurant.


Owners that want to allow smoking allow smoking, owners that do not want to allow smoking do not allow smoking. 


People get to choose were they want to go. Why is this not a reasonable solution?


It's not a reasonable solution. If it were, where are all these establishments?


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21 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:

The only thing I 'get' is that anti smokers have no recognition of other people's rights and seek to impose their views on others.  I am considerate - even to myself. I don't smoke in my house, even though I live alone - why? I don't like the smell of cigarette smoke either.  However, outside I don't have a problem with it - the smoke dissipates. I'd suggest those that do are simply focusing on it because of their anti-smoking views.

So everyone who has a different perspective is anti-?


So if I set up my drum kit outside your house and start playing at random times throughout the day and night, I can state that I am outside and the noise dissipates?

Will that make you an anti-drummer?


Stop being quite so defensive and try to understand the valid points being made.

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4 minutes ago, Andre0720 said:

This one must be the most stupid post I have ever read.

YESSSSS, even before tobacco existed, people died, yes. How smart.

One hell of a sophism if I ever read one.

Have to go a long way back tobacco smoke . But smoke from cooking on a open fire goes a long way back . And guess what , our lungs have evolved over time to clean them selves 

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20th floor, waterfront condo = seems like OP needs to go 1-2 sizes up in shoes.

Prevailing winds are from South/West. A 20th floor waterfront condo in a Pattaya (sea view/gorgeous view) will have a very nice and constant breeze on the 20th floor 95% of the days.


Clearly the anti smokers are out in force in this thread. I suggest you guys try to fix the pollution issues instead of worrying about ONE person smoking (legally) on his balcony on 20th floor of a waterfront condo.


Enjoy life, it is pretty good most of the days.


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balcony is open area, he can smoke there. Sorry, there is nothing you can do about it. I know its so annoying, but its also his right to do.

My next door (house) really liked to smoke right in front of my home because he cannot smoke in his home, and he drops his cigar left again right in front of my home. I put a no smoking area sign in front of my garage door. And put all his cigar left overs into his garage. He got the message, didnt talk with me for 3-4 days, we are ok now and drinking again together. 


about BBQ, actually he can do that too. Some condos dont allow and its in the contract. If not there is nothing can stop you or him to do BBQ. 



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3 hours ago, Andre0720 said:


Simply get in touch with all the doctors at the WHO (World Health Organization), and explain that they have it all wrong, and that you, you do know better.



From my experience, most smokers will only start to change when doctors tell them 'you have lung cancer' and they have difficulty breathing.


No amount of photos of dark lungs or statistics are going to change their mind until it is too late.


Edited by EricTh
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On 2/4/2022 at 3:55 PM, transam said:

Put a fan out on the balcony pointing his way, he can keep all his smoke then....????


Then charge the neighbour for 24 hours of fan electricity? 




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3 hours ago, KhaoYai said:

The only thing I 'get' is that anti smokers have no recognition of other people's rights and seek to impose their views on others.  I am considerate - even to myself. I don't smoke in my house, even though I live alone - why? I don't like the smell of cigarette smoke either.  However, outside I don't have a problem with it - the smoke dissipates. I'd suggest those that do are simply focusing on it because of their anti-smoking views.

You may not have a problem but...


Please note that some people are allergic to cigarette smoke like coughing and nasal discharge. Would you want the same thing to happen to your family members who are allergic?

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10 hours ago, EricTh said:


From my experience, most smokers will only start to change when doctors tell them 'you have lung cancer' and they have difficulty breathing.


No amount of photos of dark lungs or statistics are going to change their mind until it is too late.


Mark Twain in one of his quotes:

“Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I know because I've done it thousands of times.”


But you are very right for a majority of smokers.

And luck comes into play as well.

Quote from a Google search: "In the end, the scientists focused on a DNA sequence called Taq1A. They found that smokers who carried a variation of that sequence -- called A2/A2 -- appeared to have an easier time quitting smoking than those who carried other variations of the Taq1A sequence".
And the real tragedy is that kids have no knowledge of what they are getting into when they try to show that they are now part of the adulthood. Some may just never be able to quit this nasty habit, while others would have to give it one hell of a struggle, to end to winning the fight. But easy for no one.
It is a known fact that if tobacco had never been commercialized before, and one company, with a nice name, such as Imperial, would want to put this product in the market, there is on way on earth that they would be able to do so, with today's level of scrutiny for the introduction of any new product.
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14 hours ago, THEN said:

20th floor, waterfront condo = seems like OP needs to go 1-2 sizes up in shoes.

Prevailing winds are from South/West. A 20th floor waterfront condo in a Pattaya (sea view/gorgeous view) will have a very nice and constant breeze on the 20th floor 95% of the days.

You're right. Except a short period of time in the cold season when the wind turns to come from the land side for a couple of hours a day.

The guy below me is a smoker and I bet, he's smoking on one of his balkonies too. I never smelt something in the last 12 years.

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4 hours ago, Andre0720 said:

Mark Twain in one of his quotes:

“Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I know because I've done it thousands of times.”

And Mark Twain lived to be 74 at a time when life expectancy for men in the US was under fifty.


A lot of people like smoking, and don't want to quit.  

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On 2/4/2022 at 3:47 PM, DowntownAl said:

so I don't see how he has the right to fill mine with toxic smoke.

I feel sure he has a right to smoke on his own balcony. What happens to the smoke is out of his control. 


Buy a fan is the sensible idea. Or buy one for him?

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20 minutes ago, VocalNeal said:

I feel sure he has a right to smoke on his own balcony. What happens to the smoke is out of his control. 


Buy a fan is the sensible idea. Or buy one for him?

Or wear a mask. Surely if a mask will stop a tiny virus it will stop any particulate matter from cigarette smoke.


Problem solved!

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15 hours ago, EricTh said:


From my experience, most smokers will only start to change when doctors tell them 'you have lung cancer' and they have difficulty breathing.


No amount of photos of dark lungs or statistics are going to change their mind until it is too late.


I've seen people smoking through holes in their necks after losing their voicebox to cancer. A neighbour lost one lung to cancer but continued to smoke until it eventually killed him.

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19 hours ago, KhaoYai said:

Unfortunately this is an argument you will never win.  Anti-smokers are, in my experience, totally unreasonable and incapable of taking account of the views/rights of others.  This goes to the root of the problem - the OP, rather that accepting that his neighbour is going outside to smoke and take simple measures to deal with it, seeks to find out if he can curtail his neighbour's rights and make him bow to his anti-smoking views.


I've seen anti smokers start fake coughing as soon as they see someone light up - the fact that the smoke has not and may never reach them is irrelevant, they simply want their own way and sod what others want.

I disagree, if there is a law then the neighbor has no rights. (so provided there is a law)


However I would try to take measures first before escalating something like this. No need to be all militant right from the start first try to look for solutions if that does not work escalate.

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1 hour ago, robblok said:

However I would try to take measures first before escalating something like this. No need to be all militant right from the start first try to look for solutions if that does not work escalate.

OP should buy a bloody fan. How difficult is that.

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6 minutes ago, VocalNeal said:

Or he could respect the other guys freedom. Smoking is not yet a crime.

Not sure, there seems to be a law against it in condo's if that is the case the guy has the right. Otherwise too bad for him.

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I know a few people who have no smoking on balcony written into their contract so on your next place have a look for those options, I doubt you would be restricting your options too much. I would not buy or move into one of those places for example so you'd be free of my smoking.


I stay somewhere where I can smoke on the balcony, it brings me joy and if someone complains I'd probably even buy them a fan. 


Bad enough some places stopped having designated smoking areas at open space outdoor areas like around swimming pools, now want to stop someone smoking on their own private balcony, what will be next? 





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1 minute ago, KarenBravo said:

How about just going inside and closing your balcony door for five minutes?

No? Too hard?

Is that what you have to do when the condominium supposed to be smoke free? 


Smokers always have limited non smokers freedom! And still trying their best to execute their freedom above ours. 


Once smokers thought smoking with children in the car was okay, and now still executing their rights where ever they can, even it's not allowed. As long nobody physically stops them, or threatened them by law enforcement. 


The bastards of 2. Millennium

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37 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:

How about just going inside and closing your balcony door for five minutes?

No? Too hard?

Some people are just miserable and they want others to be miserable as well.


The just can't stand the idea of someone enjoying something that terrifies  them. 

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29 minutes ago, Hummin said:

Is that what you have to do when the condominium supposed to be smoke free? 


Smokers always have limited non smokers freedom! And still trying their best to execute their freedom above ours. 


Once smokers thought smoking with children in the car was okay, and now still executing their rights where ever they can, even it's not allowed. As long nobody physically stops them, or threatened them by law enforcement. 


The bastards of 2. Millennium

No one has said it was okay to smoke it the condominium rules forbid it. Please get a grip, it's really not that scary, no one is going to blow the killer smoke on you. 

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5 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:

No one has said it was okay to smoke it the condominium rules forbid it. Please get a grip, it's really not that scary, no one is going to blow the killer smoke on you. 

No to worry, I live outside reach of people's individual habit's, for now just have to deal with community stupidity ????


I got it exactly how I want it, but they just decided to build. 4 line main district road just 300 meter away from us, so delet it! Well they also decided to give chanote this year for the land, so more or less win win comes with the disaster as a nice pay out in case we will sell.

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49 minutes ago, Hummin said:

Is that what you have to do when the condominium supposed to be smoke free? 


Smokers always have limited non smokers freedom! And still trying their best to execute their freedom above ours. 


Once smokers thought smoking with children in the car was okay, and now still executing their rights where ever they can, even it's not allowed. As long nobody physically stops them, or threatened them by law enforcement. 


The bastards of 2. Millennium

The fact is here that smokers are druggies.

And they claim to enjoy being a druggy.

You smoke, creates pain as the drug loses its effect, so a fix is needed to alleviate this pain, on and on and on.

Before, nobody knew. But now....

Can you imagine anyone saying to friends, 'Hey, I found this product, a slow poison, but never mind. If you get used to it, you will start to feel uncomfortable. But never fear, all you have to do is to take this product again.

Now smokers claim that hey have rights to inflict this pain to themselves.

And yes, there are government programs for druggies, using more expensive drugs, that inflict more pain, and destroy their bodies.

But at least, these druggies hide themselves to satisfy their urges, and government programs, such as 'piqueries', are done in PRIVACY.

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